The baby boom (article) | Khan Academy (2024)

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Why were so many babies born in the United States after World War II?


  • Following World War II, the United States experienced a greatly elevated birth rate, adding on average 4.24 million new babies to the population every year between 1946 and 1964.

  • This generation of "baby boomers" was the result of a strong postwar economy, in which Americans felt confident they would be able to support a larger number of children. Boomers also influenced the economy as a core marketing demographic for products tied to their age group, from toys to records.

  • Constituting as much as 40% of the American population, baby boomers have exerted a strong pull on American culture at large, particularly during the social movements of the 1960s.

  • Today, most boomers are at or near retirement, prompting concerns for how American society will cope with an aging population.

The baby boom

Like many industrialized Western nations, in the early twentieth century the United States was experiencing a gradual decline in its birthrate. As more Americans moved off the farm and into the city, having a large family slowly transformed from a good labor investment to a poor economic choice. Consequently, in the midst of the Great Depression, the American birthrate fell to its lowest point yet, to just 18.4 live births per thousand population.1

World War II, however, had a profound effect on the American birth rate, which skyrocketed in a stunning and unexpected reversal of the prewar decline. A combination of factors produced this baby boom: soldiers returning home from the war were weary of adventure and wished to settle down into family life with their sweethearts, and GI Bill benefits promised the decent pay, access to good jobs, and affordable housing that made raising a family possible. After more than fifteen years of economic uncertainty, things were finally looking up in the United States, and everyone was determined to make the most of it.

Babies, babies, and more babies

World War II had vast repercussions not only on world politics but also on the American family. Couples rushed to wed and conceive children before soldiers shipped out--in part due to the romance and urgency of wartime, in part due to the extra pay soldiers received if they had families to support.2 The spike in marriages was even larger after the war, as returning soldiers tied the knot. 2.2 million couples married in 1946, a new record that would stand until the 1970s.3

With this record number of unions came a record number of babies. The first stirrings of the baby boom became evident as early as 1942, when the historically low birth rates of the Great Depression began to turn around with the birth of "furlough babies" during World War II. It wasn't until nine months after the war's end, however, that the boom began in earnest: before demobilization only about 200,000 babies were born in the United States per month, but by the end of 1946 that figure had increased to nearly 350,000 babies. 20% more babies were born in 1946 than in 1945. By 1947, the number of live births per thousand population jumped to 26.6.4

But the baby boom wasn't just a quick spike in births after the end of World War II. The elevated American fertility rate continued for another 18 years. On average, 4.24 million babies were born per year between 1946 and 1964, when birth rates finally began to decline again. In 1964, the 76.4 million babies born during the baby boom generation constituted a whopping 40% of the US population, which was then about 192 million.5

Postwar domesticity and its economic benefits

Why did the birth rate rise so suddenly and remain elevated for so long? Both men and women had access to relatively reliable forms of birth control, so for the most part couples were making a conscious decision to have more children. The World War II generation, in fact, was the most marriage- and family-oriented in US history: 96.4% of women and 94.1% of men in this cohort got married, and at a younger age than their forebears. They also had more children, sooner after marriage and spaced closer together, than earlier generations.6

Historians and demographers have pointed out a number of possible reasons for this increased devotion to domesticity and child-rearing after the war, from government propaganda extolling the virtues of apple-pie American life during the war to a yearning for the security offered by "normal" family life during an era when fear of the atomic bomb pervaded society. One thing is certain: these high fertility rates closely correlate with a period of unprecedented economic prosperity, as well as optimism that the prosperity would last. After years of barely getting by during the Great Depression and enduring shortages and rationing during the war, Americans finally could afford to have a lot of children, so they did.7

The baby boom was not only a result of the healthy economy but also a major contributor to it. An enormous generation of babies became an enormous generation of children, teenagers, young adults, adults, and (more recently) seniors. As the baby boomers aged, manufacturers and advertisers targeted this gigantic demographic. As babies, the boomers invigorated the market for toys, candy, and washing machines. As children, their proliferation drove the construction of new schools and suburbs. As teenagers, they dominated the popular culture of the 1950s and 1960s, buying clothing and records.8 As adults, they gave birth to an "echo boom" generation of children, a smaller but still significant generation of kids born between 1976 and 2001.9

Significance of the baby boom

The generation born in the twenty years following World War II has been a defining force in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Coming of age in the 1960s and 1970s, they were on the forefront of social change in those decades, including the later stages of the Civil Rights Movement, the protest against the Vietnam War, and the second wave of the feminist movement. It might even be said that those movements gained momentum because of the sheer size of the baby boomer generation, whose shared concerns and life experiences as an age cohort exerted an influence on American culture proportional to their numbers.10

The unusual size of the baby boomer generation has not had universally positive effects. Like a "pig in a python," as many demographers have characterized the group, the boomer generation has stretched and transformed American society as its members have moved through life. Today, the baby boomers still number about 76 million, as immigrants of approximately the same age have made up for American-born boomers who emigrated or passed away.

As they age, the ratio of retired Americans compared to working Americans will increase significantly, placing considerable strain on Social Security, hospitals, and other government agencies designed to aid the elderly. The Census Bureau estimates that by 2030 one in five Americans will be over the age of 65. Furthermore, as the US birth rate is currently at an all-time low of just 12.5 live births per thousand population, by 2056 Americans aged 65 or older will outnumber those under the age of 18.11 What effect this aging population will have on US society remains to be seen.

What do you think?

What major historical events and factors caused the baby boom?

How is the baby boom related to both the Great Depression and World War II?

What are some negative consequences of the baby boom?

Article written by Dr. Kimberly Kutz Elliott. This article is licensed under a CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.


  1. James T. Patterson, Grand Expectations: The United States, 1945-1974 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996), 77.

  2. See Kenneth T. Jackson, Crabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization of the United States (New York: Oxford University Press, 1985), 232.

  3. Patterson, 76.

  4. Patterson, 77.

  5. Patterson, 77.

  6. Elaine Tyler May, Homeward Bound: American Families in the Cold War Era, (New York: Basic Books, 2008), 23-24.

  7. Patterson, 77-79.

  8. See David M. Kennedy and Lizabeth Cohen, The American Pageant: A History of the American People, 15th Edition/AP Edition (Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning, 2013), 838.

  9. See Sandra L. Colby and Jennifer M. Ortman, "The Baby Boom Cohort in the United States: 2012 to 2060," (Washington, D.C.: United States Census Bureau, May 2014), 7.

  10. See Kennedy and Cohen, 838.

  11. See Colby and Ortman, "The Baby Boom Cohort in the United States," 12.

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    a year agoPosted a year ago. Direct link to Gray Color's post “No one gonna talk about i...”

    No one gonna talk about in the "Freedom from Want" photo, the dude in the corner is just staring right back at us... into our souls...

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      Yeah, I find that artstyle quite unnerving.

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  • Lena

    7 years agoPosted 7 years ago. Direct link to Lena's post “How did 2% more of women ...”

    How did 2% more of women get married, if there would likely have been more women than men? (I'm assuming there would have been more women than men total, considering war deaths)

    (6 votes)

    • Kim Kutz Elliott

      7 years agoPosted 7 years ago. Direct link to Kim Kutz Elliott's post “Great question! I think o...”

      The baby boom (article) | Khan Academy (8)

      From the author:Great question! I think one of the compounding factors might be remarriage. Since the cohort of the baby boomers includes people born between 1945 and 1965, it's quite a large group of people who might have gotten married at any point in their lives. Since women tend to outlive men, it's possible that women had more opportunities for marriage in their lives. I might dig a bit more into this data, though, and see what I can learn.

      (10 votes)

  • Hao Zheng

    7 years agoPosted 7 years ago. Direct link to Hao Zheng's post “Why has the birthrate dro...”

    Why has the birthrate dropped since then, though? Why did this change?

    (4 votes)

    • katebyerl

      5 years agoPosted 5 years ago. Direct link to katebyerl's post “The birthrate has dropped...”

      The baby boom (article) | Khan Academy (12)

      The birthrate has dropped over the years due to a decrease in our economy. To be more specific, the cost of goods is rising faster than work wages. Because of this, it is difficult for families to live with just 1 child, rather than 6. In turn, families have less children to accommodate for the rising prices so they can give their children a half way decent life.

      (11 votes)

  • LUCAS :)

    2 years agoPosted 2 years ago. Direct link to LUCAS :)'s post “Ha boomers”

    Ha boomers

    (8 votes)

  • Jorge Daniel Garcia

    8 years agoPosted 8 years ago. Direct link to Jorge Daniel Garcia's post “What factors influenced t...”

    What factors influenced the "1976 and 2001 shows the baby boom "echo.""?

    (2 votes)

    • Ben McCuskey

      4 years agoPosted 4 years ago. Direct link to Ben McCuskey's post “The Baby Boomers were a v...”

      The Baby Boomers were a very large group (approx. 74 million people) and people born between 1976 and 2001 were the children of the Baby Boomers - hence they were sometimes referred to as "Echo Boomers".

      (2 votes)

  • Gloaming_Hour

    4 years agoPosted 4 years ago. Direct link to Gloaming_Hour's post “What are "furlough babies...”

    What are "furlough babies"?

    (3 votes)

    • David Alexander

      4 years agoPosted 4 years ago. Direct link to David Alexander's post “Soldiers live mainly with...”

      Soldiers live mainly with persons of their own sex: men with men, for example. Many soldiers have wives and girlfriends "back at home". When soldiers have a few days or weeks off from duty (a furlough) to visit home, sex with those wives and girlfriends is a natural thing to happen. Handy and reliable birth control was not common until the 1960s, so a certain amount of that sex during those furloughs led to a certain amount of pregnancy and, subsequently, to a certain number of babies.

      (6 votes)

  • x.asper (bio)

    3 years agoPosted 3 years ago. Direct link to x.asper (bio)'s post “What are some of the effe...”

    What are some of the effects of an aging society? Hypothetically speaking.

    (3 votes)

    • David Alexander

      3 years agoPosted 3 years ago. Direct link to David Alexander's post “When more people are taki...”

      When more people are taking resources from the system than they put into it, more working people are required to put those resources in. When, however, like in Japan, there are old people living longer and longer, and young people producing fewer and fewer children, a crunch comes. Now the people who care for the elderly of Japan are foreign domestic workers, who are not accepted in the society. These foreign workers leave their children home in places like Indonesia to grow up without mothers nearby. The consequences of being cared for by your grandmother so that your mother can go to a different country to take care of someone else's grandmother are bad for an ongoing society.

      (5 votes)

  • jb268536

    a year agoPosted a year ago. Direct link to jb268536's post “How did the birth rait go...”

    How did the birth rait go up?

    (3 votes)

    • David Alexander

      a year agoPosted a year ago. Direct link to David Alexander's post “A bunch of adults were en...”

      A bunch of adults were engaging in baby-making activities that were unavailable to them during the war because many of the men were out of town.

      (4 votes)

  • castillo, reyly

    a year agoPosted a year ago. Direct link to castillo, reyly's post “was it that bad for so ma...”

    was it that bad for so many babys to be born?

    (2 votes)

    • David Alexander

      a year agoPosted a year ago. Direct link to David Alexander's post “No. It was not bad. I'm ...”

      No. It was not bad. I'm one of them.

      (5 votes)

  • Elena

    a year agoPosted a year ago. Direct link to Elena's post “What are some effects of ...”

    What are some effects of the baby boom?

    (1 vote)

    • David Alexander

      a year agoPosted a year ago. Direct link to David Alexander's post “Many hospitals expanded t...”

      Many hospitals expanded their maternity wards.
      Many doctors got additional experience in obstetrics.
      Paper diapers were developed.
      Schools were built.
      Many teachers were trained and employed.
      More toys were sold.
      Rock and Roll.
      More bodies were available for use by military forces.
      More weapons were purchased by governments to arm soldiers.
      College options expanded.
      Resources were exploited like never before.
      Global warming.
      Is that enough?

      (7 votes)

The baby boom (article) | Khan Academy (2024)


What was the baby boom summary? ›

Overview. Following World War II, the United States experienced a greatly elevated birth rate, adding on average 4.24 million new babies to the population every year between 1946 and 1964.

What was one result of the baby boom? ›

The consistent pattern across the history of the baby boom generation was that its scale forced American institutions to adapt. More schools were built. Teenagers were targeted as a new market. TV shows and movies were created to appeal to the generation.

How many baby boomers are still alive? ›

So one can use the figure 76.4 million (or round it down to 76 million) to approximate the number of baby boomers living in the U.S. today.

How many babies are in baby boom? ›

There were actually a total of 76 million births in the United States from 1946 to 1964, the 19 years usually called the “baby boom.” Of the 76 million baby boomers born, nearly 11 million had died by 2012, leaving some 65.2 million survivors.

What are 3 effects of the baby boom? ›

“As the baby boom ages, we can expect to see a few patterns emerge,” Bump writes. Those patterns, he says, will include increased income inequality, more struggles with consumer debt, shaky Social Security reserves and strains on health care. For those born after the baby boom, though, it's all much more tenuous.

What were the main causes of the baby boom? ›

This generation of "baby boomers" was the result of a strong postwar economy, in which Americans felt confident they would be able to support a larger number of children.

What are some important facts about the baby boom? ›

The sheer size of the baby-boom generation (some 75 million) magnified its impact on society: the growth of families led to a migration from cities to suburbs in the postwar years, prompting a building boom in housing, schools, and shopping malls.

What ended the baby boom? ›

Demographically the years of the baby boom are well defined. At the end of World War II millions of soldiers came home to a world of prosperity and started large families. This bulge in babies lasted until 1964 when the birth control pill became publicly available leading to a sharp decline in births.

How did the baby boom lead to economic growth? ›

The Baby Boom had a huge impact on the USA economy. It created huge demand for housing, for higher education, job training, and for jobs to meet the demand for those young people at the time.

What age is Gen Z right now? ›

By Michele Debczak | Feb 22, 2024, 6:14 PM EST
GenerationTime FrameAge Now
Gen X1965-198044-59 years old
Millennials1981-199628-43 years old
Gen Z1997-201212-27 years old
Gen AlphaEarly 2010s-20250-approx. 11 years old
2 more rows
Feb 22, 2024

Is a 75 year old a baby boomer? ›

“Baby boomer” is a term used to describe those who were born from 1946 to 1964. They formed the largest generational group in U.S. history until the millennial generation slightly surpassed them.

Is Gen Z bigger than Millennials? ›

In the U.S., there are roughly 80 million Millennials. A member of Gen Z is anyone born between 1996 and the early-mid 2000s (end date can vary depending on source). In the U.S., there are approximately 90 million members of Gen Z, or “Gen Zers.”

How long will a baby boom today live? ›

Theirs was the largest generation in history and will likely remain that way for the foreseeable future. What wasn't foreseen was how long Baby Boomers would live. When the first Boomers were born, the average life expectancy was 63 years old. Today, Boomers can expect to live to almost 79 years.

Why is the baby boom called the baby boom? ›

This generation is called the Baby Boom because it was the post World War II boom in the number of births that created it. Since then, it's like a population bubble that has been making its way through the different life stages.

What was the biggest baby boom ever? ›

In the United States and Canada, the baby boom was among the largest in the world. In 1946, live births in the U.S. surged from 222,721 in January to 339,499 in October. By the end of the 1940s, about 32 million babies had been born, compared with 24 million in the 1930s.

What was the simple definition of the baby boom? ›

The generation of baby boomers emerged after the end of World War II when birth rates around the world spiked. The explosion of infants became known as the baby boom when 76 million babies were born in the United States alone.

What are the facts about the baby boom? ›

Made up of nearly 70 million people, Americans born during the Baby Boom Generation (1946-1964) remain an important segment of the healthcare market. Baby Boomers, currently between 59 and 78 years old, are split almost evenly between middle and early old age.

What impact did the baby boom have on American culture? ›

The baby boom also had profound social and cultural impacts. The sheer size of this generation led to shifts in societal norms and attitudes. The 1960s and 1970s, in particular, were marked by significant social change, including the civil rights movement, the feminist movement, and the anti-war movement.

What happened during the baby boomer generation? ›

In the West, boomers' childhoods in the 1950s and 1960s had significant reforms in education, both as part of the ideological confrontation that was the Cold War, and as a continuation of the interwar period. Theirs was a time of economic prosperity and rapid technological progress.

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