About the Tier List
This tier list is NOT FINAL; it will change and will be updatedas often as necessary prior and during Mythic+. There areoften moments of tier set and class tuning, as well as talent changes andsecondary stat scaling that will impact the placement of the specs.
I am Petko, a competitive Mythic+ player, known to be pushingthe boundaries of High Mythic+ with several World first andEurope first rankings among past seasons on multiple classes. I have workedhard on preparing for Season 4 of Dragonflight, spending numerous hours per dayexamining each and every class and spec in a dungeon environment on PTR. This Tier listwill continue to be updated as much as it requires over the course ofDragonflight and it will also focus on what the "meta" will look likeas it stabilizes. Along the way, this Tier list will also be supported byvarious professional Mythic+ players with high credibility in the community,theorycrafters across all specializations, and my own empirical evidence.
To begin with, this Tier list will exclusively focus on the fourthSeason of Mythic+ in Dragonflight. There will be noWarcraft Logs rankings addednor simulation data for the majority of the classes and specs. As a result, thisTier list will be solely based on empirical evidence of the current state of theclasses' performance in Mythic+ from my own point of view and the point ofview of the group of players testing those classes who are among the bestrepresentatives of the class in the community. Moreover, this Tier list willtake into consideration every impactful class change and tier set tuning beforeand after the start of the season.
It is important to note that opinions might vary and that is completely okay,but remember to be respectful when providing feedback as the sole purpose ofthis tier list is to help the WoW community with their choice of main or alteach season.
Criteria of the Tier List
This tier list was created based on the strength of each DPS specializationthroughout the first half of Season 4. The rankingsare determined by the toolkit and raw damage each class provides to Mythic+ groups.To fully understand the rankings, it's important to understand thedifference between each damage profile and the significance/sync of each class's toolkitwith other party members. Lastly, different dungeons require different sets of damage patterns;some require more single-target, while others require you to have much morefocused AoE damage; all of this can bump some classes higher than others:
- Damage is the most important major factor to rank the DPS classes; mass AoE,burst AoE, sustain AoE, single-target, 2-target, 3-target, and spread-cleavedamage are among the types of damage profiles we examine.
- Classes with unique party-wide buffs will always be rewarded. an exampleof such is Druid's Mark of the Wild.
- Classes with high survivability, self-sustain, or immunities will addan additional value to the rankings.
- Another feature worth mentioning is the importance of priority-target damage andfunnel damage, often undervalued in Mythic+, which speeds up the whole dungeon ifexecuted correctly. Specs can earn extra "points" by having such a damage profile.
A Final Warning
- It is incredibly important to emphasize that just because a DPSspecialization is low in the tier list; it does not mean that you should ignoreit completely. Any class can perform well if you put the time to learn it,some just do it with less effort.
- For the vast majority of cases, you should choose to bring the better player,not the better specialization. That does not mean you never need to think aboutyour Mythic+ group composition or disregard the meta, just that most of thetime, player skill will be more important than the difference between classes
- Remember that this tier list is based on a +20 key level as the average;some specializations gain significantly more value on the higher-end bracket compared to thelower-end bracket because of their damage profile.
- This tier list, unlike many others, is not constant; someclass's placements will go up or down depending on key level, group composition,affix combinations or dungeon differences. We will continue toupdate this tier list every time there is a change;
DPS Tier List for Season 4 of Mythic+ in Dragonflight
Below, you can find the full rankings for DPS slots in Season 4of Dragonflight+. We encourage you to read further and understandwhy some classes are placed lower or higher than expected, with severalfactors taken into consideration, such as having a 4-piece tier-set active at all times.
- Shadow Priest (S-Tier)
- Destruction Warlock (S-Tier)
- Augmentation Evoker (S-Tier)
- Fire Mage (A+Tier)
- Balance Druid (A+Tier)
- Retribution Paladin (A+Tier)
- Frost Mage (A+Tier)
- Outlaw Rogue (A-Tier)
- Devastation Evoker (A-Tier)
- Demonology Warlock (A-Tier)
- Unholy Death Knight (A-Tier)
- Havoc Demon Hunter (B-Tier)
- Windwalker Monk (B-Tier)
- Beast Mastery Hunter (B-Tier)
- Marksmanship Hunter (B-Tier)
- Arcane Mage (B-Tier)
- Subtlety Rogue (B-Tier)
- Elemental Shaman (C-Tier)
- Arms Warrior (C-Tier)
- Feral Druid (C-Tier)
- Assassination Rogue (C-Tier)
- Fury Warrior (D-Tier)
- Enhancement Shaman (D-Tier)
- Frost Death Knight (D-Tier)
- Survival Hunter (D-Tier)
- Affliction Warlock (F-Tier)
Data-Driven (Season 4) Mythic+ Tier List
Get the latest data driven tier list for Patch 10.2.6
View Rankings
Healer and Tank Class Rankings
If you are interested in our other rankings for Mythic+ in Dragonflight,Season 4, please click the links below.
Mythic+ Healer RankingsMythic+ Tank Rankings
Full DPS Class and Specialization Rankings
Below are displayed the DPS specs that have the highest potential to turn outto be a "meta" spec. Keep in mind, there are only 3 slots for a DPS in agroup, so your choice will depend on your group needs, dungeon type, andMythic+ level.
Shadow Priest
Patch 10.2.7 update: Shadow Priestreceived a buff to their "old-new" tier-set, from Season 2, which will be playedin the next season. There are no major drawbacks Shadow Priest, as theywill continue to dominate the DPS "meta" with one of the best damage profilesin Season 4 (priority-target damage while doing AoE is a bonus). Combined witha strong utility package, there are a lot of great "DPS-combos" you can runwith that can utilize Power Infusion efficiently. Overall one of the bestchoices for a Range DPS, which can also fit within anygroup compositions.
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Power Infusion | You must always have Twins of the Sun Priestesstalented. |
Core | Power Word: Fortitude | A raid-wide 5% Stamina buff. |
Core | Psychic Scream | AoE disturb effect. |
Core | Mind Soothe | It reduces the range at which the target/s willattack you. Incredible useful for trash mob skips.It can be used on multiple enemies. |
Core | Mass Dispel | Incredible useful where Mass Dispelling is needed. |
Optional | Vampiric Embrace | Extra off-healing. |
Optional | Leap of Faith | Helps with repositioning. |
Optional | Dominate Mind | Mindcontrols an enemy, allowing you to simultaneouslyexecute your rotation while having full controlover them and their abilities. |
Optional | Shackle Undead | Crowd-controls a undead target for 50 sec. |
Optional | Purify Disease | On top of Dispel Magic you will be ableto further bolster it by allowing the spell to remove1 Disease on a friendly target. |
Optional | Psychic Horror | A single-target 4 sec stun effect. |
Shadow Priest Mythic+
Destruction Warlock
Patch 10.2.7 update: Destruction Warlockreceived both, positive and negative changes to their "old-new" tier-set, from Season 1,which will be played in the next season. In addition, they have also received a minorpositive adjustments on behalf of Chaos Bolt, Conflagrate and Incinerate, which mostly affects single-target. Destruction Warlock offers thebest mass AoE damage profile, which can be a valuable addition to any Mythic+ group.As the current meta favors casters, they fit perfectly within it, allowing themto capitalize on the already-built advantage. Not only this but Warlockspecs are known for being durable and having great party-wide utility, which isanother reason why you must have this spec in your group. Overall, one of the strongestif not the strongest DPS choices, going forward to Season 4 so far.
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Create Healthstone | Helps your team to survive deadly pulls. |
Core | Soulstone | Combat Resurrection. |
Core | Demonic Gateway | |
Core | Curse of Tongues | Useful against caster targets. It can be furtherbolstered by Amplify Curse talent. |
Core | Curse of Weakness | Useful against physical damage dealers. It can be furtherbolstered by Amplify Curse talent. |
Core | Demon Summoning | Summon Imp can help you with Singe Magicdispel while Summon Felhunter can be useful with anextra interrupt - Spell Lock. |
Optional | Banish | Useful on some boss encounters for an extracrowd-control effect. |
Optional | Shadowfury | AoE Stun. |
Optional | Mortal Coil | Sinel-Target disturb effect. |
Destruction Warlock Mythic+
Augmentation Evoker
Patch 10.2.7 update: Augmentation Evokerreceived no changes in Season 4, as well as, keeping theirtier-set unchanged. Augmentation Evoker is expected to remain one ofthe most valuable DPS options for Season 4, due to its incredibly powerful toolkit.It allows your team to deal more damage and enhances theirsurvivability while making you one of the most formidable damage dealers in the game.On top of this, you can obtain once again, Nasz'uro, the Unbound Legacy,one of the most overpowered legendary options ever created, buffing yourteam with primary stat and speed for a short period.In short, there isn't much more to say except that if the current state of affairsremains the same, this specialization will undoubtedly be among the top-tier choicesin Season 4.
While the positives are many on the higher-end keys, the popularity and the powerof the specialization rapidly decreased throughout low to mid-level keys where the3rd DPS spot is preferred to be a "regular" damage dealer rather than an evoker.
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Blessing of the Bronze | - |
Core | Ebon Might | - |
Core | Chrono Ward | Extra Shielding effect triggered after Breath of Eons cast. |
Core | Expunge | Removing all Poison effects from an ally. |
Core | Upheaval | Extra knock-up effect. |
Optional | Timelessness | Reduces the threat to 1 friendly target. |
Optional | Oppressing Roar | Increasing the duration of all crowd-controleffects on the affected enemies by 50%. You canfurther talent into Overawe, removing 1Enrage effect from each enemy (AoE Enrage Removal). |
Optional | Terror of the Skies | After using Breath of Eons, you willstun all enemies by 3 sec affected by your breath. |
Core | Prescience | Can be further bolstered by the Fate Mirrortalent. |
Core | Tail Swipe | AoE disturb effect that knocks up enemies. |
Core | Wing Buffet | AoE knockback effect. |
Optional | Sleep Walk | Single-target crowd-control effect that forcesthe enemy to move towards you. |
Optional | Bestow Weyrnstone | Enables one party/raid member to teleport to yourlocation within 100 yards. |
Optional | Blistering Scales | Increases the armor and gives damage to the selectedmember. |
Optional | Spatial Paradox | It enables your Healer of choice to freely move whilecasting and increasing the range of most spells by 100%for 11 sec. |
Optional | Source of Magic | Can be further bolstered by Potent Mana |
Optional | Zephyr | Area-of-effect damage reduction (party only). |
Optional | Cauterizing Flame | Bleed removal |
Optional | Rescue | You can further bolster it with Twin Guardian talent for extra durability. |
Augmentation Evoker Mythic+
Fire Mage
Patch 10.2.7 update: Fire Magereceived a buff to their "old-new" tier-set, from Season 2, which will be playedin the next season. Fire Mage is a specialization that excels in mid tohigh-end keys where mobs live longer, and there are longer gaps between pulls.This spec offers consistent damage (both AoE and ST), priority-target damageand high on-demand bursts. Moreover, Fire Mage is one of themost durable specs in the game, having not only several defensive optionsbut also a cheat death - Cauterize. It also provides high group-wide utility, pairedwith incredible mobility. As we have previously predicted, the only thing stoppingFire Mage from being once again the "king" of all DPS specializations arefurther damage buffs, and we still believe played in the right group and onthe higher key level, this spec is ranked MUCH HIGHER THAN THIS PLACMEMENT.
Its output is significantly lower when mobs die quicker (in other words, lower key levels),especially if you are opting in on an Mastery: Ignite build.
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Arcane Intellect | 5% extra Intellect to the whole raid/party. |
Core | Time Warp | Alternative of Bloodlust. |
Core | Polymorph | Single-target crowd-control effect. |
Optional | Mass Barrier / Mass Invisibility | Gives a shield that absorbs damage ormass invisibility to the entire party. |
Optional | Spellsteal | Steals a beneficial magic effect fromthe target. |
Optional | Remove Curse | Removes all Curses from afriendly target. |
Optional | Ring of Frost | AoE disturb effect. |
Optional | Ice Nova | AoE Immobilize effect. This can be cast separatefrom Frost Nova. |
Optional | Blast Wave | AoE knockback. |
Optional | Dragon's Breath | AoE disturb effect. |
Fire Mage Mythic+
Balance Druid
Patch 10.2.7 update: Balance Druidreceived a buff to their "old-new" tier-set, from Season 1, which will be playedin the next season. Although Balance Druid may not appear impressivein lower-end keys, it becomes increasingly formidable as the key level increases.If you use your cooldowns effectively in Mythic+, you can achieve exceptionallyhigh damage, both in AoE and single-target scenarios. Moreover, we all know howvaluable the Druid utility is, one of the best any specialization canoffer to your group. All of this combine will cement their placement on the upperechelon of DPS specs on the tier list, with a much more focus on tackling higher keys,rather than lower-end keys.
It takes some time for the spec to ramp up before it can cause significant damage.This means that the performance of the Balance Druid will improve asthe mobs live longer. In addition, the damage output of the spec without major cooldownsis at most average, making it essential to carefully manage and use yourcooldowns to their fullest potential.
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Mark of the Wild | Increasing the Versatility of your raid/partyby 3%. |
Core | Solar Beam | 8 sec AoE silence. |
Core | Entangling Roots | Single-target root effect. |
Optional | Nature's Vigil | Extra off-healing. |
Optional | Innervate | Allowing 1 friendly healer to castspells without spending mana for 8 sec. |
Optional | Stampeding Roar | Increasing the movement speed to all raidmembers by 60% for 8 sec. |
Optional | Remove Corruption | Removes all Curse and Poison effectsfrom a friendly target. |
Optional | Soothe | Dispelling all Enrage Effects from anenemy target. |
Optional | Hibernate | Single-target crowd-control effects againstbeasts and dragonkins. It also works on Incorporeal. |
Optional | Incapacitating Roar / Mighty Bash | You have the choice between AoE disturb effector a single-target stun. |
Optional | Typhoon | Aoe knockback. |
Optional | Mass Entanglement / Ursol's Vortex | You have the choice between AoE root effect orAoE wind-of-vortex, pulling all the mobs to one location. |
Balance Druid Mythic+
Retribution Paladin
Patch 10.2.7 update: Retribution Paladinreceived no changes in Season 4, as well as, keeping theirtier-set unchanged. The overall performance from Retribution Paladinwill remain a reliable choice, regardless of your party composition, in Season 4. Withone of the best group-wide DPS utilities, it is an invaluable asset for anyonewho wants to play this spec. Additionally, it offers excellent defensiveoptions in case of danger and a great damage output. Speaking of damage,you don't have to worry, as it still has impressive burst windows that can helpyou take down any quantity of mobs and decent sustain damage. Overall,Retribution Paladin is excellent and is one of the top meleechoices for the next season.
It is still a significant concern that the spec lack diversification, which leadsto severe limitations in capabilities. Although, no relevant hybrid options are available,which adversely affects their Mythic+ performance, the most recent buffs make the situationmuch better.
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Devotion Aura | Permanent 3% group/raid-wide damage reductionaura. |
Core | Retribution Aura | In case you already have Devotion Aura fromanother Paladin, you can choose the Retribution Aurato help your party/raid do more Damage and Healing. |
Core | Hammer of Justice | A powerful single-target 6 sec stun effect. |
Core | Lay on Hands | Heals a member of your party/raid to full health. |
Core | Intercession | Combat-resurrection |
Optional | Blessing of Sacrifice | Helps a single member of your raid in acritical situation. Can be further improved by talenting Sacrifice of the Just. |
Optional | Blessing of Protection | Physical immunity, which can help you withsome boss encounters. |
Optional | Blessing of Freedom | Immunity to movement impairing effects. |
Optional | Repentance / Blinding Light | You have the option between single-target crowd-controleffect or a powerful mass AoE stop. |
Optional | Cleanse Toxins | Removes all Poison and Disease effectsfrom the target. |
Optional | Turn Evil | Be able to fear any Undead, Aberration orDemon, which is an additional form of crowd-control. |
Retribution Paladin Mythic+
Frost Mage
Patch 10.2.7 update: Frost Magereceived no changes in Season 4, as well as, keeping theirtier-set unchanged. Frost Mage's gameplay revolves around Glacial Spike, and the tier-set favors AoE over single-target damage; although powerful, it can be quite monotomous rotation-wise. It's important to notethat Frost Mages, like any other Mage spec, have excellent group-wide utility,one of the best defensives in the game, high mobility, and Frost-exclusive permanentslow attached to most of their spells. Overall, one of the most solidRanged specs for any range of keys.
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Arcane Intellect | 5% extra Intellect to the whole raid/party. |
Core | Time Warp | Alternative of Bloodlust. |
Core | Polymorph | Single-target crowd-control effect. |
Core | Permanent slow effects. | - |
Optional | Mass Barrier / Mass Invisibility | Gives a shield that absorbs damage ormass invisibility to the entire party. |
Optional | Spellsteal | Steals a beneficial magic effect fromthe target. |
Optional | Remove Curse | Removes all Curses from afriendly target. |
Optional | Ring of Frost | AoE disturb effect. |
Optional | Ice Nova | AoE Immobilize effect. This can be cast separatefrom Frost Nova. |
Optional | Blast Wave | AoE knockback. |
Optional | Dragon's Breath | AoE disturb effect. |
Frost Mage Mythic+
Outlaw Rogue
Patch 10.2.7: Outlaw Roguereceived no changes in Season 4, as well as, keeping theirtier-set unchanged. Outlaw Rogue performs exceptionally well in bothsingle-target and AOE situations, making it a versatile and dominant spec in Mythic+.The class boasts high utility, several defensive abilities, magicalimmunity, and excellent mobility. Now keep in mind that their AoE is capped, which puts themsignificantly behind when you pull larger (more than 8 mobs), which isthe main drawback of the spec. Overall, it's difficult to find any otherspec that matches the effectiveness and efficiency of Outlaw Roguein the current state of the game.
Overall, Outlaw's strong damage profile paired with incredible group-widewill cement their current rankings. Lastly, don't forget that this spec willstill struggle in heavy AoE scenarios (8+ mobs), which rarely happens in pugkeys (but still to be mentioned).
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Weapon Poisons | Numbing Poison, Atrophic Poison, Crippling Poison, Wound Poison or Instant Poison |
Core | Gouge / Airborne Irritant | You have the choice between AoE stop orpowerful short cooldown single-target stop. |
Core | Blind | Disturb effect, useful for crowd-control. |
Core | Kidney Shot | Single-target stun effect. |
Core | Sap | Non-combat crowd-control. |
Core | Cheap Shot | Single-target stun effect. |
Core | Shiv | Enrage-effect dispel. |
Core | Shroud of Concealment | Mass-invisibility effect. |
Core | Tricks of the Trade | Redirects all threat you cause to a selected party memberlasting 6 sec. |
Core | Distract | When used, it stops any creatures from moving. Incredibleuseful when stopping patrol targets from repositioning. |
Outlaw Rogue Mythic+
Devastation Evoker
Patch 10.2.7 update: Devastation Evokerreceived a buff to their "old-new" tier-set, from Season 2, which will be playedin the next season. Devastation Evoker are looking so far fantasticgoing forward to Season 4 as they will be getting their much preferred Season 2tierset is back in action. They will retain their bursty side, while significantlyincreasing their sustained damage (both AoE and ST). They already have amazinggroup-wide utility, several sets of defensiveness and are quite a mobile casteroption. On top of this, you can obtain once again, Nasz'uro, the Unbound Legacy,one of the most overpowered legendary options ever created, buffing yourteam with primary stat and speed for a short period. To conclude,one of the best-ranged options so far.
One of the biggest drawbacks of Devastation Evoker is havingseveral offensive abilities being tied to a 25 yard ranged, comparedto the standard 40 yard range option for Ranged specializations.This can create some difficulties in maintaining perfect rotation uponcombat.
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Blessing of the Bronze | - |
Core | Tail Swipe | AoE disturb effect that knocks up enemies. |
Core | Wing Buffet | AoE knockback effect. |
Core | Expunge | Removing all Poison effects from an ally. |
Optional | Sleep Walk | Single-target crowd-control effect that forcesthe enemy to move towards you. |
Optional | Source of Magic | Can be further bolstered by Potent Mana |
Optional | Oppressing Roar | Increasing the duration of all crowd-controleffects on the affected enemies by 50%. You canfurther talent into Overawe, removing 1Enrage effect from each enemy (AoE Enrage Removal). |
Optional | Terror of the Skies | After using Breath of Eons, you willstun all enemies by 3 sec affected by your breath. |
Optional | Zephyr | Area-of-effect damage reduction (party only). |
Optional | Cauterizing Flame | Bleed removal |
Optional | Rescue | You can further bolster it with Twin Guardian talent for extra durability. |
Devastation Evoker Mythic+
Demonology Warlock
Patch 10.2.7 update:received no changes in Season 4, as well as, keeping theirtier-set unchanged. Demonology Warlock specialization is performingexcellently, with their great consistent/burst AoE damage, pairedwith a strong single-target. Apart from that, the Warlock class has a well-roundedMythic+ utility package and great durability. To conclude, we believe Demonology Warlockwill be one of the best-performing ranged options in Season 4.
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Create Healthstone | Helps your team to survive deadly pulls. |
Core | Soulstone | Combat Resurrection. |
Core | Demonic Gateway | |
Core | Curse of Tongues | Useful against caster targets. It can be furtherbolstered by Amplify Curse talent. |
Core | Curse of Weakness | Useful against physical damage dealers. It can be furtherbolstered by Amplify Curse talent. |
Core | Demon Summoning | Summon Imp can help you with Singe Magicdispel while Summon Felhunter can be useful with anextra interrupt - Spell Lock. |
Optional | Banish | Useful on some boss encounters for an extracrowd-control effect. |
Optional | Shadowfury | AoE Stun. |
Optional | Mortal Coil | Single-Target disturb effect. |
Demonology Warlock Mythic+
Unholy Death Knight
Patch 10.2.7 update: Unholy Death Knightreceived no changes in Season 4, as well as, keeping theirtier-set unchanged. Despite some power of Unholy Death Knight's has been taken awaytheir burst, they will continue to be a burst powerhouse in Season 4, with significantlyimproved sustained damage. It is important to note that, Unholy is one of the few specsthat has an access to amazing single-target and AoE damage profile, great durabilityand good party-wide utility. Overall, we are happy with the performance of this spec andlooking forward to see who it will play out until the end.
Not a drawback but, you can only fully unleash your maximum potential by managingyour major cooldowns well, which is much easier when playing with a pre-made grouprather than a pug group.
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Anti-Magic Zone | Provides extra durability against heavy magical damage. |
Core | Death Grip | Repositions an enemy of your choice. |
Core | Raise Ally | Combat-resurrection. |
Core | Gnaw | Having an extra stun effect for 1 sec fromyour Ghoul pet. |
Optional | Blinding Sleet | AoE disturb effect. |
Optional | Blinding Sleet | AoE disturb effect. |
Optional | Abomination Limb | Every 1 sec an enemy is pulled closeto you. |
Optional | Insidious Chill | Reduces auto-attack speed of your target by5% stacking up 4 times. |
Optional | Asphyxiate | 5 sec single-target stun. |
Unholy Death Knight Mythic+
Havoc Demon Hunter
Patch 10.2.7 update: Havoc Demon Hunterreceived no changes in Season 4, as well as, keeping theirtier-set unchanged. Havoc Demon Hunter will continue to be a great choicein Season 4 of Mythic+ so far. They have an amazing damage profile, which consistsof good output off and on cooldowns and a competitive single-target.Their group-wide utility and mobility are among the best across allmelee DPS specs, which makes it a lucrative option for the current caster-heavyorientated meta (thanks Chaos Brand :) ). Overall, a strong DPS choice.
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Chaos Brand | 5% extra Magical damage |
Core | Darkness | % chance to avoid all damage from an attack. |
Core | Fel Eruption | Single-target stun. |
Optional | Chaos Nova | AoE stun effect. |
Optional | Imprison | Single-target out of combat crowd-control. |
Optional | Consume Magic | Remove 1 beneficial Magic effect. |
Optional | Sigil of Misery | AoE disturb effect. |
Havoc Demon Hunter Mythic+
Windwalker Monk
Patch 10.2.7 update: Windwalker Monkreceived a buff to their "old-new" tier-set, from Season 1, which will be playedin the next season. Windwalker Monk still has a power burst (both AoE and ST)that fits perfectly for the level of keys on which this tier list is based on. Moreover,their sustained damage is quite competitive. It's important to note thatthe utility package of this specialization is among the best in Mythic+, and it hasone of the highest survivability rates. Overall, a solid pickup that bestplays with a full physical damage-orientated squad due to its Mystic Touch,but can adapt if otherwise put in a different group composition.
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Mystic Touch | 5% extra Physical damage for your raid. |
Core | Generous Pour | Extra damage reduction against area-of-effectdamage. |
Core | Close to Heart | Increased healing from all sources for all allies within10 yards. |
Core | Leg Sweep | 3 sec stun effect. |
Optional | Tiger's Lust | Removes all roots and snares. |
Optional | Ring of Peace | It can be used to help your tank kite and as aAoE disturb effect. |
Optional | Detox | Removes all Poison and Disease effectsfrom the target. |
Optional | Paralysis | Single-target disturb effect. |
Windwalker Monk Mythic+
Beast Mastery Hunter
Patch 10.2.7 update: Beast Mastery Hunterreceived no changes in Season 4, as well as, keeping theirtier-set unchanged. Beast Mastery Hunter is performing exceptionally well,and it is likely the strongest it has been since the start of the expansion.Their single-target and AoE damage (both burst and sustained) are in amazingshape, and when combined with their unbeatable mobility, they become a hidden gemin the game. On top of this, they will get back their unique bow - Neltharax, Enemy of the Sky,which will further bolster their already strong damage profile. Overall, a solid pickfor the upcoming new season.
Hunter's survivability has been a red flag for some time now. Whileseveral attempts have been made to improve it, and it isbetter than in previous expansions, it remains a concern. Lastly,pet interaction can still be problematic. Given the fact that almostall of your damage comes from pet attacks, it is something that shouldbe permanently fixed. For instance, pets randomly dying from frontals/bleedsor glitching up and being unable to reach specific places.
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Primal Rage | Although not unique, it can help in somerare cases. |
Core | Hunter's Mark | Increases all damage dealt to targets above 80%health by 5%. |
Core | Tar Trap | AoE Slow. |
Core | Tranquilizing Shot | Removes 1 Enrage and Magic effectfrom an enemy target. |
Core | Intimidation | A powerful 5 sec single-target stun. |
Core | Scatter Shot / Binding Shot | You have the option between single-target disturb effectand a wonky "AoE Stun". |
Core | Freezing Trap | A powerful single-target crowd-control effect. |
Beast Mastery Hunter Mythic+
Marksmanship Hunter
Patch 10.2.7 update: Marksmanship Hunterreceived no changes in Season 4, as well as, keeping theirtier-set unchanged. Although Marksmanship Hunter have oneof the strongest bursts in Mythic+, both in AoE and single-target, their consistentdamage off-major cooldowns is lackluster. The specializationhas come a long way, as it was previously one of the lowest-performing DPSoptions on our tier list. On top of this, they will get back their unique bow - Neltharax, Enemy of the Sky, which will further bolster their already strongdamage profile. If you love the fantasy of Marksmanship Hunter and theplaystyle, remember that the spec does much better on the lower-mid level keyswhere burst can put you ahead of your party members. Still, its powers significantlydiminish on the higher-end keys.
One of the major cons of the spec is the weak defensives and lack ofstrong damage profile (AoE and single-target) outside of their cooldowns. To addon top of that, some of their AoE damage is still capped, which doesn'thelp them either.
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Primal Rage | Although not unique, it can help in somerare cases. |
Core | Hunter's Mark | Increases all damage dealt to targets above 80%health by 5%. |
Core | Tar Trap | AoE Slow. |
Core | Tranquilizing Shot | Removes 1 Enrage and Magic effectfrom an enemy target. |
Core | Scatter Shot / Binding Shot | You have the option between single-target disturb effectand a wonky "AoE Stun". |
Core | Freezing Trap | A powerful single-target crowd-control effect. |
Optional | Misdirection | Helpful in cases where there are spreadnon-boss-enemies and your tanks needs help withcollecting the aggro. |
Marksmanship Hunter Mythic+
Arcane Mage
Patch 10.2.7 update: Arcane Magereceived no changes in Season 4, as well as, keeping theirtier-set unchanged. Arcane Mage is known for having one of the bestburst-damage playstyles in Mythic+ dungeons, making it a valuable option fortaking down high-danger non-boss packs and important bosses.With incredible utility and survivability, it is a solid Ranged option for theupcoming Season 4. However, it's important to note that Arcane Mageperforms best on mid-high level keys where mobs can withstand the full burst.Additionally, this spec is considered one of the most difficult to play,so inexperienced players with limited dungeon knowledge may not benefit from its potential.
To fully utilize this specialization, a high level of skill is required,which can make it difficult for new players to get the most out of it.Additionally, this specialization is considered a "niche". It is morevaluable in higher-level gameplay, while its effectiveness may be reducedin lower-level gameplay.
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Arcane Intellect | 5% extra Intellect to the whole raid/party. |
Core | Time Warp | Alternative of Bloodlust. |
Core | Polymorph | Single-target crowd-control effect. |
Optional | Mass Barrier / Mass Invisibility | Gives a shield that absorbs damage ormass invisibility to the entire party. |
Optional | Spellsteal | Steals a beneficial magic effect fromthe target. |
Optional | Remove Curse | Removes all Curses from afriendly target. |
Optional | Ring of Frost | AoE disturb effect. |
Optional | Ice Nova | AoE Immobilize effect. This can be cast separatefrom Frost Nova. |
Optional | Blast Wave | AoE knockback. |
Optional | Dragon's Breath | AoE disturb effect. |
Arcane Mage Mythic+
Subtlety Rogue
Patch 10.2.7: Subtlety Roguereceived no changes in Season 4, as well as, keeping theirtier-set unchanged. Apart from the impressive Rogue's utility package,Subtlety Rogue also delivers consistent damage with great on-demand burst.The spec has no shortcomings apart from the fact that it doesn't competewith the best-performing classes regarding raw damage output. Watch out forSubtlety Rogue, as any rogue spec can become an S-tier candidate ifproperly fine-tuned!
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Weapon Poisons | Numbing Poison, Atrophic Poison, Crippling Poison, Wound Poison or Instant Poison |
Core | Gouge / Airborne Irritant | You have the choice between AoE stop orpowerful short cooldown single-target stop. |
Core | Blind | Disturb effect, useful for crowd-control. |
Core | Kidney Shot | Single-target stun effect. |
Core | Sap | Non-combat crowd-control. |
Core | Cheap Shot | Single-target stun effect. |
Core | Shiv | Enrage-effect dispel. |
Core | Shroud of Concealment | Mass-invisibility effect. |
Core | Tricks of the Trade | Redirects all threat you cause to a selected party memberlasting 6 sec. |
Core | Distract | When used, it stops any creatures from moving. Incredibleuseful when stopping patrol targets from repositioning. |
Subtlety Rogue Mythic+
Elemental Shaman
Patch 10.2.7 update: Elemental Shamanreceived no changes in Season 4, as well as, keeping theirtier-set unchanged. Elemental Shaman's damage profile is quite competitive,especially on low target count or single-target (good at funnel too!). However, theirmass AoE damage/burst is one of the weakest compared to the rest of the DPS specialization,if the pull lasts long enough, eventually, they can catch up. In addition, the lack of adefensive profile significantly punishes the class. Overall, one of the mostfun specs to play in Mythic+, with a slight touch on their spender abilitiesand adjustments on behalf of their durability, can enable Elemental Shamanmuch higher.
Elemental Shaman is still one of the squishiest DPS specs in the game,which needs to be addressed. Also, it is disappointing that this specialization isthe only one that doesn't bring any unique buffs to the party/raid. Moreover, the massAoE of Elemental Shaman is problematic, especially in the lower-end keys whereit doesn't have enough time to ramp up.
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Bloodlust | - |
Core | Earth Elemental | A powerful elemental summon that helps you survive. |
Core | Earthquake | Has a chance for a knockdown effect. |
Optional | Wind Rush Totem / Earthgrab Totem | A choice between on-demand extra movement speedor AoE root effect similar to Mass Entanglement. |
Optional | Ancestral Guidance | Provides extra off-healing to your party. |
Optional | Capacitor Totem | 3 sec AoE stun. |
Optional | Hex | Single-target crowd-control ability. |
Optional | Cleanse Spirit | Removes all Curse effects from a friendlytarget. |
Optional | Purge | Removing 1 beneficial Magic effectfrom an enemy. |
Optional | Thunderstorm | AoE disturb effect that can either knock awayor knock up ( Thundershock). |
Optional | Poison Cleansing Totem | Removes all poison effects on a nearby party membereach 1.5 sec for 6 sec. |
Optional | Stoneskin Totem | 10% physical damage reduction |
Elemental Shaman Mythic+
Arms Warrior
Patch 10.2.7 update: Arms Warriorreceived a buff to their "old-new" tier-set, from Season 1, which will be playedin the next season. Arms Warrior will remain a decent melee DPS choicefor the following season, which unfortunately is not good enough to place themamong the top contenders. While the damage profile remains average, their utilityis one of the weakest in Mythic+. Overall, if any class changes are targetingtheir damage contribution, we believe Arms will be placed much higher on the tier list.
Average damage profile and poor Mythic+ utility.
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Rallying Cry | Temporary increasing the health of your raid/party. |
Core | Battle Shout | Extra 5% attack power. |
Optional | Spell Reflection | Usable in niche situations. |
Optional | Intimidating Shout | AoE disturb effect capped at 5 targets. |
Optional | Storm Bolt | 4 sec single-target stun. |
Optional | Shockwave | AoE Stun |
Arms Warrior Mythic+
Feral Druid
Patch 10.2.7 update: Feral Druidreceived no changes in Season 4, as well as, keeping theirtier-set unchanged. Feral Druid is currently in a decent spot, providingan average output, both on single-target and on AoE. You arguably have one of thebest utility packages among all DPS specs, which can make a lucrative optionfor any group composition. On top of this, we all know how "tanky" and mobile this spec is.In short, Feral is a solid choice of melee specs coming into the new season, butwe would like to see some positive damage adjustments.
Further damage buffs are needed to secure a higher placement on the tierlist.
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Mark of the Wild | Increasing the Versatility of your raid/partyby 3%. |
Core | Entangling Roots | Single-target root effect. |
Optional | Innervate | Allowing 1 friendly healer to castspells without spending mana for 8 sec. |
Optional | Nature's Vigil | Extra off-healing. |
Optional | Stampeding Roar | Increasing the movement speed to all raidmembers by 60% for 8 sec. |
Optional | Remove Corruption | Removes all Curse and Poison effectsfrom a friendly target. |
Optional | Soothe | Dispelling all Enrage Effects from anenemy target. |
Optional | Hibernate | Single-target crowd-control effects againstbeasts and dragonkins. It also works on Incorporeal. |
Optional | Incapacitating Roar / Mighty Bash | You have the choice between AoE disturb effector a single-target stun. |
Optional | Typhoon | Aoe knockback. |
Optional | Mass Entanglement / Ursol's Vortex | You have the choice between AoE root effect orAoE wind-of-vortex, pulling all the mobs to one location. |
Feral Druid Mythic+
Assassination Rogue
Patch 10.2.7: Assassination Roguereceived a flat 6% buff to their abilities and auto-attacks. Assassination Rogueis continuing Season 4 as the best version of the spec seen since the beginning of the expansion.The class now has a much better damage profile, regardless of the number ofenemies being fought. This has been a significant concern for a long time, asthe spec already has an excellent overall toolkit, mobility, and survivability.Although they have improved in the damage department, they still strugglein the low-to mid-level keys where mobs die too quickly before they ramp uptheir damage, hence why such a spec can benefit better on the higherkey levels.
We believe that Assassination Rogues will performa lot better on the higher-end keys compared to the lower keys, simply becausethe higher health targets allow you to fully utilize your whole burst. This,however, is a massive disadvantage for the specialization and one of the reasonswhy people prefer their sibling specs.
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Iron Wire | Enables Garrote to silence for 6 secwhen used from Stealth and enemies that are silencedby Garrote deal 15% reduced damagefor 8 sec. |
Core | Weapon Poisons | Numbing Poison, Atrophic Poison, Crippling Poison, Wound Poison, Instant Poison, Amplifying Poison and Deadly Poison |
Core | Gouge / Airborne Irritant | You have the choice between AoE stop orpowerful short cooldown single-target stop. |
Core | Blind | Disturb effect, useful for crowd-control. |
Core | Kidney Shot | Single-target stun effect. |
Core | Sap | Non-combat crowd-control. |
Core | Cheap Shot | Single-target stun effect. |
Core | Shiv | Enrage-effect dispel. |
Core | Shroud of Concealment | Mass-invisibility effect. |
Core | Tricks of the Trade | Redirects all threat you cause to a selected party memberlasting 6 sec. |
Core | Distract | When used, it stops any creatures from moving. Incredibleuseful when stopping patrol targets from repositioning. |
Assassination Rogue Mythic+
Fury Warrior
Patch 10.2.7 update: Fury Warriorreceived a buff to their "old-new" tier-set, from Season 2, which will be playedin the next season. In addition to that, they also received a 3% auradamage buff, which is still not enough to bring the spec closer to the rest of theDPS specializations. Fury Warrior's main advantage - theirburst/consistent damage is completely lackluster. To add to that, they have oneof the weakest party-wide utility for Mythic+. Perhaps, Battle Shoutcan be integrated into the mix, if there were a melee meta, which can make them moredesirable to have either of the Warrior specs present, however, sincecasters are a lot stronger, that can't be taken into consideration. Overall, weare quite disappointed with the performance of this spec and we are lookingforward to future tunings.
Currently, the main challenge for Fury is their lack of meaningfulparty-wide utility and a strong damage profile.
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Rallying Cry | Temporary increasing the health of your raid/party. |
Core | Battle Shout | Extra 5% attack power. |
Optional | Spell Reflection | Usable in niche situations. |
Optional | Intimidating Shout | AoE disturb effect capped at 5 targets. |
Optional | Storm Bolt | 4 sec single-target stun. |
Optional | Shockwave | AoE Stun |
Fury Warrior Mythic+
Enhancement Shaman
Patch 10.2.7 update: Enhancement Shamanreceived no changes in Season 4, as well as, keeping theirtier-set unchanged. Enhancement Shaman will enter next season'splace on the lower end of the bracken on our tierlist. Although they havegreat burst and sustained damage on a low count target, their mass AoE isamong the weakest compared to the rest of the DPS specialization. This can causea massive issue for your team if you decide to pull multiple packs together.To add on top of this, although they have a great utility build for Mythic+,their defensives are also among the weakest across all melee specs. To conclude,Enhancement Shaman benefits low-target pulls, in which case they willdo fantastic, the moment you decide to pull larger, you will run into an issueas most of their offensive spells are still target-capped.
One of the major concerns with playing as an Enhancement Shaman is howvulnerable they can be. Similarly to its counterpart, the Elemental Shaman,this class can feel incredibly fragile once their only defensive cooldown, Astral Shift is unavailable. In addition, their mass AoE damage is stillan issue going forward to Season 4.
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Bloodlust | - |
Core | Sundering | Additional AoE stop. |
Core | Earth Elemental | A powerful elemental summon that helps you survive. |
Optional | Windfury Totem | - |
Optional | Wind Rush Totem / Earthgrab Totem | A choice between on-demand extra movement speedor AoE root effect similar to Mass Entanglement. |
Optional | Ancestral Guidance | Provides extra off-healing to your party. |
Optional | Capacitor Totem | 3 sec AoE stun. |
Optional | Hex | Single-target crowd-control ability. |
Optional | Cleanse Spirit | Removes all Curse effects from a friendlytarget. |
Optional | Purge | Removing 1 beneficial Magic effectfrom an enemy. |
Optional | Thunderstorm | AoE disturb effect that can either knock awayor knock up ( Thundershock). |
Optional | Poison Cleansing Totem | Removes all poison effects on a nearby party membereach 1.5 sec for 6 sec. |
Optional | Stoneskin Totem | 10% physical damage reduction |
Enhancement Shaman Mythic+
Frost Death Knight
Patch 10.2.7 update: Frost Death Knightreceived a buff to their "old-new" tier-set, from Season 2, which will be playedin the next season. Frost Death Knight will remain a powerful burst machine in Season 4,but it still has the same issue of lower sustain damage without cooldowns.Another problem that needs addressing is aggro issues, especially at the startof any given pull with a larger mob count. To justify a higher placement, the specneeds to be improved, specifically in the damage and utility department.
Lack of sustained damage, heavily relient of cooldowns.
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Anti-Magic Zone | Provides extra durability against heavy magical damage. |
Core | Death Grip | Repositions an enemy of your choice. |
Core | Raise Ally | Combat-resurrection. |
Optional | Abomination Limb | Every 1 sec an enemy is pulled closeto you. |
Optional | Blinding Sleet | AoE disturb effect. |
Optional | Insidious Chill | Reduces auto-attack speed of your target by5% stacking up 4 times. |
Optional | Control Undead | Mind-control an undead enemy to fight on your side.This ability can also Mind-control Incorporeal(similar to Priest's Dominate Mind) to gainthe full benefit of the affix. |
Optional | Asphyxiate | 5 sec single-target stun. |
Frost Death Knight Mythic+
Survival Hunter
Patch 10.2.7 update: Survival Hunterreceived a buff to their "old-new" tier-set, from Season 1, which will be playedin the next season. Survival Hunter spec appears to be once again, in anunderperforming state, as their damage output is among the lowest acrossall damage dealers. On top of this, their limited utility and survivabilityputs them further behind the list. To place this spec higher,we would like to see further positive adjustments on behalf of theirdamage profile, specifically sustained and burst AoE.
Low overall damage, limited mob-control options for your team andstill relatively squishy.
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Primal Rage | Although not unique, it can help in somerare cases. |
Core | Hunter's Mark | Increases all damage dealt to targets above 80%health by 5%. |
Core | Tar Trap | AoE Slow. |
Core | Tranquilizing Shot | Removes 1 Enrage and Magic effectfrom an enemy target. |
Core | Intimidation | A powerful 5 sec single-target stun. |
Core | Scatter Shot / Binding Shot | You have the option between single-target disturb effectand a wonky "AoE Stun". |
Core | Freezing Trap | A powerful single-target crowd-control effect. |
Optional | Misdirection | Helpful in cases where there are spreadnon-boss-enemies and your tanks needs help withcollecting the aggro. |
Survival Hunter Mythic+
Affliction Warlock
Patch 10.2.7 update: Affliction Warlockreceived a minor buff on behalf of their Soul Rot, Soul Flame, Vile Taint and Doom Blossom. Although Affliction Warlock'sburst damage is decent their sustain damage (both AoE and ST) is one of the weakestacross all DPS specializations in Mythic+. This is the main reason why we believe thespec will not perform well in the following season of Mythic+. Yes, they have allthe tools to climb higher, from having a great defensive toolkit to an amazingparty-wide utility, but further positive adjustments are needed to warrant ahigher placement on the tier list.
The full potential of Affliction Warlock can be utilized onlyon the mid to high-key level and still is quite behind on the lower keys.In addition, their sustain damage across all damage profiles is quite weak.Given that both Destruction Warlock and Demonology Warlockare in a better spot than you, I doubt you will seemuch volume coming from Affliction.
Mythic+ Utility
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Create Healthstone | Helps your team to survive deadly pulls. |
Core | Soulstone | Combat Resurrection. |
Core | Demonic Gateway | |
Core | Curse of Tongues | Useful against caster targets. It can be furtherbolstered by Amplify Curse talent. |
Core | Curse of Weakness | Useful against physical damage dealers. It can be furtherbolstered by Amplify Curse talent. |
Core | Demon Summoning | Summon Imp can help you with Singe Magicdispel while Summon Felhunter can be useful with anextra interrupt - Spell Lock. |
Optional | Banish | Useful on some boss encounters for an extracrowd-control effect. |
Optional | Shadowfury | AoE Stun. |
Optional | Mortal Coil | Single-Target disturb effect. |
Affliction Warlock Mythic+
- 07 May 2024: Reviewed and update dfor 10.2.7 Patch.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed and updated for Season 4.
- 25 Mar. 2024: Reviewed and updated for 10.2.6 Patch.
- 12 Mar. 2024: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfixes.
- 28 Jan. 2024: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
- 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed and updated for 10.2.5 Patch.
- 18 Dec. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
- 04 Dec. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
- 25 Nov. 2023: Further class adjustments.
- 12 Nov. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
- 05 Nov. 2023: Reviewed and Updated for 10.2. Patch.
- 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed and Updated for 10.1.7 Patch.
- 22 Aug. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
- 09 Aug. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
- 25 Jul. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
- 17 Jul. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the 10.1.5 Patch.
- 13 Jul. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the 10.1.5 Patch.
- 10 Jul. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the 10.1.5 Patch.
- 27 Jun. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent hotfixes.
- 06 Jun. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent hotfixes.
- 23 May 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent hotfixes.
- 07 May 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent hotfixes.
- 01 May 2023: Fully Updated for Season 2 of Dragonflight.
- 21 Mar. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the upcoming 10.0.7 Patch.
- 04 Mar. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent round of changes.
- 14 Feb. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent Patch.
- 25 Jan. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the upcoming 10.0.5 Patch.
- 04 Jan. 2022: Minor update based on the further testing.
- 21 Dec. 2022: Further Adjustments based on the latest class changes.
- 30 Nov. 2022: Adjusted Frost Mage's position.
- 18 Nov. 2022: Updated with the initial iteration for Season 1 of Dragonflight.
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