Bookmarks and Bedposts - Benderjspark - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

“Holy sh*t HOTHOTHOT!”

“f*ckin hell that was smexy”

“So f*cking hot”

“This fic is my Baby they’re so Cute and Hot- I love this”



“YO! This is where the SMUT is AT!”

“That sh*t was FIRE!”


Katsuki scrolls through the bookmarks and comments left on his fic that he posted last night and cackles while spinning happily in his office chair and sipping his coffee. Listen, he may be a pro hero, but even HE has hobbies, which may or may not include writing the smuttiest fanfictions about his friends. Call it retribution if you want, but he gets a little bit of satisfaction knowing that they’ve needled and joked behind his back, while he’s out here doing the lord’s work and stoking their fans into a feeding frenzy. SEE….HE CAN BE SOCIAL! TAKE THAT EXTRAS! He’s even nice to his readers and subscribers. Lord knows, they feed his secret need to be adored without him having to actually interact or put on a mask. And maybe, he enjoys writing his own fantasies a little too much…

He honestly had never even entertained the thought that his fans wrote whole ass fictional stories about him until the nerd stumbled into the agency one day…red faced and glued to his phone screen. Katsuki raised a brow at him and put out his hand to see what had his partner so worked up, but Deku had clutched his phone to his chest like a frazzled maiden and began muttering incoherently. The feral gremlin inside of Katsuki had stretched and barely blinked its eyes open before his hands struck like a snake and snatched the phone away as he blasted himself to the second story balcony. Deku had screeched in alarm, but Katsuki was already absorbing the little lines of text.

p*rn. Deku was reading p*rn on his phone. p*rn ABOUT THEM! What the f*ck is BakuDeku?...

Katsuki’s eyebrows had shot up into his hairline and he glanced down at the nerd who was practically having an aneurysm and peeking through the fingers covering his eyes. “I-It’s NOT what you think!!!”

Katsuki had hopped over the railing and landed with a thud, still clutching the phone. He’s pretty sure his lips were stretched in a cruel smile. “Oh really, nerd? And what exactly is it…?”

“A f-fan sent it to me!” Deku squeaked out. “Oh my god…they think…that we…oh my gosh,” he stutters out and his face only gets redder.

Katsuki is LIVING for Deku’s reaction…He glances at the phone again to memorize the site address. He will definitely be doing research later. He wonders if any of his other hero friends are aware that their fans are foaming at the mouth to see them all in compromising positions. He can’t help but wonder how much is out there written about him. Call him a pervert, but his curiosity is piqued.

And so it began…Katsuki spent days, nigh months, reading thousands of fanfictions all dedicated to the heroes he had grown up with. He was actually surprised at his fans' “creativity” and “on-brand” characterizations…had laughed himself to tears at the comments…and may or may not have had many nights dedicated solely to him and his hand after reading some particularly “spicy” fics. He’s noticed that A LOT of his fans seem to like to pair him with his hero partner and best friend…which, Fair, but held no interest for him. But little do his fans know, that Katsuki has harbored a crush for a certain underground hero for years. The nerd isn’t exactly his type and they could never really be together like that. Yet, when he scrolls across certain “rare-pairs” his interest explodes…especially the ShinBaku ones. f*ck, nothing gets him hotter than reading the fics that put him and Shinsou together.

Of course, he’d fantasized about the purple troll doll before, but some of those fics…yeah, he’d pulled out all of the stops and rode his purple dild* until he cried. But his competitive nature eventually got the better of him and he had to start writing. He started out small, just writing out simple stories at first, but his “works” exploded in popularity and now he dedicates hours after his patrols to giving his deepest fantasies life…and the hundreds of fans eat that sh*t up with a gluttony he never expected.

Yet, there’s one fan that always catches his attention…the one that never actually comments, but the bookmarks are…f*cking hot.

SleepyCat1234: So sexy, would wreak Bakugou’s hole.

SleepyCat1234: Bakugou is such a slu*tty little bottom, would take it so nicely.

SleepyCat1234: Baku is so pretty, bet he cries when he comes.

SleepyCat1234: Would ruin him, make him cum until he ran dry.

SleepyCat1234: Can just imagine how tight and hot he would be.

On and on…all describing how Katsuki would take it…and for Shinsou…f*ck yeah, he would. The reader intrigues Katsuki on a primal level, but he silently reads all of the bookmarks on each one of his fics with glee and a certain sick satisfaction. He always looks for them first, every time he checks his notifications.

But then the game changes when he receives a private message after a particularly raunchy fantasy he’d written the night before.

SleepyCat1234: Author-chan, loved the new fic. I’m a huge fan of your works. So rare to find a writer that writes almost exclusive ShinBaku content. I noticed that your profile lists you as local. Would love to get together for coffee sometime and pick your brain…would you be down?

Katsuki blinks and almost spits out his coffee. His most avid reader wants to meet him…HIM. This isn’t like meeting one of his hero fans. This fan has been supporting his writing for over a year without having a clue who he actually is. And for some reason…Katsuki really wants to know who’s on the other side of the screen. So…because Katsuki has very little impulse control and often doesn’t think through the consequences before charging in, he types in a flurry:

DynamightFan420: Sure, when and where? I’m available most days after 3pm.

The reply is instantaneous.

SleepyCat1234: I work mostly nights. How bout 6pm on Friday at CozyCups?”

Well hell…that’s only three blocks from Katsuki’s apartment. What are the odds of that? Katsuki grins.

DynamightFan420: See you then. How will I know it’s you?

SleepyCat1234: Oh, you’ll know who I am when you see me ;)

Huh? How the hell would he know who the fan is…

SleepyCat1234: Just trust me.

Katsuki shrugs internally, but his mind whirs with the strange words.

SleepyCat1234: Still down? Or afraid of a little challenge?

Hah?! This reader’s audacity…Katsuki’s fingers fly over the keyboard.

DynamightFan420: I’ll be there.

SleepyCat1234: Looking forward to it <3


Katsuki is having a crisis. He did NOT think this through. This fan is going to recognize him. sh*t. sh*t. sh*t. How is he supposed to pull this off? He’s just supposed to be some nameless writer, not the actual character he’s writing about.

It’s 4pm and he’s scrambling through his closet trying to find the damn wig he bought for Halloween two years ago. Of course when he finds it, the damn thing is a rat’s nest, so he brushes it out and tries to fit it over his recognizable blonde hair. Immediately his heart sinks when he looks in the mirror and realizes that the wig is…well, it’s cheap…and clearly looks like a wig. Katsuki digs back through his closet and luckily finds a black ball cap. He’s also going to wear a face mask just to be safe. Luckily, it's cold and flu season in Japan, so it won’t look too odd for him to be wearing one. When all is said and done, he feels pretty confident that the bill of the hat shades his unique red eyes, covers his signature blonde spikes and the face mask obscures his features significantly. Yeah…he can do this. No way this fan will know it's him just by looking.

He walks into the coffee shop exactly at 6 and tries to keep his nerves from exploding under his skin as he stops at the counter on his way in. He’s not sure he needs the caffeine to ramp him up further, but it’s weird being in a coffee shop without ordering anything, so he asks for a caramel macchiato just to keep his hands busy during what will no doubt be a stimulating conversation. f*ck, he wasn’t even this nervous for the press conference last week in front of hundreds of people.

He grabs his coffee and wanders further into the dimly lit and comfortable seating area, full of plush couches and armchairs that he’s always been a fan of. He’s been in this cafe probably hundreds of times before to sit and write his many fics, but this time is so different. He glances around at the empty seats, having never been in this late in the evening, but doesn’t immediately see anyone.

“Over here!” a deep and strangely familiar voice calls, and Katsuki whips in the direction of the dark corner at the back of the shop. Oh no…

“You have got to be kidding me…” Katsuki growls and storms over to the table.

“Nice disguise, KitKat…” Shinsou drawls with a wicked smirk already in place as Katsuki reaches the edge of the table. He rips his hat from his hair and pulls down his mask, before plopping down on the opposite side of the booth. He’s sure his face is bright red in either embarrassment or rage, he can’t decide.

“So…” Shinsou drawls, “DynamightFan420…” Katsuki can tell that the troll is trying not to laugh at him.

“Should have f*cking known with some dumbass name like SleepyCat1234…” Katsuki mutters and crosses his arms defensively. Katsuki hasn’t seen the dumbass for almost a year, and despite his absolute f*cking mortification, he can’t help letting his gaze wander over the underground hero. Shinsou has gotten bigger than Katsuki ever remembers him being. His fics haven’t been doing the object of his affections any favors. Wild lilac locks have been shaved down at the sides and are artfully tamed on the top, making the hero look older, more refined and edgy. Fair skin has gained a bit of a tan that makes his face look even more angular than before and light purple scruff makes the hero look rugged. Shinsou has always been quite a bit taller than Katsuki, but his lithe form has suddenly gained firm thickness with muscles that rival even Katsuki’s. The eyes are still the same though, intense amethyst gemstones that always seem to look right through Katsuki, are glinting at him even in the dim room, further emphasized by the dark circles underneath.

Shinsou chuckles at his assessment. “Can feel you undressing me with your eyes, KitKat…but it seems you tend to do that a lot in your fics too…”

Katsuki chokes on air, “You f*cker! How long have you known?”

Shinsou’s eyes are almost electric and Katsuki feels something sizzle between them. “Y’know you give yourself away, right?”

Katsuki’s eyes narrow, “How so?”

Shinsou chuckles, and the sound is dark, but then he holds up four fingers and ticks them off one at a time… “One, your user name…not exactly subtle. Two, you described the birthmark on my arm in surprisingly accurate detail. My hero costume covers it, so no fan would know that about me unless they’ve been up close and personal. Three, you always write yourself as a bottom. Most people think you’re an exclusive top, but I’ve always had a sneaking suspicion. And four, when everything started adding up, I traced your username…and what do you know…registered to one Katsuki Bakugou.”

“But that’s f*cking illegal!” Katsuki shouts, his face heated to a near unbearable degree.

“Not for an underground hero, it’s not…” Shinsou shrugs one shoulder while grinning like a damn fool, smug and pleased with himself.

Katsuki opens his mouth to defend himself, but all of the words feel strangled in his mouth as the revelation hits him that his crush now knows all of his dirty fantasies. Katsuki wishes a hole in the ground would just open up and swallow him already. Instead, he thunks his head down to the table hard enough that the table rattles and he almost tips over his still full coffee cup. “Just get it over with,” he grunts, muffled by the wooden tabletop.

“Awww is my pretty little KitKat embarrassed?” Shinsou coos above him and Katsuki lets his palms crackle under the table in warning.

“I will f*cking end you,” he grits out through clenched teeth, while battling with his inner whor* who preens at being called Shinsou’s ‘pretty little’ anything.

Long strong fingers suddenly card lightly through his hair. “But I’m your biggest fan…” Shinsou purrs and a throb of want shoots straight to Katsuki’s co*ck. He’s quickly coming to the conclusion that even in his written fictional fantasies, he has drastically underestimated Shinsou’s effect on him. “And I want to discuss all of your fics in great detail. Where did your inspiration come from?” Shinsou’s voice has dropped and his words are laced with double meaning. Is this f*cker making fun of him?

Katsuki tips his chin up on the table and bristles, “Ha. Ha. Laugh it up, f*cker.” Katsuki puts his hands on the table and works his way out of the booth. He’s over this…sure that his friends will hear all about it and Katsuki will never hear the end of it. He turns his back on the table and starts to stomp away, abandoning his untouched coffee. He’s going to go and die of humiliation in his own apartment, thank you very much.

He makes it out the front door and takes a deep breath of the crisp autumn air, trying to clear some of the heat from his face. Then, he jumps about a foot in the air when a hand lands solidly on his arm and pulls him. Forced to turn, he then smacks face first into a warm firm chest. “Wasn’t done talking, KitKat…”

“Well I am…” Katsuki grunts and tries to pull away, but thick arms wrap around him and prevent his escape.

“Oh no, baby, we’re going to talk about all of those fantasies that have been locked up in that pretty little head of yours. Maybe even discuss some of mine and mix them together. Would you like that?” Shinsou murmurs, breath hot next to Katuski’s ear.

He shivers at the implications. It’s not f*cking possible, is it? “What do you mean, Mindf*ck?”

“Nuh uh,” Shinsou tsks. “What do you call me in your fics?”

Katsuki tucks a gasp away and covers it with a cough. “Toshi…” he whispers.

“That’s right, baby. Don’t be embarrassed. Do you have any idea how many times I’ve read all of your fics, and cum with just the idea of fulfilling these little fantasies of yours? How many times I’ve thought about showing up on your doorstep? How many times I’ve picked up my phone and thought about calling? How many times I’ve wanted to have you scream my name while you cum your f*cking brains out? How many times I’ve visualized you underneath me, while I open you up on my co*ck? How many times I’ve wanted to fill that loud mouth and fill your belly with my cum…you write such filthy things, baby…you’re practically begging for my attention, aren’t you?” Shinsou strokes down Katsuki’s spine while murmuring all of the dirty little secret things that Katsuki has written about extensively, breathing them into reality. Yes, he wants all of Shinsou’s attention… God, he wants all of it.

“My place or your, KitKat? Gonna show you how good reality can feel…”

Katsuki feels like he’s burning right there in the middle of the very public street. “Mine,” he gasps out when Shinsou pulls him closer by pressing against his lower back and Katsuki can feel Shinsou’s hardness brush up against him. Holy sh*t…this is actually happening.


Katsuki is still rolling in disbelief as Shinsou practically drags him in the direction of his apartment. It isn’t until they’re standing on Katsuki’s doorstep, while he’s nervously fishing his keys out of his pocket that a thought occurs to him. “How the f*ck did you know where I live?”

Shinsou gives him another boxer-dropping smirk, “Hero registry…”

Katsuki blinks at him, “Just breaking all the rules aren’t you?”

“Only for you, KitKat…”

Katsuki finally fits the key in the door as he mulls that over. His hands are shaky and sweaty, so the moment he steps inside, he has to wipe them against his absorbent pants. Shutting the door and locking it, he barely turns around fully when he’s pulled back against Shinsou’s warmth and lips are crashing into his, heated and hungry.

Katsuki may be a badass motherf*cker, and his pride tugs at him for only a moment, before all of his limbs seem to melt when Shinsou grips the back of his neck possessively and bites Katsuki’s bottom lip harshly. A hot wet tongue presses between his barely parted lips when Katsuki tries to suck in a desperate breath. When something metallic brushes over his tongue he jerks back and stares at Shinsou’s mouth.

“What’s wrong?” Shinsou asks, a tint of concern in his tone. “sh*t, was I moving too fast?”

“It’s pierced…” Katsuki mutters in a slightly breathless tone.

Shinsou’s face suddenly lights up and he chuckles. “My tongue isn’t the only thing pierced, baby…”

Katsuki stares at him as images flood his mind and his co*ck jerks heavily in his pants. Holy sh*t…why hadn’t he ever thought of giving Shinsou piercings before in his fics? New kink unlocked. “Show me,” he demands.

Shinsou co*cks a brow at his bossy tone, but then reaches for the hem of his t-shirt, pulling it slowly over his head, giving Katsuki a show that makes him drool when all of those firm muscles are on full display. But what really catches his attention are the silver rings that adorn both of Shinsou’s dusky nipples. Katsuki can’t stop his fingers as they reach out and flick one of the piercings. So f*cking hot. Katsuki wants to lick them and twirl them around his tongue, so he takes another step forward in his entryway and does just that.

Shinsou groans above him when Katsuki grabs his waist and sucks one of the pretty buds into his mouth and immediately flicks the piercing with his tongue. He’s rewarded with another groan when he nips the bud, grazing his teeth back and forth over the sensitive peak. He wants more of those sinful sounds, so he switches to the other nipple to show it the same amount of worship. Shinsou grips the back of his hair in a firm grasp, pinning Katsuki’s mouth over the bud as he laves and twists his tongue around that shiny little bauble.

He’s pulled away when that fist yanks harshly on his hair, tilting his head back so that Shinsou’s fierce gaze can lock with his own. “On your knees, KitKat. I want to feel that talented tongue on my other piercing too.”

Katsuki doesn’t think when Shinsou releases his hair, just drops to his knees right there in the entryway. Shinsou grins at him and quickly sheds his pants and kicks them to the side. He doesn’t immediately pull his boxers down, but steps close to Katsuki and grips his hair again and pulls Katsuki into his still clothed crotch. “C’mon baby, show me how much you want it,” he murmurs and Katsuki smirks, remembering this exact scene from one of his fics.

Katsuki leans forward, Shinsou’s grip following him as he noses against Shinsou’s clothed co*ck and takes a deep inhale through his nose. The smell of clean male musk and the soothing smell of lavender laundry detergent greets Katsuki’s senses. Shinsou’s co*ck is bigger than he imagined, heavily tenting his dark boxers. Katsuki wants it in his mouth so he opens wide and mouths around the head, licking against the fabric, wetting it. He glances up briefly to meet a dark gaze, intensely focused on him. Katsuki shoots him a deadly smirk and nips at the fabric waistband, before pulling it down with his teeth. Shinsou’s hand loosens in his hair to allow the movement as he keeps tugging downward until the boxers pool around Shinsou’s ankles. He probably looked silly doing it in reality, but he’s following a script…one that he wrote word for f*cking word. His eyes catch on Shinsou’s co*ck, long and thick with a shiny Prince Albert ring that Katsuki can tell is going to feel so delicious inside him.

Shinsou kicks the boxers to the side wordlessly and once again tightens his grip in Katsuki’s strands. Katsuki glances back up at him when his head is once again tugged until his face is turned up towards the ceiling. “Open your mouth, KitKat,” the words are growled and send a shudder down Katsuki’s spine. His jaw drops. He’s surprised when two fingers slip past his lips and press down hard on his tongue, deviating from the script.

“So pretty like this, baby…” Shinsou pets those fingers over Katsuki’s tongue, grazing his gums and teeth occasionally with his exploratory touches. Katsuki’s eyes close, the motion oddly soothing his wound up nerves, but further stoking the heat inside him. He just knows that his boxers will be soaked with precome by the time he finally takes them off. He instinctively closes his mouth and sucks against the slightly salty digits and moans at the taste. The fingers press in further, stroking the back of his tongue but he just sucks harder, daring them to go further where he really wants them. When they finally breach his throat he swallows hard around them. “Jesus Christ…” Shinsou mutters in awe, before withdrawing his fingers all together and Katsuki lets out a whiny sound when his mouth feels empty. “Don’t worry, pretty boy, gonna give you something better.”

He tugs Katsuki’s head back down until Katsuki is faced with that pretty co*ck that makes his mouth water. He reaches for it automatically, but Shinsou gives his hair a sharp warning yank. “Nu-uh KitKat, no hands,” he orders firmly, making the hair stand up on the back of Katsuki’s neck.

Katsuki clearly has no shame, drops his hand back to his lap, and stretches out his tongue to lick over the drop of precome that beads from Shinsou’s slit, twirling his tongue around the tip and flicking against that delectable piercing. He merely teases the tip, trying to push Shinsou to make a move. Katsuki knows what he wants, and he’s going to goad Shinsou into giving it to him. He firms the tip of his tongue and presses against the frenulum, just lightly sucking on the glans. Shinsou’s co*ck jerks and more precome oozes from the tip. Katsuki dives down underneath and licks a broad stripe over the underside of his co*ck lightly, before leaning down further to tease his breath and wet tongue over Shinsou’s heavy ball sack. A shiver runs through the man over him and Katsuki hears an aborted grunt when he takes one of the balls into his mouth and sucks on it. He makes sure to show his appreciation and switches between the two equally until Shinsou’s skin is shiny and dripping.

When he releases them and moves to tease Shinsou’s shaft some more, his hair is yanked again impatiently and Shinsou’s tone is dark and gravelly, “Quit playing with your food.”

Katsuki smirks devilishly as he looks up at Shinsou’s flushed and frustrated expression, eyes narrowed and heated. The man is only a thread away from snapping and Katsuki has made it his personal goal to see it happen. f*ck, he wants Shinsou to use him hard just like he does in every one of his stories, wants to see what he looks like feral and unhinged. “Make me,” Katsuki clips out in the brattiest tone he can manage.

Shinsou’s expression darkens, but his lips tilt upwards in one corner, “Oh sweetheart, I hope you know what you’re doing.” He yanks Katsuki closer and taps his co*ck hard against Katsuki’s cheek, smearing precome across the skin. “Now open your f*cking mouth.”

When Katsuki doesn’t immediately do as he’s told, Shinsou reaches down and his fingers grip Katsuki in the tender points on either side of his jaw painfully, making Katsuki drop his jaw open in startled response. “When I tell you to do something, you’re gonna do it, baby…” he coos right before he grabs his co*ck and guides it between Katsuki’s lips. “Now show me what else this f*cking mouth is good for.”

Katsuki is only allowed a short preparatory breath before Shinsou thrusts deep, while pulling Katsuki’s hair toward himself. Katsuki suctions his lips around the length and sucks hard when half of Shinsou’s length finally weighs heavily on his tongue, but almost gags when Shinsou keeps going. The back of his throat tries to deny the intrusion, but Shinsou’s hold is almost painful in his hair as he forces Katsuki’s face forward, impaling him further. The thick head stretches Katsuki’s throat wide and keeps pressing forward despite the resistance. He squirms at the intense sensation.

“C’mon baby, let me in. I know you can take it,” Shinsou mutters as drool slips from the corners of Katsuki’s stretched lips. His eyes almost roll back when his airway is finally blocked, the ring tickling the back of his throat, and Shinsou bottoms out with Katuski’s nose pressed into soft lilac curls. Shinsou holds absolutely still, letting Katsuki swallow desperately over his length trying to clear the obstruction.

The hand in his hair suddenly releases and Katsuki is forced to jerk backwards off of that thick co*ck to suck in a desperate breath and cough, while his nose runs and a tear leaks from the corner of his eye. “f*ck, knew you’d be pretty, crying on my co*ck.” Shinsou’s hands grip either side of Katsuki’s face and guide him back to that dripping wet co*ck and Katsuki opens his mouth willingly, ready for everything Shinsou is willing to give him.

Katsuki’s lips close again and he looks up. Shinsou’s expression is hungry and Katsuki lives for it. “You gonna be a good little co*cksleeve and let me f*ck this mouth?”

Katsuki hums around his co*ck and gives the man above him his best “Do your worst” glare.

“Tap my thigh if you want to stop, little co*ckslu*t,” Shinsou rumbles and then Katsuki’s attention is forced down again as Shinsou pulls his face forward violently and the whole co*ck is once again crammed down Katsuki’s tight throat. He doesn’t linger and holds Katsuki’s head immobile to begin plunging in and out like Katsuki is only a fleshlight for his pleasure. He tries to sneak in breaths when he can through the running of his nose while wet gurgling noises fill the air surrounding them. Katsuki squirms and can’t open his eyes as burning tears stream down his face every time his throat is stretched impossibly wide to accommodate Shinsou’s girth. He just knows his voice and throat will be shredded when this is done, but there’s no place he’d rather be as his co*ck throbs painfully in his pants while Shinsou uses him mercilessly.

“You like this KitKat? I know you f*ckin’ do. I’ve re-read these scenes over and over again…f*ck, just knowing that you crave to be used and abused like this and I get to be the one to do it…I get to be the one to f*ck you open.” He starts driving in harder and Katsuki just tightens his lips, even as black spots start to darken his watery vision. He tries to look up, wants to see Shinsou come undone as Shinsou’s strokes start to get erratic and choppy. Katsuki swallows desperately around the tip of his co*ck, begging him for it.

“Gonna cum, KitKat. f*ck, you’re so hot like that. Keep looking at me, baby, while I fill you up.” Shinsou only thrusts a couple more times before he buries himself deep and Katsuki feels the warmth trickling down his esophagus. Shinsou throws his head back and groans as he unloads, while his body twitches and more cum flows down Katsuki’s throat.

His vision is getting darker and his head starts to swim from lack of air. He didn’t even realize that he’d started to fight Shinsou’s hold until his head is being pulled back slowly and the tip of Shinsou’s co*ck leaves a trail of salty cum over his tongue, allowing Katsuki to suck in a desperate wet breath through his nose. When Shinsou’s softening co*ck finally pulls from his lips, Katsuki coughs and hacks wetly, trying to wipe the tears and snot from his face.

Shinsou crouches down in front of him and grips his chin, “f*ck, so good, baby,” he praises. “Knew you’d be the best.”

Katsuki glows at the compliment and feels a little dopey when he smiles. Shinsou reaches out and helps Katsuki shakily to his feet. Katsuki’s co*ck strains painfully against his zipper and he rubs over it, trying to get a little relief.

Shinsou’s hand slaps it away. “That’s mine today, KitKat. No cumming until I say you can. Now unless you want me to destroy that ass right here on the floor, you better show me to the bedroom.”

Katsuki’s eyes widen, “Jesus, Toshi…” The words just kind of slip out as Katsuki is stuck looking over the man of his dreams standing right in front of him and growling out commands that make Katsuki want to be the slu*ttiest slu*t that ever slu*tted. He quickly comes to the conclusion that he would let this man do anything to him.

Shinsou quirks a brow at him. “Too much?” He asks sincerely with a hint of mirth.

“f*ck no. f*ckin’ love it,” Katsuki responds, voice scratchy as he quickly walks around the adonis in his entryway and beelines for the bedroom like his ass is on fire. He doesn’t look back to make sure Shinsou follows, he can feel the man’s aura like a physical caress at his back.

When his bed is finally in sight, he turns back to his overgrown shadow. Shinsou is still delightfully naked and leaning in his doorway, looking at him like he’s starving and faced with a buffet. “Take those clothes off, baby, let me see my little slu*t.”

Katsuki’s not sure he will get used to the mixture of praise and degradation that Shinsou doles out like it’s the most natural thing in the world. Katsuki might be able to write the words, but hearing them aloud and aimed in his direction is literally melting his brain into a gooey needy mess. He pulls his thermal over his head with no problems. Showing off the body he’s worked for years to achieve is a piece of cake. He even unbuttons his cargo pants and slips them down without his face catching fire, but then as he thumbs the waistband of his boxers, he hesitates.

“Katsuki, look at me,” Shinsou directs firmly and Katsuki’s gaze snaps up at him, a little alarmed by the full use of his first name instead of just the nickname that Shinsou has always used for him. “Real talk for a second…are you sure you want this? Once we open this box, we can’t really close it again. At least not for me…I don’t really do one night stands.”

Katsuki stares at him, fingers still hooked on his boxers. He’d kind of assumed that Shinsou would be a one and done kind of guy, not really wanting a commitment, so Katsuki had never held out hope of something ‘More.’ No one has ever wanted to stick around ‘After’.

Katsuki has had plenty of one night stands, just kind of assuming that that’s all people really wanted from him. He’s not really sure how to proceed. He’s wanted Shinsou for so f*cking long, but now Shinsou is right in front of him and saying things that Katsuki desperately wants, but had never dared to hope for. f*ck…should he go for it… “Are you saying that you want something long term?...with me?” He grunts when the words sound a little pathetic when said out loud.

Shinsou stands from the door frame and crosses to him with sure and confident steps. He bends down and pecks Katsuki’s lips when Katsuki tilts his chin upwards to meet those pretty purple eyes. Katsuki is so jealous of the certainty pours off of the other man. Shinsou leans down next to his ear and firmly grips the back of Katsuki’s neck. “KitKat, I’ve wanted you since highschool. I want everything with you. Now that I’ve finally got you in front of me, the only way I’m letting you go is if you say “No” right now. Otherwise, I’m going to finally do all of the things I’ve been dreaming about and claim you right here, right now,” he admits with a potent mix of longing and possessiveness dripping from his tone.

Katsuki swallows heavily and his stomach flutters wildly. Holy f*ck… “f*ck that,” Katsuki wheezes. “You’re not going anywhere.”

Shinsou leans back, with a predatory smile that makes Katsuki’s knees weak, and looks pointedly at Katsuki’s boxers. “Show me my prize, pretty boy.”

Katsuki’s fingers twitch nervously and slowly he peels the boxers down past his thighs until they drop to his feet. His red and flushed co*ck bounces up eagerly once freed. Shinsou immediately reaches down and his long fingers curl around Katsuki’s aching co*ck and Katsuki can’t help but groan when the fingers overlap, his co*ck looking so small in Shinsou’s grasp. “Such a sweet little co*ck, waiting so patiently for me.” He gives Katsuki a measured pull, dragging over sensitive skin. Katsuki gasps at the sheer relief the pressure provides.

“Not small,” he protests, but the effect is lost in the way he whimpers after the words.

“Sure you are, baby, small and adorable. My perfect little slu*t.”

“Fuuuuuuuck…” Katsuki groans when Shinsou rubs his thumb over Katsuki’s tip.

“I think you undersold yourself in your fics, KitKat. So needy…Just a little co*ckslu*t desperate for dick in real life, aren’t you?” Another firm pull on his dick has Katsuki squirming and his balls starting to tingle. If this keeps up, he’s going to f*cking bust like a teenage virgin.

“Yesssss,” he hisses and almost doubles over in pleasure, Shinsou’s words striking right at his core and making his abdomen clench.

Shinsou’s strokes increase and Katsuki’s legs start to shake. “Shins–”

Shinsou’s hand stops moving and he grips Katsuki a little tighter. “No, baby. That’s not what you f*cking call me,” the warning slithers into his ear and Katsuki sucks in a desperate breath.

“Toshi,” he breathes out in a ragged exhale.

“Good boy,” Hitoshi purrs and Katsuki moans when the strokes resume, faster than before.

“f*ck, Toshi, gonna cum. Please,” Katsuki whines.

“Not gonna stop until you f*cking cum all over my hand,” Hitoshi snarls and that’s all it takes. Katsuki’s org*sm blasts through him in waves and he physically bends over and almost falls, but a strong arm wraps around him and holds him up.

“That’s it,” Hitoshi encourages and continues stroking, milking the org*sm from Katsuki in waves as his dick jerks and cum squirts from the tip. Katsuki shivers as aftershocks barrel through him and his legs wobble dangerously.

The air rushes out of him when Hitoshi pushes him roughly backward, Katsuki’s knees catching on the edge of the mattress and his back bouncing against the surface of his bed. He barely gets a moment to try to get his bearings when a hot mouth is pressed to his and a body hovers over him. He feels so small under Hitoshi. Katsuki sinks back and surrenders, opening his mouth, welcoming Hitoshi to do as he pleases.

He’s breathless when Hitoshi finally pulls away. “Where’s your lube, baby?”

“Nightstand,” Katsuki gasps out when those huge hands grip the insides of his thighs and start kneading the skin. Hitoshi’s eyes watch him with intense focus for a moment, before he turns to Katsuki’s nightstand and opens the drawer.

The realization slams into him only seconds after Hitoshi’s starts rooting around in the drawer. “Wait!” he cries out and tries to sit up, but it’s too late.

“Oh, what’s this baby…?” Hitoshi pulls his purple dild* from the drawer and inspects it like it’s some interesting discovery. He smirks at Katsuki who instantly hides behind his hands, face on fire. God, this man makes him dumb.

He’s so caught up in his mortification that he jumps when his legs are suddenly picked up and pressed to his chest, and his ass is pulled to the very edge of the bed. When he peeks between his fingers, Shinsou is grinning at him. “Baby, you’ve been missing out. This thing isn’t big enough to stretch out my little co*ckslu*t out the way he needs. Maybe good for a warm up, but that’s it,” he says lightly and begins to pour lube over his fingers.

Katsuki’s hands fly from his reddened face to grip the backs of his legs when Hitoshi presses a finger against his clenched rim. Hitoshi rubs over the tight bud, slicking it and smearing the lube liberally, before he presses past his resistance and wiggles the finger deeper and deeper into Katsuki’s hole. He twists the finger and Katsuki groans at the stretch.

“So f*ckin’ tight…” Hitoshi murmurs and begins working his finger in and out steadily for a few moments before he presses another in slowly. The stretch burns a little bit, but Katsuki grits his teeth against the pressure and bears down.

“KitKat I wanna try something from one of your fics, but I need you to agree first…” Hitoshi says cautiously like he’s worried about rejection, but keeps pumping those fingers steadily and spreading them against Katsuki clenching muscles.

Katsuki’s mind whirs trying to think through all of his many works, trying to guess which one Hitoshi would be talking about…and when the image slams into him, his co*ck instantly rises to full hardness and a spark of anticipation zips through him. “Do it,” he says instead. “f*cking need it, Toshi, please!” He’s not above begging.

Hitoshi grins victoriously. “Are you sure, little slu*t?”

“Ye–” Katsuki’s words are cut off as the fog descends over him.

He screams when he blinks back into the real world as another org*sm rips through him violently. All of his nerves and synapses fire at once…his vision spinning and hazy. His back bows off of the bed at the fullness stuffing his hole. He can feel himself shaking as intense pleasure rockets through him. f*cking hell! Harsh breaths grate in his chest as he struggles to get enough air. The co*ck inside him keeps drilling into him, taking him higher and higher while thick warm liquid drips down the side of his untouched co*ck, pooling at his base.

“Toshi,” he moans weakly.

“Welcome back, baby,” Hitoshi purrs, continuing to work the dild* in and out of Katsuki’s ass and pulling on Katsuki’s co*ck, making Katsuki squirm as aftershocks rocket through him and oversensitivity starts to set in.

Hitoshi yanks out the dild* and releases Katsuki’s co*ck so suddenly that he shouts at the sudden emptiness and curls in on himself in shock. He’s only given a moment to cringe at the sensation before Hitoshi slams into him and he cries out at the sudden stretch. “Fuuuuuuuck!”

Hitoshi pushes him roughly back to the bed and lifts each of his legs up over his shoulders. “f*ck, KitKat, just as tight as I dreamed,” Hitoshi grunts out. He pulls back to the tip and drives back in with a loud slap of skin meeting skin, grinding deep and Katsuki swears that he’s rearranging his organs. Hitoshi’s arms wrap tightly around Katsuki’s legs and fingers dig into his thighs. “Can’t believe you’re finally mine…” He murmurs softly and begins rocking in and out of Katsuki’s entrance with lewd wet sounds.

Katsuki’s head tilts back with a p*rnographic moan when Hitoshi’s co*ck rubs deliciously against all of his sensitive spots.

“My slu*tty little writer, is this what you wanted?” Hitoshi picks up the pace and tilts Katsuki hips up even more, until he’s hitting Katsuki’s prostate dead on.

“Yes!” Katsuki gasps out on a particularly hard thrust. He feels so stretched open and full. God, he never knew it could feel like this. His imagination never did it justice.

Hitoshi’s hips piston into him relentlessly and Katsuki feels himself building once again to that perilous precipice. His legs are practically vibrating on Hitoshi’s shoulders. “Are you gonna cum again? Already, baby? I’ve barely gotten started with you…” Hitoshi’s words spark unbearable heat in Katsuki’s guts and his abdomen clenches tight, balls almost aching with the need to cum.

“C’mon little slu*t, cum on my co*ck like a good boy,” Hitoshi growls and plunges in hard and fast.

Katsuki screams when his third org*sm crashes through him, sharp and biting, making all of his skin break out in goosebumps as sweat drips into his eyes. It’s intense and blinding. He clenches his jaw, cutting off the sound as he’s forced to ride the waves crashing over him.

“That’s it, take it all, KitKat,” Hitoshi sounds strained as Katsuki writhes on his co*ck and his hole clenches with spasms.

“Please, Toshi. I can’t. f*ck!” Katsuki hiccups when the pleasure just keeps rolling through him, each one of Hitoshi’s thrusts milking more and more cum to dribble from his slit unendingly.

“Yes you f*cking can, baby. You’ll take as many as I give you. You wanted to be used…so I’m going to use you until you cry. Isn’t that right, KitKat?”

Katsuki wants to beg him to stop so that he can breathe. He wants to plead with him to keep going until he passes out. Katsuki’s head is hazy with lust while his body riots…”Toshi, plea–” The world goes blissfully blank.

“Cum for me, Katsuki.”

Katsuki convulses as the words pull him back with a vengeance. His scream is raw and guttural as an explosion of sensation sears his insides. It feels as if his soul is being viscerally yanked out of his body through his dick.

“f*ck, gonna fill you up,” Hitoshi shouts and Katsuki barely notices the sudden warmth spilling into his guts as tears blind him and splash down his cheeks. He thinks he’s still screaming, but can’t hear it through the rushing in his ears and pounding of his own heartbeat. Every nerve in his body is burning and he giddily thinks this might be what it feels like to be sucked into a black hole.

When Hitoshi finally stills, all of Katsuki’s limbs go limp and boneless, and his mind sinks down into a fog, where everything is soft at the edges and undefined. He doesn’t even register as his legs are gently maneuvered downwards and his body is being shifted fully onto the mattress. It’s with a vague sense of recognition that he feels a firm warmth settle in next to him.

“So good, baby. Perfect in every way,” the words are soft, almost whispered against his ear and Katsuki sinks into them happily. “Gonna take such good care of my little writer, give him all the inspiration he needs.”

An arm wraps around him. Katsuki hums in happiness. He can’t wait to write their future…

Bookmarks and Bedposts - Benderjspark - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Author information

Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.