The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

J--- shmwi mho at, fi til li 2 'vl 4a afternoon rtp-r in which Cor. Jalm Buchanan tfeciared that be would sur-. render Tb ofti' of (iitwmir at 'the expiration of hi terai. Tiirney lin Wn very ill, an1 at ine tiine it was thou I'M lie would not ve to be inaugurated. The Constitution prviJe that tl peakt-r of the Senate sl.till siieceed tu the Ivwrtw cbsir In eas- the Govern diss, but it also provide that tli (iovenior shall hold otti'-e two years or until liis uco'aar L- elected and nualifieJ.

1 here no vhiiin f-r icieaiin nl the Speaker or the Snnn in ea a Governor-elect 4v. Itn i.aiian tiHlay assde th" following of his H.iitn.ii Painful woi'-h ilt eirculatiouin retard the precarious Siate of health of tli- of 1 eintes-e an I tlx" iueetiois to vht- 1 rit uor h.iv givti ri--' have nst frling of i- 111 t'e puMic mind as to tit" suc-(miiii the iul tutorial oflie. I it lo niake a di rt sUivmeuf "1 "ii uui I shall until tin rui 01 in.v present term, ind hii-Iv no tin nni-' 1 11 avail mywU t.i'Hir. h-u-ii teelm 1 1 is to cutifino in i.rtit--. In the iinviiM I.

at re-elect i'sr" I il-sl tin- unwilling ti fin. nut in iiny 1 hw I ha-1 11 lii to do. mi I I clues to exereia the tiiiltt I have at -pi tlirt rdi-f of llw hikI no one heard nw a liinrniiir nainr-t it. No rau indue- it 1o cnpT'thw otlii of iK.r "nun ny i-pt 1 1 tli p-ipl' of 1 i'UIo-jiwm. hiv.

Tnrm-y till ill, hut it tlinilit li mil in a'toiit two ki to tak offioe. A ii. Hi -ion nrnl 't-ivi M'r. Johti I. J.

M.irrw, nf M'-mp'u--, in fw ciiMuhfr lii Ii cju-'il i-xr it -m-'nt and ifu" irnr 'u-nkiiit: tip tin- Snat witliiml t'w lormality of an Jt was evidently tlw rTUlt of a diiaund -r-Manlii)'. ihr IiUavs Wi-r n'lli til; vi zki-iii for int, an I iVr lia- a jet tfii n-i -( l-iu''i)t tU- tru tiu- tu nt N-inea vn ly a -jrt-r, tu tlfir yfi-i th" atl.tir are n-ar! id ifc-ytm tin i-dmt fidiuii ol eath tint tit' r.tii 4 tea1 lliii i- e-pTUlly tin ntii-int'n I v. Ini'n at tuit- jr. -al 111 irt-r lor j--ar, and iim- mf i-u ditiint: tt tuuf, tlfnivdi iiav ifn nit4i'r "aoids ivr lm l--ti-en thfaj. Mr.

iltl vitaa ijj: "I lia 1 Wn talk-iii? lh- nnkt airl Inra- e. trvin? to ft tl TH.ixfi tit i-r I. 1 fh rw MtriU'1 i th 'hiv jo I liejr tli wid, In! ne ii ymi UH-4U turn wit i a nil-, thinking it (tu Irn-n wlu-n I av Harris an I si tiis prfsin tliat haininiit tit" ljr-r -v- an imuilt. 1 drw hark an 1 struck luia in t4 faf with tSi hrk of uy hand. IU" Ktart-d at iu, br.t Htopunl with tin- tvinark, lli- S--isate is in in ion I annrl "You -dionl I ha- t'KHilit of h-fur rrn lniiitt'i tn I ln-re wad notiiing nmr mM tlien, tlm'ijli a Jin p'iiiltiKii aaw th hkiw ai.ti.

Soon a.ti-r that tin caucus a ind 1 wai ioin; oat of f'u etinni-Ju-t tWore I pot to the dir I flt a mi ine tiike ni on th baek with -i rii and Kfor 1 cuiil'l turn irii'-k ajiu. Tli. -it a I T'lriifd around vunr of tm friiKl rcixed Imu. otliers ean bf-T-en ii, 4nd tlia' I- tln-ie Ilis In-'U of it Mi. Harris say: I rs in the Sunt id-an b-r het J-hn Mil! -man out.

nn-l as nn yav ate a aloxi- neatly kixxkl iu off niy ft. I pi--4iel nff with tlwr evrlama tion. 'what tls drvjl do you hmd wlin riitiMxi ml ttu nre a to- tlie fnt--ad Aitl. th luii-k if hia I vd 1..

him "1 he SVtiiiti in in le-Jimi 1 will ftl this I weitt and gut-tie 'ii? -ti, kJ'l)(e MH'oty rarriea, and mumi tl.e iau as had a lioumed fol-1Td lliil-iian. hur nerar th ti4r I Ii.h1 hit In --a two Mow the )ad. vksn Senator lohin and Senat (aiicht uh and kept froro vtrlinc hini actin -r Cot iliU-sua! walking ont the ft and of the Muweil IIihu tdlkinu to his friends while Iarna and e-rl frl-nd in riin Xo. 10. No lave be taken foijd-ettling te dittieulty.

T.e thior to So. lW i and all l-ft t-j etitr by No. 11, nut-tin! one of Mr. iLarj-' frinnd h-fitrc i-fiui: iiiaitiil to o. IV.

John T. Pill-matt 'M of IntiTbkl liv-nu Mr. vetand, and is a.iin an inp'i- nit tor the pofition. Andrew J. U.irns i oal lnsrtr at Meatphii.

OHIO IN FINANCIAL STRAITS. Now See, the Value of KreueaHr. t'oliinji us, 0 in. a.

Gav. JlcKiut-y, in hut mi -a tv ti a lxitnl aesstim the tieiHral AsHetiiiHy this eveninR, d-voUn spa-e to a canfful an I fVliau-tOf statttui-nt of tin- finance-, of tie which an not in a prxnuisiir; condition. During tla. fial yer tht cl s.ii X. veuitvr 15, li1, th- total amount p.ii A out I tlie Auditor of Stat' warrants wjm nurly il.OO.OOv), or only a lil-tiV Ws thau ukuv than ieeij of the y-ar.

ln iiovrnur -v-plaius this of expen.Htur over rip -ti th cuaiud id tn leavy ih-uik'ik f-. of tlw yiar Duiinx th Mtl ar tlw Stat- has had to pay d-h; ismtri 1 -J during irvious var. I lu l.uv r.i-a; liuds tin --'iiujt'' of r-is-i t-. tl K.min; -ar will not justify as Lirjr iorj iaUoH- as in th pa-t yt-ar. lti tie 9tai was lld out hy iayiulit of lite dirett fea, and be hays jrjt itrwi on tlw ncaty of eci.n,..'ii; tu ail tin Tninilxtal arc mad.

lor tin u-a-t miit laws tu railroad iiu-p'oy an I pam.ii'rs upon trst el" tin- an I i ille i-ai. and it ia enpeci illy ur-d tint a liril spirit be Wi I new lapital for epik-ptiiv an I tin Uliio Coino.siinT to tlnj t'o-lunil i Uovtnor makes an aiHMMt for the It prte-ttin tt h- iJianl cottai- the anhjeet of mu.uri) leovrrnineut the Ccvernor siks -ll of tlie K'-J-Tal phtn, and ia uri'i- Mh 1. aL4atre to give tl wlutt titey want ia in reason. TWO CLAIMANTS FOR ONE SEAT. Peraliar t'oatext la PeaBkrlvaaia HetfMaa Uagei Hi io.

Fattiaa. ll-riialjura. T-, Jau. The tujonial atasioH of toe Lrfitdature of IVnuxj va-tia began nooa to-day. The return ctiou of membera of the 11 ku us to by the Seerelary of the Cim-tuonw alth were presented by Mr.

Hr-rit. When. OawforJ county was r-aatltei tlaj chief clerk auhttiiuted for the r-' iti ma eertifyiBf the el.eiion of Wilbur 1'. Hitfh), l)e ooirat, the doeum-nt war l--il on Saturday laat to Uoa. 11.

Andrews, lfc jiul.lima, by Judye lleaileraoa, before Andrews had rai4 the question of ttie WKaiitv of HUoya eWtion. The Ihtnnerat. led by iie-aaa. Fow, WWrrr Md liitter. auade an ineffectual atteaipt to check this action.

The ntetntiet then re worn "in, and Culeb'C. Thompson, VVarrn couniy, was elected Speaker Waiter Kitter, of Lycouina lit IVtuociuUe amaiitee. Alt-r the BMmbera had been sworn in was duxvred that Itoth Andrews awl lligiiy had gathered with tlte crowd nnd both took the oath. Hiifbv arrived nest iua niorniuK and took pietsion of lh eat asaigoed tu the Crawford couu Andrews will ftrolwldy slip into the trat tuo flrat ime Highy vacat.s it, aud thu the war prmusen to on. (Uiark-a K.

Voorhvs was to rut ally elect CliieJ t'htk. Ltilii brancliea of the Lesi-W'nreafter effec-inz an reatiiti'n took rtc until 3 o'ckitrk. At that hour they r-musaiblt'J au4 listimd tu tin. ading of t9T. Tattison's- Bissaj.

liie aitastire is'ail. 3 of nooratiuiM of the Stat- 1 1 ivo yxtai patt Tlie ttdal puhli. hi he on LKcetalA 31, lsii, ws i Tu lir.vernor" BoInU oat the existins- i- inality in the operation tlie 1 -aw WJiCO, 91 WM i.n- i annnally for all pnxfl taxition, trtt an I perm atiys r.ily and real estate tiie real and profierty of ttu an ahout n-jaal in tliir respeettTe aifaretote valuea. fyeats f. Lei-4j(iir a fttnner tecomtnniatiun that a revenue law be iraned w.ihVi tii entire cont of Mi? tte tiovermnnt f.KMiH he pail by the ta ttfxtn rstrpor'ttkv'ui-atid c-tlatera4 inheritance, and the receipts from taxes upon other or persoual pr pert tie returned to th rvefal enntie ha relieve the real ette tlKnini tsinsi Ira'-lv sp-iee is taken itp witfi an n'Mtint of lalsar trotihles, and the use of th National (iuard at M' aire wood and Homentrsil.

1 eiperiene at the former p'-t-e cost the State and at llsiit-tei I l'h. (ravernor says, with reff'liie to" the lil-ir ttxwthht at ll tiMvtail, mi I the way ti Shvriit dealt with thtu Tltre win no real eff.irt nwk on the naH tt the civil aiiiKoclties to atipprcai tin tis-iir. Icr. lhe rnilre euniintmltv sreiu.d to mrteu'ler to tl-e dlsriilerly elenient. rbc tiesl nnlnc fiftr determined men, nint Lv a inre of and a spirit.

hat snt Mils wttoe "II- I thretore tanitest to tK I.CBlsliituro at the esl 1nrnrret in stippresauiK Si-tiirlraiM'. In which the rlv'J authorilt: call unon I lie aiHttary power of th? Coni-BMHiweaJth. slidild te ulm-iil aiam the coon- calllnir for tr ains. This may Is an ra-a'tiHve htral mithorltl-i ih-terniln'il Setlon In thn 'lerinnlnu ot a driturhawe. Hither tfcnn have their nmlrtcl In 4 lire" sum 10 ttilrar the esfenes.

Rrsaaramitioa la Kaath Dakota. rlirre, S. Jan. H. lh- lf.u eiu- as ivuinativ Jame- Iaw- ju.

of llrjwn, for1 Speaker J. Cone, of McC'uok, for Clerk: W. A. Crooks, of Minnehaha, for Stx-ant. In th Sennt C.

X. nam-ii for anil David Eastman for STjreant. There is no adsant.i. to eitlier party on prohihitinn in th' selections, hut if is aeseru-d that a poll of flu lauislatur sliuws a maj-tritv hi re-fijI'iuL-xinn. At 2 p.

m. ih la-Mishi-tiu-e orjrmiel the husis of ram-iij 11.1U1 ination. anl was exceedingly hir-UKiUiuux. The 'M-pt oth. litis in slnMiK one.

j.v. Sheldon Uaik tlrt oath of otWce at 2 p. ul. Sworn By aa Asrieat Bible. Dover, Jan.

Both of. the ( AsseniMy orsnniaiHl this mianin)r. The uhniMrs-t'hft tif the timk their latfha on a Ijtiti Bit irinteri, Gov. liyunlds' uies-aaye wan pp-x-ntol and read in imli houses. It deal almost entirely with State affaiis.

He urjr.n the pansa- of pi'iKiiuz to the I on.ti-tutinMt, which provides lor holding an elerti.m on the day of a setientl hetion to tent the iti-e ot tile pii le on tin queHtion of holding a (. onstitntional l.n-ventiou. He reports that the State's assets are over its liabilities. Lieateaaat Govenior Icaored. Portland.

Ore Jan. 3. Tlie nrsani i-tion of tin nate was romp let etl to-day by tlie erttnin ef the nominee of the IVmoriatie-l'upulist caucus. Tlie rrjtpoint-Metat of mi tes was taken out of th hands of tlie I' puhli-aa Ijntn-aiH tmverui A ill was tiitriMlii-il in the HiiUM- to repeal the MotiRoa teet outh and sulsiitnte a pruviMoii ol tlie sa-tirution. This would admit ail Mormons not actually practicing pulyjajuy to- the rifht of sutfrase.

larajislatifre. Jeflersun City, Jan. "1. 11k lai-isUtiue of Missouri will meet to-iuorrow ia biennial a-4oa. Itut without any ni it-ters of sensational or pn-ut inttr4 ta com; U-fore it.

The Sen-ate and House are boCli heavily Democratic. Uer tlw former Lieut. ijv. J. Ik will pre-stiVe, while of the lat'r lody W.

of Ittpley count.w will Is pa.k-er, all opponents kavin-; withdrawn. tioTecnor-ek-et J. W. Stone will in-aaiurated nt'Ttt Monday. Uoaor Divided la Caliioraiaw Sact anient CaL, Jan.

3. Hie Cali-fiarnia Lt'ti-Jature assetalded to-day. the Republican orfanizins the hy electinil Senator R. Crant-c. of Los Angeles, a pro and tlie Democrat -'rganiinx the Aavinhly.

with K. li as Speuki-r aud faVoree Peckham, of Santa Clara. Chief Clerk. UoV. Markhnm's address was not presented, and no biihiness trans acted to-tlay.

Colorado's Triaaajalavr Legislatare. Deneer, Jan. The (Hilurido Stats Lesislu*ture will convene in this eity at noun Great intervsi is manlffei in regard to the of the two hou- aaJ niitterwu 1 sue uses have been h-diWhy the IJ-ptiii-Ity'anti, Democrats rand Populist', hut noUuuj delinite has yet dii-idei upon. and Adjourned. Hart ford, Jin.

3. lioth branchet of the Connecticut Legislature of ISUl today, after I lief sewions, adjourned without date. A number of petitions wen continued to th new General Assembly. NO UNION MEN WANTED. The Peaasylvaaia.

Kail road and Its ladiaaa polis Freight Handier at Variance. Indianapolis, Jan. 3. (Spts-ial.) To-hiflit the Pennsylvania railway disv chargvd six of its freirt Imtdters at this The employes were prominent in tlie Freight-handlers' I'uioa, and had led fourteen other handlers to Wain tlie iswie order. 11i fourteen have also been notified that tliey will have to if their lueiuliersliip.

continues. A year ago but one freight-haudler belonged to the njiiu, and now there are twenty. Thirty-nine have refused to Join, though fttriiucly urged. SuHie of the men disvhargtd ive beei in the snpioy of the company froui sixteen to eighteen years. MRS.

MORGAN SUES FOR DIVORCE. I. The I HI. Louis DsMavestic Scaadal Takea tataeCaarta. Sk Loui-s Mo Jan.

Mrs. ii. 11. Morgan fiWd a suit for uivocee, thus Intensifyinf the sflsationai features of the acandad which culoainated ia last night's ahootinjr ol Win slow liu-rett by her huslaand. The cliiusx is expertrd when Morma file his cruras bill giving eo-aajpondwita.

BarreK, who was sIm4 last night, ia ia so serious coiidiiioa the ovnreons do not dare to probe for the ball. Morgan is suU ander am ft, the court havinji refused accept bail until Uarrett is declared out of danger. This the pliyakiana will not do. Awarded to Prof. Baraard.

Lick Oliserratory, CaL, 3. Noti flea tion has been received that tlie Lal-lande prixe of the Vtl- Acadcrny of Sciences was awarded to Irof. llernarL of the Lick Observatory, Dmmlair Is, 182. for his work in agronomy, especially for his diacvvery of the fittli vatel-lito ot Jupit-jr. Jlaay Old People Died.

Ceorjettown, Ky Jan. Puring tlie imu yar sixtet Mrsun died lu Siott county who were seventy-live years of age and' over. The auailer uf years was 1,3 an si vtiagt uf years. Want lo Be a Legislator. Georgetown.

Ky Jau. 5. (Special.) 'ifuire J. A. a 'tanner of Fia-ncll, lias announced himself -as a candidate for tho Lu gislat-iire truui thia cotiuty.


Two Negroes Likely To Be Lynched. O. P. Williams Hires Two Blacks To Assassinate a Biral Merchant. nirminshatn, Jan.

3. SpecltL) li. P. Uaitston, a wealthy miTchant of Green niinty. was atwaasinstod sNiut two wsks uo.

To-day two negros were cJinrged with the enme. Jim item her, one of the prismers, 4 full ci)nfesiou, and rays tliat he and (ilover Jones, the other negro, lured by one l. P. Williams, a white man, find 11 lival inercluuit, of the Kime plina, to tlie killing IlMy yt pv'ul c-'iO each fi the work. Joins was arrested at lit -nier, nenr lnv this aPiisnwr'n.

He) ls-i rnavU the S.MIH i Jlti vSHill. liie oflle(MS lelt here this eveuiii'j with Jones for the scene of I lie t-rime. Williams was amied on suspiclan a day or twu as, and is iu at fclutaw. II .1....: ..11 1... Iia 111- iie-a ail ii ii inn," 1 11111 Here to-iuniu tun tn-ullii ri lelt the i.nlrcvid at Akron, a Mil ill ntatioii iieir luta.v, with their prisoners, would to reach the jail eiore a Iviu iiinu p.uty orsanist'd in Cnrn conntv ciiiild overt.ike tiietn.

Soti'. ol the Is 1 tie -s-ti and l.loodliounds have lieen on the trail of th. men ever i-nilie was eolimitted. li.i- ti.iveh-d int'i "ven or eiidit c.mnti -a. invl iiiif wen; thr He one niiit in a lloifinu fit tbi liiiihuls- liie -vas result ot an ild lend that had ei (ted lttwisn the H.iir--r.

11- itii-l f.imili i' ye rs. llaiistm: was ne.liew of vl: li si few Hgo. Tlier- i hut littl d'Hiht hut tint the thris irt-iH-rs will Is lynclntl t--nlL'hu county is up in inn arl ready to al suniinarily with th: iirst'in W'i- a pr. mi 1 11. -lit 111.

iu lu the State in business and pilitus. A MURDERER STRUNG UP. Eraaioo ol Jusiice Cans Jadce Lynch lo Hold Court la Teunessee. Loudim, Jan. 3.

This tnorning early ri'is were with the siijht of a corse hanng from a tree near the outskirt" of tla town. It was the liody of Henry Duncan, the mtird of Henry Stephens, wluun he killed lust Friday with un ax, literally )Iittina open lib vjctim. Then liuv lsen numerous evafiony of justice tlirouyh hsal tethnicalities, and tluri nas a general fe'lin that the rope phoiild not la ch -ated in this ctis. Last niht a tuoh ol' tilry masked men went to tin jaii an I demanded Duncan ot tlie Sheriff. He refused to surrender his prLs r.

when he was wi'ed and Uie kevs lorcil.iy taken from him. Short work was nia.h of the civerins found in the cell. He was pinitimd, drasged to a tree and strunx up. Then wxs no disorder aside ffum the attack on tla Sl-rilt It ia reported that Duncan made a confea-irn. OERVISHES SLAIN.

Fortr-FiTe Attaekiag Eeyptinaa Killed ia Bloody Battle. Cairo. Jan. 3- The gaug or DervisUv which recently attacked Gvinai, aur Wady-llalta. was overtaken near Amhi-ol yes erday by a detachment of Egyptian caiu-'lry.

and a fierce ensuel. The Dervishes, who greatly outnumlared the Egyptians, made a fleree unaluuaht on tlie Uoverninent 'ruops, Itut wero finally repulsed, wtth heavy Many Dervishes were slain. Capt. Pyne, of the bri isli staff, and forty-five Egyptian including an officer, were killed and many others wounded. A detachment of Egyptian tavulry with Uritish uflioers lias arrived nt Am liiifil since tiie batie took place and lurthiT re-enforcements liave lsn dis-patciiel to lite scene ot iuc coo Hi-! t.

QUARANTINE AGAINST CU3A. Proposed Rccoaameadatioa of the Scm-atorial Cootiaiilee to Iaetti gate lafecUoas Uiseasea. Atlanta, Jan. 3. The Senaioriul to investigate infectious disease reached licre to-day on.

their return to Wuliing-tott. In an int -rview with Senator CalL he said the had decided to recommend a quarantine against Cuba early in tlie Hiring. An important point which tlie committee will tuake 111 their report is that there is hut little, if any, Kurouean immigration into the United States, vi.t, Cuba. TV Js-pl- at Key West and otlier points ia Florida were found will-inn to submit to the exclusion of vessels in the event of absolute need, but not oth Twi. 'lhe efllcbHicy of the American agent at Havana and the -officers atationed at Tampa, hey West, etc, is viewed with, satisfaction by the committee.

The Florida sanitary law' under which the State Doard of Health wis. odahlishrd va caret ally: examined and produced a lavorahle impression. HEAVY FIRE LOSS AT MEMPHIS, Five Baaiaess Firama Bnraed Oat Oa Mala aad I'nlaa reels. MeiLphis Jan. 3 Fire to-night destroyed the following properties oa Main and Cnion atreeU: Block.

Loss. las'co. Matthewa Hardw'a Co. 47waa Sauajuo Uovei 4 Urtx, whoio- aale M.Ot tVOOO 1R.0O0 a Lery 1H.OU0 J. UoldsraiUl Bro wboteaate ctotaunc, by aO.OCt 80,000 lassa 4 Cairott, painta, otla, etc 17.000 10,000 ttacooa $108,000 lhe tyur buildings owned by Mrs.

Kate lianultou, valued at 940,000, and insured tor $20,000, were damaged $20,000. A SWINDLER CAPTURED. WUliaan Wkallea, -Wh ilads $000,000 Oat orWortafeasMiaiag Stock, At rested Ia St Louis. SI. Louis.

Jan. 3. By the arrest to-duy of WiJUiin. at Uie Laclede Uo. tel In tl city, the mnny victims of one ot tlie most mining Iriuils of ret cut ycaxs got bold of the author ot their undoing In 1C8 Whailen, who va the reported owner of a' mine, called tho StPcUr," In Uie Antelope district, trtme tw ttda city and by the aid ol a smoctL Unguc and apparently tef-ereucee, auccecuVd in ptacing among some 10? peraoaa 1,500 aharea of stock ia Ms tanging from SCO shares downward.

He statt-nd his favor without oreiu lire ftud laudeil in hU net 9CIJ t. )l 1 srd pursuits-etnontr ttsm Dr. F. J. T.ttti, P.

J. Fcx, Knther t. F. liieiinaii. of St, I.wrenee O'TooloV church: Fat Is Dil lon, Dr.

Engeldegft and dftxen tlier. To keep up nntiriie had tucked the town Wtmllen had pa'd ont ts.tne feS.ltOO art dividends on the stock HtltL At k-nstli Mispicion crept out and one etockholdtT ld ha Hen ar-resteif. hut a compromise was readied, and WholU-n left town tefore otliers conH pet Tdd or him. Tlie -4ock fell flat, and of aXhokliuK tee vnlue of the stock l.i ildcis Ind klt only tlie ecrtiBcnte. Some few rfot ut with 4 lew dbll irs lelt, wnioug tistu Dr, Lot, who wived 15 iWu an: Hivest-uent or $2,000.

A d'iv or two siro Whal-len returned to the city. Lulr mimedl-atelv had him tit ted, and now Has victimH will have their i) generally IHr.t Vhsnen netted s-imethlrg liki l10.hl in tlie doaL Jlrs. Maykrick's I lines. London, Jan. lite lUroia-as De Kouqtua dik Hie tnilh of the report that her daughter, is merely illness.

Such ufatonienfs, the says, are not- only f.iue but cruel. The Exclnnife Teletrapli Conipany. renllirms the truth of its liwt port that the wound trout which the. effusion of blond came was iulli'-teil ujton Mrs. Maybnck hy herself, with a knife obtained hy her front 1 prisou attendant.

EX-AGENT RVCOURT ON TRIAL Arraigned In Justica Gass' Court In Cincinnati Yesterday Afternooa. Cat. Brrat Irasld and lmiaa Ucrfer, the L. aaa the Only Itsrvsn KxaUilnrd. Ci.icinnati, .1 ui.

3. (Special.) Ex-Freight Agent Juliii ('. of l.outille and facinl M't (iass this afteriuoii on a drirge ul cm-hezlius li the c.iuiui.iy. Tiie wa sworn out hy Inapto tor Theodore Ciadey, of the fii.iiaiir.t Company of N' America, which the mini ol hiilh -Loiut and Shot well for each, and are lii'ld rcpouiihle by the railu.i'.i cinpiny to tiiat amount. McCoart wx ri a duntiiiusued hit ay of conn I.

As-MH-iated with liia atntrneys, tliv 11 ui. Harvey Mej-ers and tin Hun. Thcodjro Hull. 1111, of 1 oviaton, wvre Col. Wedeu U'Ntsil.

Ncwi'urt, and JUilge J. D. llrninton, uf The-tirst witiu rs called by the State -vsa C.1. Brcni Ant il'l. EriiiaioiL, lor the deiense, had as a nuittir.of fiHm, tha lie trid lirM, hut thU c'uuld not be done, .1 liij eais had already lnsn for next Saturday.

Tiie witaesd naid thai he had up-Hiiutd MrC'ourt, wltu was for all money received at tlie office. The appointment was iu the line of civil service rules prevailing in the exupany, aud cliere were about sixty-live dirks and forty or more laborers under MeCourt. When uionej was paid into tilo ufliis it wis recWved by the or Asi4aut Cashier, and the witness Muled tiiat Ih him.4f held the ollire latti)" by Mei Csiurt was unable to obtain any. of tlie uiouey unlev it was given by either the CasliitT or Aasis-ranfe Ct.ntnaiiug lie stated juiCoiirt liail acted agent ol the emaptiy for two- ytais, having: ajipoihtedj the position ltl IfieHepoLi nx-ut was wy tiie. witness, who had been authorised to do so by the General Manager tf the.

road. He stultd that MeuU had made two examinations ot tlae Isaoksi of the flice, oue' in July and other in August, At the hrtt he fouad that the cou-pany ownisi McCourt 15 and and tho secuud examination dc veh i-d the fact that tlie coaieajiyJ aain MCourt ix-tweeu Sj auu ti. io shortage was found to exi-t at eitln-r examiuutiou. Mr. William ilecker was tlie second aui last witnctw culled.

said. 1 am lieneral luspoctor of Agencies, and 1 have made 'if tlie freight ayeucy at Cincinnati iu the list tew days: have exiuuiHod the accounts oif the month of vtmlsr ami the tiist four hivs of When asktd alsut the sh'a-tage th witms drew a paer trout his coat pis-ket and hnki'iii it rpliel "The amount filr-tidy found to short is Mi. Hecker's. testimony w-as iHit coiniileftd when the court the ase until Id u'cW this. morning.

THE SURPLUS 6R0WS LESS. Decrease vf $1,230,330 Last Moatk aad So, 4M1.24U Jariac the Past Year. Wushiugton, Jan. 3. lite public debt ftat'iuent for Decemlh-r, owing, to the intervening of a Sunday aud a holiday, was not issued Jrom tlie Treasury Dcpattment until this afternoon.

It sliows that iu the last mouth ol the year them was a net increase of the debt of tlie United Stales to the aiuouut of 61 8,11. The items tor which tiiis increase was inaile up were as follows: lm ioase of Interest bearing 4100 Uecreaso of debt bearing no Interest 471,178 Decieane of debt ou which iiilcret has Med 4Q.H79 Lec reuse ul uet caah In the Treasury Oa the ult, the totul of thee wees: Interest bearing debt $80,033 90 Debt ui.oo wbicb Ititenc-t has ceaaed i S.383,045 Debt bearing no 377.10U,eg7 00 he total gohl in the Treasury D-ceniher 31. was against $24 7,508,4 liS, at the end of Novetnlter -Silver increased from $458,496,139 to $462,360,318. Against deposit, theie were $141,38 Hold certificut'i and silver oof tiHcates. Tlie net cash balance, (snrplu) in 'the Treasury at the end of the year was $2y Of this, amount $1 ,063,1 was in national hank depfwitories, and $10,3.1,180 in su'nsidiary silver coin.

The net cash balance November was lhe changes in the Treanry debt balance during the year 1 891 are shown in Uie following statement De. 3t, 18M Deo.31, iMt Interest bearing Eebt on which iiiicrest. has cca-4 9,382,043 4,033,340 JCebt bcaiing no liilertst 380,821.630 Total Amount of coin. Certificate and Tiw-ory notes Issued offset by rath 1n Jokl In TttH i3s.30O.ttOl.- Silver la Tceas. Total cjwh to TrtsRury Net cash hat.

434.574.1JJ Devoared By Waxaw, Jan. 3. The. 1'olbli paifttef. While out riding, -waa a.t- taH4dby wolves ner IJieWocb, and both heboid lus.

1ure wre devoutecr. WON BT NUN-FAVORITES. Four Out of Five Choices Go Wrong At New Or- leans. bracket Isrnera At Guttsnburg, Bo $7 Hawthorne, Xaat St. Loaia and San Franpiaco.

Xew Orlcaos, Jan. 3. To-dny's tit Vert? over a skw in superb wi3tMtr aud to good- attendance. Duke. was the only winning favorite, t' several of the winnr re well naelatd.

'First Hue S'Hing; live furioiies: lot! 7 to 1, won iitindlfy by a length K-ei ire, 03 It) to 1. second; Aiihs, 100 Donald), to to 1, tnir.l. Day Dream, i'jevla, i.illie Trimble, Allihue, f*cklrdl, uondway and A'ioiw aij ran. Time, I Mi, 1-2. Second Kaee i.lliiig Hve furlong: Duksof1 Kent, in 3 to 2, wn in hy Hve lengtls; Vinlenv U5 iKchn-l, 6 lo second: Miss IVrkins, 01 5 to'l, tliird.

Kilty Chern, Aurd, Jim Cornwall an i -r also ran. I jiinr, 1 :0" InirJ Ra'. Sflliug; six rnrlunus: Sly l.i-hun. Ins (I. 8 to 1, wn asily by two leugi-is; Horace 11 Hid, l4 Sarenti, 10 to-1, second Kaifi-ror Lillet, 1IO (J.

6 to tliint Carrio Peirsill, John J. Sam Farmer, ('ill'r 11. and La ly Jones ai-o ran. iiuie, I :2. Foitrtli SHiiig: seven and ciie-lajlf (nrloi4s: Ulan Unite, 6 to win hy a ant length in a drive; (iray Duku.

lu; tU. Jont 4 to 5, -etond; Potnlret, lis 'Simkyt, it to 1, t.iirJ. iy Hardy and Uleavuer also ran. TiiUCt, 1 :43 Filtl Kae ilsjidi.ap: furluugs: labby Ik'ath, 1111 i to 1, Won handily by two lenus: uu trauU, I lu tatgent), to lin, -Uar-nuilake, 104 Wuliainsi, li to 1," third. Helaise, D.rk Usury DwsJj'j- also rau.

1 ime, 1-2, 6UTTENBUR6 RESULTS. All of the Six Bares at the Hill-Top Track Woa By Favorites. Guftenburg, Jan. S. (S'iacial.) First Ilace Six url mgj.

Triuce UowarJ, 122 (Marshall), lir-t lv.nvvo;id. 122 (II. 'i-uiid: Its lLarrl.y), third, illfft, Uoiurils, Annie W. and Common Sense also rau. Time, 1:18.

B'tfing: 5 to 2 on Prince 8 to 1 against Kenwood 1 2 to 1 against Pau-haodle. Rice For six Sarasossi, 112 liri; Fancy colt, IJ7 (Sntdek'r', Cul-peper, 04 (II. Jones', third. TV Maid, Lillie g'ddlug, Lup. Queen Marlon coU and Coca idsu ran.

Time, 1:10. Betuug-- 2 to 1 on Sangotsa 4 1 against Fancy colt; 8 to 1 agninst Cul-piVelk Race Selling 'our and 4. ImU furhaugs: Mayor H4 l. Fljnn), Urto 112 illuestonii second: Alarm bee, 14 oM tX. Hill), t.iild- Coldstream, JameMtown, Craft and Kittle N.

also lime, :3.J 1-2- Petting: 3 to 1K Mai or Oiton: lu to 1. AiHroa lfe. sFoorth Itace Selling: one mile and 4 f-N'uth Kirkti-er, 4Marin -tirst; h2 Crab, 114 "TEnid-Ji, second third. alsi aime, 1-2. Uetiing: to to a on harkover; 6 to i against King Crab; 6 to 1 against Fifth liaoe Selling: four and a halt ffirkmss: Van 1U" tLarrissey.t, nrst;, 112 (Htietton', second; Mucilage, 108 Uiird.

Fred Lee, Fire-n and Jester tn. Time, i-4. Uettiug: to 5 against Van 10 to 1, lpesr: 8 to Mu -ilnso. 'Sixth Race Selling jix snd a half furlongs: Kir-li, ju X. Hill), first; Uhidiator, 02 (Nsryi, wcnd: My Gypsy, ICS iVan Warti, third.

Jeweler also ran. Time. 1:24 1-''. lwKtina: 5 to 4 on Kirseli; 30 to 1 aginust- Obdiator; 1. to 2, My: I5yisy.

MR. BONNER'S NEW OFFEtt He Will Hi re $3,000 lo lhe First Per Ibraaer Trotting a la 203 to aa Old Time Sulky. Sew York. Jan. 3.

Robert Runner, in a letter tti E. D. Wiggin, owner of Mart hi Wilkes, has an offir to owners of horses which accomplish tlie frat of going 2:05 attached to tlie-old styh sulky, in the following-" In Martha Wilkes you have a wonder ful, -young mare. I urn told that- site trotted a quarter in better titan thiny eeconda to- the old sulky over a year agot, As all young liorses incr-asi in endurance with age, she ought in tile course, of an-otlsT yeitr to le able to carry her speed for a full mile. She is certainly bred to it; and ahmld sir trot 'anytime during 1893 on tire Cleveland track in 2:05 to tlie old time sulky, in areordano, with Hie conditions at the time I made the-olfer aAj'ewr ago, I nhall forward you a ehivk 'fur $5,000 just as soon as Col.

Wn. wards. Prdent of tlie Cleveland Club, certifies to tlie rgitlari'y of tlie perfornvinee, nnlem auum tlier liorse slHKild prsviuusly trot in 2 :05 the aamo eonditiuu. Tin offer, of course, ia made to the owner- of tint horse tha" first nccom Indies this feat on the Cleveland or any of the-other eraud circuit tracks in the. time specincd." Roby's Bracket Earners.

Uobr, Jan. (SpecialJ Only two favorites rame first under the- wire today, and a. heavily backed secon I ckcic' and two outsiders won the other ra'oe' CoL or Nashville, assaated. the- duties of lYesiding Judge, Wided by C. PrttingUU who ou Friday; w1ho Si irter JitLUty) McLautrhlin returns to New York.

So. aaiaries: 'Fifst Race Four and a half furlongs; Lame, lrst -Gorvorr, second; Joai O- thiid. Time, 3-4. J-s-eond Race Five furlongs: Try-ihoav' Hrst Spinner, second Silhan-ette. third.

Time. 1 :04 3-4. Third Race Five ftirlons; selling: Aufuma Leaf, flrt: tiaylord, second; SrcUiway, third. Time, 1 :05 1-2. Ruce Four and hlf selling, Tamerlane, first St.

Peter, second; Millionaire, tliird. Time, t-. TiftU Race Four aud a lialf furlongs selling: Fstintleri.y. Hrst: Jai Ja, Am )oy, third. Time, :50.

Resalts at Ha wlkorae. I1L, 3. day's racing at Hawthorne not marked by any exciting simrK -Four favorites etvily, while Koutliern Lady in the tliird race was played by the knowing ones at 10 to 1- First Race Five furlongs: The Peer, Dan H.r-second; Cora third. Time, 1 1-2. Second liac One mile selling: Fakir, second iJollikensk thiid.

Time. 1:4 7. Third Katie Five fur loius: Lady. first Slt seooud; iootulay, ihird. "Time.

1:04 1-4. Fourth Race-Five fiirloOs; ai lliiis: Mazgle I-hns, first: Catlierine IL, see- tarti First l-ip. third. Time, 1 1-4. Fifth Kace Five fur long: selling: Wlieeler flrstl Tiu Stevensy Dr.

lyr.uJds, -third. Time, 1 :05. Cal. North's Striag. New York, Jan.

3. A cable dispatch to the Spirit or the Times gives a list of horses Col. North will send egrer ta this country during the. coming spring to race Chicago and the East. AU of tliese horses are' of high class, and will no doubt acquit tlicmselvea well if properly are Diablo, b.

cf; by Bobsrt the Devil Tniilimn. Idnirsk-Jfh. cu. aged, by Uucas Xo-iue. High Conmn--loner, boy or brown aore, (I, by laiWland t'likfCoiiaolation.

Arturo, bay ksane. Uf Potra re Bella Aunts. Koogh-and brown tpHdlng, 6, by C-Ulno ItuOord Maid. Mias Mmou, b. 4, by St.

rjlmon Jos-jan. rlr FredcHrk Robert, bay hone. 3, by Wisdom i'smlahar. Klllutra Queeti. it.

L. 3, by Swllllngtoo TbiirllueUn Queen. Iltii My-Chroe. i Early Jlorn, 2. Caliloraia Jockey Clab.

San Franrisco, Jan. 3. lhe California. Jotky Club' oranued' here to-day with T. H.

as Presadent, and Ailolpli Spreckels Vice iVesidfnt. 'lite rluh inrludes among its members swvTeral director, of tlie Pacific C'aat l'lid Horse Assiciation. It will pive forty days of racing at the Bay District tttttk, (oiutoeiiciiie luesihiy next, or at tls erpinition ol the lilo-'d Horse As-Hsiatii-u'i winter meeting. Local Pool Hales. l'oo im lit last evening at the Turf Exchange as follows: UI TIKMICHG.

Fht Kacc Tlu-c liuaitcrs of a mile: for maidens; selbnc: -pu, 101, tlj; Culcper, ml, jn; tndlgo, ld7, tU; Crefianuu. IU; Jilt isili. loi; Laity Wahiuetos arieing. IOI ITuUtacn, OU; 1'oat KaJd. OO; Flortuoe.

fail; IJeccitful, IM tifht, 41a. isecmid Klvc-Hirhih of a mile: selling: Priise Howard, lU, Hi; Krlkina. 110, sweet 117, 10; trry- lielaud, 117: Mioinvcr, 117: Zetiynts, 110; Haunl-bul. 110 Uelu. 10.

I iiird Ks-esix tnil one-half furlongs; tIUiig: Plav or Pur, 118. nightawav. los, Nurka coll, 1US, tocos, 0i, 4i; ou. Fourth Uace Tticee-elKhth'i of a mile: for nialdens: lagan. lo.

10: firvT colt. 10.1, lii; Blue and White, lOi, W0; Inspertor, tm; I ma eclJlnir. 1 10: lOi: Miss Marie, 105; Anxiety Ally, lOi Held. 415. liltli Hare r'ivc-clchtas of a mile; wiling: ltlarkburn, Hi 5: Alrplint.

US, lo: Tom Karl, UO. Doke John, ItO, 410; llol. Arthur. lULi. loth loll.

Sixth Bare uii'j urtle: selling: My oyp, 10M, 415: LUCT Clark, 00. Fancy pW-Ing, l. Vjii Wart. rl. no; UladUtor, U-A 410; Slollk Davt.

00, AT NEW ORLEANS. F1rt Ra Flve-eightiia of a mile rcll-ln: Jack of Alllhne. so; tieraus. 91 Horliert O'Nell. 01 Mim Perkins, Di; John OUlver.

a5: MUs Frauds. ti; Morlwco. 0i: Anoint. 97: Dick. Hi: Ell, l.

99 Fay Mrgln. lI Joe Lee. 101: Nellie IK. 107: Long Brnerk. 107; Dirk fjilUlon.

107: Leaiuingtoa. I-UT alo-lino. ia. No -pooling. t-erond Race Tliree fourths of a wile: sell Ing: llrown Bulini.

lO-J John .1. Roseola. 107; tsl tl. 107; Utile A.kUa. Jt'7: Bonfire, 107: Kd Jackson.

10: 10: The Judge. Hi; Dixie 114. No pooling. Ttiird Race five and one-half furious: Reartlna. 104 Patsr 104 Ootch.

lou: llallr. lOO: Bret Hart. lOa: Wlunle Davis. 110. No pooling.

Fourth Race One mile; xelUng: Queer Toy. 08; Wautanea. 102; Pomfret. 1M: ronflre. 104: Uendorme.

107: Alptioose. Ill 11 a. No pixdl ne. Fifth Race Sevea-eichtbs of a mile, handi-cap: Bonnie Drrd. 11: JleMse.

W. t.l: TVHn, 106: Qiiarrerd-ik, 4 Orar Duke. 10 Sir Planet. OS. NO JUDICIAL CONFLICT.

The Report That Ex-Jadge Carr Woa Id Altcaspt to Hold Court Was Erroaeoas. Munfordville, Jan. 3. (Special.) The report from Glasgow that ex-Jndge D. R.

Carr would dispute tlie right of Judge S. Jones, Has Circuit Judge, to hold court here, proved incorrect. Judge Cmr was in tlie leir as an attorney, hot he made no attempt to liold court. It was rumored lien? that he would do so, hut he made no attempt to do so. Judge C'ttrr returned lut-t night, and it is not known here whetlnT or not he contemplates taking the matter into tlie courts.

A CIRCUIT CLERK CONTEST. Fraiie Also Claiaas That the Elec-tioa Was Illegal. Eliahethtown, Kj Jan. 3. (Special.) C.

M. Fraiae. wiio lor twenty-four vars has been Clerk of the Hardin Ciicuit Court, refuses to surrender the office to D. W. Rider, who was elected his successor in November last.

Fraie ami Rider were, both in the Dcuio--cratie primary laitfuil NuidliidiT wn dot lured the Tinner on ihetact of tlie returns by a small majority. Fraiie then iHilted and run as un inlfpeiHient raudiJate in November and was beaten ly iiider by a majority of MMttrfliing; over -200 votes, this, it wastltoovht, would end the matU-r. hut on Saturd-av evening last -Mr. Fraue served notice Mr. ui'ler that he we 11 Id not x-scate 11 is office, claiming tlie election bill unconstitutional, hence no election in November.

A Bofd Coaaly Coateat. Catlettsburg, Ky, Jan. 3 (Scial.) The close vote for Circuit Court Clerk of Boyd county has resulted in a legal fight for Uie ollke. Steele, the Republican incumbent, who was: a. candidate fisr re-i-hctkia, claims 'to have been elected, although tlie.

returns showed a majority tor Meide, the DemtsTatie caiuliiiate. A large niiniler of Democrats tendered a Iwnd for Steele, enjoining a reuvass of the vote for Clerk, in order to satisfy all patties. Steels refused to receive tlie bond and the canvassers, relused to make another count. Meade holds the cert itli ate to-the office, but Steele refuses either to MirrendV the otlioe or receive the supersedeas bond requiring a recount, UNANIMOUS FOR MURPHY. Opposltioa Fails to Xaierialixa aad Ills Election Seems to Be A seared.

Albany, 31. Jan. 3. -Detuix ratio sentimcat, as gathered hero from the leading Deaaoerata from the State ot New York, Indicates the desire or all for the unaoXinous eleotioa of Ldward Murphy, as United States Senator. The predicted opposition does not msteriallo.

From all that caa be gathered from listening to the conversations in tlie different hotels and other public plaees in Albany, Mr. Murphy Is the choice by an Qverwhelinins majority. Died at Dearer. Denver, CoL, Jan, 3. Dr.

Alexander Shaw, Chief of tlie Hottieiihural iit of the World' Fair, and- oik ot the Board of World's Fair Managers, died Sliaw was bom Oc-tola-r in Camden. Kent Del. had wide experience in the wotk 'of expositions. Dunne tin Con- tennial he wat. in charge -of tiie fruit display nt that exposition from Colorado.

Millionaire Brewer Dead. cl*tCAgo, Dec. 3. Peter Sehenhlfn, the brewer, diI last evening, aged sixty-four. I)Ubts was hi ailRmit.

Hi fAiate is estimated at WILL YOU BEGIN T0-M0RR0W? MYSTERIOUSLY M1SSIN u. The Sherifl of Coaaly Look las For Prof. Lee Taflor. of Oeatoa. I'aris, Tenn, Jan.

3. tSpecial) Sheriff C. H. Starks, of Benton, is in this city on the outlook for IVof. Lee Taylor, Principal of the Benton Seminary, who mysteriously disappeared from that place Thursday of last week.

He left lienton on tlie 3 p. m. irain ostensibly for Henry Station, near this city, to visit hia wile, who was at her father's, at that dace. On the Saturday following his wife left Henry tor li nton aud on Iter arrival karnod of her husband's departure. She had not seen or heard of him und a search was immediately instituted for Lira.

Hi did nut get off the train on which he would have arrived at Henry, and the residenta of tliat coaununiiy iiuve searclied all the surrounding country. Taylor is about twenty-six years or age, ubout six feet tall, with light hair and mustache. He Is a graduate of the Normal L'niversity of the South, at Huntington, Tenn, and has been at Benton one year. Two months ago he married a Miss Bowdenv Tla ngb ref of Mr. William Uuwdea, of Henry, and Itoth avemed to be very much attached to esch other.

For a few days pas' Prof. Taylor has had fever and his doctors think that it must have affected his mind. Uis wife is protitrited with grief and is confined to tier bed; LOVE 60E3 FREE. He Proves That He Only Borrowed From Detmariag. Covington, Ky, Jun.

3. John M. Love, tiie Louisville tu tu wiio was brought back here on. the charge of obtaining a widow's money unter false l-it t-nees, was taken from jail here to-day and tried. He came out setti.lrss so fur as th law w.t concerned.

It was proveii tliia he'haj obtaine! frmn -i Mrs. Detmaring, a midwife, with wlmm had struck up an intimacy- It wis a simp lo loan, however, and not in payment for a patent, as alleged in the on which Imv was arrested. Ihis sliowing resulted in the cour. oriiering live discharged. He got tho iney risu lsr, tlie worn iu explained, by prorniiiu to pay luer 20 per cent.

fnsu tla investment lie was going Go make of it in his pat-Mit biiftiners. Ih puient Is lor railway couplr, and has been disiHisisl ol hy love to Col. Alex. the coal and boat uriu. who has a is.rapany aud exp.cts to make a good tiling or it.

CULBERSON FOR THE CABINET. Kilgora I'rges Uis Colk-agoe's Claims For Postaxaster Geaeral. York, Jan. 3. iSietial.l Demo casts seem to be forgetting Mr.

Cleve-1 I's irjum tion that be must not ba Isjtisred with renuests for Federal ap-ptiiitmcnt or preferment until sfter bis Inauguration. Tlte Hon. C. B. Kiliun.

of lex-, found Cleveland, and talked to him about tlie situation in Texas. Rvre-eiititiv Kilgore fu. oundly convintstl that his ckl frhmd, the Hon. David l. nll'erson, of tlie Fourth Congressional district of Texas, should be made IV-ava ter General in tlie Cahinet.

lie ho told Mr. Cleveland to-day. lhe latest rumor fu this connection, however, ir tliat tol Dniel Lom-mt Post-masttt OeiKTtl. Sixth Distrlct-CollecUoas. Ky, Jan.

Tlie United States Internal Revenue receipts for the last year in tlie Sixth Kentucky dis iITt are olBciully reported to he $3,342,408.06,, which is an ini reai of $489,1 77.34 over the collections fur the year liefore. It is looked upon as a remarkable showing for tlie district, pointing to a notable inrr use in the liquor output of the district. Marine lalelligeaos. ScUIy, Jan. Havel, New York, for Soutlmmptoo and Bremen.

Lizard, Jan. '4 Passed Bols-mia, New for Hamburg. Fatras, Jan. 3. Arrived: Qty ot Bel-fat, lor Ixmdon.

Philadelphia, Jan. 3. Arrived Nestor-Jan, iilasgow. Biatton, Jan. 3.

Arrived Rheoaa. llaiaburg. Lizard. Jan. .1.

Sighted Suevia, New York, for Hamburg. A BI6 COTTON CUIM. Heirs of the Late C. Briggs Trriag lo Recover tavFortaae. Matjiea, a Waahington at rfpr.Hitiiig the Department of Jnriice, is here a ex imioe into, the claim of the heirs of tlie Into C.

M. of this rity. for" The (him is fur cotton eise.l dttrins th Jyr Ved'-wl antlioritics 0.1 the piaiit.i i i ol CEWTS Is aow the prico of the Courier-Journal, Delivered by CARRIE in tLs city at 13 cents a week, or IS cents including Sunday. Sent by at AH. at 0 a year, or includ ng Sun day.

Order in the city by ptjstal-card, or telephone 1340-2. Gov. Morehead, near Greenville, Mim. v. Moretieod was a strong Southern eyropathuer, hut Mr.

BriggN, who wna his nephew, declared lie had LougBt -th- cotton. The luts long been press but so faf without stiecr-s. Left the Old Com pa a v. George E. Dilley and Georg VT.

Reichenlietg have secured the Stato agency for the Massachusetts Mutual Late Int-oranee Company. They were formerly agents for tho North western Mutual and both were applicant, far the general agency mad vacant by th-i death of John W. Rohiuson. Dr. Rodman was appointed insted of: either and they and three other special agents resigned.

STEPPED FROM THE CAR. Charles Giai Reeeltes Daageroao la jaries at Tweaty-SIxth aad rTah aat Mreels Last llighU Charles Guan, a groeer, about forty five years old, who lives at Tweay y-eixtU and Broadwuy, was seriously hert almut 11 o'clock last night at Twenty-sixth and Walntrt streets. He stepped car No. 130 while It was in motion and fell with tern ha farce upon his htud fractnring tb skull and cutting a gash about four inche kmg in tlte hack of his head, lie was takeq to the Car sheds. Twenty-eighth and Wal.iut, un attended by Th.

Heo. W. Griffilhx. It required four stitches to sew up tint wound on tlie heed, and he was naout-ec ions fur more than an huur. He wad removetl to his httme two hours lat-r.

Dr. Grimtlis rotuoders tlie traeture of, the skull a daug'-roos one. Moorman lienj. F. hd-11 and Mr.

George Knebelcamp, who Uvea at 2Ot West, Broadway, and wus oa the en with his wif-, agree in stav ing thai Gnaa did not ring tile for lis ear ft stirs und made no sign indicating tint let wanted to set off at that ptact. POINTS ABOUT PEOPLE. Mr. J. II.

W.lkrrstn. Preiuletit et th Water 'nia4iar at -Rowling Ureen. Is reg. IsieieU at I bach's IliSel. tTongTv-sman J.

XV. Eailey, ot Uiires-vllle. at the Uail House for a lets hours yesterdav. Mr. and Mrs.

R. Duncan, of Bedford, are got of the Wlltard Hold. Mr. TTioomis Pet tit. of Owensbora.

Is at the fuonUvilk Hotel. Mr. Ifentsr Rurnelt. of Psducah, and Mr. W.

T. ux. ul Bow, ing Cireon, are U1-plng at sieeibach's Hotel. Mr. ami Mr, jr.

Wcller. of CiDclanati, are at the VVIIkird llutd. Dr. John W. Tnrree.

of Woodbury, X. is now at the Oalt Jlouse. MU Anna Marratla. of SprlttgOeld, Kv vl-llfng her annt. Mrs.

li. C. LcvL 14itf West Jetlersoa at reel Mar. flav Tnom-Mi returwetl Tea lerda floiu Rul l4u. YaM whera alc stt taiiteil a M-iiotts sprait uf the ankle btsl week.

She cinftUMl to-bet tv foi tln. 1 Mr. John W. Lone left last nlrtht ifi-t a Sort sUy with hi. tamUv Srs.

Mr. Long Is with the New York Luaiber Jour-lutl. CARTERS EITTIX IVER PILLS. URI Bfek Haada-tasaad istlee ail tha uriobtVw tcct-deat to a bilious suto of too raa, auch as iaaaa, Nattaaa. Dmraaata Dtairaaa aksr awting, raa a ua, Blilsv a.

whiatlaari WflWiatssi Haadaciha. -at CAaraa'a Lrma larva Pruav and prsssiaklag Una aaaoytag eomplaitat. whiM shay also earrart all disorders of tho sloaaacav, taataalalo tha Stw aad raraiala Uw tuissm aVaa If tbsy only eared IH1EAP Achs Uxy would bs almost prlreltas to tbosa hot fortuaateiy tbetr goodniaa doaa not vi 1 try laern an littisptilluab laaoBiauT warstaa Bt-ay wni aot tss wduag lo do viussat th.aa. bix aftr ail rack baad ALH1I htbsbaaenf aonutay Ores mat barsh tWs, we make our grass boast. Cur par -ar 4 While othTs Dot.

Caaraa'a Lrrnat farxa Ptuaass' aryanaS SlVj stt eu, to tais. (Me or two (ails Biaks a dose. They are strictly twcecsMeaad aot gnpeor purge, but by their gentle action plnasu all VJO uaa thaw. Ia vtaU. at S.tbr$l.

Koid evarrwhere, or aK by pates CA2TO JtClKSa CO. Vis Tttx, fciSE bl? blli rt.

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.