Richmond Times-Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia (2024)

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TTIE TIMES-DISPATCII IHCIIMONI) VA TIIUHSDA JUNE 26 1013 PLANS FOR PEACE ARE INDORSED TOTAL DEATH LIST DIES USES FBI IS (100000000 Transact Rusinrs During Morning and Evening Session at Mount Elliott Spring' TO ELECT OFFICERS TO-DAY I Congressman Becomes Angry When Window in Street Car la Obdurate Washington Juno Reprosenta-tljva Martin Dies of Texaa had a row with a street car conductor last night The rnndurtor ram nut of tha fracas with a black eya tha ear rams out with a smashed window and Mr Dies ram out unscathed but with temper ruffled The railway company official said to-day they were Investigating and ware Inclined to support the con durtor It la said that Mr Plea found It difficult to open a window and punched tha pan out of tha assh with one wipe of hla elbow When the conductor remonstrated tha Congressman virtually repented tha movement but on tha conductor's eya with hla fist Presence of Candidates for State Oflice Adds to Pleasure of Meeting Secretary Bryan Receives Support From Members of Interparliamentary Union Washington Jun Indorsem*nt of Btcrstary Bryan peace plan and tha re-election for the tenth tlina of Representative lllrhard Bartholdi of Missouri featured tha annual meeting her to-day of tha American group of the Interparliamentary Union The group la enmpoaed entirely of innmhera of Congrsas Rena tor Theodore Burton of Ohio and Representative Robert Broussard of Louisiana were re-elected Vice-president and secretary reapectlvely Representative Adolph Fa bath of Ullnola was elected treasurer to succeed former Representative John Andrua of New York retired Representative! William C-Sharp of Ohio Henry Gold fog le of New York and William II Murray of Oklahoma 'wero chosen members of tha executive committee Statement Made by Counsel for State Comptroller of New York kpactal Cable In The Tlme Dispatch gueenatown Ireland Jun The estate of I'lerpunt Morgen will be gpprelned at ring to 1 1 off 00000 according to statement made here today by Tlintnae Itueh counsel for Slate comptroller Rohmer of New York who he been appraising the Morgan eeiete In Europe Mr Rush said "I have gone fully Into the entire European a mm of the lets hand of the Morgan firm whtrn are valued at about Tim works of art In Europe are worm about 112000000 The' whole Morgen saute has a value of about 100000000 which le the biggest estate to pay an Inheritance tax In America Wa agreed to value" While here Mr Rush hae made an exiimlnatlon of the bonk of Morgen A Co In l-owlon Morgen Harjee A Co In Paris aa well ee th Berlin branch of th Morgan bankilng firm Still Impossible to Search Smouldering Ruins of Buffalo Plant Rpsclal loThsTImee-niapatch Buffalo June With seventeen already dead eighteen missing and no hope extended for the recovery of many of those now In the hoaMtals tho death Hot resulting from the ex-i-los on and Are In lha plant of tha llusted Milling Company here yeater-ly leexpecied to reach llfty Nina of Ilia Injured who ware rushad Hi the hosnital died to-day Although the fireman have poured tons of water on the smouldering rulne during the pant twenty-four hours the debris had not conlsd sufficiently at a lata hour to-night to permit an exploration which Ta expected to reveal the bodies of tho eighteen mining men The police department to-day began an' Investigation Into tha causa of the explosion and will report the finding to the district attorney senaTTdefeaTs Whether you're training for a race or racing for a We've everything you need Clothing Furnishinga Hat Sporting Wear our mronx point "Week-end" Suit Case is compact light and carriea you need for over Sat- Su Sunday $5 REV FATHER FINN Invited the Pope to become choirmaster at Rt Peter's Roma endorsee the Conover Plano for hla choral and pcraonal use and recommends It to the large tonatltuenry of hla great church All styles In our parlors on for a Norfolk Suit of Irish or Scotch Homespun comfortable they're being city $15 to $35 wpm "Tha Haas That (Mada lllchwasd Bryan la Confident Washington June Secretary Bryan to-day reiterated his belief that the Senate would ratify the pending arbitration traaty with Great Britain without an amendment removing from Ita scope tha controveray over the remission of Panama Canal tolls to American coastwise ahlpping Tha Secretary said ha had not even considered dlacueslng with British diplomatists tha question of what might he their attitude toward a treaty which mlffht contain an amendment designed to eliminate tha canal tolls controversy from the Held of arbitration Imperial to The Tltnr-Dlnnnh Mount Kllloit springs The arrnnd day of the Vinlnla Prs Association embraced morning and inght session while the afternoon wat spent in Staunton that city entertaining the visitors In Ita pro-trrbUl hospitable manner A few more of the fraternity cama last night and thla niornlna and the tti iidam la up to the usual The impression Hint there were few here ia an error aa ta alao the Im-pi-eM-n ili-it the number of canill-date for Slate office and politicians over elintow ho neaapainr people The nnd Ida in were here upon preea-liip lrvitation from President Cooke Jmt landed and hi executive committee and added inifh to thS pUaaure of the moriupii They were alao Invited to r'M'jiitin along with the newapaper mnnh-ia by the Chamber of tn rre were royally entertained and add-l pleasure to the occaalon At the morning station Ulu Bertha Robinson hlatoriin made her report The member iliatusaed a paper on rot and equipment by Mr Stone of iluanoke Colonel Murphy Incited the assocla-rlon to br hi guest In Richmond In September Nine new members were reported by tha momberahip coirmil-te upon returning to Mt Elliott from Staunton a night aasaion wai held at which Mil? Valentine spoke for woman' suffrage president Cooke colled upon tha candidates present and Messrs Brown Wadderburn and KUyaon responded Other had lft fifr their homes A string band had ben provided and entertained the occasion while Miss Hubeneite Lee delighted the assembly with a number of beuutiful solos To-morrow will close the session Reports of the committee and election of officer will be the chief business At night a banquet will be served Shoes and Wffk-rnd'it Our strong everything ly and urday and i What'a belter Than a Donegal So worn in the A new Rugs like iron When it's Athletic highly For fast work Some of made with extremely Great aport So there's every outdoor LETTER OX WAY EIGHT YEAR o'clock and wae ronductad by Rev Chnrlej Mmlv IX and Kcv William Locke Interment was made In tha Lexington Cemetery Mrs Hawes was born In Lexington on January 20 114 the daughter of Matthew parry Her mother waa a Mlaa McKee of Rockbridge Her husband Milo Clarenca Ha we died In Glasgow In 1592 and was burled at Falling 8prlng Chrirch Surviving era three Laird Mra Laird and Mrs Crlglsr of two brothirsHtrvty Parry of Atlanta Oa and Charles Parry of Illinois consignment of Steamer Pretty patterns that wear $5 to $10 real warm Underwear of handkerchief very light and $150 a garment Combination Suits $3 our Tennis Shoes are a rubber sole that's $150 for sportsmen satisfactory to shop where everything you need for sport She Files Suit Demanding $25000 From Aged James Haggin Special to The Tlmee-Dlapatch New York June Princess Vllma Woff-Pniiaghy th famous portrait painter who after painting all tho crowned heads of Europe came to America and started In on distinguished Americans at her studios In the riaia Hotel filed suit to-day in the Supreme Court through her counsel Judge Alton Parker against Jamea Haggin the octogenarian multimillionaire end horse fancier to recover 25000 which she alleges la the price he agreed to pay for hia portrait aa painted by her Before filing the complaint In the county office let this afternoon Arthur McCaualand representing Judge Parker called at the home of Mr Hag-gin for the purpose of serving the millionaire In person In describing Jits visit Mr McCauslsnd said that although Mr Haggin la eighty years old he did not look over sixty Ha looked hale and hearty and did not pretend that the portrait had not been well executed Hla only reason for not paying the price Is that never understood that she was to charge 25000 But the princes Is quite positive that before Mr Haggin began to alt for his portrait they agreed thoroughly on th amount Special to The Tlmea-Dlapalch Marlon Va June Miss Della Haary twenty years of age and a daughter of Magy a prominent wagon manufacturer at Abingdon was run down and killed by a Norfolk and Western freight train st Marlon this afternoon Her body was frightfully mangled fill Magy was visiting a friend et thla place Entering the rrosMlng from behind a tank for soma rauss ah failed to observe the approaching train Engineer Georg co*cke of Bristol wa pulling the engine but saw Miss Hagy too lats to make any effort to save her Her father arrived here thla afternoon and left to-night with tha remains for Abingdon where the interment will take place Swept by Severe Dtaruh Special to Th Tlmca-uispstch Cape Charles June This town was vialtsd by the most terrific electric storm last night experienced In year Beginning at 11 three separate storms swept over th last one at 1 o'clock this morning being the worst Th house of Jones Elmer Sweeney and a tenant house were struck end badly damaged Mr and Mre Jones were slightly shocked A colored man was knocked enseless Jamea linn Gets Missive Seat to Hlas Jaaa 13 1905 Special to The Tlmes-Dlspstch Brjstol Va Juna 25 James Dorn of Bristol hlmsolf In the railway mall service to-day experienced an example Indicating that even Uncle Ham's perfect system of handling the malls does not always ensure against delays There was delivered to him a letter which had been mailed at Spartanburg 8 and addressed to Columbia the eame State June 12 1905 The letter had Just been forwarded to Dorn here An attached note explained that this letter had been thrown behind the caaing In the poetal car and had ridden there unobserved for more than eight years being discovered only when the casing was removed in repairing the car DEATHS Died June 25 ltlt it th residence of her parents No 228 Jefferson Avenue HELEN GARNETT TUCKER daughter of and Myrtle Tucker aged six months and seventeen days Her life was 'twaa bat a breath A smile a tear a kiss then death Tore from our arms of Ilf and cars This (Jailing of our hope and cart Funeral from the residence THIS MORNING at 11 o'clock Friends and acquaintance Invited to attend Interment in Oak wood Died at 1 o'clock this morning CHARLES FRANCIS MHAUCHXESiiT at 2107 Floyd Ays-9 nue aged twenty-seven years Funeral notice later Follows Action of Lower House in Voting Down Primary Special toThe Tlmee-Dlapatch) Albany June While the roll was being called In tha Senate lata to-day on Governor Sulaar'a direct primary bill aa a result of which the meaaure was iJefeated I to 10 a terrific thunderstorm burst over the Capitol and for a time cut off the lights In tha Senate chamber It wa necessary for tha dark to finish the roll call by candle light Senator Wagner had just finished a long speech when tha electric lights went out and tha Senator arose and said "Thla 1 a fit subject to be discussed In the dark" Assembly qhlch yesterday killed the bulxer primary hilt to-day passed the Blauvelt primary bill fig to 4s a gain of two votes Tha Blauvelt bill wae passed twice at the regular eee-alon and vetoed both times by the Oov-ernor who characterised It a "makeshift and a fraud" After killing the primary bill the special session of the Legislature suddenly adjourned until July 8 Euler Special to The Tlmee-Dlapatch Norfolk a June Miss Emily Christian Euler of Rlvervlew Avenue Portsmouth thla afternoon became tha bride of Frederick Whitfield Black formerly of Richmond The ceremony wae performed at the bride's home at 4 o'clock by Rev Huey pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church The bride wore white charmeuee trimmed with pearls and a pearl lavallere the gift of the groom Her veil wa caught with orange blossom She carried a white-bound prayer book and a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley Her attendant wa Mrs August Euler si matron of honor who wore pink charmeuae with crystal trimming and lace Karl Black of Richmond a brother of the groom wae beet man Tha bride was given away by her grandfather Henry WltVef of Baltimore the ring ceremony being used out-of-town guests were Euler of St Louie James A Black of Richmond of the groom Karl Mr Francis Garber Garber and Mlea Mamie Richmond Henry Wittier Miss Anita Wittier of chief clerk of the Vlr-ginla-Carollna Chemical Company at DRIVEN FROM TOWN CONFERENCE IN LYNCHBURG- Robbcd af fM Miss Mabel Goodman of 2115 East Franklin Street yesterday reported to the police that 1 was stolen from her while she was living at 494 North Twenty-ninth Street OBITUARY FUNERAL NOTICES Mansfield Ora June Business houses closed for an hour to-day while proprietors Joined several hundred other men in driving two Industrial Workers of tha World leaders out of town with warnings never to return The citixena then marched to tha building where tlia workers have been accustomed to gather and gave the proprietor notice that all other members of tha organization and their sympathizers would be similarly treated The deported men were placed In a small boat supplied with food for a day or two and taken eighteen miles from town before they were allowed to land The International Workers have been involved In several strikes in tha sawmills of this region recently HONOR SYSTEM PREVAILS Entertained ta fttannton Special to The Timea-Dispatch Staunton Va June The member of the Virginia State Press Association can-e down from Mount Elliott Springs this afternoon headed by President Cooke of Richmond and spent the afternoon aa guests of the Staunton Chamber of Commerce They were met with automobile! at the train and shown over the city the ride being cut short by a heavy ahower They were entertained at matinee at the new theatre and taken to Gypsy Hill Prrk where they hid a buffet luncheon and were entertained with music by the Stonewall Brigade Band Welcome was extended by Mayor M'ayt prc-ldent of the Chamber Roneon and response were made by Mr Cooke and McDonald Lee The party returned to Mount Elliott at night There were several State politician In the party among them being Taylor Ellison Louis Machen Thompson Brown Garland Pollard McDonald Lee and George Keexell MrGILL The funeral services of MRS JOHN McGILL will take place from the residence No 5 South Market Street Petersburg Va THlri AFTERNOON at 5 Friends and acquaintances are respectfully1 Invited to attend IN MEM0RIAM Railroad Companies May Make Further Concessions to North Carolina Shippers Special to The Timea-Diapatch Raleigh June That prog-reia la being made in the negotiations between the Corporation Commission and the freight traffic managers of the railroad companies for the elimination or freight rate discriminations against North CaOriina shippers la indicated by the atatement by members of tha Corporation Commission that the conference in progress at Old Point Comfort the past two days has resulted In an agreement for the freight traffic managers to have time for another conference with the presidents of the several Interstate systems aa to the possibility of still further concessions by the railroad companies In order to meet the demands by the commission for the Dal a Tixaa that William Atwell hipljei lg ipuiate-l that there tinted Htotes attorney for the North- -mi reumniiri ein District of Texas has been asked of th gotiatlons for immediate agreement nr final termination of the effort in that direction to resign by Attorney -General Mc-Reynolda brought neither confirmation nor denial to-day from the De- Fanners Hear Dlarunaloas oa Revrral Pertlaeat Topic Special to The Timea-Dispatch Lynchburg Va June The first conference to hd held bl-monthlg in Lynchburg and contiguous counties under the auspices of the County Agricultural and Business Conference was held here to-day there being two sessions The attendance was not as large as had been expected as many of th farmers were prevented from attending by reason of the busy season The sessions were presided over by Blankenship a prominent farmer and It waa opened with prayer by Dr Wallace Palmer paster of Westminster Presbyterian Church The discussions of the first session were by Watson Commissioner of Agriculture of South Carolina who spoke from the theme: of agricultural development to commercial development" Dr Evans of Campbell County followed with a short talk on "Why Campbell County will be benefited by co-operation" At the afternoon eeeslon Dr Bradford Enapp of the Federal Department of Agriculture was the principal speaker and he addressed the conference on the subject of commerce and agriculture Thla was followed by the following five-minute talks: Co-opeailon a good thing for Bedford County" by Miller of Forest "Amherst County and co-opera- Jeka Klag Special to The TImes-Dtspatch Norfolk Va June Th fune'al of John King who died suddenly yesterday morning at his home at 211 Washington Street will be held at 4 o'clock to-morrow afternoon at Wright Memorial Methodist Elscopa! Church and the burial will be In Oak -Grove Cemetery Mr King's death la attributed to a stroke of apoplexy and he had not complained of being unwell previous to the attack lie waa sitting on the front porch of hla residence when th leisure cam Besides hla widow Mra Marian King he leaves two son and Janies and a sister Mrs Elisabeth Waller Mr King was a member of Wright Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church and for many years had been on Its board of stewards He wa a member of Portsmouth Lodge Knights of Pythias and of Old Dominion Lodge 1 and the Royal Arcanum Mr King was a native of Nanse-mond County but had been a resident of Portsmouth since hla childhood For years he represented th Fourth Ward In the City Council At on time he was vice-president of the Portsmouth Knitting Mills and for years conducted A grocery business at Fourth COL JAMES Hl'BARD eldest son of the late Mr Robert Thurston Hubard Sr and Susan his wife who was Miss Kusan Pocahontas Bolling all of Buckingham County Va Born at Buckingham County Va (the ancestral home of hla mother's family) the 27th of February 1835 in 1851 he entered th Virginia Military institute General Jackson was than pro-fcsMor and Instiuctor of military tactics A fsw years later he graduated In law at the University of Virginia Returning from the Virginia Military Institute he was elected colonel of militia for Buckingham County previous to 3540 In November (the 13th) 1340 he was married to Mtsa Gretta Randolph only daughter of Dr Benjamin Randolph of Albemarle and Harsh Law Examination nt Roanoke I Taken by 133 Applicants Special to The Tnnea-Diepatch Roanoke Va June 25 One hundred and tw-enty-three applicants for certificates from the State Board of Law Examiner hatless and costless worked like heavers in the auditorium of the High School building to-day framing answers to forty questions propounded by the board on the answers to which hinge their Immediate future prospects for entrance Into the legal profession A total of 125 had applied for the examination but Point failed to put In an appearance Among tha number who took tha examination were three colored men The examination closed this afternoon and It is expected results will he announced Friday afternoon or Saturday morning The young men worked under the honor system In the examination and no luncheon hour was fixed the men having the privilege of leaving the auditorium at will for tha purpose of securing refreshments Among the Mr end Mrs Mr and Mrs parents Hlack Mr end Miss Josephine Black all of and John and Baltimore Mr Black a Graham of wide Interest Church o'clock when Miss June Ray Several given in honor Keraablc Juna A marriage took place in the Christian here this morning at 10 John Jay Menderson and Kernodle were married ante-nuptial events were of the bride At her home the bride-elect last flight gave a reception to the bridal party This followed the reheareal at the hia wife who waa Mias Sarah Champ carter of Richland Albemarle County MADOVICK ACQUITTED Tried la Circuit Court on Churge of 1 church The chief feature of thla occa- tion" by A Moore of Amherst and "For ro-operstlon In Appomattox" by A Thornhill of Dent Creek Jiartment of Juaiice The Attorney-ieueral declined to comment and official held to the view that if Mr Atwell was about to sever his connection with the aovernment the announcement should be made by him Mr Atwell came into national prominence during tha f-loslng day of the previous adinlnlkfratiou'by a disagree-1 merit with former Attorney-General Wlckeraham over Indictment returned at Dallas against prominent officials of the Standard Oil Company and others for alleged violation of tha Sherman antitrust law wl un i not liberty he said to make pub-tnit tna ifiOicinN'ntA wcr6 damq upon 1 it ign Invuffleient evidence and declined to! bul 1 Umler permit the aervlce of warrants of 1 tood nere that it is preliminary to a arrest upon John IX Archbold and public atatement by President Tate for! sociation Informing him of his pur- URGE JEWELERS TO ADVERTISE Barela House Special to The Tlmee-Dlapatch Amelia Va June In the Circuit Court of Amelia County in session to-day Judge Wells presiding in the case against Spandovltch for burning a house the property of Maun Mr Spandovltch waa pronounced not guilty and discharged The charge against Mrs Spandovick 1 slon was the cutting of the bride's cake Mias Kathleen Long got the dime Mies Martha Goley the ring and James Praetor of Lumberton the thtm hie For the marriage ceremony the church waa beautifully decorated in white roses and potted planta Just prior to the entrance of the party Mrs Seton Blyth of Burlington sang Foleer Jr of New York and lining up the Juat Freight limes Aso- of obtaining money under false pre- -H-cause Mr' Blvth at tha Addres by Colonel Jobs Shepard Refer North (arollns Aasoriatloa (Sperlol tu The Tlmea-Dlspatch Wilmington July Th Stats Jw-slsrg Aesni lwtlon ended Its annual convention st Wrlghtsvllle Beach to-day A number of sddreiMX wero dollvsred st to-doy's session snil strong Indorsem*nt given th Owen bill before Congress which would abolish guaranteeing of Jewelry but would make manufacturers stamp on th article th amount of gold contained therein On of tho moat Interesting addresses was delivered by Colonel John Shepard admonishing against price rutting and strongly calling upon tho Jowslsrs to do mors Henry Everett Tlia ushers came tn Don Scott for ten years and had only about ten and D- Kernodle Jr and Harry and William EIGHT KILLED IN WRECK and Graham railed to Washington to consult with the head of the Department of Justice The indictments finally were dismissed upon orders from Washington POPULAR TRIUMPH months to servo now Johnson Black aentenead from Lynchburg for sight years and had only to Hanner of maid of honor Siler City mald of honor( fare Filled With la raatB Skid erve convlrta M1 lorena Dew --ihke tolr tlm Kernodle later of the bride entered Ottawa nntarlu Jun 23 -Eight I convll mad force now at work nd persona were killed and more thnn Amelia made their escape from fhe Ia' Baylor of ashlngton The bride twenty Injured this Oisllna fur Poincare tie Pause through loaduu street London lane 23 ritsib-nt Raymond of France wa aucst 1 w'l''k of the west-bound st luncheon to-dv of th- Lord Mayor pres on the Canadian Pwcinc nmiwuy lOU of George ubeu and Corporation nf the nty of Lon- T1-" colonists coaches crowded at onPa ordftred hack to camp and the ried them with the ring ceremony don ard the "Square Milr" rompos- Immigrants newly arrived 1 auard and citizens are out "on a hunt Immediately after Mr and Mra Hen- lng th- r-y proper tn gala sr-ay frr'm Glasgow and en route for tlPm I derson boarded the weet-bound train foe tVe oe-ssion Th G-j ie fl'r skidded down tne reat tntPrt 1 being taken with for Asheville to spend a two weeks' was blur of color mhankmenl id plunged into the m- irpprfl lo the r0Unty road work Tfiat honeymoon Another Strike Ordered Charleston Va June 25 An official call for a strike of miners In the New River Coal Field was issued late to-night from the local headquarters of the United Mine Workers of America Fifteen thousand men are employed In that field The strike order is effective July 1 Miners are also ex pected to strike to-morrow In the Cabin Creek field while conditions In the Paint Creek district are very When th Confederate war commenced he at once enlisted In Us service and waa mads lieutenant-colonel of the Forty-fourth Regiment Virginia Volunteers ond woo assigned to Monterey Highlond County Va waa then sometime af-" terwarda transferred to General Beverly Robinson's command at Garys-burg He entefed th Army of Northern Virginia and remained until th cloee of the war After the war he moved to Nelaon County to live and spent the rest of his life attending to hla large farm there Descended from an ancient and historic family he lived uu to Its traditions and customs Intelligent and cultured vivacious handsome and amiable he loved th ocinty of his friends sad was al- ways so courteous and cheerful ana kind to hla guests at Tye Brook He waa a member of the Episcopal Church and loved Ite fflual "'J 1 never forgot the command to viait the widow and the fatherlese In their afflictions" He was a devoted husband father and relation and true and Just In all hla dealings Ha spent th evening of hi day in the quiet of hia country horns that no loved eo well and there with hla books and exquisite mountain scenery he passed awijr after short spell of severe nesday morning Jun 4 1912 In tn eventy-elBhth year of hie loved by his children nd and only sister to that not made iwith hand eternal In the heavens" Kequlecat In pace 1T4IKV Fiftieth Anniversary Battle of Gettysburg (ieltyabnrg Rpeclal Train From Richmond- Tha A announce the operation' of a special train from Byrd street Station Richmond Kanday Jus 29 at :15 A stopping at Elba 1 Bts-tlon due Gettysburg Round trip rats from Richmond 9815 For full Information apply toany te R- ticket agent or to the TAYLOR ratCNtionl Bank Bulliiln (Advertisem*nt) Tle French Prcs-d-rt prnarrss trrcugb street wth troop fiom York lhin t-i th- rtv was a 1 known 'built Is doing fine service and crcat- Mr Henderaon Is a native of Ohio ing a dc-i: for more of the same kind hut has spent the past ten yean In A meeting of the committee on this -Statu being a member of the Fourth of July celebration was held faculty of Bingham School several yesterday Dr Edward Fffgleston 1 years He has just completed the law presented telegrams from Hon John 1 course at Chapel Hill and will enter Garland Pollard candidate for Htate lh legal profession either at Fayette-Attorney-General and Barn- ville nr In Nebraska Tlie bride la the I'thvre if the injured the condition of several is rrithal The accident due tn spreading rails (ccuired in tlr' miles east of this popular tr'-urrrfi srs at eve-v p'llrl cherc ter and Henry Btreeta end wee engaged In th wholesale grocery businees et 818 Crawford Street Dr Pride Thomas Special to The Tlmea-Dlepetch Wilmington June 25 Dr rrlde Thomas oldest son of Dr Thomas head of th medical department of the Atlantic Coaat Line Railroad Company died suddenly at an early hour this morning death being due to heart trouble Until a few minutes of tho attack the young man wae apparently enjoying the beet of health He waa thirty-eight years of age and one of Wilmington's society leaders as well aa a prominent physician John Griswold Special to The Tlmea-Diepatch1 Norfolk Va Juna John Griswold died at 2:15 o'clock yesterday afternoon at hla home 214 South Street at tha age of eeventy-three years He had been 111 for some time He la survived by two aona William and John Oriawold Jr and five Mr Ella Higginbotham and Mrs Klrchmler of this city: Mr Sleight of Baltimore Mrs Charles Worrell of Washington and Mrs John Britt of Texarkana Tex ThmM Lirkli Special to The Times-Dlapatch Lynchburg Va June Thomas Larkin aged neventy-one to-day at hia home here death being due to tetanua He waa a native of Fringe Edward County hut lived here many years engaging aucceafully In real estate business He aerved In the Civil War In th Thirty-ninth Virginia Cavalry and for a time as courier for General Lee Thr! years ago he waa one "ft he assessor for the reassessment of the clty'a reality He waa a Methodist Contain Romero Special to The Tlmea-Diepatch1 WComr romlnentcitiaenmsd br TETSSin him Joel Pnpe Holland Special to The Timea-Dispatch Norfolk Va Jun 25 Joel pope Holland -n Ins ypr i old died 0-d aj nit horns In Eleventh Street He Is eurvlved by his widow and seven rhlldren-L Holland of Tunis Joel P- Holland Jr of Portsmouth Ohio: Merritt and Rirhard 4 of Norfolk Mra Henry Chpman rf PmlthfleM- Ho also Cobb and Mra VV Good ms of Franklin The body will be sent to Franklin for interment Mra Martba lewl Haweo Special to Tha Times-Dispatch Lexing'r Va Jun 25 Mra Martha Lnwis Hants died Monday morning at th home of her eleier Mra Laird on Main Street Lexington after a lrg illnees at the age of nine yearn The funeral was held fron th hom*o Tuesday morning at 1 1 th' city and physician rurres ambulances hart the newly elected principal of the i daughter of Kernodle clerk of lam Cabinet Ttme-s ras nrJ hM mltry (fil ers arl fi state he 1 gr 'inn Four rm aid the locomotive re-iday Athletic sports a double header maircd on tr tri hut In addition tn baseball game and a brass hand fill the colonist tars which f-Il In th rlv-r 1 the day's program At night there I two car were 1 hr own on the land side' will be an entertainment and Are yja7 Delay Final Deposition of Polnt-1 cf tl-e rnhankmeit ard arothr ffixt-1 works und during the whole time a er" larern It was whipped the 'rack great repast Baltimore June 25 A demurrer to mm arg Tti tra'r rw with the exeeptinn of ('onluvinr Darl-I Cameron escaped hurl "ft 1 1 11 min iuia the receivci ship action for possession -f the viscera of Edward Painter 1 the fertiliser manufacturer of Jackson- Lynrhburg i Jun Jamea vjlle Kla who receniy Bs drowned roffry and Miss Minnie Catherine jn st River waa offered In Clr-lYhlte both of Lynchburg were mar-1 cult Court here to-day by the allied heie yesterday evening th rere-1 torney for Painter's heirs Before ar-Froii beina Dcrformed hi Dr 'nienf on th demurrer was begun i Mrth- 1 '-'ner Abbott of Jacksonville Latham pastor of Court Htreet Mr Ih ttlind h( had been authorised to odist Church at the parsonage The jjve a postmortem examination and bride Is a daughter of A A white -n inquest conducted Counsel for the ard the groom is an employe o' tha Tainter interests contended that mem- Norfolk and Western Railway They hers uf the family ware entitled to poa-tsnded Northern sestdnn of th Physical remains of 1 Painter under rulings of courts in different States of matters of somewhat AXXVAL CONTENTION END North Carolina Veterinarian Ul Meet Nest nt limn Rpsclal to Th Time Dispatch Rillrbury June The North Carolina Veterinary Medical Aennrlatlnn closed It annual convention her to-day by choosing Wilson as th pine for th next State convention Officers for the ensuing year were elected an follows: President Dr Ragland of Rallsbury first vice-president Dr Parker ef Gastonia: second vice-president Dr Kny Wolfe of Hickory: secretary Dr Rpooa nt Burlington treasurer Dr Flows of Raleigh A distinguished visitor and speaker at th convention wae Dr A Klneiey president ef the Kansas City Veterinary College Eight young men were granted license te practice Rail reads Award Cent rads Special to The Times-Dispatch Roanoke Vo Jun To-day th Vaughan Construction Company af this city was awarded contracts by the Fcaboard Air Line and Virginian railways aggregating 8425 MS On ef tha contracts Is for ten milea nf double-tracking on tha Seaboard from Hamlet Cm north This amounts te 'AMO Th earn concern hae Just completed th work nf enlarging tha yards at Hamlet Another one of the contgacts la for the enlargement ef th Seaboard Air Line' Brown street yards Richmond This amount tn 23(1 Work III commenced at na The Virginian cnnrtact nr for grading nf five miles nf track between Mullens and Taft Va and the enlargement of ta yard nt Elmore Va Flew In Iron Fonadry- About 8100 damage waa don by fire night nt o'clock by fire In Iron foundry of McGee te 2310-2113 East Main Street Th wae eetirgulehed in a few minutes An Alarm which was turned in Box No 32 called out Chief Freldrnt AitiHete I bo of Strong 1000000 When Playing lolf A eiuibir importance He quoted court ruling of Kentucky whereby remains cr iieail man were turned over to hie widow because she wa considered the peisnn most closely affected and the iernn who had prior rights above anvhodv lse The derrurrer may have th effect of holding up th receivership pro- redlnga for many days They wrn brought by the l'rlteil Kiaten Fidelity Haldinax taaeulted A Charles Dvl and AVI-I-r M-e men were arrested thi- no-iirg Sr e-rg-enr Marrin and several p4 ei nr ('ie ruarge of feinnluly eeut-ir tVhlrt warhman at the -I rt cf A Fjan West Cry Htree- iTh-y ar I1 in hate aaked M-Whlrt fo-1 i- mater -d enon a he adrrU'e 11 the t'llidlng they made the in him han xtig nut several teeth 1 I COLLARS Tbe little tic-and time-and- fl temper saving shield is worth freaf deal -often savin far wore than tha cost of the colter But this valuable fea'-jrc costs ynn nntbisi in the pree 1 2 for 88c Jgg 'rum A li 5iw AWfMjdmJwv HaH HwfwvJI A Co Trwy 1 11 rr-ar-r tail Wfr a cf I'mi-Wt V'-V-i Wi'l 1 a r-giii- dr- i V-'i Tsr 4" 1 -til1 -t li 7a 1 4 t'r of VVi-ori a I i ti- rr- a Ti afiv 4- -t i I -r 1 i a I 1 7 I War t- Sd rrrogr N-t It- Ask you undertaker Price (50081 Writ for bOokleL Reinterring a specialty Cement Burial Vault Co' OF RICHMOND INC -roai County S3M Bos 3 ud Guarantee Company which Issued 4 II Aids I ilea Saddraly nr accblent policy to Painter for 120- Aiv is fortv -three years old The compnnr wants the vital or- eidde-lv yesterday ffern(n ran of the decedent analysed by a I at hi home M2 Louietaru hnnet sppninred by the court An- ree Crooner Tevlof who isw ed 1 rrher party to the controverev Is Cor-ir hr- l-xth was (isie oier Abbott of Jaikson ville who i( pie and decided an Inquest ur- 1 ilaim the organs foi his investigation jComi Mtinuf of Paiaucs UaUu I 1 Iruc) laet the Hon blase from joynes Assistant Chief Raffo Engine Companies Noe 1 2 7 end I end No 2 'rt givs re -LE8 L- I.

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.