Winnipeg Jets head coach watch, Sea Bears home opener tomorrow, NHL Conference Finals - Raw Chili (2024)

@@Winnipeg Jets

  • May 23, 2024

Winnipeg Jets head coach watch, Sea Bears home opener tomorrow, NHL Conference Finals

e [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is Winnipeg Sports Talk daily with Andrew Hustler Patterson and Michael Reis hey what’s up everyone hope you’re having a great day welcome to Winnipeg Sports Talk daily Hass and re with you and what should be a fun one got lots to get to today um coach Mike Taylor’s going to jump on with us from the seab Bears wasn’t a great start for the squad last night in Saskatoon hopefully they got some of the rust out though before the big home opener tonight coach Taylor’s going to join us coming up about 25 minutes or so then we’re going to dive into more on the Jets off season and and much more with Ken weeb Ken did text me afterwards and said no wellness check was needed after the golf game yesterday if you missed uh Mike McIntyre’s visit with us Ken was spraying it a little bit I know Ken sometimes takes the uh when he’s not playing well it it affects him but he’s uh he in great spirits and he will be joining us after Mike Taylor uh to talk about Scott arneal the Winnipeg Jets head coaching search the Jets off season and the Stanley Cup playoffs and of course we’ll also tea up the uh game one tonight between the Edmonton Oilers and the Dallas Stars our palmata wano’s going to join us from Edmonton in the second hour of the program uh we’ll get the uh pulse of what’s happening in Edmonton how people are feeling on it keys for the Oilers and stars to win actually dive into a little bit of soccer such a great uh resource for Canada Soccer talk and uh we do have a new manager and that’s not something we’ve really hit on yet on Winnipeg Sports Talk uh and I want to find out more about the the the new skipper for the Reds uh and Matt’s going to be heading down to Copa to see Canada take on Lionel Messi in Argentina next month so we’ll touch on that a little bit but really focus in on the Oilers and stars um going to be a great one great to have you all with us um as I said we’re going to get to we’ve got we got a little bit from Pierre LeBron and Elliot fredman on the coaching search and of course we’ll get to the coach of the year and GM of the Year Awards as well in the National Hockey League uh which um I think both Winnipeg jet Representatives Rick bonus and Kevin chevel off uh got consideration for their representative Awards uh the Scotty sheffler video is out uh the blue jay’s jacket is back we will touch on that uh of course game one last night with the Florida Panthers um stealing home ICE away from the New York Rangers with a shut out win in game number one at MSG just before we bring in Michael Reis welcome to all the podcast listeners thanks for making us a part of your day and shout out to everybody in chat hit that thumbs up button and make sure you’re subscribed to the channel if you haven’t already just before we bring in Remo a big thanks to the sponsors that make wst happen every day uh our friends at ry’s trans for Kolb Canada Princess Auto Consolidated Supply Modern Man Barber Shop Manitoba battery Canadian Club Little Brown Jug Wallace and Wallace F apparel Akens Lake Wilderness Lodge next door at6 sherbrook don’t forget LZ Hood hosting the pwhl finals watch party coming up tomorrow night on Friday uh the beer can Winnipeg gold eyes a cineo Downs Breezy Bend Royal Sports Boston Pizza and we’ll get to a why not question of the day for our friends at not autocorp over at Waverly and mcgilvery let’s get Michael Reis in here and get this party started what’s going on feeling good fun time of year lots of talk about St Stanley could playoff seab Bears watched some of that game last night and uh you know we got the gold eyes in action big win yesterday they’re playing right now and we did announce if you missed it yesterday gold eyes night out June 18 and tickets they’re coming along we’ve sold sold a bunch so shout out to everyone who continues to purchase looking forward to seeing everyone out there but uh you know woke up this morning like hus what are we going to talk about but I actually got a lot of stuff here yeah there is I mean just on that note if you missed the show yesterday we’ve got a date for our first ever Winnipeg Sports Talk gold eyes patio party and we’re going to be utilizing the brand new uh left side patio decks built just below craftbeer corner where I know many of us have spent quite a bit of time at gold eyes games over the past couple Seasons uh it is going to be awesome we’re so excited to get out there have our own area uh with Pub style tables and chairs right by all our favorite concessions and craft beer corner it is going to be great so if you haven’t already and thanks to everyone that jump jumped on immediately and picked up tickets uh if you’re with us on YouTube there’s a link right at the top Link in the description if you’re listening on the podcast uh just simply head over to Winnipeg sports and what is it click on the store Remis yeah click on the store there’s just a gold eyes link it just says gold eyes night at the top so a lot lot of ways it’s in the description of the video too on podcast listeners it’s in the description of that so easy to find uh exactly so yeah jump on those but before uh before they fill up we do have a finite amount of tickets for that patio area but uh especially podcast listeners I mean it’s so great when we’ve done events or you know when we did things like the uh the package over at the jet games um seeing people that we maybe don’t hear from in the chat every day uh but are as loyal listeners to wst as any um so uh fingers crossed we’ll see some of you guys out there as well big jump on those tickets right now uh 20 bucks taxes in includes a ticket and we’re uh going to be getting some special wst Koozies done up as well which should probably come in very handy at something like a Winnipeg gold eyes game um speaking of the gold eyes quickly uh nice start for the fish on home field uh a big win in the home opener and then a big win in the the uh in their second game of the season and I’m thinking well actually we should check in on this right now because the team is actually playing uh they had an early game today um and we should give a shout out to our pal uh Connor rabj who is doing a great job uh if you’re following us on our socials Connor is of and down at the Ballpark early and been doing you know just quick little 30 45 second one minute um previews for the game so sh it to Connor for doing that um but this is the tight one right now fish are up 2-1 oh no we’ve just had a three-run shot by uh by Chicago so top of the eighth right now the gold eyes down four to two we’ll see if they can come back and sweep their Series against Chicago but uh June 18th is our gold eyes night get your tickets join us for what should be an awesome awesome night um re you know we’re going to get to the uh the everything happening in the playoffs but we found out before the game that it was not Rick bonis that won the coach of the year I don’t think it’s a surprise that Rick tett won it and listen Rick tett did an absolutely incredible job start to finish for the Vancouver kxs they went further in the playoffs as well although beating Nashville maybe a bit better of a matchup than going up against a team like the Colorado Avalanche um but for Rick bonus and his final year coaching before retiring to be a finalist for the Jack Adams speaks to the great job he and his staff did which of course does include Scott O’Neal um getting the team to a franchise record 52 wins would have been great to see bones get that award um but Rick toet a very deserving winner I don’t think anyone can be too bent out of shape about it but it would have been sweet for Rick to get that nod on the way out yeah um I wasn’t surprised you know I think Rick was Rick bonus’s award to win last year you know it’s usually like okay which team was the takes the biggest jump from being the worst team to being really good which is why you know like John Cooper has never won uh coach of the year and Rod brendor you could give it to him every year but I mean they’re always good so their chance was last year but they had that second half slide Vancouver went from not a playoff team last year the first in the Pacific uh who I had Jeff Patterson on when you were away in January or something and he was just saying how you know very similar to what Rick bonus did here came in and gave them a lot of defensive structures so look they won the division um they had a great season they were nowhere close last year you know the Jets were a playoff team last year for sure and they had a great season as well finishing fourth in the conference but I not a surprise and the votes really weren’t close H uh tet he had 82 first place votes and 483 you know points with their point system bonus only had five first place votes we’ll see if Ken you think Ken voted for bones as number one he better have going to revoke his great members a great a great question you know you know what the coaches is actually he doesn’t get a vote for that okay the coach of the year is voted by the broadcasters okay they vote for yeah that makes sense so Dan who’s so I guess that would be Dan and Paul yeah Kevin Sawyer yeah I guess I mean I guess is it anyone well maybe maybe Ken will know that well we’ll dive into that a little later on and then we’ll put some true serm into those guys and see if they supported bones or not in the uh in the vote Hey listen I mean unbiased talk had probably deserved it um but as I said it would have been a nice little sentimental choice I thought that if it was really close bones just because of how well he is might get you know a few extra votes um but listen the job that brick tett did was uh was pretty hard to overcome um so congratulations to toet for uh for the Jack Adams uh the GM nominees are out Remis the G the Jim Gregory GM of the Year award in the National Hockey League and not surprisingly because of the way this is voted on no Kevin Cheval off it’s Patrick Galvin Jim nil and Bill Zito as the uh as the finalist for the general manager of the year yeah we thought maybe Kevin Chev would get some consideration I thought he had a great year as GM I mean coming into the season or after last season you thought the team was going to be in shambles they’re going to lose shley lose hellu going to lose on a dubba trade well they signed those two guys and they traded dubis and You could argue they got the better player in valard um they signed bris who helped them win the Jennings as backup you know Nita Rider signed nikov signed um you know the moves at the deadline so I thought he did enough but this is voted by what broadcasters after the second round so they probably looked at and that’s why like Jim Nell he won last year hus great GM he’s done an amazing job but he won last year so how many years does he get to Coast on drafting AER Rob Robertson and heisen in in 2017 that was long is now now they’re coasting on drafting Wyatt Johnson yeah that was 2021 in 2021 the moves so the moves that he made okay so he traded for tanv which was a great a great trade and I think a lot of teams missed out they didn’t have to pay a lot and they sign Matt to Shane um so I don’t know like he did he already had a great team he won last year like what did he do this year it’s GM of the year not GM it’s not a Lifetime Achievement Award so what he’s going to Coast just give it to him the next couple years um Patrick Alvine I think he I think he fine he did a a good job and Bill zero I mean they were Stanley Cup finalist although he did uh they listed the moves that he made uh Bill Zito and it’s all like bottom guys that made a big impact kulov Stanny Steven Lawrence and stolar who was huge for them so I actually you know Bill Zer you can say oh they were in the Cup Final last year but he actually made a bunch of moves Jim nil he stood Pat he didn’t have to do anything they had a great team so they’re look so so they’re saying in his qualifications that he drafted heis and Robertson and ainger in 2017 it’s not GM of 2017 us it’s GM of the Year 2024 he didn’t do a lot of moves in 24 but maybe that’s that’s enough maybe not doing the moves is the moves that he did he didn’t need to tweak listen I I mean I’m not going to say that Jim nil doesn’t deserve to be considered with the top GMS in the league no I’m not saying that for sure yeah he’s he’s a great GM yes he’s up there with one at the top but do but do you remember we were talking about this beforehand like I I guarantee you if the Jets had beaten Colorado and even if they’ lost to Dallas but had gone toe-to-toe with them and lost in the second round Chevy is a f finalist for this division like nobody’s chances for award or recognition got pummeled more than Chevy in this award with the way the Jets went out in the first round of the playoffs the fact that this is voted on after the second round of the playoffs tells you all you need to know like go back year over year over year and see who the finalists are it’s guys that are in the third round of the playoffs so Dallas is there Florida’s there and Vancouver got it on the backs of I mean an amazing turnaround season and Alvine for the record absolutely deserves to be one of the top three GMS even if they didn’t get past Nashville the fact that they went toe-to-toe with Edmonton and took them to seven games still puts his team fresh top of Mind great job by Rick toet which was another choice that they made going forward um but it’s all timing and it is all recency bias and uh if you want to talk about the entire year Chevy absolutely does deserve to be in that conversation uh but much like the way hockey is right now the regular season gets forgotten real quick come playoff time especially if you get disposed of very fast which is what happened to the winter Peg Jets at the hands of the Colorado Avalanche so the second that the Jets were out in five I was pretty sure that Chevy’s chances of being nominated and potentially winning this award like can tell you what if the Jets somehow won those first two rounds of the playoffs I bet he’s announced as the winner um but what can you do uh it’s a team game the team didn’t get it done and uh that had a major effect on Chevy but to your point you look back at this last 12 months at the end of last season moving forward the wheeler buyout the dub trade getting hellu and shle to sign extensions um you know Neo Neer Rider as well considering the challenges in Winnipeg listen I Chevy did a great job last year uh unfortunately did not H get the result in the playoffs that you really need to to be a finalist in this award yeah and and you know they’re going to get I mean I’m these guys are all really good GMS they’ve done a great job building their team but are you giving him like a lifetime achievement for you know the work that over the years or is it GM of the past year so what is Jim nil gonna win again next year when Dallas is really good because he drafted Logan stankoven and Wyatt Johnson and those other guys so uh I don’t know look it’s May 23rd got to come up with stuff to talk about here I was kind of I thought he deserved recognition he didn’t get it they didn’t have success in the playoffs oh oh well we’ll move on if this was voted on at the end of the regular season he’s in yeah he might win it to be perfectly honest I mean Jets finished fourth overall in the league with everything that we just went through I mean if it was voted on like other Awards not only is he a finals he might win it but um it’s voted on we we can’t we can’t change it it’s voted on after the second round and when you go quickly in the first round people forget about you real fast and that’s what happened to Chevy why do they even vote after the like who decided that like why not just vote after the Stanley Cup and just give it to the team the GM of the team that won the cup like the cup what are we doing here yeah obviously the team who wins the cup that’s the best GM of the year I mean obviously like what what are we doing here anyway the fact that it’s in the middle of the playoffs is just so bizarre like I’m sort of with you like you are you going to include the regular season and the playoffs okay sure just the regular season fine no it’s only two rounds the regular season and half of the playoffs it does seem like a very strange compromise when it comes down to uh the way things are things are done right now uh in the Stanley Cup Playoffs but anyways that that’s what happened with our former coach and current GM uh we’ll get into the latest on the coaching process I guess is the the key word we’re hearing from Plenty of the Insiders right now with Ken um but let’s uh hear a quick update Pier LeBron was on Sports Center last night with Jay onrite and just talked about what he’s heard regarding the Jets Scott arneal and the coaching opportunity and opening here in Winnipeg listen I think they felt it important to certainly speak to other candidates we know they spoke with CG rubbe uh they spoke with Todd mclen so it’s certainly not like they sat there and said you know we’re just going to hand this to Scott arneal without even having a process they’ve definitely had a process that process is still not over over and it’s still not 100% but my sense of of it is that it’s most likely going to Scott O’Neal after having gone through this process um again uh I’m not ready to say that’s 100% but I think that’s where it’s uh that’s the leading implication and um and you know you you see this sometimes where you go through the process hear from other coaches which is a useful tool sometimes you know if you’re the Jets and other teams have done this where you get to hear from other coaches about what they think of your team and so it’s it can be a fruitful exercise but all signs point this carneal all right so there there’s LeBron on Sports Center last night and listen with all due respect to the Insiders and the work that they do um because we’re always waiting to get legitimate information from them that last 50 seconds Remis is no different than anything that I could have told you or probably did tell you yesterday on this program or earlier um what do we know they’ve been talking to people we know two names they talked to Craig buuy they Todd mlen they talk to Todd mcleland they’re going through the process Scott arneal is the is the leading candidate and that’s where things are at I mean that was an update with absolutely zero new information based on anything that we’ve been talking about here and anyone that’s been paying attention yeah that’s what we’ve been saying the bit so it just seems like we’re waiting until they announce Scott arneal as head coach um that’s just from the insid of reports that’s kind of what it seems like unless they are waiting for Todd Nelson to finish with Hershey so they can at least get a chance to talk to him that’s what you and Mike talked about yesterday I know so if they are I don’t know why you know what would be taking so long we’ve seen other teams announce head coaches the LA Kings andoun Hiller as the head coach Sheldon Keefe in New Jersey there’s only three teams left that haven’t named a coach it was Toronto with Peru earlier this week it’s the Jets Seattle and San Jose but if we are waiting for Scott arneal like do I bring out the Scott arneal watch Banner the picture we had trots watch for a while are we on our Neil watch right now I mean I think in a lot of ways we sort of are barring you hearing about it now Hershey did win last night they swept in the Atlantic division finals so maybe there is a little bit of time that they can oh they’re already set for the CLE for the uh for the oh wow their series is beginning on the 30th oh my God there’s a week well I’ll tell you what we we brought this possibility up yesterday that maybe if they swept there might be some time Hershey and Cleveland begin their best of seven Conference Final a week today what so yeah I’m I just pulled it up right now in the AHL game number one is Thursday May 30th I had to check the calendar to make sure I wasn’t screwing up what like when we where we are so there’s a week so I’ll tell you what I would be shocked if there isn’t an opportunity to at least have a conversation for a couple hours via Zoom like they’ve done with some others and see you know whether they need to continue waiting or they can move on with it but anyways we’ll get to that with Ken coming up in in a couple of minutes speak coaches the coach of the seab Bears who’s opening up their season tomorrow night in their sold out home opener at Canada life is going to join us in just a moment um let me quickly thank our friends at roley’s transfer familyowned and operated for over 60 years as the most trusted name in moving in Winnipeg and Southern Manitoba for their support uh gang if you are moving this summer we know how stressful that can be let the experts at Ry who ‘ve been doing it for seven decades now take as much of the stress out of the process as possible for you easiest thing to do for you is get on over to their new website at r o l Ys and uh click on that request a quote feature right up at the top of the uh of the screen on the right you’re going to throw in where you’re moving to how much you’re moving all of that when you need it done and they’ll fire you back a a quote real quick and get in touch with you and I’ll hopefully make arrangements to give you the best and safest most trusted move for all of your belongings and prize possessions huge Logistics business so not just in the city but throughout Southern Manitoba flexible times and great prices as well uh the bottom line is roles has been Manitoba’s most trusted name in Moving services for over 60 years and they’re ready to help you and your family on your next move find out more and request your quote today at big weekend coming up it’s not going to be too nice outside apparently which means it’s a great time to go check out the dingling at Spring sale a Consolidated Supply over at 1395 na Aqua Road East um there is some huge huge deals if you’re thinking about a hot tub get down there this weekend 25% off all in stock Hot Tubs friends and family pricing on everything a Consolidated Supply they’ve got new and used Club Car golf carts and some incredible vehicles that could be used commercially as well and they’re now carrying the full line of Crest lithium power tools which include like robot lawnmowers that utilize satellite feeds to uh to take care of your uh of your property um it’s going on it starts on Friday from 10:00 to 6:00 Saturday they’re open 10 to 4: and on Sunday they’ll be doing it again from 10: to 2: so get on down to Consolidated Supply the dingl link it’s spring sale 1395 Nia Road East right up by near the Canadian Mint and you can find out more online at CTE doca you got to power all those tools and maybe that boat the seu the jet ski your camper Donnie and Manitoba battery you’re ready for that you want to shop local get the best prices in town not even have to leave your house that’s where Manitoba battery comes in they always have the best prices beating the pants off the big box stores they’ll also deliver it to you for free anywhere inside the city of Winnipeg with any purchase over 60 bucks uh get over right now to Manitoba and check out all of the special deals they’ve got going on for their spring sale you can order online or pick up the phone they’ll deliver it to you Citywide or pop by and see them either on Logan Avenue or their brand new location on do record again it’s Manitoba and hey big home opener tomorrow for the seab Bears maybe you want to get you know a fresh look to look good at the game which will be packed with fellow seab Bears fans get on down to Modern Man barber shops gang just in time for tip off eight locations in the city of Winnipeg including the newest locations on pie Road and Pema Highway got you covered with Great Haircuts beard shaping shaves color servic and more all the products you need uh easiest way to make an appointment at the nearest Modern Man Barber Shop is to book your look online at modern manb and give him a follow while you’re at it on Instagram at modern manb barbershops all right seabar season is back coach Mike Taylor back in the Peg and back on whip Peg Sports Talk coach it’s great to have you on the show how are you doing doing great Hustler great to be back and can’t wait for the the home opener tomorrow night at Canada Life no doubt about it I mean such a whirlwind for uh for you and the club I mean bringing players in a whole bunch of new players which we’ll get to in a moment um and then how did Camp go overall for you guys well the training camp was excellent you know we uh coming together and and making progress uh was really really positive for us uh obviously last night you know it was a bit of a challenge uh up in sason uh but you know it that’s the way the season starts we we’ve got a lot of work to do uh but I really like our team really like our players and we can’t wait to get in front of the you know Canada Life Center crowd here home in Winnipeg brand new court and uh you know the defending Champions coming into town you know uh uh Mike I mean are we’re fully focused in on the home opener and the rest of the season but um just touch on that I did follow the game I mean you’re just sort of behind it seemed like listen getting lots of looks just a lot of the shots weren’t going in was this a little bit of rust that just uh needed to get off the team before they come and light it up at home well you know what people have to understand it’s it’s this team’s first real game together and guys have to learn how to play together uh again we’ve got a lot of work to do in terms of the details and fundamentals of the game um just guys understanding uh you know what how we’re going to execute our system uh I thought the guys gave really good effort uh you know it was basically a lot of our shot selection we basically settled for a lot of perimeter threes we didn’t really attack the basket like we needed to um but again you know we’ve got a lot of experience guys uh and and again we we’ll we’ll make our adjustments and get ready to go here for Friday but it’s you know it’s a start of a season a bunch of guys coming together new um we’ve got a great foundation in place I really like our team and we’re really excited about Friday uh one thing we can count on is that the uh MVP of the League last year Teddy buckets still can get Buckets uh 40 points last night for Teddy he sort of picked up where he left left off last year it seems yeah Teddy you know he was really good yesterday uh especially we had a lot of foul trouble in the first half uh several players with two and three fouls uh Teddy helped us trim the deficit to five uh before halftime uh and then in the second half you know uh we tried to get over to hump we we cut it close but unfortunately came up a little bit short but again Teddy was very very productive for us the big thing about players learning to play together is just efficiency and I think we can be much more efficient and much more intelligent about our offensive attack uh but it’s great to have a player like Teddy who can really you know get Buckets and and help your team especially when the offense is struggling a little bit you need somebody to get you a bucket throw it over there to Teddy Teddy did really well yesterday you know we’ve had a lot of fun getting ready for the season by bringing on a bunch of the new players um that have joined the club in the off seon and I got to tell you I mean tomorrow night the guy that I’m really excited to see um is Jared Ogen bemy Jackson Who uh started last night uh a Winnipeg guy that has played around the world um coach Taylor tell tell us a little bit about getting Jared on the squad he told us a funny story about not even being able to go to the games last year when he was back home in the summer because he felt like he wanted to get out there and play so much um he really has been around the world playing at a really high level U what have you learned from him so far in your short time with him and what does he bring to the team not only being a HomeTown guy well you love a guy like Jared he’s first class he brings so much experience um obviously the connection at a HomeTown is something special it’s something that he’s thought about and something that he’s wanted to do we were very close to having him active on the team last year but the way things work it it didn’t you know materialized we were so thankful and happy to to add him as our starting point guard uh this year you know all the the different situations he’s been in throughout his career overseas now he gets a chance to play in front of family and friends at home and I know Friday will be a big moment for him you know uh he takes a lot of pride in his City he takes a lot of pride in in being let’s say the the biggest name uh from Winnipeg um and you know I think that he’s GNA get adjusted and accustomed to this league very very quickly uh he showed so much skill and ability yesterday I’ve person view him as a CBL Damen Lillard I think he’s a guy that can really impact the game great three-point shooting uh a little bit undersized but he just is Crafty and really intelligent uh and we’re really really happy to have him on the team I think he’s going to be a fan favorite and he’s going to be a player fans really love to watch at Canada Life Center you know the most recent signing was uh you know was a name that I think even casual basketball fans um would know from his time in the NBA and that’s the seven foot former NBA first-rounder Byron Mullins uh we had a great chat with him kind of telling us about his journey wanted the opportunity to play and uh here in North America in the summer and have his son be able to watch it tell us first of all about courting Byron and getting him to join the seab Bears how that all went and what you hope he can provide Winnipeg well a lot of different coaches stay connected I’ve got a network of friends around the world um you know and you follow different leagues you follow how your friends are doing one of my former assistants is coaching in in Taiwan uh Jamie Pearlman uh Australian guy great guy um and he’s coached against Byron quite a bit over there um so this is kind of how the original contact came through um you know and it was one of those things where we wanted to try to upgrade our front Court three-point shooting uh we wanted to try to improve the experience on our team uh and and Byron became a perfect fit so he was really motivated to play uh he wants to bring his son Baron up to to Winnipeg and and have that fatherson connection uh so there were a lot of positive things about the whole conversation in terms of leading up to the season he’s made a fantastic impression here uh he’s done a great job in practice um he’s been great to work with uh very intelligent and you know again he’s a guy that brings a lot of experience he can you know talk players through situations um what we love about about you know is the fact that he can pick and pop and hit a three and stretch the floor uh he can finish inside and make plays in at The Rim uh and again you know like yesterday he had I think three blocks in the game so he gives us a some Rim protection that I think will be a little bit different here in the cblo I think for for Byron it’s just about he’s played in a lot of different leagues it’s just about getting accustomed to the cebl um but excuse me when he finds that Groove and finds that Rhythm we we expect the fans to to say hey we really like this guy he can he can do it all out there on the floor for for a a such a young team with so many young players um what uh what can how can they benefit from a player even if they’re playing a different position but from playing with a guy that has been a pro at the highest level as well as in so many leagues around the world well there’s the personal benefit you know some of the players that are interested in you know trying to make the NBA you know Byron’s Ben there and he can talk them through different circ*mstances and situations of how to really present yourself well he can talk about some things that he experienced in his career maybe in a good way or a way that he would do differently to try to help pass on to the next generation of players hey this this will put yourself in the best situation possible on the floor he can talk guys through situations he can help them through different coverages uh different reads uh different reactions to to game situations and we’ve already seen it on the floor in training camp he’s made a really positive impression with the players he’s been a a good voice for them sharing experiences um and we’re really happy to have him I think I you know I think it’s great that we get a player of such experience and caliber here um as a young organization uh and he can pass on some of that information on and off the floor to our guys you know one of the other conversations that really stood out of the Sears players that have joined us leading into the season was Alex Campbell and I mean he was he he was phenom Al interview seems like just a phenomenal individual I imagine you you coached him before in Vancouver if I’m not mistaken how excited were you to get him into the fold here with your new club and uh what does he bring to the table I love Alex Campbell um you know he was our main player our Central player in in Vancouver my year with the bandits uh his character um he’s a low-maintenance guy he he just is a team player all the way uh uh you know I have a great personal connection with him uh so I’m very very proud and very thankful that he signed with us you know we signed him for the character and game reasons you know he’s a great defender can hit shots you know he’s a guy that is uh really complimentary and making others better you know last night in the second half he made several great defensive plays for us but I think when you start to take a look at the CBL you know this is a guy who has tremendous accolades you know he’s six points away from becoming the first thousand Point Canadian scorer he’s the alltime cebl leader in minutes played um you know he’s he’s got so much uh that he’s accomplished within basketball um and now you know he brings this experience to our team I think he’s fitting extremely well with our guys he brings great leadership Great Character uh to our team and again I think going to be a player that fans really really enjoy and say hey we really like this guy and appreciate his game here in Winnipeg you know last year I mean one of the one of the many great stories about year one of the seab Bears was the emergence of Simon hilderbrand is not just a player hanging around the team kind of learning for some pros but a guys that went out and played and made some big shots and won some games um he’s now joined by Shawn [ __ ] who was on the practice roster last year uh both of them have been on the program before um they’ve been doing great things at UFM and ufw respectively Moran leading the team into the Nationals again this year I’ve got to ask you from your like did you were you able to watch those guys during the offseason at all and how far have both Simon and Shawn come along since you bid the midu at the end of last season to uh firing things up now well the first thing is both Simon and Shawn are great young men um you know outstanding you know representatives for the the city uh on the court off the court they seem like they’d be really fun young men to coach they are they are really coachable they listen they hard um both are really I think well respected uh around the city and I mean I just love the connection we have with both programs the University of Winnipeg and and Manitoba uh Simon obviously winning usort player of the year last year was outstanding recognition uh for his work uh again he had another good year with Manitoba um and and he’s ready to even take it to the next level here in training camp he shot the ball extremely well uh and he’ll have a significant role with our team we’re we’re really excited about Simon and Shawn is a guy that you know you can Overlook players of smaller stature you know you can go by the metrics and say ah this guy’s this height he’s he’s maybe not tall or whatever but what I think it’s lost a lot is the feel for the game and I think when you’re around Shawn and you watch him play you know he has a tremendous feel for the game then when you build a roster and you put a lot of players out there who like to shoot shoot the ball you know the guys want to want to score want to get Buckets you need a player who’s going to distribute and kind of organize them and I think this is where Shawn’s value comes in um Shawn is is a young player so there will be some challenges playing against the experienced guys and the bigger physical players but he’s smart about putting himself in good situations and he really knows how to play so he’s done very well last year here with us in practice squad he had some ear issues last year but this year he’s come into training camp and he’s done very very well uh so we’re excited about you know having him active um at at different points in the season uh and you know when he’ll get the opportunity to play I know he’ll be a really popular player here among among seab Bear Nation you know staying with the the local flavor obviously I mean all of our listeners are very familiar with big Chad who was the first player signed and uh you know he’s back the one player that sort of merg through camp that is on the roster got into the game last night another local product Darren Watts he is he is the one guy that I I don’t think many people know very much about tell us about Darren when did he come on your radar and um how did he uh battle through and not only earn a spot on the team but get into the game last night in the opener well Darren has been super impressive in training camp that’s a credit to him he actually has been playing through a little bit slight ankle injury a tremendous heart and will and determination um he made our team through our our invitation only Tri out uh the tri out was formed to try to build a practice squad uh we wanted the practice squad to be you know us sport players we’ve got guys from all three of the Manitoba universities Winnipeg Manitoba Brandon uh we’ve got local products that are playing us Sports different places and this was kind of the the main point for for Darren like hey you know you had a a great year with Kirby at Manitoba and you know we want to give you this opportunity to grow and develop your game uh unfortunately one of our draft picks and player last year Tyler seel has been battling some concussion issues so he has been inactive through training camp and this provided the opportunity for Darren to get out there and really show what he can do and I can tell you Darren competed so well in training camp you know like he was he was kind of that annoying player in practices he was going hard uh he was really defending guys like Teddy extremely physically and really competing uh and it was annoying in a positive way like we as coaches loved it it really impressed us he’s very focused as a young player he’s a hard worker uh and I think he’s going to really gain from these experiences like last night in the first half when we had all that foul trouble it’s like okay you know can we go to Darren yeah throw Darren in there and here’s Darren guarding Jaylen Harris so uh I think it’s great experience for him to grow as a player but he’s earned it he’s done really really well and he’s the next in line of the the you know Winnipeg players that that will get a chance to do some things here with the seab Bears well tomorrow night the building’s going to be packed I mean sold out well in advance and welcoming the SE Bears back for year two H like over the off season when you were talking to the players that weren’t part of the club last year doing kind of the recruiting side of the job how much did the support of the Winnipeg fans the scen that players either heard about or saw coming in as visitors how much did that help you when putting together this year’s team well it it’s night and day it helped us tremendously um you know last year as I would present the idea of what the Winnipeg seab bears would be to players they would give me the he Mike that sounds great that’s really a great idea but what is it really and they would be like show me you know so now players that came in and played in Canada Life Center and saw the great crowd and the enthus ASM again several times on the bench guys will be like man it’s like an NBA game in here you know so uh I think it’s first class it’s well done The Fan Experience the professionalism uh to me it’s the best let’s say show in the league um and then you know we in our recruiting one of the things that we did we had Neil Nunan put together a great recruiting video uh and this highlighted you know all our facilities it highlighted you know the fans it highlighted David owner it highlighted everything that Winnipeg had to offer uh and I think this went out to a lot of lot of different players a lot of different people and put a very positive perspective on Winnipeg you know we we’ve got a great homec court advantage the fan support the energy is so positive it’s so great we’re so thankful for it um and you know again we’re we’re very proud of what we’ve established in the first year and we’re really excited to build on it here starting tomorrow night uh I imagine uh it’s not just you that’s excited to get out there I know talking to Jason Smith over the course of the last few weeks so much work happening behind the scenes to getting ready for the home opener and uh now it’s time to get the guys out on the court and uh reintroduce yourselves to Winnipeg fans and uh get win number one of the Season well that’s the goal and you know again it can’t be a more exciting game sellout crowd you know brand new floor you talk about the defending Champions coming in into town so you know we’ll have tremendous support from the seab bear fans you know I think we’ve got a team that is really likable and and really there’s a lot of personalities on it that that you know will represent the city in a great way and there’s a lot of nice positive storylines so you know we’re looking forward to it and we’re thankful for for the whole situation uh coach Mike Taylor the Winnipeg sebr is with us coach a non Hoops question for a minute for you um you’ve been you know way during the offseason working to get this team together you get here to Winnipeg what was the first nonwork thing that you did when you got to Winnipeg was there a restaurant that you had to make sure you come back to or uh you know what anything else that you remembered from last summer like I gotta get there and do that as soon as I’m back I I will tell you you know it’s great to be back in the city sport for Life Canada Life you know the places that we go uh but I will tell you uh Hermanos Restaurant down in the exchange district has been very very good to us um and that that was one of the first things that we as coaches on the first day were like hey what are we doing for lunch so we just you know head over to Hermanos uh they’ve been really good to to our you know stick coaching staff and again it’s little personal touches like that that make a a place special so Winnipeg is a is a special City we appreciate everything that happened last summer and and again you know when we came back hit the ground run and it feeled like all right we’re right back home well now it’s time to uh time to ghetto put the show back on and uh and win some games and compete for a championship Mike thank you so much for doing this it is great to see you back in the peg great to have you back on wst and I tell you what uh myself and I think a lot of the people in the chat right now and listening on the Pod are going to be uh throwing on the gear tomorrow and uh getting ready for the first of 10 home games throughout the regular season best of luck this year cannot wait for tomorrow and I cannot wait to have you back on the show later on this season love it Hustler thank you very much and seab bears Nation let’s go tomorrow night let’s get it going see you tomorrow coach there’s coach Mike Taylor home opener Tomorrow opening up the official Return of the seab Bears to the peg in the CBL uh the team uh you know did lose last night to a Saskatchewan um in their first game but they’ll be ready to go tomorrow and uh if listen if you haven’t been to a game before um do not wait to get tickets do not wait to get out there uh and take it in because uh there was a lot of folks that you know maybe they’d heard about what was happening they rolled around around game N9 or 10 and then we disappointed that the season was over because they didn’t get there earlier so uh listen uh tomorrow no dice for tickets game two through 10 still available um and we’ll be doing some giveaways for the seab Bears as well on the program here in the um here over the course of the next uh I would say well three or four weeks um so stay tuned to Winnipeg sports talk for that as well all right Ken weeb going to join us in a few minutes um just before we bring in Weber quick update on the bombers via Derek halor Derek Taylor bombers back at practice today uh great chat yesterday on the bombers by the way with Darren bombing if you missed it go back and check out yesterday’s pod or YouTube show uh no Nick howlet today no Kenny Lawler no Drew waltari Tui Eli wither stone jayen hall Stanley Bryant had a light day um you know speaking of the bombers we are going to uh have a pretty good report for you tomorrow on wst because Remis and myself are both heading to the taste of the bombers event this evening at uh Princess Auto Stadium I went last year it was phenomenal um so pay attention to the wst Instagram I would suggest and Twitter later on today we maybe fire out some of our favorites from this taste of the bombers event I’m looking forward to it of course Princess Auto stadium is not only a home of your Winnipeg Blue Bombers but it is also going to be home of the biggest and best Canada Day party in the city and who knows maybe the country on July 1st and it’s absolutely free gang the bombers and princess putting on the Canada Day celebration at Princess Auto Stadium for the entire family Monday July 1st activities start at noon with a local market food trunks face painting storytelling Inflatables and more so bring the entire family down um and then the entertainment gets going at 3 pm. with MainStage performances featuring neighbor Andy Katie St Germain Indian city Brandy vzna and then doc Walker and headliner the Sam Roberts Band fireworks lighting up the city skyline Dusk and again it is absolutely free so uh mark it down you don’t need to buy a ticket just plan to be there Canada Day July 1st at Princess Auto stadium and again thanks to Princess Auto for their support you can pop by and see them on Panet Road Portage Avenue West or shop online 24736 65 at princess um man our friends at Wallace and Wallace are busy right now Winnipeg’s fencing at Overhead Door a specialist you’ve seen their fences and trucks all over the city uh why because they’re the best in the biz and they’ve been doing it since 1946 if you need the security and protection of a new fence or if Winter’s done a number on your old one give them a call they got vinyl ornamental welded wire chain link wood fences whatever you need and hey if it’s time to replace your garage door touch base with them because they’ve got Winnipeg’s biggest selection of overhead garage doors something perfect for your property uh 452 2700 is the number uh the Wallace and wson team will arrange time to come out and give you a free estimate you can also visit them Wallace or pop down to their Showroom on louson Crescent off of keniston and uh hey is the weather gets nicer although it doesn’t look like it’s going to be very nice this weekend you’ve seen that rainfall warning um you know what’s coming up wedding season big events if you need to up your Men’s Wear game for those events get them down to F apparel today uh of course F apparel is the leading Men’s Wear spot in town with custom suits beginning at 400 bucks along with chinos golf pants custom shirts both tucked and untucked styles and an incredible selection of men’s wear accessories um if you’re in a wedding party or having a wedding talk to the guys at at F about a 15% discount for the wedding party when you get your suits at F apparel and don’t forget there a free custom shirt uh and tie offer for 2024 High School grads getting ready for their big day you can find out more about that in store at 190 Smith Street or find out for more information and make an appointment to come in for a fitting at F that’s e pH and hey a big congrats to our friends at Akens Lake Wilderness Lodge the uh prepping is done and now the guests are flying in from around the world to take in the aens experience folks if you’re looking for a world class flying fishing destination where you can be on the water in less than two hours from the city of Winnipeg Akens lake is the spot and I’ll tell you what as incredible as the fishing is the hospitality of the Akens team and the TR family even better if that is possible I’ll find out more about options for both corporate outings uh indiv visual trips and more at aens booking well into the back end of the summer right now and if you want more information just on the feel of Akens Lake go to their socials at Akens Lake and find out more maybe we’ll see you at Akens a little later on this year all right ream um we’re gonna have Ken join us in just one minute this is actually a nice way to Tee It Up we kind of you know had Pierre’s report uh from Sports Center last night um just before we bring in Ken weeb here’s a the latest on the Jets coaching search from Elliot fredman a quick hitter from earlier on SiriusXM NHL radio I have heard that someone’s just got to beat out Scott arneal they’re going through their process but they’ve just got to see if someone honestly beats them out uh that’s what I’m expecting there so I’ve been leaning our Neal there for a while I know they’ve been talking to people but I think the Judge wanted to just see if there was anyone who was actually going to beat him out all right let’s bring in Weber from the Winnipeg Free Press who despite my concerns yesterday is in great spirits despite a little bit of a wayward driver yesterday in the media game with mszy and the Fellas how are you my friend uh Andrew great to be with you yes uh I was I was catching up on my on my drive home from work and uh I texted you uh voice texted you immediately when I when I heard the pleas for a check-in wellness check so uh happy to happy to report that the uh the spirits remain high The Joy level is High um yeah life is good outside of a bit of a rough go on the driver front it was a really fun day and uh it’s always one of those subtle not so subtle reminders hus when you when you play in the group with the uh three-time defending Manitoba amateur champ men’s amateur champion and he’s flying it uh you know 290 to 310 uh sometimes it’s hard to keep the tempo dialed down when your playing partner is uh is going all out on the course but uh fabulous day uh great day today got a lot uh got a lot going on here just got off the phone with Jimmy Roy spoke with Jacob Julian this morning about the Memorial Cup experience which will be on the horizon for the uh Jets forward Prospect with the London Knights coming up here but uh yeah Life’s good hus great to be with you and uh looking forward to getting out on the course with you because then I then I know I need to just keep my Tempo down and have some fun uh had a couple of one happy to report a few one putts the other day that was and and a birdie hus there was one birdie that uh it on on Mike’s uh tough bunker hole I I managed to roll one in from the back Fringe that if it didn’t hit the flag it would have been in the same bunker that Mike couldn’t get out of so hey it’s all it matters is where it lands at the end of the shot um Ken you know we just played that clip from Elliot and you know and Pierre said oh they’re going through the thing listen we’ve heard that they’ve talked to Craig barui and they’ve talked to Todd mcleland um you know we continue to hear they’re going through the process and they’re talking to people any idea about anyone else that the Winnipeg Jets have talked to other than the two names that have been reported yeah I mean Dave haxall I think is someone that they would have talked to but again I I wonder if that’s for an associate option hust right I mean at the start of this process there were a ton of chair that that seemed to be open and now they’re basically down to you know outside of Winnipeg they’re down to Seattle where Dave was the head coach who was removed and San Jose where you know they’re now speaking of permission sounds like Marco Sturm will be uh right in the thick of things for the San Jose Sharks house so I mean this is sometimes has happened right sometimes the guy who applies for the head job also gets offered the associate job at the end of the day so you know we know the ties Pall has to UND into the area uh I could seriously see him as a as a candidate for an associate coach job and and outside of that we’re trying to connect the dots uh you know again I don’t have this on any Authority Dallas Akens is another guy hust who I wonder given his um you know situation I wonder if an associate job would be appealing to him but I know he did some work on the GM front overseas the last year so um outside of that I don’t you know again there there would be some other um you know could Carl Taylor be someone they all we’re focused on Todd Nelson but I mean Carl Taylor is a guy that the you know the Moose would be familiar with from seeing him a ton of over the last few years also uh you know they could be waiting on him as well but uh and I know you’re talking with Mike and about others during the week but I personally don’t see an opportunity to interview a coach between rounds hus I mean I just I know they do it in the NFL but to me I don’t think in good conscious a coach can you know you can say all you want about being focused on the next round but if if you’ve looking you can’t be taking your other job while you’re in the middle of a playoff race that’s just not fair to your organization or to the team that you’ve invested uh the entire season with so I don’t see there again I could be completely wrong but I would highly I would highly doubt it that there would be an opportunity to go in between normally I would I would totally agree with you although I did just look at the AHL schedule they won yesterday their series doesn’t start again until next Thursday yeah I understand there’s a week between these two so I all I’ll say is if there was ever the chance to do it it’s the time when there’s a week off between series not saying that it will be but I guess I mean is this a waiting game for the end of the cder Cup playoffs potentially to talk to Todd Nelson before they do anything well H I mean I understand that we you know in the positions that we’re in I mean we’d love the announcement to be today but I mean to be honest the draft is still over a month away so would the Jets like to have their head coach in place before the draft and maybe a couple weeks before absolutely but they don’t need to announce their head coach on May 24th they’re going to have their amateur meetings they’re going to have their Pro meetings the time when the head coach has the input in that period of time before free agency in the draft because maybe there’s some moves coming at the draft that we’ve speculated on for the last month or so you don’t really need that input until probably you know two weeks down the road you could probably push it to three if you really had to so to me I I don’t although we again we’d love this to be announced yesterday but I don’t see there being a you know hypers speed uh situation required where you’re trying to make sure someone else doesn’t get the candidate or whatever else you know could that be hap could that still happen sure I mean but I don’t see that being a an issue I think they want you want to be as patient as possible uh ultimately you want to get the you know want to get the call right but again both what pier and and and Elliot have reported how since it’s been what you and I have been talking about basically since the vacancy has has been open so uh I don’t see any change in that front but I do think that people that want to coach hired tomorrow should be a little bit patient and I because I don’t otherwise you’re going to be disappointed is my is my is my personal view yeah I mean I I’m just looking at this schedule so the the the series starts on May 3 30th game seven and this is the semis we’re not talking about the final year game seven is on Wednesday June 12th so the earliest the cder Cup Final could possibly start would I guess be the 14th or 15th that series could go two weeks you know what two weeks from that weekend is y the NH draft like there is the possibility that if Todd Nelson and the Hershey Bears win and keep going to The cder Cup finals that they they wouldn’t be able to talk to him before a very very important week for the organization sure H I just would put it to you this way if you were a the boss of the Hershey Bears or B the H the boss of the parent organization that runs the Hershey Bears could you in good conscience say you know I love what you’ve done for us Todd I know we won last year would you like to apply for your next job in the middle of the playoff I just don’t see that scenario being front of mind uh and again I I don’t recall previous situations when it has happened I’m not saying that it hasn’t happened I just I don’t even know that you could I don’t even think if you’re Kevin Chev have you’re asking for permission uh under that scenario knowing that just put the shoe on the other foot if if the Moose were the team in the playoffs right now and teams were banging on the door to talk to Mark Morrison I don’t know can can you be comfortable like you’re basically saying that guy might have one foot out the door before you play your most important games of the year and I just don’t think that that’s fair to the players who you’ve been coaching or to the organization that you currently work for that’s why I don’t think it’s going to be except the fact that it’s the American Hockey League and we’re talking about an NHL job like NHL has no issues pulling up a player to the National Hockey League when needed I mean that is the goal of everyone in that league right to get I guess the question is Ken might the success of Todd Nelson and the Hershey Bears this year take him out of the equation and make him not a possibility to even talk to the team before they feel they need to make a decision well I mean we have evidence to suggest that maybe that’s what happened to him last year already right as you know there were a few more vacancies before the draft last year before the cder cup finished I mean that went the distance it went all seven games and and you had two guys in that situation with Dan BMA also again and Dan BMA is a candidate for the Seattle job now so um yeah I mean sometimes but Al it’s also a reminder that you know if you are that serious about the candidate that you’d be willing to wait I think so again and things in free agency of course the the coach would the next coach will have some input but again we’ll have to see how it again we don’t know exactly how these people feel about the scenario either and um it’ll be interesting to see how it all unfolds I mean the fact that the Jets spoke with Todd mclen I think that’s you know that’s an encouraging sign and it’s a name that we’ve talked about hus I mean Todd mclen was in the IHL when the Moose were in the IHL then was in the AHL when the Moose were in the AHL before he went on to you know his assistant coaching job with the Detroit Red Wings and then moved on from from his variety of experiences that he has had so um yeah I just think it’s sort of status quo right now uh there could be some other candidates at whether it’s the junior level I mean another uh Patrick Williams R palal who used to work in this market who covers the AHL so extensively I had asked him about a couple other names he was curious maybe about someone like Mitch love uh former you know former coach of the year at the AHL level I believe he was on the Spencer carbury staff this year in Washington that might be a guy who you know there would be some interest in but um it’ll be interesting to see but again I I as we sit today the guy in the poll position is the guy who’s been in the poll position from the beginning and you know we’ll see what happens there and again I know you didn’t ask me about this but this has been something that’s been showing up I know it’s showing up in your inbox and on my mentions um this whole Theory about the regular season not mattering because the Jets flamed out in the playoffs hus I mean I want to put that that narrative to bed right now h of the four teams that are left who’s left three division winners and the team that was the hottest team after being 31 in the NHL so people saying that the regular season doesn’t matter those people need to wake up hus because the regular season did matter for all four teams that are in the final four so that doesn’t take the Jets off the hook for not reaching the level and raising the level but for everyone who says you should dismiss arneal out of hand because he’s been on teams that lost in the first round both years come on that that that’s not how it works you you definitely have to grade the playoffs differently than the regular season sure but that’s not a that’s not a uh Scarlet Letter on the resume because he was on that staff I mean that’s just not the case no I mean Rick bonus was up for Coach the year last night like there was right listen like that group did it did a lot like I I think we’d all agree that just the public perception of an arneal hire would look a heck of a lot better if they perform better in the playoffs but again he wasn’t the head coach you know he he certainly had a hand in a lot of what happened and you know speaking with the players I mean you do it on a daily basis I mean there’s a great connection there for it there’s a lot of things going for Scott um in this and I think there’s still a lot of people that might be maybe a little quieter about their opinions um that like the thought of moving forward with as much continuity from this coaching staff that did such a good job for the last couple of years we just come back to this you know we hearing about the process and the you know the process so far is from We Gather is like a couple of Zoom meetings um the Jets do things quietly though I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some other people that have been interviewed um that you know we don’t know about at this point and maybe we’ll find that out later on as you know we did after the the the bonus hire and you know Kevin shevell sort of opened up with some of the people that they talked to I’m just interested as to you know where this leaves Arie the front runner right now I mean basically and this comes back to Todd Nelson because we’ve heard often that he is a guy that was in consideration last year and as you mentioned did so well that you know maybe didn’t really get a chance to talk to them you know if he is a guy that you know they want to talk to can they wait that long to do it like what do you think the chances are that the Jets don’t have a coach in Vegas when they’re making their selections yeah I mean I would say that it’s unlikely but again if that is the person at we are all thinking that Scott arneil is at the top of that list and rightfully so if Todd Nelson is at the top of the list then the then you wait I mean like there’s teams course he’s not on the top of that list is he on the list like do they need to wait that long to do that I guess or are they confident enough that they could go ahead and make a decision without even getting to that point of talking to a guy that you know from many different reports there was some interest in sure but I mean t us the other part of that equation if you’re wanting input like Scott O’Neal and the staff can already provide input on like future roster decisions right now and I mean Todd Nelson if he gets the job I mean he’s going to be over the moon getting the job like some of the other guys around the league like Andrew Brett and some of the other guys so um this isn’t a situation where we’re not expecting the Jets to make sweeping changes so um I don’t think that you know waiting till the last second isn’t is an issue like you if you want Todd Nelson you wait for Todd Nelson and that’s just the way that it’s going to be I mean the the hus we’ve been to the draft so many times even if it’s a new coach or an older coach the coach is just around to shake hands he’s not around there like he’s not whispering in Mark hillier’s ear saying hey take that uh defense right shot defenseman out of Moosejaw like that’s not the job of the head coach now would the would the head coach influence some of the free agents sure but like you still would have there’s still going to be time for those opinions to be uh shared but the over like the lists will already be built on those fronts before that happens so again I I I wish I had a better answer for you hus this is this is the way that it works not a lot of organizations are out there saying hey this is who we’re interviewing and by the way like even Brad TR living saying there’s nine there were nine people they spoke to well of course all the super sleuths are trying to get work their way down the list but I mean I have yet to see someone who has all nine names right it’s part of the fun but why is that such a guarded Secret in hockey like I think about the NFL and those guys have other jobs though H most of those guys not all those guys are free agents some of them have other jobs so it can impact your standing in um you know in your or own organization I guess whether you’re an assistant or an associate or whatever else I guess but again we we we all want it to be more transparent the Atlanta Falcons were tweeting out sure that’s we are interviewing this guy he’s the defensive coordinator of the Seattle Seahawks or whatnot that’s more of a newer development but hey would we love to see that of course we would I mean and would there be some benefit to it I think in some ways yes yes but um again I think here there would be I think absolutely here there would be because listen I mean everyone’s going to have their own opinion um and to be honest I think most of the opinions are probably leaning on the more uneducated side I mean realistically how many people do really know about you know the coaching skills and what each individual guy brings to the table but when we’re talking about you know the team going through the process I mean so far all we know is there’s been two Zoom calls like what what is the process right now that I think more information on that would certainly help the Jets um regardless of what the decision is at the end I think give confidence that they are doing all of the things that every stakeholder would expect that you would do to get the best possible guy for the job sure hus but I mean that it that’s just hasn’t been the way that the things have been done around here it’s not the way that Kevin Cheval off prefers to keep things close to the vest and and you know I think that people understand that um you know however many as I don’t know that the number of people interviewed is a huge you know something that is of again it’s of interest to us for sure and I do think there’s other interviews that are being held but I don’t expect that they’re going to be overly transparent about who gets interviewed uh that just isn’t really the way that not a lot of teams in the NHL are are really going on like again we know we know the people that have were believed to be interested in the New Jersey job or even interviewed but you know at the end of the day I don’t think the Tom Fitzgerald’s out there saying you know we interviewed eight guys and you know four were from the American League and three were unemployed previously and you know one of them was Sheldon Keith right so I don’t know and the other thing to just a quick side and I think it’s noteworthy because of where things stand not a ton of people were super pumped about Peter laviolet uh all we heard about Peter laviolet when he got hired was oh congratulations he’s coached every team in the in the Metro division yeah great you wanton a Stanley Cup in 2006 but like what have you done for me lately why are they hiring a recycled coach well all that recycled coach did was lead them to the president’s trophy in the final four um and again one of the year before laviolet didn’t make the playoffs this year the team that he coached won the President’s Trophy and we know the connection with Peter lavet and Scott O’Neal they worked together Peter raved about him when he was through town um so and again what happened to the Rangers last year hus first round flame out and they were up two nothing against New Jersey right things three1 I think two definitely 3-1 yeah yeah anyways yeah it it turned around things change things change quickly when you have a core that you can believe in and that you invest in and all of those things so uh it’s going to be fascinating to see and you know again we know that it’s it’s a it’s a big story in the market uh but to your point how many people saying that Scott arneil is the wrong choice of even watch Scott arneil run a practice or run a b like they’ve seen the small sample size running the bench and I would say anyone who has a issue with how Scot or Neil around the bench when he’s running the Jets bench I think they’re just looking for an issue for the sake of looking for an issue could be another up because the because the results kind of speak for themselves in that scenario so anyways Wonder at right now just you know because it is it is a unique situation that you know he was the associate coach yeah he I’m sure feels he’s been very straightforward he is hoping to get this job and you know going through the process and if that process takes a much longer period of time I I I do wonder you know where he fits in in you know all those conversations that we talked about that you do want some input in from guys on your staff is there any possibility that Arie doesn’t get the like if he doesn’t get the head coaching job does that mean he probably won’t be here next year or do you think that there’s a possibility he would stay in that role even if they went a different direction with the head knock well again I think only Scott arneal knows that answer but I I mean we we know for people who don’t know um you know Scott is a full-time resident of this Community uh there have been many years where his wife lived in Winnipeg and he lived in those other markets when he when he worked in those other markets so uh do I anticipate Scott arneal leaving after two years in the market no but again I don’t know how you’re feeling if if you get passed over for the job again I don’t know how you’re going to feel it’s still you know associate coach is an excellent job in the if you’re not a head coach let’s put it this way being the associate coach in your hometown I would say that there’s a lot of appeal for that but at the same time I mean I don’t you know it’s impossible to know unless you’re Scott or Neil but I would expect him to be on the staff next year either way but again it we’re dealing in hypotheticals and that’s our job but you know it also depends on who’s coming in I mean how many people on the staff are you changing over and hus to your point if you’re waiting until the end of June I don’t think that the true north or the Jets are going to you know blow out their entire coaching staff outside of Wade FL if you hire a new head coach right so um I do expect SC let’s just put it this way I do expect Scott Neil to be on the staff uh but again I would think it’s more likely that he’ll be in the head coaching position than the associate but you know I don’t have a direct line uh to someone telling me that and saying that it’s a done deal because it’s if it was a done deal it would be done right I mean this is great great comment from isab boy in chat uh let’s not forget there were people ready to to move on from Bones after the Jets went 9 and2 under Arie earlier this season that certainly the Wind Blows the wind blows in different directions in in our community here there’s no doubt um what about Brad lower I mean listen if you want to if you want a nitpick on what happened last year I mean really special teams which are so important right now were you know a real um I mean there was something that you know were a negative for the Winnipeg Jets this year and listen I mean you made a great Point earlier talking about what Arie did like talking about Scott Arne’s work over the last two years with the power play and there’s people that being the power play stunk this year the power play was seventh in the National Hockey League and improved greatly the year before um we can maybe get your thoughts on what was different this year as opposed to last year but before that I mean Brad Low’s spot on the club is that dependent on who the next head coach is and How likely is he to be back yeah I mean I I understand that uh you know some people would like blood on their hands I mean I would think that in this type of again you you won’t know for sure until the head coach is hired but if the Jets were certain that they were going to remove Brad L they would remove Brad low at a point where he could find another job whether that be in the Western Hockey League or or with another NHL team so uh the fact that there have been no changes to the staff so far yes of course if someone else other than Scott O’Neal is hired uh there could be a change or two and and maybe there would be but um I don’t know I mean again it’s to me of course coaching is important hus but uh execution is ultimately the thing that I look at personally of course the coach has to have a role in it because they oversee those units uh but you know Again Brad low has been a smart guy at a lot of levels he’s run you know a pretty effective power play uh when he was with the Tampa B lightning and hus we saw it firsthand when the Edmonton Oil Kings were playing the ice um their power play was pretty darn good with a guy who’s actually playing at the world championship right now in Dylan Gunther right so uh this year the Jets didn’t get it done with the man Advantage they were too static uh there were lots of times where they didn’t have all of their weapons at their disposal and I mean to your point earlier in the week hus we all thought this was the year that Nikolai ERS would be uh rolling on the top unit we no no one would have had on their Bing go card a zero Power Play Goals for an entire season for a guy with his skill level that played all 82 games like there’s just no there’s no scenario the power play I mean well no I understand that but I mean sort of a decision based in he was also on the top unit for a while and it it didn’t work it didn’t click so but again that that’s something that can’t happen Nikolai heers whether he’s playing here or elsewhere I would bet the over on on 0.5 for Power Play Goals next year heavily over hey what what look listen while you bring up eers um where are you at on his future right now and I guess a bigger question I hit this with Mike yesterday I’m interested in where you are at right now as we get towards the end of May like how significant do you think this roster might be uh changed um up and and if so where and maybe just start with the potential of eers um and uh you know his future with the Jets yeah I mean we’d have to know what the convers I mean there’s going to be a conversation at some point for the draft with Nikolai E’s representatives and uh and the Jets I in terms of what they’re looking for long term and if those things don’t match or align then if you’re the Jets your your options are roll the dice uh you know play the year on the expiring contract with Nikolai as a self rental or they look to change the roster construction by moving him probably at the draft for you know present in future assets so um you know again I would say it’s more likely than not that he has played his last game with the Jets unless he has a number in mind that is comfortable for the Jets and they want to move on together hus it’s also possible that the new coach is is is in those meetings with Kevin Chev day off saying I want Nikolai eers to be a first liner and on the first Power Play right I mean we don’t know that unless we’re in those conversations um if that were something that Nikolai eers heard I would imagine that’s music to his ears uh but without hearing that it would be hard to imagine a scenario where he’s ready to commit the next six to seven years of his career at a place where he’s not going to be a full-time first liner and on the first Power Play because there’s lots of teams around the league where we expect that he could be that player so again I would expect if I’m if you’re you know if you’re asking me on the cool B lines today I’m betting that Nicolai eers is elsewhere but the Jets aren’t giving him away we’ve got a long history with Kevin Cheval day off that would suggest he’s not going to say like the Jets aren’t going to be willing to lose the trade to move eers because he’s not a problem he’s a highly skilled asset who has the potential to give more and you know become a pointed game player well for sure you’re never I mean you’re always looking to to win the trade big but often you’re looking for different things like do you think that like if eers is traded um are you getting back like is it mostly in Futures I guess like what what would aer’s package look like like is it more about down the road or is more about next season well h i mean we got to connect the dots here if you sign Mark shley and Conor hellu to eight-year extensions that go into play next year and you tell them you’re competing what message are you sending if you’re trading Nikolai eers for a first round draft pick and a you know a guy in the miners or coming out of college that is a maybe a third pairing guy I mean of course you want to have some element of Futures given the you know the draft Capital that was sent the door at the deadline but if you’re moving eers you have to have someone who’s going to be an impact player because he’s already an impact player like you can’t afford to bank on uh you know four years down the road the Jets have said outwardly that yeah they didn’t realize their goal after finishing fourth in the NHL it was a first round ouer but they’re not going to suddenly say oh yeah thanks for committing Mark and Connor we’re going to go Futures heavy here I I just don’t see that scenario unfolding they’ve been a cap sealing team hus they’re going to be a cap sealing team now to your earlier question of course the roster is going to look different unless they’re bringing back all those ufas which I don’t think they could afford to do that even with the cap going up anyway but they also have some internal candidates you’re Brad Lamberts that have to be pushing in for jobs uh you have to have vly Hana on the roster and you got to change the defense SC whether you’re keeping Brennan Dylan and or Dylan Dello or not you have to upgrade that part of your team or else it’s going to be hard to Envision them getting past a Dallas or a Colorado uh who you know may be getting Gabe blandis scog back based on what he said earlier or they’ll be getting him back we just don’t know if it’ll be in September or April yeah you know sorry and let me clarify I’m not saying you can’t have someone that you want to grow into a bigger job but you can’t trade a guy who is a consistent 20 plus goal scorer with the potential to score 40 or a guy who might hit I just don’t see that being they have to either get a top four defenseman hus or a top six player if you’re moving eers yes of course you’d love a first round draft pick in addition but you can’t move him for only for futures it doesn’t align with what they’re doing and their window the only thing I’ll say about that is that this is not a guy with four years left on his deal I mean no but you’re trading him somewhere where you think you can like I know you use the example of Utah like if you’re Utah you’re trading for eers because you’re signing him to an extension and then you have the ability to move some of those second round picks because you have a bushel of them right but if you trading eers without an extension is a way different looking at package than trading him with an extension in hand for me anyway yeah same thing with tro I know there was no extension in place when the deal was made but the Rangers were pretty confident they were going to get the deal done based on when the deal got done Hey listen if you can if you can trade him if you’re planning on trading him and if you can do it with an extension I mean obviously that helps you I mean the player can always say ah you know what I’m going to see what happens this year and I’m going to see what goes down at unrestricted free agency and then you’ve got an asset with the most of the sand out of the egg timer and coming back into a situation and then you have to think about doing it at the deadline and I mean we talked about you know you talk about you know where shafley and Connor are at on something like that you know the important players that have committed to the team I mean Kevin sh off’s job first and foremost to do what’s right for the franchise not necessarily individual players and to be honest just as we’re talking about eers I’m not sure where hbu’s in on this but I mean considering the history of shley and his preferences with who he plays with as much as I think a lot of fans might be driven nuts by an eers trade I’m not so sure that would be the case with Mark shley yeah again I I don’t want to you know I’m not going to get into the speculation bolt there hus I mean we know that how how highly he has spoken of Kyle Connor I mean they’ve had some nice runs together as a as a trio but just on to your point of what you were just saying like how many people in Carolina were saying that they should trade the eight pending ufas this year when they were a top five NHL team none to my knowledge now they’re going to have to deal with the consequences wish they did it now I don’t think they do do you I mean they thought they were stand the Cup team right exctly yeah the only one team wins this is why I’m saying I mean we all want definitive answers I mean we’ve seen the scenario where the Jets have you know played out the last year with with players in 2018 and they made it to the conference final again with the 2020 hindsight or were people saying oh well you should have traded Myers and sherro and and Brandon tanov no no one was say I mean again afterward after the fact you might be saying that but you weren’t saying it at the time so um you know Nikolai eers has signed two contracts with the Jets and he’s given them a lot of great years so the whole you’re trading it you’re you’re giving him away for nothing I mean I don’t necessarily believe that as much but I’m also not saying that you have to keep the asset but this guy has been a productive player when he’s been healthy he’s been a very productive player given the minutes that he’s played does he want more minutes yes so you have to either find a scenario where you’re giving him more minutes or you’re sending him to a place where he’s getting more minutes but sure hus I mean with some big ticket players there could be an element of Futures but you got to hit on those few you got to be you got to be sure you can’t be rolling the dice here you have to make sure you’re bringing in players who can have an impact on the roster otherwise keep the player on the roster and see how things play out something tells me we’re gonna have a few more weeks to continue this conversation um hey Weber just quickly before you go mat Wan’s coming up from Edmonton in just a minute um before we go um just quickly your thoughts on Dallas Edmonton dropping the puck tonight in game one yeah I think it’s going to be a great series I mean a lot of people sort of discounting the Oilers because it took them seven games well big deal they got the job done I mean this is a team that has shown to be one of the best teams in the NHL uh as Elliot likes to say Chris noblock showed some brass ones at certain points of the series um you know going to winnipegger Calvin picker for the two starts and he did a nice job in those starts and again he sat down Corey Perry one of the most experienced players on the roster for two elimination games and it worked out for them so I expect the Oilers to give Dallas plenty anytime a team has two of the best five easily best five players in the NHL if not better uh they have a chance but at the same time I anticipate Dallas is going to win the series but I don’t think that the Oilers are a pushover in this series at all because of their ability to defend uh I love the way steuart Skinner bounced back I know he wasn’t overworked after he got the n back but did a nice job I know people are going crazy because they got the two quick goals I mean it’s not like these are floaters from the blue line unimpeded with no traffic so uh I expect the Oilers to play well but I expect Dallas to win the series I think in six or seven but only because I think they’re the deepest team in the NHL and that’s not a knock on the Oilers they’ve improved I just think a lot of things are going to need to go right for the Oilers especially at five on five in order for them to win the series as long as auder holds up Weaver great stuff hit him straight we’ll talk to you soon thanks so much for doing this folks check out all of Ken’s work in the Winnipeg Free Press and we’ll talk to you soon my friend thanks for having me H Care by the way uh June 18th mark it down we got a spot for you with us for our the gold eyes wst patio party right on Ken also in along with Mike looking forward to it thanks pal there’s Ken weeb um hey you know what shout out to Weber we’re going to actually go to Edmonton right now with matuk talk a little more Edmonton and Dallas but first a big cheers to our friends at Little Brown Jug you train day in and day out learning new techniques approaching New Concepts and living out the thrill of achieving your goals building a craft beer is no different while you spend your hours on the ice we spend ours here Brewing our trademark beer again again and again here’s the pushing the status quo and challenging ourselves to build something memorable 1919 by little brown ju all right and cheers to our friends at Little Brown Jug going have a couple of those this weekend maybe it’s the seab Bears game on uh on Friday actually um do want to remind you all this weekend uh you winnipeggers love good deals there are no deals like the deals at the Royal Sports tent sale it is set up hopefully the weather cooperates although everything will be under the tent um but thousands of pieces of merchandise on sale everything at least 50% off I said a thousand they’ve got 2,000 pairs of shoes tons of apparel uh Converse on Puma Adidas DVS and more if you’ve never been to one of the royal tent sales get down there on Saturday and on Sunday 750 Pema Highway tons of licensed merchandise dice as well all at the best deals you will find maybe in your life to be perfectly honest with you I’ve I have often gone and uh basically taken care of about two years worth of shoe shopping in about 15 minutes at the Royal Sports tent sale 750 pem highway and follow them at Royal Sports Winnipeg um or sorry Royal Sports uh yeah oh was now Royal Sports Winnipeg on Instagram because they’ll have more details some photos of what’s going to be sold on the weekend the deals that are coming up and any further information based on the weather for the tent sale as well Saturday Sunday Royal at 7:50 Pema Highway uh Remo and I are popping by Princess Auto Stadium today for the taste of the bombers cannot wait for that uh we will also be looking forward to uh tipping a few Canadian clubs of Princess Auto Stadium coming up because the bombers are back with their first preseason game on May 31st we get going with the home opener on June 6th and of course we’ll see you there at the rum Hut enjoying all the great beam Sor products and of course those Canadian club and ginger rails available at the game as well which were so popular last season Canadian Club official Spirit of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers pick up Canada’s favorite Canadian whiskey Canadian Club on your next trip to your local Manitoba liquor marts and uh hey we got a big one tonight Edmonton and Dallas we’re going to talk about it with mat wanik right now do not forget there is still time to get to Boston pizza tonight enjoy their special playoff menu the big game on the big screen with big sound no better place to get your gang together to watch the game that Boston Pizza and enter to win the grand prize of a trip for two to the Stanley Cup Final that prize is going to be given away on Monday at BP City Place I will be there host in the event um so if you want to earn an entry into the final draw get out to your local Boston pizza tonight get in on that contest and fingers crossed we’ll see you Monday at BP City Place hey if you’re staying at home tonight you can always accompany your game watching experience with the Great Taste of BP by ordering online at Boston all right Oilers stars tonight dropping the puck let’s uh welcome in our pal from Edmonton Sports Talk Matthew ionic Maddie it’s great to have you back on the program uh how are things how are the nerves around the EST studio and maybe more importantly the EST chat today you want to know something I feel like at the moment the city’s actually calm the city as as nervous as they were throughout the Vancouver series as angry as they got during that Vancouver series I feel like there’s a little bit of a calm right now from Oiler fans that there’s this quite confidence that they’re not scared of the Dallas Stars so right now I think the city is good but all it takes is one bad start to this game tonight and all those feelings could go away very quickly well it’s funny you say that I don’t think anything could get to the level of the Vancouver I I mean having no skin in the game I’m willing to say that that might be at least the most unhinged series of all time when it comes to online discourse between two fan bases yes no like we all knew going right into that that this was not going to be good for anyone in this country The Observers around Canada plus then everything going on Vancouver Edmonton we had the diss track coming from Vancouver where all they sang was a player McDavid sucks drle sucks Hopkins sucks like I’ll come up with something different and then we had the Opera here in Edmonton do one where it was just it wasn’t it it wasn’t I I don’t know where why we’ve gotten into this point where every city has to drop dish tracks like and not even like the artists of the city like the the people of the city it makes no sense I hope we could get away from this moving forward um but yeah like not like one of those even our nasty chat after games Vancouver Canucks fans were coming and filling it out and and yelling at Tommy and yelling at other fans and it was just absolutely wild and I don’t think the Dallas Stars are going to match that when it comes to this series but it’s also then it’s it’s a Canadian and divisional rival like if the Oilers had lost to the Canucks last series you then also have to hear it until the two teams meet again in the playoffs where you can beat the Canucks if you’re the ORS you have to hear that from Canucks fans for the rest of time whereas at least if you lose to the Stars you’re not hearing it from the Dallas Stars and well for people in the city of Edmonton they’re used to losing to the Dallas Stars from you know the late 90s early 2000s but the bar for the Oilers was always going to be this season at least the Conference Finals appearance so whatever happens from here there’ll always be angry if the Oilers get knocked out um but I think most people will look at and be kind of okay with what the season was yeah well I mean as I said to Dusty on the lock shop anyone that’s still bent out of shape about the Oilers let’s rewind to the middle of November and if I told you at that point oh you’re going to be getting ready for game one of the Conference finals against the Dallas Stars everyone would have taken it but that was then and this is now and this is a team that has two of the best players of a generation on their Club the best player in the world and uh it it there’s no guarantee you get back to here next year like this is a massive opportunity but also challenge for the Oilers considering where they are in their window uh and also when speaking of challenges by far their biggest challenge so far in the playoffs moving up at weight class or two from listen all due respect to Vancouver amazing season and they pushed the Oilers to the brink La a good squad but I mean Dallas was the number one team in the west um arguably the best team in the National Hockey League league and put together for this time of year as we’ve seen the way they dispatched uh two incredible hockey clubs think about this path Vegas in round one and then the Colorado Avalanche you take it from guys in Winnipeg we playing pretty darn good heading into round two yeah well when you look at the Dallas Stars we had Craig McTavish on one of our shows a couple weeks ago and it was like what hole do you see with the Dallas Stars and it was like there isn’t one like as long Jake CER didn’t have a great playoffs last year that to me was the biggest question mark of the stars coming into this is can he get back to be that Jake AER that we saw in that Calgary series a couple years ago where he was Unreal in that best of seven and right now he has been that good so like there aren’t real holes the hints injury that does open up a little bit window of the Edmonton Oilers but this is their toughest test like like said don’t want to take anything away from Vancouver but they don’t have their number one goal in ther Demco um Quinn Hughes is battling an injury they don’t have basser in game seven and that Canuck team still took the emont Oilers to one goal from getting to overtime in game seven the Oilers have not had a face a goalie like Jake uttinger yet in these playoffs you look at them going against the Kings it was Cam talbat and David ridic and now and then you get shilov who what had three games prior to that in the playoffs before he took on the Edmonton Oilers so this is the biggest test that the Edmonton Oilers are going to have I would think is that you’re now going up against not just a really good hockey team one of the best hockey teams in the National Hockey League you are now having to actually meet up against a top end goalie who can go and and it’s not even stealing you a game necessarily because he’s that good that it’s just one of those it’s Jake o Jake AER being Jake ainger and can you defeat that and you know as good as the Oilers played team defensively you know in game six and seven where they barely allowed any shots from Vancouver Canucks I don’t think you’re going to get away with that with the Dallas Stars because they just have more offensive fir power and they could roll four deep lines so this is a real challenge for the Edmonton Oilers but in the end I think when we look across the board at the four teams left these are really four of the best teams left in hockey like they all have a worthy case for being here the Stars top team in the west the Oilers since their coaching change with Chris noblock they are I think with Rec record-wise the best team in hockey they deserve to be here but they also deserve to be the underdog in this one because of how good the Dallas Stars are um we know what I mean you kind of laid out what Dallas is and trust us we know it well here in Winnipeg as well um Conor McDavid like McDavid did not have um crazy explosive series I mean he had sort of quietly had three assists in game six when they really needed it but we kind of thought that there might be that Fu game coming from Conor at some point um definitely more difficult to do against a team like Dallas than what they played so far but how would you how would you categorize what is on mcdavid’s shoulders going into tonight’s game one in this series considering you know he’s a player that we’ll talk about Legacy and he will be judged on playoff successes and failures he is in the prime of his career right now does he have The Supporting Cast that the guys in Dallas do know but sometimes fairly or unfairly that isn’t really considered um like to me he has to be the best Conor McDavid for the Edmonton Oilers to be there at the end with the opportunity to win a fourth game yeah I would agree with that like you need your top guys to perform and when we talk about the Dallas Stars we look at all that depth the depth hasn’t been there at least through these playoffs they’ve had some depth it looked like going into the playoffs they had guys like Ryan McLoud and Warren Fogle and even Cory Perry in the regular season producing the way that you were expecting that he was going to do those guys haven’t really shown up in the playoffs when you go up against the Dallas Stars even if those guys do show up a little bit you’re going to need your best players though to be your best players and and you’re right Connor really didn’t have that last series Leon did though um it sounded like Connor there was a little bit of an illness going through the withers’s locker room and that hit Connor and if you heard his postgame press conference after game seven um one it was because he was yelling a lot of his Players let’s go and stuff like that but you could hear it in his voice that he wasn’t feeling it as much so I wonder how much that played into him as for the Legacy you know I think when you’re Leon or Connor you always feel like the windows open that the windows not coming close any anytime soon this is their second appearance in the final four out of the last three seasons um so I don’t know if he feels the pressure as much yet to go out and and absolutely carry the Oilers to a Stanley Cup Final but I do think that that comes into play if they do beat the Dallas Stars I like I feel like for the Oilers if they can knock off the stars in this there there’s nothing stopping them winning the Stanley Cup because if you put Connor and Leon in a Stanley Cup Final there’s nothing stopping them I don’t care how good the Rangers are I don’t care how good the Panthers are neither of those teams I think are going to be able to stop a Conor and a leon when they’re that close to a Stanley Cup only four wins away they have to get there though so like like obviously it’s just easy to say yeah the best players of the Oilers like Conor and L they have to be the best if you’re going to beat the Dallas Stars I would expect that we’re going to a little bit more of that Fu game from Conor just based on the fact that we didn’t see it last series and at some point that’s going to come back especially if he is feeling better from the illness um but I don’t know fully yet if if he feels that Legacy is completely there like he’s not even 30 yet um there’s a lot of time in the in the game he’s got two years left with the Oilers Leon still got one more so even worst case if there’s the fear of those guys leaving town you’ve got one more year left of Connor and Leon so I I think the Oilers would probably feel like they could get back there next year um but they for sure are going to want a better performance in this Conference Finals than what they did two years ago against the ABS where they didn’t win a hockey game speaking of better performances how much pressure is on the shoulders of steuart Skinner and can he get the job done uh if I if I can answer if he could get the job done I I think the others would love to hear that from me right now that that it’s a really good question this it comes down fully to steuart Skinner in that you know he had a good series against the LA Kings I don’t want to dismiss the LA Kings though but it’s the LA Kings like it’s he better have had a good series against the Kings we saw more of the Stuart Skinner last series against the Canucks like we saw last year which is like he has the worst save percentage in the cap era of hockey I don’t think he’s been that bad of a goalie he the problem with steuart Skinner is he never makes that big save in that moment you absolutely need it like shilov never scared me as much for the oiler side of things he always seemed beatable but in the games the Canucks won he always made that big save in in the moment that the conck absolutely need it while the flip side was Skinner didn’t give that to you and you know Chris noblock big move to go to Cal picker for two games I also think equally as big a move with how good picker played in games four and five to go back to steuart Skinner and then Skinner played well in those last two games with the Oilers overall as a team played a lot better in front of him defensively um can he get it done is the big one and I think he could get it done but I think it might require him to also have to sit for another game I I could see a situation where steuart Skinner plays well to start this series but I feel like mentally it gets into his head after a certain number of games where he then starts overthinking things and he just has that one bad goal and then everything slips from him and he needs this he needs that mental reset and I wouldn’t be surprised in this series if we see the stars go up like 2-1 or something like that and Chris noblock go back to Cal picker just for a game to give Skinner that little mental re reset to come back out because that’s the biggest I think problem you see with Skinner when he’s not playing well when he’s playing well he’s seen and reading the game so well he’s anticipating everything so well and then when he starts playing poorly or letting in those goals he then just focuses too much on making the next save and he get that gets him off of his game um when he is playing as well as we’ve seen him in the regular season yeah he could win the standing cup with the Emmington Oilers the qu the question would be will he be able to do that consistently for four wins in this series I really can’t answer that one because he hasn’t shown anything to say that 100% he can but there’s a lot in the past a point to like but he has it in him so is is this the is that you know sitting in in games four and five the Turning moment for Skinner maybe um I also won’t be surprised if there’s going to have to be one more of those in this series if the Oilers move on oh well I just hope that Tommy gazola has the fire extinguishers ready for the chat um depending on what happens I had to jump in I jumped in last time to watch control out of it sometimes because it was just so much that came in with the Vancouver Cano I was like I’ll deal with this Tomy you focus on the show few mods a few mods uh there for the YouTube Trev and the guys probably working overtime following that well especially during the Edmonton Vancouver series Matt wonx with us Maddie before we go I am so envious of you heading down to Atlanta to see Canada taking on Argentina in the Copa a huge tournament I mean the biggest tournament Canada has been since the World Cup in Qatar uh and there’s been some changes with the national team we got a new Skipper we do tell us about the new coach and uh just the latest on Canada’s Men’s National Team we you get ready for this massive tournament for our for our country well even before that uh two big friendlies as they get set for that tournament with France and mbapp and then Netherlands after that uh or it’s flipped I can’t remember which order it is where are those gam I think they’ll be in Europe usually like because Canada has no money um usually the teams that host they have to pay all the cost type things and like one good thing is Canada is good enough that France and Netherlands look at Canada like this is a good challenge for them to get them prep for the Euros um it’s also just sad that Canada doesn’t have money we have to get all this it’s the same flight we’ll play you wherever the hell you want well it’s like Jesse Marsh who is the new manager His official title if I’m not mistaken it’s the MLS Canada men’s national team manager because the three MLS franchises gave money to Canada Soccer to hire him so the official title you have to add MLS Canada men’s national team coach they they they put the it’s like almost a sponsorship deal to get Jesse Marsh as part of this um but like what you know we’ll get the roster I don’t haven’t seen the roster I don’t don’t think they put it out today so we should probably get it by tomorrow uh for cop America big deal taking on Argentina and Messi as you said in Atlanta got Peru got Chile really between now and the next World Cup this is the biggest moment like there there aren’t going to be as big of a tournament that Canada could possibly play and there’s no qualification so even for Jesse Marsh as he looks towards 2026 and what type of Team he wants to field when the tournament’s here in North America these are the time for him to try to evaluate his team against some top competition um as for the hiring it’s probably the best tying Canada could get like is Jesse Marsh a top manager in the world is he a pep is he a a Jurgen klopp absolutely not but he’s a very successful manager he managed in Montreal so he knows MLS he knows can a little bit um he was at salsburg and Austria did some really good things over there with Leeds unit in the Premier League he saved them from being relegated the next year it didn’t go as well I know there’s a lot of Americans that would have loved to seen him take over their national team and there and he interviewed and there was issues there and he’s upset about not getting that job so like there there is a quality manager here uh you know Steve sandor um I was talking with him about it uh last week and he he likes the hiring as well and Steve’s been big in the emont soccer Community around here so like it’s it’s a good play manager he plays a fun style so you’re not seeing a manager that’s going to come in and try to play like a nil-nil draw he’s going to let this offensive Firepower of this team I think you know go out and try score goals keep Alonso Davies up as a forward not as a left back um is a very inspiring hiring to too for me with cace soccer because I was just expecting them to hire someone from the CPL or just keep Bell who the inter manager is and nothing against them but that’s very past Canada it’s just very like okay we’ll just stick with whatever we have here as opposed to going out there and trying to improve this team and and inspiring as funny as it is it’s the MLS manager or whatever it’s it’s it’s nice to see that they got the money from those three MLS franchises to go out there and get a successful manager who was also uh interested South Korea was interested in him too um so this is a guy that I think will do some good things for Canada and it’ll be fun watching them uh in those exhibitions and then the tournament uh in starting in Atlanta cop America with Messi taking on Canada well at least you know we got a coach yeah uh they’re in the tournament they’re going to be able to get there and play and they’re playing these uh these uh friendlies is there any positive momentum behind the scenes with Canada soccer I mean unfortunately really since the World Cup it’s been hard to talk about this sport in our country although talking about the dysfunction yeah and everything that had been happening around it I mean they’re they’re making decisions they’re moving forward but are we getting closer to being in a better place to capitalize on the incredible success of our two teams that none of us have seen in our lifetime up until the past 10 years I’d like to say yes in that they’ve a new guy who’s running things I think his name is Kevin blue um he’s only been on the job for a couple of months he’s the one that’s really got involved in the hiring process of the manager he then went out he got the money from these MLS franchises to go out and make sure that Canada got a top H you’re bringing in a guy that hopefully and Jesse Marsh could do some good things with Canada not just through cop America but in the leadup and including at the 2026 World Cup that maybe that’s the sign that they’re on the right track maybe that’s in the early days that’s the sign that okay at the very top we’re seeing things being done the right decisions being made and there’s the hope that slowly throw everything that happens in the back rooms and all the way down to the grassroot level of soccer here in Canada the right things are going to be done a little too early to be 100% confident in that but I think just the early days of Kevin blue in charge just a few months like I said I would like to think that it’s a good sign and I’ll be optimistic that Canada is going to figure some things out behind the scenes like the development is the big thing about that I I think if you talk to anyone in the Winnipeg soccer Community local like Grassroots you know here in Alberta and Edmonton there’s still a lot of problems that need to be fixed hopefully that comes over time based on this new guy in charge and Kevin but I guess we’ll have to wait and see and um you know there’s also part of me that is very cynical and very skeptical that yeah three years two three years from now we’ll be talking about the the latest mess of Canada Soccer and how it never got figured out um M with us here on WI Sports Talk so you’re going to see Canada Argentina are you seeing any other games on this uh this trip down there I just wanted like it was always designed that if Canada qualified they were GNA get Argentina I’ve always wanted to see Messi when he came to mass I was like hey I’m gonna go watch him somewhere and then when this all worked out I was okay perfect I could watch Canada I could see Messi two birds one stone so I’m just flying down to Atlanta for a couple days with my dad we’ll watch the game we’ll come back and then I’ll just enjoy the like my favorite part of the World Cup the Euros cope America there’s nothing like sitting on a patio in the afternoon grabbing a nice pint and watching some international soccer and we didn’t get that in 2022 for the World Cup it was winter time and to to have the sun I can’t wait to just be sitting out at a BP’s patio grabbing a pint and just enjoying some soccer so uh I’m only going for the one game um I’ll in in 20126 I’m going to everyone as wherever I’ll do everything I can I’ll spend the money I’m going to save I’ll be at all those games but for this one I want to just go see Messi and Canon and the rest I’m very happy to just watch it here in emont on patio with the sun you know shining and some buddies you know I was I was really hoping that it would work out we’re going to be heading down to Vegas for the draft and that’s on what the 28th and the 29th I believe something like that Canada’s playing in Kansas City where I have lots of friends and hookups uh and they’re playing Peru on the think the 25th but very difficult to work through kind of have the cake and eat it too so a bit of a missed opportunity but yes the World Cup is coming to Canada and the United States and we’ll have a chance to see Canada back in the World Cup still can’t believe it I was playing have you ever heard this game geoguesser no so it’s this game that you it it basically shows you a picture of somewhere on Google Maps Google Earth okay here it is and you you have to figure out where then you put on the map where it is it’s it’s a fascinating game I was up way too late playing it last night but I did get a tap in on one of them because one of the one of the places that I ended up at was one of the stadiums in Qatar where I actually happen to be in 2022 I don’t have any worldly travels other than North America and Qatar so got that one in but uh anyways highly I’m so jealous of that one a a wild a wild one and uh listen it should be a lot of fun well I’ll tell you what I’m going to be leaning on you for a few more soccer chats as well anytime and say hi to my buddy sandor sandor was educating me on the soccer and the Canadian Men’s National Team back in 2000 when I was slinging tickets in the pit back with the Oilers he uh and of course he you know had the 11 doca for long time I mean he I’ve never met anyone that is more educated has been more into the national soccer program than Steve Sanders so we’ll lean on him too as we get closer to the end well it’s funny because uh he’s an Arsenal fan too and they had a they were they were in the title contention and ultimately lost this past weekend um and not winning in city did but like Oilers it was I think game six here um and it was the first intermission and everyone’s talking about in the city and in the Press Box about that first period between Oilers and Canucks but I see sandor and the two of us just start smiling and we spend the whole intern talking soccer and Arsenal like that that’s just who the two of us are the moment I see I’m like I know where this one’s going let’s have some fun Steve and and we go deep and like other people will come up like try to join the conversation realize that we’re talking about soccer and then just walk away so turn Steve knows what the hell he’s talking about it’s great though we also had your buddy on other buddy a couple weeks ago on one of our shows Damon bunting so you guys had some crew you guys had some crew back in the day it was you know what that was the best part I mean it was unfortunate the dusty like high five me coming off the plane as he was getting to Winnipeg and I was getting on one to come and meet you guys and it was great to see you there as well and head out um we all got together the old guys that I work with together still buddies it was a uh it was a really really good crew and I know they’ll all be pulling for the oil tonight and uh I think a lot of people around here will as well Matt thanks for doing this uh shout out to the fellas over at EST say hi to the guys and uh let’s do this again soon before you head down to Atlanta to see Canada take on Messi and the Copa anytime for you and Remis always happy to join you guys appreciate you buddy there’s Matt Ian you can give him a follow on Twitter and of course be subscribing to the Edmonton Sports Talk Channel you can also see the lock chop with myself and Dustin neelson at noon every day before we fire up Winnipeg sports talk here on wst all right um hey you know what we apparently have this rainfall warning coming in uh so you know what tonight might be a great night to get down to the beer can which is Winnipeg’s biggest and best outdoor beer garden along with Incredible restaurant with the food from the fellas behind Cosmos and hogy boys beer can is now open 7 days a week from noon until 12 as I say it’s sunny outside right now great spot to pop in by the way I highly recommend the golden gal the burger is incredible and uh also got a new Frozen drink there with it Name Escapes Me Palm something anyways it was delicious it’s sort of pink uh tried it last time I was down there so good um so get down to the beer can and listen on Friday it looks like it’s going to be rainy a perfect night to take it inside and how about at next door pwhl finals one1 between Boston and Minnesota we’ve been talking about doing some sort of a watch party to support the women’s League that’s had such a great start and our good friend LZ Hood who joined us on the program yesterday many of you know her through Jets Twitter and whatnot list is going to be hosting tomorrow night or yeah tomorrow night Friday at next door at 116 sherbrook they’ll have some prizes uh she’s going to be doing some trivia in between periods uh and listen the food there is unbelievable great beer as well so uh tomorrow night next door 16 sherbrook uh especially for those of you that have been in or supporting of the wom women’s league get on down there with a little bit of support and uh have a great time at next door at 116 Winnipeg um I got bad news for the fish fans we hope that they could run the table they fell just short 4-3 loss today uh at getaway day for Chicago uh but good news uh more baseball coming up this weekend now as I mentioned the weather not looking particularly great uh we have a rainfall warning in effect right now and I have a feeling that may potentially affect tomorrow’s game and maybe even Saturday although hopefully not good news though especially if you’re thinking about getting the kids out Sunday looks Sunny 18 perfect day for some afternoon baseball uh but just great to have the gold eyes back and if if you missed our chat at the start of the show The wst Patio party is set for Tuesday June 18th there’s a link in the description there’s a link in the chat right now if you haven’t already just pop over there grab tickets 20 bucks taxes in we’re taking over the new left side patio right underneath craftbeer corner it’s brand new in the ballpark for this year Pub style tables and chairs for everybody great food great beers it’s going to be so much fun we had a great time with so many of the wsts last year so if you haven’t already jump on over there grab your tickets before it fills up and we’d love to see you uh at our wst night with the new patio on June 18th down at the ballpark but again the team at home through the weekend and again gold for more information on that uh can’t wait to get back to his caboa Downs next Monday actually I’m going with my folks on Tuesday in the dining room if you have have not done it before find a day that works for you make it an arrangement or making a reservation I should say in the clubhouse dining room and get on that world famous prom rib buffet that Darren dun was raving about last Friday when he joined us they’re running next Monday and Tuesday and then come June Monday Tuesday Wednesday like clockwork right through until Labor Day live racing is back at a caboa Downs you can find out more on everything going on out at the track as well as with the special events on weekends at ASD um let’s do a quick uh little Breezy Bend Golf report and again you know Ken was on yesterday he mentioned they got a chance to play with the defending Manitoba amateur Champion Braxton Co of Breezy Bend uh the entire Club is going to be looking forward to seeing what Braxton can do he’s into the final round round of Us open qualifying and uh the other guy I think will be teeing up in the same tournament is our guy Aaron cochrell and Aaron how about this we joked yesterday that maybe Aaron would get that wst bump well Aaron when we last checked was tied for fifth or sorry tied for third a couple guys have beaten that 5 under par round right now but uh in the top 10 after the first round out in Belgium cheering on Manitoba Aaron cochrell he’ll be in the Canadian open next year uh folks if you do want info on making Breezy Ben one of Winnipeg’s top private clubs your long-term golfing home for you and your family give a call over to the clubhost and ask for Corey Johnson he affiliate in on all of that and again check out Breezy for more information on the course uh wedding uh uh reception rentals as well it’s all over there at Breezy Schwab challenge happening we have a three four six-way tie for first right now with my Tony feno let’s go Tony and Brian Harmon both who we picked on the lock shop yesterday it’s about time for a winner that would be very very nice to see uh round two tomorrow uh over at the uh at the colonial all right let’s get Remo back in here and uh Remo before I do these lines tonight um what is your what is your take on this Edmonton Dallas series um are you taking Dallas are you taking Edmonton do you think it’ll be a long series do you think it’ll be a short series cool lines on the series which you can still get in on before puck drop Dallas minus 133 Edmonton a plus 110 Underdog yeah I’m taking Dallas although Edmonton uh sorry Dallas has rupe hints he’s out for this game might be in for the next one uh I’m in on Dallas I mean Jim Nells nominated for GM of the year you don’t have a Stanley Cup worthy team go great GM so I think their their depth scoring is just going to be too strong they got this Elite D pair Chris tanv the ad of the deadline with endell uh they do have star power as well the better goal tending I think too much too many questions with Edmonton on depth scoring and goendale they don’t have those same concerns however if they take a lot of penalties you let that power play go to work has could be could be bad for they do have Conor McDavid and Leon drel and we saw what the superstars of Colorado they gave Dallas a run and I mean Edmonton they got Bard as well putting up some big points it’s going to be tight six or seven here but I got Dallas and a close one yeah I I I think Dallas as well although as much as I have said that I don’t really buy into oh I want a Canadian team to win the cup um more McDavid more dry settle in the playoffs would be good but I do think Dallas is going to take it the tonight’s line for game one Dallas minus 128 Edmonton plus 109 and I know the EST guys have put together in Evon Sports Talk parlay for tonight um here we go dry Sidle two points Hyman to score a goal buard to get a point Oilers to score four or more and Oilers to win plus 775 for the EST parlay and then there’s another one for the series if you’re cheering for the Oilers this is a fun one to get on McDavid and dry side will both to both to score nine or more points in the series NJ six or more Heyman to score three goals busard to score two goals and the Oilers to win the series that was at 12 to1 to get to start off it’s now at plus 1050 so uh those are all there other great cool B exclusives tonight multisport combining the Oilers how about this the road dogs Oilers to win in the Indiana Pacers plus n and a half that one’s boosted to plus 325 and uh Canadian National Treasures McDavid two plus points and Andrew nard from the NBA 12 or more points plus 335 whole bunch of NHL daily exclusives as well check those every day always get some great boosted numbers on them as well uh mentioned that the NBA is going at it the Indiana Pacers uh eight and a half Point dogs in Boston after losing in overtime in game number one Pacers plus 300 on the money line uh the Boston Celtics minus 370 big win for the the Mavericks last night taking home court away from the Minnesota Timberwolves in game one of the West final the Timberwolves were a pretty big favorite to start it off at minus 179 if you still like the t-wolves and we know they can win on the road they did it three times against the defending Champion nuggets in the next last round TS plus 131 to win the series right now while the Mavericks are minus 161 that pwhl game that I mentioned for tomorrow uh and that’s going to get going at 6:00 car time so you know Popeye after work have some of those wings enjoy the 14 sauces in the sauce cart hang out with list watch a great game uh Boston plus 112 Underdog and Minnesota who got the split in Boston to start the series off a minus 149 favorite I guess I’m cheering I guess Minnesota’s the team that we’ll be moving forward maybe we’ll have to get Jesse Pier next we cheer for Minnesota here we’re not Rivals with them like in uh NHL well well see that’s the thing we don’t have a team I think there’s a lot of Minnesota Twins fans there’s a lot of Minnesota Vikings fans we just hate the wild right okay I I okay I get that it’s like the Twins and the Vikings not like the wild that’s the way I look at it no skin in the game for it um Montreal and Toronto I think we were hoping one of those Canadian teams would have gotten in but uh but they didn’t anyways pwl is up as well and uh now we are ready to go to taste of the bombers remas how excited are you for this yeah you were telling me last year how great it was I’m looking forward to getting out to uh Princess Auto Stadium sampling some of the great food I think mingling with whoever’s around there uh that should be that should be pretty fun hus so yes I’m excited for that tonight but before you know we didn’t even get to comment on this uh Scotty sheffler arrest video uh oh yeah I mean it’s funny I read the police report it said what did it say that he was dragged that he dragged the officer ruined a pair of 80 pants allegedly the police report said the police officer was dragged to the ground and suffered pain swelling and abrasions to his left wrist and knee after the car accelerated and yes ruined the $80 pants but the video came out today and it just looked like a routine traffic stopped so I’m I don’t know I believe he was going maybe 5 kmet an hour it looked like he Advanced very slowly the officer banged on his car and said hey you’re going too far he stopped and then they arrested him um I can pull up the video quickly I was just um I don’t know it’s strange how much the what happened does not match the police report at all and this is the number one golfer in the world and they just arrested him for seemingly no reason and he said it was a misunderstanding and I think looking by this video it’s pretty clear that it that it was yeah the uh all you can see is like at the end the car is moving forward and the guy jumps slaps the thing and he stops yeah he wasn’t getting dragged there was no I wanted to see a guy in the hood get dragged but he just he said hey you’re going too far and then he stopped and he’s talking to the driver you can see you’re going to jail and this blur video yeah like where’s I want to see a guy hood on the car I was picturing like a a movie like Stunt Driver this is a routine stop so the the it’s a tough look right now for the Louisville PD uh and again I’ve got a lot of friends that are uh in law enforcement and uh always respect the job they do uh not everyone um shall we say has great days at work and I don’t think that uh detective Gillis who was named in this suit who allegedly had his $80 pants ruined not sure he was entirely forthcoming with his description of what happened funny enough there’s no body cam footage this is the video but listen if you’re a Scotty sheffler fan worried that this is going to drag on throughout the year and impact him I wouldn’t worry about it uh I think this is getting thrown out after what we’ve seen uh today is your boy Bruce in chat comment on the Kobayashi retirement probably should have done this yesterday but we went soong with other topics it is true competitive eating Legend and Pioneer teu Kobayashi has announced his retirement from the sport of competitive eating some people maybe Wonder well what do you mean I thought he’d been gone for a while well he’d been in a contract dispute with major league eating uh the governing body uh the top Circuit of competitive eating here in North America uh but Kobayashi based on his Fame believe he was the first individual ever to eat 50 hot dogs and buns at the Nathan’s contest um he was the one that beat Joey Chestnut before Joey Chestnut became the legend that he is um Kobayashi had been doing other exhibitions he’d still been eating competitively just not an mle and I think was able to you know get some pretty good money from appearances and whatnot but uh re it’s over for Kobayashi he’s essentially said he’s no longer hungry end of an era for a guy that um you know in a lot of in a lot of places in a lot of circles really did put competitive eating on the map just because of the such a small individual he was that did such incredible things with his body he’s a legend uh Kobayashi six-time champion of the Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest he ate 50 dogs at his first appearance in 2001 in 12 minutes uh almost doubling the previous record of 25 and 18 dogs so yeah he went one six consecutive times I remember he was on Fox in 2003 going head-to-head against a bear yes in a hot dog the bear was legendary I mean so I don’t know if there’s a hall of fame for competitive eating or a Mount Rushmore but he’s for sure on those uh he should be in the Hall of Fame but unfortunately the contract ISP with mle potentially could they need to come together now that he’s no longer competing welcome him back into the fold as a personality bring him around we all remember those free Kobe shirts back after the first time that he wasn’t allowed in and then he tried to break in and got arrested at the event for causing a scene as he was banned I think what happened was for the Nathan’s Famous you have to go through all these qualifying events you can’t just be gifted a seat at the table and I think he didn’t want to go through that and I mean there’s a number of World Records held here on his Wikipedia in bun bunless hot dogs rice balls grilled cheese sandwiches buffalo wings lobster rolls cow brains hus hamburgers tacos pizza chicken satate cheese steak and soba noodle what a legend Kobayashi we haven’t really seen him do his thing on North American soil on the big stage in quite some time yeah exactly I mean you got to search you know online YouTube that sort of things for for Kobayashi but I mean basically just you know that 50 his 50 hot dog and Bun performance in 2001 was so groundbreaking imagine somebody just showing up to you know as a rookie in the NHL and scoring 150 goals yeah I mean that’s basically what we’re talking about like doubling the greatest performance ever but senen had 76 152 that’s that’s the equivalent of what kobashi did um so anyways we’ll miss him chestnut’s still the man though he’ll be there on July 4th going for what a 16th 17th mustard belt uh and still working his way through the mle circuit and there are some people going wait a second there’s Major League eating absolutely there is Major League eating George Shay the brains behind it all and we we need to get Sam barklay on again now that we’re talking about mle ream mhm that was was always my favorite segment of the year on the warm-up when we had him on before July 4th uh and I guess the good thing is that you know with the second and third being weekdays we’ll have shows that actually might work out very well and then of course the fourth is going to be a Thursday uh we know that because Canada is a Monday uh with the big party Auto Princess Auto Stadium all right keep an eye on our Instagram and our Twitter tonight folks we may have some treats for you and some highlights from the taste of the bombers event out at Princess Auto Stadium we’ll talk about it tomorrow we’ll get ready for the seab Bears opener we’ll recap the game one tonight between Edmonton and Dallas uh Mora Tesh is going to come on the program Scott bck as well uh probably get any taton for a little bit more on the bombers they head into the weekend been a minute since we talked to hacksaw marbles going to be a huge show tomorrow so do not miss it and might I suggest looking at the weather forecast if you’ve got anything to do outside do it now and do it tonight because this rainfall warning looks pretty gnarly if you haven’t seen it total rainfall amounts of 50 to 60 millimet from tonight through Saturday afternoon uh strong low pressure systems coming northwards from the dtas most of it’s going to fall on Friday it’ll taper off through the day on Saturday so I think we game tomorrow night at the Ballpark might be in Jeopardy uh but maybe we get to play two on Saturday or Sunday uh which would be great for fans that are going to the seab Bears game or Popp in the next door to watch the pwl with Liss and the Gang over there um anyways we’ll be all over it tomorrow and if you’re inside and maybe you’re normally going to be out join us on YouTube tomorrow live at 1 pm. if you don’t normally get over there and of course 245 right around there boats is when you want to be in the YouTube chat when we get going with the marble race there was a lot of Hoodie talk today in chat your next chance to win one is tomorrow right around 3:00 at the end of the show uh thanks to Mata wanck thanks to Ken weeb and thanks to coach Mike Taylor of the Winnipeg seab Bears who joined us today and of course to all the sponsors that make wst happen each and every day have yourselves a great e a great evening we’ll see you tomorrow for a packed Friday episode of wst tomorrow same time same place thanks for joining everyone oh my God shut it down let’s go home thanks for tuning in to Winnipeg Sports Talk daily make sure to subscribe on YouTube and your favorite podcast feed at Winnipeg sports [Music]

Andrew “Hustler” Paterson and Michael Remis host Winnipeg Sports Talk Daily. They discuss the coaching hirings around the NHL, the NHL Conference Finals and the start of the Winnipeg Sea Bears season. Guests: Winnipeg Sea Bears head coach Mike Taylor, Ken Wiebe of the Winnipeg Free Press and Matthew Iwanyk of Edmonton Sports Talk.

Countdown (0:00)
Intro, Stanley Cup Playoffs, NHL Awards, Coach Watch (0:40)
Winnipeg Sea Bears head coach Mike Taylor (23:37)
Ken Wiebe of the Winnipeg Free Press (48:36)
Matthew Iwanyk of Edmonton Sports Talk (1:29:49)
Coolbet Lines & Wrap up (1:58:35)

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  1. Topics:

    Countdown (0:00)

    Intro, Stanley Cup Playoffs, NHL Awards, Coach Watch (0:40)

    Winnipeg Sea Bears head coach Mike Taylor (23:37)

    Ken Wiebe of the Winnipeg Free Press (48:36)

    Matthew Iwanyk of Edmonton Sports Talk (1:29:49)

    Coolbet Lines & Wrap up (1:58:35)

  2. It’s like nobody wants to coach the Jets. I guess they don’t think much of our hockey team.

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Winnipeg Jets head coach watch, Sea Bears home opener tomorrow, NHL Conference Finals - Raw Chili (2024)
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