Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (2024)


About the Tier List

This tier list is NOT FINAL; it will change and will be updatedas often as necessary prior and during Mythic+. There areoften moments of tier set and class tuning, as well as talent changes andsecondary stat scaling that will impact the placement of the specs.

I am Petko, a competitive Mythic+ player, known to be pushingthe boundaries of High Mythic+ with several World first andEurope first rankings among past seasons on multiple classes. I have workedhard on preparing for Season 4 of Dragonflight, spending numerous hours per dayexamining each and every class and spec in a dungeon environment on PTR. This Tier listwill continue to be updated as much as it requires over the course ofDragonflight and it will also focus on what the "meta" will look likeas it stabilizes. Along the way, this Tier list will also be supported byvarious professional Mythic+ players with high credibility in the community,theorycrafters across all specializations, and my own empirical evidence.

To begin with, this Tier list will exclusively focus on the fourthSeason of Mythic+ in Dragonflight. There will be noWarcraft Logs rankings addednor simulation data for the majority of the classes and specs. As a result, thisTier list will be solely based on empirical evidence of the current state of theclasses' performance in Mythic+ from my own point of view and the point ofview of the group of players testing those classes who are among the bestrepresentatives of the class in the community. Moreover, this Tier list willtake into consideration every impactful class change and tier set tuning beforeand after the start of the season.

It is important to note that opinions might vary and that is completely okay,but remember to be respectful when providing feedback as the sole purpose ofthis tier list is to help the WoW community with their choice of main or alteach season.

This tier list is entirely based on healer performance in Mythic+.The factors that are considered are HPS and DPS output,external cooldowns, utility, durability, and mobility.


A Final Warning


Healer Tier List for Season 4 of Mythic+ in Dragonflight

Below, you can find the full rankings for Healers slots in Season 4 ofDragonflight Mythic+. We encourage you to further read and understandwhy some classes are placed lower or higher than expected, with severalfactors taken into consideration.

  1. Restoration Druid (S-Tier)
  2. Holy Priest (A+-Tier)
  3. Mistweaver Monk (A+Tier)
  4. Discipline Priest (A-Tier)
  5. Preservation Evoker (B-Tier)
  6. Holy Paladin (C-Tier)
  7. Restoration Shaman (C-Tier)
Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (1)

Data-Driven (Season 4) Mythic+ Tier List

Get the latest data driven tier list for Patch 10.2.6

View Rankings


DPS and Tank Class Rankings

If you are interested in our other rankings for Mythic+ in Season 4of Dragonflight, please click the links below.

Dragonflight Mythic+ DPS RankingsDragonflight Mythic+ Tank Rankings


Full Healer Class Rankings



Patch 10.2.7 update: Restoration Druidreceived a 5% healing nerf to all of their abilities going forward to Season 4.Moreover, they will keep their tier-set (from Season 3) rolling into the nextseason unchanged. Restoration Druids are in a strong position with theirimpressive healing capabilities and competitive damage output. They have alwaysbeen renowned for their exceptional utility and remarkable resilience, which willcontinue to be their strengths in Season 4. Overall, the S-tieris well deserved as they will remain one of the strongest choices for a Healer.



No significant disadvantages of the specialization are to be reported; thefinal stages of tunning will show the end-placing for Restoration Druid.


Mythic+ Utility

CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (2) Mark of the WildIncreasing the Versatility of your raid/partyby 3%.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (3) Entangling RootsSingle-target root effect.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (4) IronbarkShort-external damage-reduction cooldown.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (5) Nature's VigilExtra off-healing.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (6) InnervateAllowing 1 friendly healer to castspells without spending mana for 8 sec.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (7) Stampeding RoarIncreasing the movement speed to all raidmembers by 60% for 8 sec.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (8) Remove CorruptionRemoves all Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (9)Curse and Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (10)Poison effectsfrom a friendly target.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (11) SootheDispelling all Enrage Effects from anenemy target.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (12) HibernateSingle-target crowd-control effects againstbeasts and dragonkins. It also works on Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (13) Incorporeal.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (14) Incapacitating Roar / Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (15) Mighty BashYou have the choice between AoE disturb effector a single-target stun.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (16) TyphoonAoe knockback.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (17) Mass Entanglement / Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (18) Ursol's VortexYou have the choice between AoE root effect orAoE wind-of-vortex, pulling all the mobs to one location.

Restoration Druid Mythic+




Holy Priest

Patch 10.2.7 update: Holy Priestreceived no changes in Season 4, as well as, keeping theirtier-set unchanged. Following the most recent rework of Holy Priestin Patch 10.2.6, their performance has significantly improved, both inHealing and Damage perspective. Overall, the specialization feels great and hasthe potential, regardless of the key level or group composition, to flourishinto the next season. In our opinion, one of the diamonds in the mud,watch out for this spec!





Mythic+ Utility

CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (19) Guardian SpiritProvides a "Cheat-Death" to a chosen player.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (20) Holy Word: ChastiseSingle-targe disturb effect.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (21) Symbol of HopeReplenishes Mana and helps restore defensivecooldowns.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (22) Power InfusionYou must always have Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (23) Twins of the Sun Priestesstalented.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (24) Power Word: FortitudeA raid-wide 5% Stamina buff.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (25) Psychic ScreamAoE disturb effect.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (26) Mind SootheIt reduces the range at which the target/s willattack you. Incredibly useful for trash mob skips.It can be used on multiple enemies.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (27) Mass DispelIncredible useful where Mass Dispelling is needed.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (28) Vampiric EmbraceExtra off-healing.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (29) Leap of FaithHelps with repositioning.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (30) Dominate MindMindcontrols an enemy allowing you to simultaneouslyexecute your rotation while having full controlover them and their abilities.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (31) Shackle UndeadCrowd-controls a undead target for 50 sec.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (32) Purify DiseaseOn top of Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (33) Dispel Magic you will be ableto further bolster it by allowing the spell to remove1 Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (34)Disease on a friendly target.

Holy Priest Mythic+


Mistweaver Monk

Patch 10.2.7 update: Mistweaver Monkreceived a 13% healing nerf to all of their abilities going forward to Season 4.Moreover, they will keep their tier-set (from Season 3) rolling into the nextseason unchanged. Mistweaver Monk will continue to perform well goingforward to the next season. Its exceptional reactive healing capabilities can healthrough any dangerous encounter with no sweat, making it one of the safest picksfor healers in uncoordinated groups. To add to that, they provide a greatdamage profile to speed up the keys!



Still, Mistweaver Monk is the only healer that does not haveany external damage-reduction cooldown to help you support your team.In addition, adding a range to several of their core spells will be a greatquality-of-life update.


Mythic+ Utility

CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (35) Mystic Touch5% extra Physical damage for your raid.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (36) Life CocoonApply a large absorb shield to a friendly target.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (37) RevivalRemoves all Magical, Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (38)Poison and Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (39)Diseaseeffects on the entire party.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (40) Generous PourExtra damage reduction against area-of-effectdamage.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (41) Close to HeartIncreased healing from all sources for all allies within10 yards.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (42) Leg Sweep3 sec stun effect.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (43) Tiger's LustRemoves all roots and snares.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (44) Ring of PeaceIt can be used to help your tank kite and as aAoE disturb effect.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (45) DetoxRemoves all Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (46)Poison and Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (47)Disease effectsfrom the target.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (48) ParalysisSingle-target disturb effect.

Mistweaver Monk Mythic+




Discipline Priest

Patch 10.2.7 update: Discipline Priestreceived Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (49) Atonement changes as it now transfers 35% of the damageto healing (was 40%), but the healing is increased by 70% outside of raids(was 50% before) going forward to Season 4. Moreover, they will keep their tier-set(from Season 3) rolling into the next season unchanged. Discipline Priest'sperformance will continue to be great, following Season 4. With a high damage output andgreat cooldown-based healing, it becomes evident the spec will do well across all key levels.Additionally, Discipline Priest has one of the best dungeon utility toolkits for Mythic+.Overall, we believe the current version of the spec is strong enough to be consideredone of the top picks for Season 4.



The biggest disadvantage of playing Discipline Priest is high mobilityencounters might significantly impact your DPS/HPS profile. Having the dungeonknowledge can help you decide when and when not to greedcast Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (50) Smites, but overall, it is an issue that must be presented to thereaders.


Mythic+ Utility

CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (51) Pain SuppressionExternal-defensive cooldown applied to achosen target for 40% effectiveness.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (52) Power Word: BarrierSummons a barrier reducing the damage takenby all allies within the area with 20%.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (53) Rapture-
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (54) Power InfusionYou must always have Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (55) Twins of the Sun Priestesstalented.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (56) Power Word: FortitudeA raid-wide 5% Stamina buff.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (57) Psychic ScreamAoE disturb effect.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (58) Mind SootheIt reduces the range at which the target/s willattack you. Incredibly useful for trash mob skips.It can be used on multiple enemies.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (59) Mass DispelIncredible useful where Mass Dispelling is needed.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (60) Vampiric EmbraceExtra off-healing.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (61) Leap of FaithHelps with repositioning.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (62) Dominate MindMindcontrols an enemy, allowing you to simultaneouslyexecute your rotation while having full controlover them and their abilities.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (63) Shackle UndeadCrowd-controls a undead target for 50 sec.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (64) Purify DiseaseOn top of Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (65) Dispel Magic you will be ableto further bolster it by allowing the spell to remove1 Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (66)Disease on a friendly target.

Discipline Priest Mythic+




Preservation Evoker

Patch 10.2.7 update: Preservation Evokerreceived a buff to their "old-new" tier-set, from Season 1, which will be playedin the next season. Preservation Evoker;s performance will be improved uponentering Season 4, with the much-improved tier-set from Season 1. To summarize,it will improve their damage output while maintaining the same overall utility package.In addition, the current ranged meta is unfavorable to Preservation Evoker, asit is much harder for them to manage their healing with a spread group compared to a stackedone due to their limited yards of healing. In addition, they can obtain once again,Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (67) Nasz'uro, the Unbound Legacy, one of the most overpowered legendary options ever created,buffs your team with primary stat and speed for a short period. To conclude,they are a solid healer, regardless of the group composition but still lack the outputto be placed into the "S-tier" specs.



Some of your offensive and defensive abilities are still not up to the standardsof the regular 40 yards range for a Ranged Option.


Mythic+ Utility

CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (68) Blessing of the Bronze-
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (69) Tail SwipeAoE disturb effect that knocks up enemies.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (70) Wing BuffetAoE knockback effect.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (71) ExpungeRemoving all Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (72)Poison effects from an ally.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (73) RewindRewinds 33% of damage taken in thelast 5 sec by all allies.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (74) Time DilationIt causes 50% of damage your allytakes to be instead dealt over 8 sec.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (75) Sleep WalkSingle-target crowd-control effect that forcesthe enemy to move towards you.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (76) Source of MagicCan be further bolstered by Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (77) Potent Mana
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (78) Oppressing RoarIncreasing the duration of all crowd-controleffects on the affected enemies by 50%. You canfurther talent into Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (79) Overawe, removing 1Enrage effect from each enemy (AoE Enrage Removal).
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (80) Terror of the SkiesAfter using Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (81) Breath of Eons, you willstun all enemies by 3 sec affected by your breath.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (82) ZephyrArea-of-effect damage reduction (party only).
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (83) Cauterizing FlameMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (84)Bleed removal
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (85) RescueYou can further bolster it withMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (86) Twin Guardian talent for extra durability.

Preservation Evoker Mythic+




Holy Paladin

Patch 10.2.7 update: Holy Paladinreceived a buff to their "old-new" tier-set, from Season 2, which will be playedin the next season. Holy Paladin will unfortunately be, for the first timein a long time one of the worst pick-ups for the next season. Purely numerical (output),they have one of the worst healing/damage across all Healers. However, if you disregardthat, their utility package is one of the best in Mythic+. Additionally,it is worth mentioning that Holy Paladin has one of the best mob controlsfrom a healer perspective, the ability to combat-resurrect, and is the only healerwith immunity.



The main downside of Holy Paladin is that their healing and damageoutput is lackluster, which creates an opening for other healing specializations to beutilized. Boosting their healing and damage capabilities will place themmuch higher on our tier list.


Mythic+ Utility

CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (87) Devotion AuraPermanent 3% group/raid-wide damage reductionaura.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (88) Retribution AuraIn case you already have Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (89) Devotion Aura fromanother Paladin, you can choose the Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (90) Retribution Aurato help your party/raid do more Damage and Healing.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (91) Hammer of JusticeA powerful single-target 6 sec stun effect.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (92) Lay on HandsHeals a member of your party/raid to full health.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (93) IntercessionCombat-resurrection
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (94) Blessing of SacrificeHelps a single member of your raid in acritical situation. This can be further improved by talentingMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (95) Sacrifice of the Just.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (96) Blessing of ProtectionPhysical immunity, which can help you withsome boss encounters.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (97) Blessing of FreedomImmunity to movement impairing effects.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (98) Repentance / Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (99) Blinding LightYou have the option between single-target crowd-controleffect or a powerful mass AoE stop.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (100) Cleanse ToxinsRemoves all Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (101)Poison and Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (102)Disease effectsfrom the target.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (103) Turn EvilBe able to fear any Undead, Aberration orDemon, which is an additional form of crowd control.

Holy Paladin Mythic+


Restoration Shaman

Patch 10.2.7 update: Restoration Shamanreceived a buff to their "old-new" tier-set, from Season 1, which will be playedin the next season, but for the price of a 5% nerf to all of their healing done.Restoration Shaman still lack important details (output, unique utility) behindthe rest of the healing specs. Their tier-set is primarily focused on healing, making itmore suitable in Raiding than in Mythic+. While they have an excellent utility package,it is nowhere as dominant as the rest of the healing specializations, perhapsa further adjustment on behalf of that area can help them.


Mythic+ Utility

CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (104) Bloodlust-
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (105) Earth ElementalA powerful elemental summon that helps you survive.
CoreMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (106) Spirit Link TotemReduces damage taken to your party/raid within10 yards of the totem by 10% and every 1their health is redistributed evenly.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (107) Ancestral VigorAllows for some of your core abilitiesto temporary increase your health by 10%for 10 sec.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (108) Earthen Wall TotemHave a choice between a protective totem or atotem that allows you to reincarnate upon death and providesa temporary 10% increased health.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (109) Mana Tide TotemIncreases Mana Regeneration to the wholeparty for a short period of time.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (110) Wind Rush Totem / Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (111) Earthgrab TotemA choice between on-demand extra movement speedor AoE root effect similar to Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (112) Mass Entanglement.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (113) Ancestral GuidanceProvides extra off-healing to your party.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (114) Capacitor Totem3 sec AoE stun.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (115) HexSingle-target crowd-control ability.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (116) Cleanse SpiritRemoves all Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (117)Curse effects from a friendlytarget.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (118) PurgeRemoving 1 beneficial Magic effectfrom an enemy.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (119) ThunderstormAoE disturb effect that can either knock awayor knock up (Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (120) Thundershock).
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (121) Poison Cleansing TotemRemoves all poison effects on a nearby party membereach 1.5 sec for 6 sec.
OptionalMythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (122) Stoneskin Totem10% physical damage reduction

Restoration Shaman Mythic+



  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed and update dfor 10.2.7 Patch.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed and updated for Season 4.
  • 25 Mar. 2024: Reviewed and updated for 10.2.6 Patch.
  • 12 Mar. 2024: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfixes.
  • 28 Jan. 2024: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed and updated for 10.2.5 Patch.
  • 18 Dec. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 12 Dec. 2023: Minor class ranking adjustments.
  • 04 Dec. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 12 Nov. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 05 Nov. 2023: Reviewed and Updated for 10.2. Patch.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed and Updated for 10.1.7 Patch.
  • 22 Aug. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 09 Aug. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 25 Jul. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 13 Jul. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the 10.1.5 Patch.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the 10.1.5 Patch.
  • 27 Jun. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent hotfixes.
  • 06 Jun. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent hotfix.
  • 23 May 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent Patch.
  • 01 May 2023: Fully Updated for Season 2 of Dragonflight.
  • 21 Mar. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the upcoming 10.0.7 Patch.
  • 14 Feb. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent Patch.
  • 25 Jan. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the upcoming 10.0.5 Patch.
  • 21 Dec. 2022: Further Adjustments based on the latest class changes.
  • 18 Nov. 2022: Updated with the initial iteration for Season 1 of Dragonflight.

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Mythic+ Healer Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Views: 5942

Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.