The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

1 $: FEATHER hair Tea and FORECAST colder. BOX LIBRARY 1007, oily Progress ederation Maps lans To Combat atlaw Factions IN 1892-NO. 16,352 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. MONDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 8, 1937 PRICE THREE CENTS 1 BLISHED Gas Station Attendant Says Dentist And Cleo Alone On Murder Ride Officials Probe Hawkins Murder Victim Was Brother-InLaw of Greene County Attorney RICHMOND, March Cheaterfeld County authorities premed their inguiry today Into story of murder officers said WAR told, them by Violet Merrymap while holding the woman terial witness at the second precinct police station here. Laban B.

former captain and ex-convict, serving Jail term for vagrancy, was chirg. ed in a warrant obtained by Ches terfeld Prosecutor M. A. Cogbill with murder of K. -N.

Hawking after, officer exhumed the body of a man which was found near Petersburg last August. Howard denies the charge.Chief Charles W. Smith of Chee police, admitting that the care againat Howard le entirely eirc*mstantial, said Howard had with his own words placed llawkins in the Falling Creek cabin near Petersburg where Smith quoted the Merryman woman as saying ard. killed Hawkins last August. Commonwealth's Attorney.

Emory Parrott of Greene County, said Saturday night at Chariotice ville he had identifed the body humed near Petersburg that of Hawkins, State his brother-in-law patrolman. and Haw. former kine served a term in the tiary and It was there that he knew Howard. Commonwealth's Attorney Cogbill and Chief af Police: Amith said they regarded as valuable evidence the marks on the clothing of the dead man and Howard's alleged statement that saw Haw kino reeling away from. the cabin drunk.

Parrott maid he was able to make the identication from marke on the clothing of the dead man and from dental work. Unless a special grand jury called the Chesterdeld Court will not be in session May. Chestorneld offcers wald today they wanted to pursue their investige. tion further before going before grand jury. Chief Smith said "everything the Merryman woman told we would And has been borne out by the rectigation no fat." The body of the man la held In Petersburg undertaking eatabChief of Police Smith said he would not object to members of the Hawkins family claimung it for burial, "We are through with our.

examination of the he said. "We found no bullet holes because was too badly decomposed and there were no marks on any of the' bones Indicate bullet had struck them. The skull' crushed just the woman said. we would And It but aside from this ard marks on the clothing. and dental work, there was no other evidence.

The bones were placed on screen and raked thoroughly In the search for 'a bullet, but none was found." Detective Sergeants L. C. Haske -and Ru Caldwell from the Richmond Detective Bureau have been loaned. to Chesterfeld County. indefinitely, it was stated today.

at police headquarters. Two Are Killed By Plant's Gas Fumes LOVINGATON, March 8. Charles Glover, twenty. one, and Thomas R. Agnet shirty two, were killed here about this morning when over.

come by gas fumes in the acid plant of the Virginia Pulp Paper Company. Agnor, who was Glover's fore: man. died In a rain effort to rescue Glover when he saw the younger man lying on the foot of the acid pit and went to his aid, 'after calling fellow men to bring ropes Although both men were brought out. in few minutes all re vive them failed. Olover, native of Augusta County, In unmarried.

Arnot was realdent of the Indian Draft neighborhood and la vived by a wife and several children. Jury Charged By Maxwell Counsel Nine Affidavits Filed Against Three Members WIST, March eel for Edith. Maxwell- Bled nine amdavite in the Wine County Cite cult Court today charging -three mambers of the Jury which convicted her of second degree mur. der last December had expressed opinions to her guilt or Inno cense prior to the trial. Common wealth'e Attorney Fred B.

Greet asked time to invests gate the amdavits and court allowed him until 1 P. Tues day when argument. on motion for now trial, which would be Miss Maxwell's third will be heard. The hearing had been postponed from last Monday at the request of the defense which planned to that the December verdict be set aside and new trial award ed. Mias Maxwell has' been twice convicted.

as the' of. her tatter, Tries Maxwell, blackemith of Pound. The Arst conviction, for frat degree murder with a twenty: Ave-year sentence was net aside by the Supreme Court of Virginta. At the second trial she was tenced to twenty years, the maximum sentence for second degree murder. The opening of proceedings today was delayed by an tian of.

the defense motion by pradeculing attorneys who sald they were not: furnished with a copy until this morning. 0. M'. Vicars, assistant to Commonwealth's. Attorney Geesr the rare objected to the Aling the amdarita without notice to the Commonwealth and maid the prose.

cution would have to have time to Investigate. Miss Maxwell, who has spent th ten dayr In Wise County, visiting relatives and friends, divided the week end belween Big Stone Gap at' the home of an aunt and at the Pound home of her Mrs. Clay Robinson, lives only a short distance from the house in which their father, Tries Maxwell, died in the early morning of July 21, 1925., Mountain. Minister Gives Prayer When Jailed In Death Of Wife BECKLEY, W. March UP- -A mountala minister charged with the slaying of his wife knelt in prayer today, in the county Jall while be awaited preliminary hearing before magistrate, The Rev.

M. Ball, Methodlet circult rider, wept bitterly. yesterday at the funeral of his wife, Mrs. Gay. Ball, and then returned to jail to begin his prayers.

One prisoner said: "That preacher sot all of us. to kneel down and he prayed and thea gave us a good spiritual talking to." His bearing was 'net for 2 o'clock today. Corporal A. Scalise vald charge of murder had been. filed against the minister.

At the funeral in the village of Jesse, the minister's children clung, to him and cried. Mra: Addle Stew. art, mother of -Mre. Ball, stood by the minister and comforted him, Whlie the services were held, friends and relatives continued their efforts to 'obtain his release on bond and reaffirmed their be Het that Mr. Ball was wounded accidentally th the discharge of shotgun.

State. Trooper C. L. Hawkine, who accompanied Ball on the forty. mile.

trip to the mountain community where the funeral was held, sald nearly. 400. perwone attended the services. The "police remained outside and: the preacher. entered the church alone.

Hawkins. said tears: folled down Ball a cheeks on the return trip. bu' that ho retuned to discuss the tragedy. Ball died. Saturday from sho.gun wounds inflicted Thursday at het home in Rock Creek, twentyfive miles from Beckley.

Dall, pat tor of the Rock Creek Methodist Episcopal: and seven other churches, was arrested later. His attorney, Hugh Dunn, mid the preacher would. plead innocent at the hearing and ray that, his wife was killed. accidentally. Prosecutor A.

Thornhill, asserted Ball told conflicting stories about his wife's death. He sald Ball drat told him that he returned from a walk to And her dead: and then later claimed, abe was shot when he tried to 'pull shotgun from under a FORTY-FOUR YEARS 1.11 OF SERVICE Labor To Support Roosevelt's Plan In Court Change Humanitarian Purpose of Proposal i is Advocated By Berry President Continues His Radio Campaign Farley Will Address Political Union at- North Carolina March Labor's a Non- League not Liberal cause then as we did. 1936." out today. to bring pressure on Congress in favor of Roosevelt proposal to revamp. the Supreme Court.

"The President has chosen this path--the only path -toward bim humanitarian objectives," President George LA Berry told the league's national convention. is up to those who him for reelection last fall to fob low him- now." The meeting of the league, established last to campaign for Mr. Roosevelt's reelection, opened week which partisans of both sides predicted would bring debate on the court program to new peak. The President will follow up his Thursday's appeal for enlargement of the Supreme aged justices do not retire -with a "Are side, chat" broadcast to the nation tomorrow at 10 P. Eastern Standard Time.

At Chapel Mill Postmaster General Farley will address the University of North Carolina Valon tomorrow afternoon, and Attorney-General Cummings will open Senate hearInge on the court. bill Wednesday. On Friday four senators opposIng the program will address Now York mass meeting. Delegates to the non-partisan league after hearing arguments for 'the administration program by Berry and Senator La Follette (Prog-Wis), 'arranged to visit congressmen in the after. RooD.

League officials said every State and 2,000,000 union members were represented. Some farm tions were Invited to send observers. Contacta Factions The meeting brought together prominent members of the American Federation of Labor and the Committee for Industrial Organt ration, despite the unrelenting struggle between those groups for denomination of the organized labor deld. John La Lewis, heading the CIO, will jola Senator La Folletts when the latter gives a second address tonight. The program will be broadcast at 11 P.

E. S. T. The League's activities attracted attention at the capitol in view of the political possibilities. Senator Burge (D-Neb), opposing the ident on the court issue, has predicted a party realignment unless the program is defeated.

Berry expressed the belief today that Congras would enact. the legislation. Taking notice of new party talk, he said in' an Interview that the league "is not engaged In forming a political party." "But we propose to be prepar. ed," he said, "to meet any political development between now and 1940. We- will -be found supporting the Japanese Disavow Any Intention Of New Territorial Aggressions TOKYO, March UP--Japan, disavowed any Intention of territorial.

aggression -in China today And pledged herself to. a new policy built. on keyetone of "equality" in dealing with her great continental neighbor. Foreign minister 'Naotake Sato for launched China Japan on the "New Deal" ment stirred to the cheers of a parliaJapan, he declared in maiden by his Announcement speech on his policy, must abandon her auperiority complex in order ever to readjust her longstrained relations with China. start On that principle of asserted the baals of, he of.

Japan's he would build the policy has just taken over. office which he foreign throughout the emder pire displayed Satq': speech unturning scare headliner' heralding lations. point in Sino-Japanese re tions "Japan has no territorial labelling In Sato stressed, Japan as' "Imaginary" any fear great intended to "go beyond the wall and extend its to central or South China and "Japan respects Chinese Interesta wishes to shake bands with Wallis Reported On Way To Tours Servants Insist Rogers Party At Country Club -aNNES, March 3- Wallis Warfeld Simpson, companied by her hast and hostess, Mr. and Sirs: Herman- -L. Rogers, left Cannes tod-: for wast was reported relirhly to be a two-months.

visit to Tours, in Eastern Central France: The party lent the Villa Lou Viel at 11:80 A. M. .30 A. M. E.

8. in. two cars. Their baggage had been put aboard train three hours earlier, Servants remaining behind the ha denied care. Simpson and the Rogerses had left for Tours, Insisting the three: friends cone to nearby Cagnes Country Club for a game of golf.

Attendants at the golf club re: ported, however, that the course wan, deserted because of heavy rain. No member of the Viel household was at -the clubhouse or on the links, the Club secretary said, New Earth Shock Hits California Coast City in Severely Shaken By Heavy Earth Tremor SAN FRANCISCO, March 8-(M -Residents of the San Francisco Bay region were shaken from sleep by an earthquake at 2:82 A. M. today, which knocked articles from shelves in East Bay cities. Police at Albany and the sherlia office in Martines sald the movement there was the sharpest they had felt since the 196 San.

Francisco disaster. The quake started an Albany burglar alarm ringing. Hercules Logan, night deputy in the sheriff's office at Martinez, reported the qualms shook the granite building, no "like it damage, was however. He Thousands, were awakened by the shock which the coast guard station at Fort Funston described "sharp." 4 Bottles on liquor store shelves wers shaken. to the floor and broken In an Albany.

store. A crowd of men gathered in front waiting for the propriator in hopes of helping dispose of the salvage The shock was less revere In San Francisco, where the Telephone Company reported hundreds' of calls by 'alarmed Telephone exchanges were. badly swamped it sometimes took 15 minutes to set through a call. An attendant at the office of Dr. Ferry Ryerly, of the University of California said the seismograph Berkeley indicated the quake twenty, probably Afteen miles." The movement appeared more severe on the East Bay side, indicating it waus caused by a slipping of what is known the Hayward fault, he explained.

The fault runs near the town of Hayward, about Aftern miles south of Berkeley and. near all of the cities that reported the quake as strong. Price To Speak At Teachers' Meeting LYNCHBURG, March More than ,500 educators who will. come. here March 20 for the District Teachers' Convention will hear an Lleut, Gov.

James H. Price, who is a candidate. for nomination for Governor this Teachers, principals, superintendents, and trustees. from Alleghany, -Amherst, Bedford, Boletourt, Buckingbam, Campbell and Rockbridge counties and the cities of Lynchburg, Buena Vista, Cullton Forge and Covington will at: tend. Minister Called By Richmond Baptists March call to the Rev.

R. Gerald Moore, of Norfolk, pastor of the West Nor. folk Baptist Church, was agreed -upon yesterday by the congregation of Oskwood Avenue Baptiet Church here. The pulpit has been vacant since January when the Rev. R.

Carter Ransone resigned" to accept pas torates in Louisa County. Mr. Moore, an alumnus of the University of Richmond, 'Is thirty yeare of age, married, and the fathof a small son, TILMAN'S "Do. your Easter shopping now! Tilman's are showing a marvelous selection of suite costa. In stock and ready for your selection, $12.95 ta $4:.50.

New dresses $8.95 up. Millinery la straws and felts up. Shop at Tilman's for new spring fabions! 11-1p 3 Search Pressed In Attempted Killing By Novice Gunmen of Bitter Rift wing A. F. of L.

and L. O. is Presaged By Conference Considered Textile Unions tire Bargaining Auto De4 Of United By orkers Denied Chrysler March 8-W Corporation, one Industry's rejected a Automobile demand C'alted de America be recoga bargaining agency employes today. A Prem) forces ha the battle for arguained labor gathertoday to Incampaigns. a the bitter rift between Derations presaged Labor Federation of sitter for Industrial some 1.250,000 the tardung textile, inate the c.

1. 0. banner the sext goal of John pour whose leaders al. approximately in several industries. hi the capital of the F.

4 try masoned organizers for callating the supworkers he the agricultural, ration, aluminum, cereal wastries, and fightc. L. if along the line. time at Textiles the United data approximately genuidered the or de the at-down strike as impending drive mills and in the and worsted industry. at tie aides were expected www the textile car.

al projected unionization of! in the ell Industry. 0. leaders claimed several ww the week-end, inde latection of the aluminum 3 mica's largest unit, at the plant of the Company of America, he 4. 7. 0.

L. ranks 2. a 1. 0. amliate for its memthe Braeburn Aland Pillourgh, ending 300 workers, 3.

The Electric ManufacCompete's recognition of as the bargaining tr the inion strikes harassed a hainess and Aments on the wide plant. A watted 0., 10,000 employes of Tire Rubber Co. made Idle by the closing factory last week, walled a agreement between comCatted and representatives Rubber Workers of The union claimed. ately 4.000 workers as memad demanded it be recor1 their it the bargaining agency. Bethlehem Steel! Lebanon Pennsylpart 0.

rated demands that 4 be recognized as their agency and that 'the bautute minimum a day. winked out of tour- of Mint, the Chevrolet Motor the Mich. The manage radiag divisione be nth the settlement of differthe United. Automobile strike began Saturbut temporarily 1 by a had worked gas resumed after as bour. toW.

eateries A. and General Motors hope of resumed negotiaa minimus reaching wages and to 4. daal terms for prepared to renew pining agency recognition for a 07,000 Chry: employes Brass of Bohn work at Detroit Company re Over 44m strike. pending at the the Parta Colapanies: De4, Pampas 4 Bearing Axle Carbu-1 O. Said Co.

1, J. the director sald with the union Crucible will seek 1 The approximately contract with last the Madi Corp Gigantic Wave Hits Big Atlantic Liner ITALY, March UP 9-American passengers on the luxury liner "Rex" told in graphic wave detail sent day how a monstrou: the 51,062 ton liner reeling off Gibraltar, killing two persona and Injuring scores. They described the wild scene In the State Lounge Salon last Thursday when dozens of Aret class passengers, rathered to watch motion picture, were pitched into screaming, rug. sling mass. Some reports said at least two Americans were bur: during the crossing.

de scribed he one of the roughest ever made in a modern liner. Joseph James Crowley of Washington, D. adffered broken thigh during the storm! and was taken to the Ruech Hospital at Naples. Aged Man Facing Murder Charges Virginian Held In Texas On Mountain Shooting Affair LUBBOCK, March UP -An eighty-two-year-old man with a flowlag white beard, Sherif Tom Abel announced, has admitted that he is Green Allen Brooke, named in Indictments returned in Jones ville, in 1935 for the killing of Lee County deputies. Sheriff Abel sald the man waived extradition but that he did mot know when Sberiff R.

Giles, of and. deputies expected to return to Virginia with the prisoner. The aged man was detained era! days ago at the request of Sheriff James W. Eldinge of Pineville, who said in a letter that the man was. using an alias which had been uned by Brooks.

Offcere from Lee County, Virginia, headed by Sheriff Giles, came to Lubbock seeking of the prisoner, Sberin Abel said the man comitted he was Brooks when confronted by the Virginia officers although he bad previously said he had dever been in Virginia. Abel sald ters found in his possession referred in velled way to trouble in the Pineville section. Brooks was charged in the Indict-' menta issued at Jonesville with killing Arch Redmond and Bob Balley, Lee County deputies, who were shot to death with a rifle as they sought to arrest Brooks' son-in-law. A ward was posted for Brooks' arrest after officere said he fled into the Kentucky mountains. Gots Lang Count STOCKTON, March 8-UP -A reason customer -paid -for $400 an bill undisclosed John Keep, lumberman, In paper tax tokens worth one milt each.

Keep spent nearly 'two counting. the carboard djaca, then announced: "He must have weighed The them" Instead of counting them. mills, bill had been overpaid fifteen Prosecutor of Sit Wounded Near Ranch Home Threatening Notes Received At Office Fire Spurts From Black Sedan Parked I In Lane by omciale. "Don't let them get Mary Lou!" he muttered later so 'he wan given opiates at a hospital. Fitte.

had planned to visit the Douglas Plant and investigate re ported attacks upon employes who go to work daily through a picket line of the 'committee for Industrial organization, One worker complained to Santa Monica police be had been beaten. Another maid brick was thrown through the win-' dow' of his home, Chief Dice believed "chislers," not union members, were responsible for these disorders. "SPRING, ACCESSORIES! Another shipment of Varsity Shirts New 'handmade blouses Hansen crocheted cloves $1.501 Spring flowers 19c. Style Shoppe, Main lat Sta. 1t-1p.

5 103 ANGELES, March S- An attempt. to assassinate District Attorney Buron Fitte, noted cutor whose most recent action was against sit-down strikers, spurred an intensive manhunt today for "novice" run men; Fitta' elbow deflected from hie heart a bullet an he drove along last night down the driveway of his ranch home near suburban In a hospital suffering from left arm wound and shock. Fitta said three or four men were In the black sedan, parked without lights, from which at least two bullets were Ared. "It la unquestionably the work of amateurs," said Sheriff Eugene Blacalluz, who placed the entire resources of his department In charge of the search Had they been professionals they would not have bungled the Job. They would have used run and pumped lead into Buron untit they were aure he was dead.

"The only reason Pitie wasn't killed was because a novive runman was' appointed to 'gel' him, Notes Aro Received ofice announced he ceived scores of. threatening sages since trespass Indictments were voted recently 'against more than 300 alt-downera whose threeday strike closed the Douglas Aircraft plant, world's largest, at Santa Monica. The District ney recommended the Indictments and shortly, thereafter the atrikers vacated the plant, Turrendering to more than 800 bearily armed offcere Fitts said that only yesterday he conferred with police chlet Charles Dice of Santa Monica concerning reported attacks upon. employee of tho reopened Douglas plant. Jack Cuahman, personal bodyguard, who attended a dinner left to visit his father's home 200 party which the District Attorney yarde away, told of strange happenings a it the ranch preceding the shooting.

said Fitte' pet Scottie, Rumpus, growled and barked fro quently during the meal, and leap ed at the open window. "I don't like the feel of things here." Cushman comment. ed as the party prepared to retire to the living room. don't think it whee, for you to sit this -house with- all the shades 3p. Cushman thought he heard ateps outside the house, and pulled down the living room shades: Fitts disregarded suggestions that one of his guests accompany him when he left to pay his usual Sunday aight call upon his father to discuss pro jacked work on the ranch.

a I drove down the lane, 1 suddenly saw a black sedan parked -back of. a clump of bushes the entrance of my driveway," Fitte sald. "In the car were three or four men and there were no lights burping. "I jammed 1 on my brakes and came to a dead stop, thinking that would- whirl my car around and speed back to my. house.

"At that Are spurted. from 'the parked sedan. A shot rang out. My windableid we tered: and my. left arm dropped.

helpless from the steering wheel. the black sedan roared down the boulevard, I got my car in gear and drove to the home of my ents." Mitts Arst concern, when he reached there was for his ten-yearold adopted -daughter, Mary Lou who has been under guard for some time since threats were received Miller Purchased Five Gallons of Gasoline Shortly Before Girl Killed Appointment Books Being Investigated 1 Commonwealth's ney W. O. Fife Declines to Reveal pose of Probe The proprietor of Rampaon's fillIng station, about three and.a halt miles from Charlottesville on the Stony to Point see Road, was the last person Cleo Sproute alive cept for Dr. R.

0. Miller, dentist, who is accused of her murder. This fact was confirmed: to The Dally Progress today by Chief of Police Maurice Greaver. Authorities have discovered that. Dr.

Miller, accompanied by, the Sprouse' girl in a borrowed -gray sedan, stopped at the filing station at 4:45 o'clock last Monday afternoon, shortly. after. the beginning of the fatal ride, and purchased Ave gallons of gasoline. lie then drove off to the scene of the tragedy on Sugarloaf Mountain, salimated at less than ball mild from the filling station. Prote Appointments Authorities have nelsed the dental appointment book of Dr and are expected to employ the mation it contatna not only as a tee cord of his professional activities last Monday but posnibly accurate means to interview all who may throw any light on the cane.

Commonwealth's Attorney wi. O. File declined today to diac*ms thie phase of the investigation. He has previoualy stated, however, that no angle would be emitted and is the confessiop. of.

Dr Ar Miller that- Cleo Sprouse died under his. tions contains admitted discrepanclem, it la velieved the wealth Intende. a complete survey of the dentist's professional con- d. nections. A short me after the dentist maid Cleo had died as the result of an overdose of chloroform, he paid professional visit to W.

Glimer Dunn, local attornay, at bis home on Locust Grove Avenue, Mre. Dunn stated that he appear. ad more nervous than wusi," but that he smelled strongly of chloroform. Although speculation today denterm around the: crumpled dollar bill found tucked in Cleo's right shoe, Hir. rite said that there was no significance attached to this.

According to Chief Greaver, many women carry money In this Soll analysia by the Federal Bu reau of Investigation In ton of soil found on the dead girl's shoes and that 'found at the luged scene of the crime and the University Cemetery where her was tound has not been re $. vealed. This evidence, said Mr, Fife, will have an Important bear ins on whether or not the girl got out of the car at any Miller denied to police that she did. Questioned this morning regard. Ing report received from Rich mond today that Dr.

Miller has Anally recalled the the man responsible for Cleo. Sprousc'e condition, Lula. Sprouse, mother of the murdered girl sobbed, won't say whether I lleve. he knows or A young cousin of Cleo Sprouse's, whor* frat name- wan not learned, commented, "It: seems mighty funny to me that It should take all this time 'to remember a name Important him as The cousin, who lives on Albei marks Street and has been constantly in the Sprouse's home since the tragedy occurred, statedMrs. Sprousa, who has -collapsed several times since the murdered girl was found, in able to sleep not way much very little and does about what she believed actually happened.

Bremner. Retained Loith M. Bremner, of Richmond; considered to be one of the outstanding criminal lawyers of Viri gipis, has been retained fourth defense, for Dr. Miller. Mr.

Bremner has made no states ment as to what lines the defense may be based upon, but his assoclates V. Walker, Robert lor, and the Commonwealth's Attorney of Henrico County, Harold M. Rattliffe, have hinted that insanity plea might be entered. Neither Commonwealth's Attorney U. Fife nor the defense ape parently are satiaded with the confession made by Dr.

Miller to local. police. and County Authorities he was being taken to Richmond to be lodged in the Henrico Jail (Continued On Page Seven) them economically." he declared. "That is only way. Japan can expand there." Japan, he as Well recognize China's demands equality with Japan.

"We must do something he the House of Repre-' sentatives, "to. Improve our ent favorable relations with China which are highly." disadvantageous to both countries. Sato, who resigned as dor to France to accept the foreign affairs post. in the compromise cabinet of Senjuro Hayashi, cated the 'new policy was dictated by economic necessity. Aside from the fact that Japan's former policy, of Infitration in China has not worked out, Sato said Japan's attitude (has caused unsatisfactory relations 'with other world powers.

The foreign minister touched but lightly on his policy, toward the Soviet union. The present lack. of cordiality between Japan and Russia, Sato! declared, would be greatly improved it the Komintern -the Communist international with head. quarters 1a Moscow -could. be I eliminated.


The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.