LUCRĂRI ŞTIINŢIFICE LI (2) 2018(2).… · Propolis solutions used for pre-clinical evaluation 1% propolis solution 2% propolis solution 3% propolis solution Quantity of 30% propolis - [PDF Document] (2024)

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LUCRĂRI ŞTIINŢIFICE LI (2) 2018(2).…· Propolis solutions used for pre-clinical evaluation 1% propolis solution 2% propolis solution 3% propolis solution Quantity of 30% propolis - [PDF Document] (2)

EDITORIAL BOARD Prof. VIOREL HERMAN, PhD, DVM - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BUASVM Timisoara Prof. ILEANA NICHITA, PhD, DVM – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BUASVM Timisoara Prof. MARIUS PENTEA, PhD, DVM - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BUASVM Timisoara Lecturer DORU MORAR, PhD, DVM - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BUASVM Timisoara Prof. ION OPRESCU, PhD, DVM – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BUASVM Timisoara Prof. EMIL TIRZIU, PhD, DVM - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BUASVM Timisoara

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Assoc. Prof. NARCISA MEDERLE, PhD, DVM - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BUASVM Timisoara

Editorial assistants: Prof. SORIN MORARIU, PhD, DVM - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BUASVM Timisoara Lecturer LILIANA CĂRPINIȘAN, PhD, DVM - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BUASVM Timisoara Lecturer ALINA GHIȘE, PhD, DVM - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BUASVM Timisoara Lecturer ADRIANA MORAR, PhD, DVM - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BUASVM Timisoara Lecturer CORINA PASCU, PhD, DVM - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BUASVM Timisoara


Prof. DUSAN ORLIC, PhD, DVM - Scientific Veterinary Institute Novi Sad, Serbia Prof. JOVAN BOJKOVSKI, PhD, DVM - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Belgrade, Serbia Prof. IVAN PAVLOVIĆ, PhD, DVM - Scientific Veterinary Institute, Belgrade, Serbia Prof. MANFRED GAREIS, PhD, DVM - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany Prof. HANS WERNER KRUTSCH, PhD, DVM – Institute of Meet Science, Nurenberg, Germany Prof. NICOLAE MANOLESCU, PhD, DVM, Dr. HC – Oncologic Institute ”Prof. dr. Al. Trestioreanu” Bucharest, Corresponding member of Romanian Academy, Titular member of Romanian Academy of Medical Science, Honorific member of Romanian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Science Prof. MIHAI DECUN, PhD, DVM – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BUASVM Timisoara, Titular member of Romanian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Science Prof. HORIA CERNESCU, PhD, DVM, Dr. HC - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BUASVM Timisoara, Titular member of Romanian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Science, Member of BASeVA Prof. GHEORGHE DARABUS, PhD, DVM – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BUASVM Timisoara, Titular member of Romanian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Science Prof. IOAN GROZA, PhD, DVM - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UASVM Cluj Napoca Prof. CORNEL CATOI, PhD, DVM - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UASVM Cluj Napoca Prof. VASILE COZMA, PhD, DVM - Faculty of V eterinary Medicine UASVM Cluj Napoca Prof. GABRIEL PREDOI, PhD, DVM - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UASVM Bucuresti Prof. BOGDAN LIVIU, PhD, DVM - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UASVM Bucuresti Prof. LIVIU MIRON, PhD, DVM - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UASVM Iasi Prof. SĂVUTĂ GHEORGHE, PhD, DVM - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UASVM Iasi Prof. BOGDAN LIVIU, PhD, DVM - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UASVM Bucuresti Prof. ALEXANDRA TRIF, PhD, DVM, Dr. HC. - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BUASVM Timisoara Prof. NICOLAE CĂTANĂ, PhD, DVM - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BUASVM Timisoara Prof. ROMEO CRISTINA, PhD, DVM - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BUASVM Timisoara Prof. CORNEL IGNA, PhD, DVM - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine BUASVM Timisoara Prof. MIHAI MAREȘ, PhD, DVM - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UASVM Iasi Lecturer FLORIN BETEG, PhD, DVM - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UASVM Cluj Napoca

To be cited: LUCRARI STIINTIFICE: MEDICINA VETERINARA TIMISOARA (SCIENTIFICAL PAPERS: VETERINARY MEDICINE TIMISOARA), vol. LI (2), 2018 Available online at: Indexed and/or abstracted in: CABI Full Text, CAB Abstracts, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory Editor: AGROPRINT TIMISOARA ISSN: 1221-5295 Printed by: IMPRIMERIA MIRTON TIMISOARA

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University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj Napoca, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 400372, Surgery Clinic, Calea Mănăștur, No. 3-5, Cluj Napoca,

Romania Email: [emailprotected]


Propolis has been used in folk medicine due to its wide range of biological properties and low toxicity (3, 9, 11). The aim of the study was to develop a formula of Propolis solution containing Propolis extract (30% Propolis tincture) and to the evaluate the effects of propolis on the healing process of wounds treated per secundam intentionem in rabbits. Three propolis solution concentrations (1%, 2% and 3%) were evaluated and compared to a control solution (saline). The researches established that all propolis solutions had beneficial impact on healing processes with the 1% solution having the best healing features in vivo pre-clinical evaluation and histopathologic exam. Keywords: propolis, wounds, leporid, healing per secundam

Propolis compounds and properties have been used in cutaneous wound healing for many years due to their therapeutic effects, including antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and cell-stimulating properties (6). Increased number of scientific research works that investigate the clinical efficacy, safety, and side effects of Propolis allowed the development of novel products and clinical practices that are currently used by the clinicians and surgeons in the treatment of different types of skin injuries. Several therapeutic activities have been advocated, such as the antimicrobial, antioxidative, antiseptic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and healing properties (3, 6).

The scientific evidence about the healing properties of propolis has increased, although the number of in vivo preclinical studies that investigate its healing properties in animal models and humans is limited (4, 7, 8).

The healing mechanism and properties of propolis remains a controversial issue, though this characteristic is likely due to the synergetic effects between the chemical constituents and its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities (6, 10).

The adverse reactions related to the use of propolis in wounds are poorly documented in the literature, and due to it is also critical to investigate the therapeutic levels and the cytotoxic concentrations of propolis products in both in vitro and in vivo studies in order to guarantee its safety and to identify possible side effects (2, 12).

LUCRĂRI ŞTIINŢIFICE LI (2) 2018(2).…· Propolis solutions used for pre-clinical evaluation 1% propolis solution 2% propolis solution 3% propolis solution Quantity of 30% propolis - [PDF Document] (6)



Materials and methods

To study the effect of propolis on second intention healing wounds, were needed to create standardized conditions, in order to have results that would be comparable. A leporid model was used to accomplish the aim of the study. To investigate the Propolis solution effects on healing processes were used a group of 3 rabbits. The study was performed on purpose-bred laboratory rabbits as being compliant with the European Union legislation concerning humane animal treatment and welfare of laboratory animals (Animal Protection Act §7–9; EU Convention on the protection of animals revised directive [86/609/EEC] included). Throughout the study, all legal and ethical requirements with regards to the humane treatment of animals were met. 30% tincture of propolis was use as so called “mother” solution to prepare the three “daughter” solutions of 1%, 2% and 3% by diluting the “mother” solution with saline. In the table (Table 1) is detailed the way these solutions were obtained (fig. 1).

Table 1.

Propolis solutions used for pre-clinical evaluation

1% propolis

solution 2% propolis

solution 3% propolis

solution Quantity of 30% propolis solution

0,33 mL 0, 67 mL 1 mL

Quantity of saline added

9, 67 mL 9,33 mL 9 mL

Final quantity 10 mL 10 mL 10 mL

Fig.1. Propolis 1%, 2%, 3%, and saline solution for evaluation

LUCRĂRI ŞTIINŢIFICE LI (2) 2018(2).…· Propolis solutions used for pre-clinical evaluation 1% propolis solution 2% propolis solution 3% propolis solution Quantity of 30% propolis - [PDF Document] (7)



The anesthetic protocol used during the surgery was as follow: - Premedication:

o Butorphanol 0,2 mg/kg IM o Diazepam 1 mg/kg IM o Medetomidine 0,2 mg/kg IM, five minutes after

- Induction and maintenance: o Ketamine 20 mg/kg IM five minutes after

- Anesthesia reversion o Atipamezole (5 times the dose of medetomidine given)

On each of these rabbits, were performed surgically defects, or cutaneous wounds, on the cranial aspect of their back. To assess the properties of propolis in healing of different type of wounds (shape and size) two types of cutaneous defects were created:

- Defects performed by a biopsy trocar of 5 mm - Defects performed by surgical scissors inducing a larger defect The skin defects were made in two vertical, on the left, were created four

surgical skin defects and on the right were made four cutaneous wounds by biopsy trocar (punch trocar) (fig.2).

a. b.

Fig. 2. Distribution and performing the cutaneous defects: a. cutaneous defects

distribution; b. skin defects with punch trocar

LUCRĂRI ŞTIINŢIFICE LI (2) 2018(2).…· Propolis solutions used for pre-clinical evaluation 1% propolis solution 2% propolis solution 3% propolis solution Quantity of 30% propolis - [PDF Document] (8)



Cutaneous defects were treated by a solution of a specific concentration. The solutions were applied by the mean of a Q-tip in order to avoid contamination of the wounds by a solution of another concentration. The treatment of the wounds was made for each rabbit every day until full healing was observed (fig. 3).

The appearance of the granulation tissue were careful monitored and any abnormalities were recorded daily. Close-up monitoring the end of proliferation phase were evaluated the moment of epithelialization presence and the progression of the wound contraction, a process that culminates with the closing of the wound that means the end of the healing process.

Fig. 3. Plan of propolis solutions’ application on the skin defects

Results and discussion As were explained in the paragraph of methods the three rabbits from the

study group were treated daily with propolis solutions of the different concentrations (saline or 0%, 1%, 2% and 3%). No other treatments were applied beside daily application of these propolis solutions on the skin wounds.

The wounds aspects were checked every day by macroscopic evaluation by the same person, in order to achieve a subjective evaluation of the wound healing.

To assess the wounds, the examiner focused on the time of first appearance of granulation tissue into the wound, and filling of the entire wound by granulation tissue up to the level of the surrounding skin.

The examiner concentrated also its attention on the presence of abnormal secretion(exudate) into the wounds and the presence of secondary injuries from self-scraching with delayed process of healing (Table 2).

The time to complete healing varied according to the subject. The mean time for complete healing was 10 days after surgical induction of the cutaneous wounds, that represented 9 days after initiation of the treatment (fig. 4).

LUCRĂRI ŞTIINŢIFICE LI (2) 2018(2).…· Propolis solutions used for pre-clinical evaluation 1% propolis solution 2% propolis solution 3% propolis solution Quantity of 30% propolis - [PDF Document] (9)



Beside the subjective macroscopic evaluation of the healing state of the wounds that seemed to reveal that wounds treated with saline or propolis solution Following the skin regeneration, the fibroblastic regeneration was observed in the dermis is much more discrete comparing with the control group. Presenting scattered inflammatory cells basically plasma cells but no neutrophils.

Table 2

Results of the subjective examination of the wounds and granulation tissue appearance

First appearance of granulation tissue

Filling of the entire wound by granulation tissue

Presence of

abnormal secretion

Trocar induced wounds

Surgical scissors induced wounds

Trocar induced wounds

Surgical induced wounds

Rabbit 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 8 Day 9 Never


Rabbit 2 Day 2 Day 3 Day 9 Day 10 Never


Rabbit 3 Day 2 Day 3 Day 9 Day10 Never


Fig. 4. Wounds aspects 10 days after surgery and treated with Propolis The epidermis in the healed region is much more thinner than in the control

group without hyperkeratosis. The dermis of the healed region present numerous skin annexes (hair follicles and sebaceous glands). All this features are characteristic that prove a better properties of Propolis 1% solution in the healing process (fig. 5). The wounds treated with Propolis 1% healed the fastest.

In a model of study on Wistar rats, epithelization concluded seven days after the injury. The increased healing activity has been attributed to increased collagen formation and angiogenesis (1, 5).

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Fig. 5. Discrete dermal fibroplasia and acanthosis during healing and treatment with 1% propolis solution

If comparing the results obtained for the wounds treated with 2% and 3%

propolis solutions, can be notice that the results are similar, but with more acanthosis, fibroplasia and hyperkeratosis for the samples treated with 3% propolis solution.

Animal studies showed the ability of propolis to promote the keratinocyte proliferation, the stimulation of glycosaminoglycan deposition in the wound, and the modification of the chondroitin/dermatan sulfate structure (8). Pessolato reported the efficacy of a propolis ointment on the healing process of second-degree burn wounds by promoting wound debridement, stimulating the collagen synthesis, and reducing the wound inflammation.


In vivo pre-clinical evaluation conclude that complete healing was achieved 10 days after surgical creation of the epithelial wounds, that represented 9 days after initiation of the treatment

Indeed, the histologic assessment of the cutaneous defects treated with propolis solution of different concentration (0%, 1%, 2% and 3%) revealed a reduced inflammatory aspect of the wounds area regardless the concentration used compared to the control (saline or 0% solution).

Focus on the healing quality aspect of the wounds treated with propolis, according to results, the best concentration that should be used is 1%. Indeed, this concentration gave the best healing features at a microscopic point of view.

LUCRĂRI ŞTIINŢIFICE LI (2) 2018(2).…· Propolis solutions used for pre-clinical evaluation 1% propolis solution 2% propolis solution 3% propolis solution Quantity of 30% propolis - [PDF Document] (11)




This study was realised using the support and infrastructure project ”Cercetări pentru elaborarea unui produs topic ecosanogen sub forma de gel pe bază de Propolis pentru profilaxia infecțiilor și terapia afecțiunilor traumatice și chirurgicale la animale”, cod PN-III-P2-2.1-CI-2017-0827, nr. 148 CI.

References 1. Berreta, AA., Nascimento, AP., Bueno Pires, P.C., Oliveira, Lima, Leite,

Vaz, M.M., Marcheti, J.M., Propolis Standardized Extract (EPP-AF®), an Innovative Chemically and Biologically Reproducible Pharmaceutical Compound for Treating Wounds, Int. J. Biol. Sci, 2012, 8, 4, 512-521.

2. Cinegaglia, N.C., Bersano, P.R.O., Búfalo, M.C., Sforcin, J.M., Cytotoxic Action of Brazilian Propolis In Vitro on Canine Osteosarcoma Cells. Phytother. Res., 2012, 27,1277–1281.

3. Herman, V., Roșiu, Diana, Cătana, N., Degi J., Iancu, Ionica, Mițiți, Ioana, Ciobanu, Gh., Grema, Corina Fini, Pascu, Corina,Evaluation of propolis for antibacterial activity in vitro. Rev Rom Med Vet, 2018, 28, 3, 13-17.

4. Oksuz, H., Duran, N., Tamer, C., Cetin, M., Silici, S. Effect of propolis in the treatment of experimental Staphylococcus aureus keratitis in rabbits. Ophthalmic Res, 2005, 37, 328.

5. Pillai, S.I., Palsamy, P, Subramanian, S., Kandaswamy, M. Wound healing properties of Indian propolis studied on excision wound-induced rats. Pharmaceutical Biology, 2010,48(11), 1198–1206.

6. Pereira, R.F., Bartolo P.J., Traditional Therapies for Skin Wound Healing, Advances in wound care, 2013,5,5,208-229.

7. Pessolato, A.G, Martins, Ddos, S., Ambrósio, C.E., Mançanares, C.A., de Carvalho, A.F., Propolis and amnion reepithelialise second-degree burns in rats. Burns 2011; 37: 1192.

8. Sehn, E., Hernandes, L., Franco, S.L., Goncalves, C.C., Baesso, M.L., Dynamics of reepithelialisation and penetration rate of a bee propolis formulation during cutaneous wounds healing, Anal Chim Acta, 2009, 635, 115.

9. Toreti, V.C., Sato, H.H., Pastore, G.M., Park Y.K, Recent progress of propolis for its biological and chemical compositions and its botanical origin. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med,2013, 2013: 697390.

10. Velnar, T., Bailey, T., Smrkolj, V., The Wound Healing Process: an Overview of the Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms. The Journal of International Medical Research, 2009, 37, 1528 – 1542.

11. Vujanovic, S., Vujanovic J. Bioresources in the pharmacotherapy and healing of burns: a minireview, 2013,Burns,; 39: 1031.

12. Walgrave, S.E., Warshaw, E.M., Glesne, L.A., Allergic contact dermatitis from propolis, Dermatitis, 2005,16, 209.

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University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Surgery, Cluj-Napoca, Calea Mănăștur 3-5, 400372,

Romania Email: [emailprotected]


Traumatic luaxation of coxofemoral joint(CFJ) is the most frequently meet in dogs. In this retrospective study were applied a special stabilization procedure in 18 dogs of different breeds, ages and sexes, who have presented with a displaced coxofemural joint. The aim of the study was to assess the efficacy of the nylon strand of suture material placed in the tunnel in the location that mimics the normal origin and insertion of the round ligament of the femoral head. One tunnel was performed in the femoral head, in which a nylon wire was passed through and fixed with a knot . This dynamic fixation ensures proper positioning and adequate mobility of the femoral head in the acetabulum. In our study, dorso-cranial luxation was seen in 7 cases (38.89%), 7 cases (38.89%) had dorso-caudal displacement and 4 cases (22.22%) had a caudo-ventral luxation. Healing occurs quickly, ranging between 14-21 days, depending on the weight, age and temperament of the dogs. This method for reduction and stabilization of the coxofemoral joint luxation ensures rapid and effective healing even when the capsular ligament reconstruction is incomplete. Keywords: traumatic luxation, coxofemoral joint, dogs, surgical procedure.

Traumatic coxofemoral luxation is one of the most frequently encountered orthopedic disorders in dogs. Animals with coxofemoral luxation have a history of trauma, and complete physical examination is necessary to confirm the hip luxation and identify concurrent trauma-related injuries. Radiographic evaluation of the hip is required to confirm the luxation, determine the direction of the displacement. Coxofemoral luxation implies the disruption of the hip joint, accompanied by femoral head displacement. The causes are different; the most important being trauma caused by road accidents (85% incidence) as confirmed by numerous authors (1, 2, 3, 4). Others, (5, 6, 7, 8), mention other causes, such as severe dysplasia of the hip, spontaneous dislocation and trauma of unknown origin.

Reduction (repositioning) of a dislocation by open procedure is more difficult after 3 to 5 days and the recommended time for successful surgery is in less than 72 hours (1, 2). The success rate after surgical reduction and stabilization is approximately 85% higher than in the case of reduction by a conservative methods (9, 10, 11). Numerous procedures are known and described on the surgical reduction and stabilization of the hip joint in dislocation cases. These include capsular suturing (12), capsular prosthetics, ischioilial pinning, trans-positioning of the greater trochanter, trans-articular pinning, toggle pin stabilization,

LUCRĂRI ŞTIINŢIFICE LI (2) 2018(2).…· Propolis solutions used for pre-clinical evaluation 1% propolis solution 2% propolis solution 3% propolis solution Quantity of 30% propolis - [PDF Document] (13)



iliofemoral suture (13, 14, 15), fascia lata loop stabilization using the gluteal muscle tendon (16), extra-articular iliofemoral suture, sacro-tuberal trans-positioning [11], triple pelvic osteotomy [17], complete arthroplasty of the hip joint or various combinations of these techniques (18, 19). Postoperative care for patients with coxofemoral luxation should include confinement and restricted activity for 4 to 6 weeks, to ensure tissue healing.

Materials and methods

The research was included 18 dogs of different breeds, ages and genders, during a period of five years, from 2008 to 2018. Seven case(n=7)s were diagnosed with cranio-dorsal dislocation, seven cases(n=7) had caudo-dorsal dislocation and four(n=4) cases showed cranio-ventral dislocation. In 15 cases, surgery was performed within 3 days after the accident, and in 3 cases surgery were performed after 5 days. All dogs were radiologically evaluated for the CFJ traumatic luxation diagnosis.

Anesthesia was induced after premedication with Atropine (0.04 mg/ kg im) by using Diazepam (0.2 mg/ kg im), and Ketamine 10% (2.5 mg/ kg iv), after which the patients were intubated with 2% Isoflurane. Local analgesia was performed with Articain 2% with epinephrine solution 1: 100.000 (Ultracain, Sanofi Avensis,Germany GmbH).

After surgical preparation of the site, an incision was performed above the coxofemoral joint, through skin, subcutaneous connective tissue and all the muscle layers of the gluteal area without osteotomy of greater trochanter. After exposing the acetabulum, soft tissue, hematomas and round ligament remnants on the femoral head were removed. The femoral head was fixed and then, from the fovea capitis of the femoral head, a tunnel was drilled trough the head and the femoral neck, with a 2.5 mm diameter drill for dogs weighing 4-7 kg, 2,7 mm for dogs weighing 10-20 kg and 3.5 mm for dogs weighing over 30 kg (Fig. 1).

Fig. 2. Drilling the femoral head

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The acetabular cavity was then prepared by removing soft tissue and

remnants of the round ligament. A hole in the center of the acetabular fossa penetrating the medial acetabular wall was drilled with 3.5mm drill, where the toggle pin was introduced. The toggle was crafted of 1.0 mm Kirschner wire (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. The „crafted” toggle pin

At the toggle pin, a suture strand with a length of 40-50 cm nylon or polypropilene was attached and two strands of 20-25 cm long remain. The surgical technique involves passing the toggle pin through the hole created in the acetabular fossa so that it is inserted median to acetabular wall (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. The toggle pin „ in place” inserted through acetabular drilled hole By pulling the two strands, the toggle was positioned transversely and the

toggle pin was properly anchored against the medial wall of the acetabulum. The strands were inserted through the femoral tunnel from the fovea capitis, the femoral

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head was reduced in the acetabular cavity, and the knot were performed. The joint capsule and then the gluteal muscle were reconstructed. Hemostasis was performed and the surgical wound was closed. Perioperatively, the patients received 22mg/kg of Cefazolin, 2mg/kg Tramadol in the first 24 hours and 2.2mg/kg Carprofen.

Postoperatively, the dogs were monitored and evaluated, the lameness graded, and respectively the local modifications were assessed.

Results and discussion

In large dogs, partial weight bearing support on the operated limb started

after 10-12 days and normal and complete gait, after 21 days. The stability and long-term functionality of the joint depends on proper healing, rehabilitation of periarticular tissue and physical rehabilitation. The prognosis after hip dislocation, reduction and stabilization is good or very good if remediation and stabilization are performed early after the occurrence of dislocation (4).

Toggle pin mechanical strength is good if these are inserted and placed correctly, with an appropriate horizontal orientation (14). Nylon monofilament suture strand proved to be suitable, with no foreign body reaction. The nylon monofilament was used in other studies for caudo-ventral hip joint dislocation with good results, thus confirming the appropriateness of its use (9). Open reduction of the luxation regardless of the direction of displacement through this procedure is new and has a number of advantages(11). Fixing the femoral head by this suture provides better dynamic stability in the acetabular cavity, and allowing and ample range of movements (abduction, adduction, rotation, propulsion, flexion and extension) (9). Major advantage is the short length of strand from the toggle to the femoral head, which ensue precision, stability and safety(15). Longer the distance between two anchoring points, the higher the possibility of the appearance of a few millimeter space between femoral head and acetabular cavity by suture strands elongation and the risk of reluxation.

Postoperatively, during the first days, we found a increased body temperature with 1C above normal, respiratory and heart rates increased by 10%. After surgical procedure to remediate the luxation, all dogs presented severe lameness (grade 5) in the first 48 hours. 72-96 hours postoperatively, most dogs presented moderate lameness (grade 2 and 3), and on the 7th days post op, 7 dogs presented weight-bearing with minimal support on the leg, and 11 out of 18 dogs presented grade 2 lameness. Local changes were recorded as edema, local tumefaction, increased local temperature and mild pain. After 21 days, the support on the operated limb is complete especially at stepping gait.

LUCRĂRI ŞTIINŢIFICE LI (2) 2018(2).…· Propolis solutions used for pre-clinical evaluation 1% propolis solution 2% propolis solution 3% propolis solution Quantity of 30% propolis - [PDF Document] (16)




This method for reduction and stabilization of traumatic luxation of the hip joint provide increased stability and adequate positioning around the circumference of the joint cartilage.

The presence of two anchoring points(acetabular/ femoral) ensures correct positioning of the femoral head in the curvature of the acetabulum and provides dynamic stability in the acetabular cavity, and allowing and ample range of movements.

The method used and presented ensures rapid and effective healing even when the capsular ligament reconstruction is incomplete.


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14. Rochereau, P., Bernardé, A., Stabilization of coxo-femoral luxation using tenodesis of the deep gluteal muscle. Technique description and reluxation rate in 65 dogs and cats (1995-2008). Vet. Comp. Orthop. Traumatol. 2011, 25, 49-53.

15. Shani, J., Johnston, D.E., Shahar, R., Stabilization of traumatic luxation with extra-capsular suture from the greater trochanter to the origin of the rectus femoris. Vet. Comp. Orthop. Traumatol. 2004, 17, 12-16.

16. Shantibhushan, Jha, Kowaleski, M.P., Mechanical analysis of twelve toggle suture constructs for stabilization of coxofemoral luxation, Vet Surg. 2012, 41, 8, 948-953.

17. Trostel, C.D., Peck, J.N., deHaan, J.J., Spontaneous bilateral coxofemoral luxation in four dogs. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. May/June 2000, 36, 3, 268-276.

18. Venturini, A., Pinna, S., Tamburro, R., Combined intra-extraarticular technique for stabilization of coxofemoral luxation. Preliminary results in two dogs. Vet. Comp. Orthop. Traumatol. 2010, 23, 182-185.

19. Whitelock, R., Traumatic luxation in the dog. Proceedings of the 3rd World Veterinary Orthopedic Congress, ESVOT-VOS, Italy, 15th-18th September, 2010, pp: 186-187.

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1Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

2Faculty of Agriculture University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Cluj-Napoca,

400372, Calea Mănăştur, no. 3-5, Romania Email: [emailprotected]


The purpose of this research was to study an alternative product – Him ROP Vet, in treatment of retained placenta (RP) in cow. The study was carried out during June 2016- March 2017 on 43 cows diagnosed with placental retention, in a dairy farm, in Satu Mare county. The animals were divided in 2 experimental groups. in group 1 (n=20 cows), the protocol aimed to solve RP without manual extraction of the placenta, the product being administered orally. In the control group (n=23 cows) the therapy was performed by manual separation and administration of uterine pessaries. The cows were monitored for puerperium evolution, the first estrous cycle post-calving, the service-period and the number of artificial inseminations needed for gestation. In group 1 placental elimination occurred within an interval of 11-60 hours after completion of treatment. In case of the control group complete removal of fetal membranes ranged from 12 to 84 hours. In terms of puerperium evolution 2 uterus exam were completed, 21 and 42 days after treatment. At 21 days the results were the following: in group 1, 65% animals presented a normal puerperium and 35% of the cows showed a mucopurulent content and the uterus was partially involuted. In control group, 47.83% of the cows presented a normal puerperium, 43.48% showed a mucopurulent content and 8.69% revealed abundant mucopurulent content. Control at 42 days after parturition revealed in group 1, uterine involution and the presence of the yellow body for 16 cows, non-functional trophic ovaries for 3 cows and one presented ovarian hypotrophy. In second group 9 cows revealed uterine involution, 8 cows ovarian hypotrophy and 6 cows non-functional trophic ovaries. The first estrous cycle occurred between 45 -122 days from parturition for group 1 and between 45 – 125 days for control group. The unique combination of herbs present in HimROP VET LIQUID contributed for uterine cleansing activity in post-parturient retained placenta. Keywords: cow, placenta, puerperium, uterus

Retention of fetal membranes is the most common condition occurring in domestic animals following parturition. Its incidence varies from 4.0-16.1%, but can be much higher in problem herds. However, it can be much higher in problem herds and also increases during summer with increased parity, milk yield in the previous seasons and following birth of male fetus (1, 15).

LUCRĂRI ŞTIINŢIFICE LI (2) 2018(2).…· Propolis solutions used for pre-clinical evaluation 1% propolis solution 2% propolis solution 3% propolis solution Quantity of 30% propolis - [PDF Document] (19)



There are a number of risk factors that have been identified for retained placenta. For example: abortion, stillbirth, twin births, dystocia, induction of parturition, metabolic disorders, and short gestation length have all been associated with a high incidence of retained placenta (9). The adverse effects of RP on reproductive performance of cattle are: delay in first service (19), reduction of pregnancy rate (11), increase in services per conception (7). RP have been associated with increased risk for endometritis, metritis, ketosis, and mastitis (2, 12, 17, 18) and these diseases ultimately cause the reduction in the fertility and milk production of cattle (9).

Many common therapies for RP have not been effective, and some could actually have a negative impact on future reproduction. Manual removal, local antibiotics, and prostaglandins are used treatments, although current evidence does not support their use (15, 19, 20). Because RP negatively affect milk production and cow's fertility, effective treatment is crucial for improving puerperal performance of cows in order to raise their productiveness (20).

The purpose of this research was to study an alternative product – Him ROP Vet, in the management of retained placenta (RP) in cows.

Materials and methods

The study was carried out during June 2016- March 2017 on 43 cows

diagnosed with placental retention, in a dairy farm, in Satu Mare County. The animals were divided in 2 experimental groups. In first group (n=20 cows), the protocol aimed to solve RP without manual extraction of the placenta, the product being administered orally. In the control group (n=23 cows) the therapy was performed by manual separation and administration of uterine pessaries.

The following extracts are found in the composition of HimROP VET LIQUID product: Moringa oleifera, Adhatoda vasica, Gloriosa superba, Ruta graveolans, Peganum harmala and Cyperus rotundus. This product shows a strong antibacterial activity against Micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus, Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis due to the leaves of Moringa oleifera (4). Adhatoda vasica is presenting uterine stimulant activity due to the presence of an alkaloid – vasicine. Gloriosa superba is useful in increasing the force of contraction of uterus (5, 6).Hot water extract of Ruta graveolens was reported to be active in inducing abortion in 12-24 hours after ingestion and aqueous extract of the seed showed uterotonic activity (7). The alkaloids like harmine and harmaline are presented in Peganum harmala which gives the product a therapeutic value (9).

In the present research, a different protocol was used than the one indicated by the manufacturer. So 150 ml of product was administered for three consecutive days. Prior to administration, the product was hom*ogenized in the original vial. Administration was done with a cattle dispenser for cattle.

LUCRĂRI ŞTIINŢIFICE LI (2) 2018(2).…· Propolis solutions used for pre-clinical evaluation 1% propolis solution 2% propolis solution 3% propolis solution Quantity of 30% propolis - [PDF Document] (20)



The cows were monitored for puerperium evolution, the first estrous cycle post-calving, the service-period and the number of artificial inseminations needed for gestation.

Results and discussion

The placental retention diagnosis in cows under study was set at 12 to 15 hours post-partum, thus taking the decision to institute the therapeutic protocol.

The control group therapy was performed by manual detachment and administration of effervescent pessaries (between 2 and 4 administrations). The manual extraction of placenta in control group was performed at the most appropriate time, ranging from 12 to 30 hours, which resulted in total or partial withdrawal, depending on the degree of adherence and infection.

In group I following the establishment of the therapeutic protocol, placental elimination occurred in 25.35±13.36 hours within an interval of 10-60 hours from the time of treatment. The placenta was spontaneously eliminated without any intervention on it except administration of Him ROP Vet product. In second group complete elimination of lochia after placental removal was assessed in 42.09±26.28 hours with a range of 12 to 84 hours.

In terms of puerperium evolution 2 uterus exam were completed, 21 and 42 days after treatment. At 21 days the results were the following: in group 1, 65% animals presented a normal puerperium and 35% of the cows showed a mucopurulent content and partially uterine involution. In control group, 47.83% of the cows presented a normal puerperium, 43.48% showed a mucopurulent content and 8.69% revealed abundant mucopurulent content. Control at 42 days after parturition revealed in group 1, uterine involution and the presence of the yellow body for 16 cows (80%), non-functional trophic ovaries for 3 cows (15%) and one cow (5%) presented ovarian hypotrophy. In second group, 9 cows (39.13%) revealed uterine involution, 8 cows (34.78%) ovarian hypotrophy and 6 cows (26.09%) non-functional trophic ovaries.

Table 1 The results obtained after controlling puerperium evolution

21 days

Diagnosis Group I Group II

Uterine involution without content 65% 47.82%

Uterine involution with the presence of mucopurulent content

35% 43.47%

Partially uterine involution, abundant mucopurulent content

0 8.69%

42 days

Uterine involution, yellow body presence 80% 39.3%

Uterine involution, ovarian hypotrophy 5% 34.62%

Uterine involution, trophic ovaries 15% 26.08%

Doses / gestation (mean) 1.5 2.08

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After treatment of cows with Him ROP Vet, the first estrous cycle occurred

within a period of 45 days to 122 days with an average of 66.95 days from the time of parturition. And the success of a new gestation was for a number of 19 cows with an average of 1.5 doses of sem*n per cow. For the control group, first estrous cycle was observed between 45-125 days after parturition, with an average of 87.52 days. For the success of a new gestation, an average of 2.04 doses of sperm per cow were used. Two of the cows were reformed because at four consecutive months they did not develop a new gestation.

Previous studies in India reported the product's efficiency as being high. These researches were conducted on different breeds, maintenance systems and different climate environments.

In a first study, Ravi and Bhagwat, 2007, (16), conducted an research to study the efficacy of HimROP VET LIQUID in the management of retained placenta. Twenty cows of different breeds and age were included in their study. For the treatment of retained placenta, 100 ml HimROP VET LIQUID was administered in the first day followed by 100 ml once daily for 3 days. The results of the research were as follows: 60% of cows expelled placenta in less than 12 hours, 13.33% in 12-24 hours and 26.6% in more than 24 hours. Generally, 73.33% of cows expelled placenta within 24 hours of HimROP VET LIQUID treatment.

In another survey, Mohan and Bhagwat, 2007, (13) studied the efficacy of this product in a total of 46 animals: 36 were Jersey cross and Holstein cross-bred cows and 10 were indigenous breed buffaloes. The animals were divided into groups, randomly, the first group was treated with Him ROP Vet at a dose of 100 ml twice a day on the first day followed by 100 ml once daily for 3 days. The second group was kept under observation, was the control group. In Group 1, 60.97% of animals expelled their placenta in 6-12 hours, 31.69% in 12-24 hours, and 7.31% of animals did not show any response. Overall, 92.66% cows expelled placenta within 24 hours of HimROP VET LIQUID treatment. In Group II, placenta was retained even after 36 hours.

Another study conducted by Madhusudan et al., 2011, (10) reports the effectiveness of Him ROP Vet in infertility in crossbred Holstein-Friesian cows. Ten crossbred cows with a history of repeat breeding were selected for the study. All the cows were clinically free of disease, were aged 4–10 years, and had no history of calving difficulty in the previous parturition. Treatment was administered on days 18, 19 and 20 of the proestrous, 200 ml being administered in the first 2 days and in the third 100 ml. The results showed a 60% conception rate of which 40% were pregnant after the first artificial insemination and 33.33% after the second artificial insemination. The remaining 4 cows (40%) taken in the study did not conceive after treatment with Him ROP Vet.

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The results of the study have shown the role of the product in regulating the physiology of the uterus and in increasing the rate of conception.

The nutritional, hormonal, uterotonic and antibacterial activity of different constituents of Him ROP Vet recommends it as an excellent choice for veterinarians and farmers in the treatment of retained placenta.

Although the number of cows used in the current study was small, it proved to be enough to get a rational conclusion.


1. Ahmed, W.M., El-Ekhnawy, K.I., Dessouky, H.M., Zabal, M.M., Ahmed, Y.F.,

Investigations on retained fetal membranes in Friesian cows in Egypt, Egyptian Journal of comparative Pathology, 1999, 12, 160-177.

2. Bruun, J., Ersbll, A.K., Alban, L., Risk factors for metritis in Danish dairy cows, Prev. Vet. Med., 2002, 54, 179-190.

3. Caceres, A., Cabrera, O., Morales, O., Mollinedo, P., Mendia, P., Pharmacological properties of Moringa oleifera I. Preliminary screening for antimicrobial activity, J. Ethnopharmacol., 1991, 33, 213-216.

4. Chopra, R.N., Chopra, I.C.,. Handa, K.L., Kapur, L.D., Indigenous drugs of India’ 2nd Edition, Published by U. N. Ghar and Sons Ltd., Calcutta, 1958.

5. Chunekar, K.C., Commentary on Book- Bhava Prakash Niganthu’, 4th Edition, Published by Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi, 1969.

6. El-Saad, M., El- Rifaie, M.D., Peganum harmala its use in certain dermatoses, Intl.J. Dermat., 1980, 19, 221-222.

7. Holt, L.C., Whittier, W.D., Gwazdauskas, F.C., Early postpartum reproductive profiles in Holstein cows with retained placenta and uterine discharges, J. Dairy. Sci., 1989, 72, 533-539.

8. Kong, Y.C., Lau, C.P., Wat, K.H., Ng, K.H., But, P.P.H., Cheng, K.F. and Waterman, P.G., Antifertility principle of Ruta graveolans, Planta Medica, 1989, 55, 176-178.

9. Laven, R.A., Peters, A.R., Bovine retained placenta: Aetiology, pathogenesis, and economic loss, Vet. Rec., 1996, 139, 465-471.

10. Madhusudan, J.R., Bhagwat, V.G., Dhanush, K.B., Study of the Efficacy of HimROP Vet Liquid on Conception Rate in Repeat Breeding Dairy Cows, Livestock Line, 2011, 21-23.

11. McDougall, S., Effects of periparturient diseases and conditions on the reproductive performance of New Zealand dairy cows, NZ. Vet. J., 2001, 49, 60-68.

12. Melendez, P., Donovan, G.A., Risco, C.A., Littell, R., Goff, J.P., Effect of calcium-energy supplements on calving-related disorders, fertility and milk yield

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during the transition period in cows fed anionic salts, Theriogenology, 2003, 60, 843-854.

13. Mohan, D., Bhagwat, V.G., Study to assess the efficacy of HimROP Vet liquid in management of retained placenta in dairy cows, Veterinary World, 2007, 5(11), 341-342.

14. Noakes, D., Parkinson, J., England, G., Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics, 9th Ed. China, Saunders Elsevier, 2009, 418-425.

15. Peters, A.R., Laven, R.A., Treatment of bovine retained placenta and its effects, Vet. Rec., 1996, 139, 539-541.

16. Ravi, B.K., Bhagwat, V.G., Efficacy study of HimROP Vet liquid in the management of retained placenta and post-parturient septic metritis in bovines, Livestock Line, 2007, 9-11.

17. Schukken,Y.H., Erb, H.N., Scarlett, J.M., A hospital-based study of the relationship between retained placenta and mastitis in dairy cows, Cornell Vet., 1989, 79, 319-326.

18. Schukken, Y.H., Retained placenta and mastitis. Cornell Vet.,1989, 79, 129-131. 19. Stevens, R.D., Dinsmore, R.P., Treatment of dairy cows at parturition with

prostaglandin F2 a or oxytocin for prevention of retained fetal membranes. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc., 1997, 21, 1280-1284.

20. Tolera, T.T., Review on Retention of Placenta in Dairy Cows and it is Economic and Reproductive Impacts, Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 2017, 7(7), 28-37.

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1Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 2Faculty of Agriculture

University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Cluj-Napoca, 400372, Calea Mănăştur, no. 3-5, Romania

Email: [emailprotected]

Summary The purpose of this research was to conduct a gynecological investigation and to evaluate reproductive disorders in in 3 cattle farms (F1, F2, F3), in Mures county. The study was conducted during January - April 2017. After the gynecological investigation the following diseases were detected: ovarian follicular cyst (6.76% - F1, 8.33% - F2, 10% - F3), luteal cyst (4.05% - F1, 5% - F2 and F3), retained placenta (5.40% - F1, 3.33% - F2, 5% - F3), postpartum paraplegia (5.40% - F1, 3.33% - F2), endometritis (4.05% - F1, 3.33% -F2).Gestation was confirmed 37.84% in farm 1, 36.66% in farm 2 and 40% in farm 3. After the treatment, gestation was confirmed as follows: in case of follicular cyst and luteal cyst 10 animals were diagnosed pregnant for each disease, at 6 cows with retained placenta pregnancy diagnosis was confirmed, 4 cows diagnosed with endometritis were recoverd and in case of postpartum paraplegia at 5 animals gestation was confirmed. The treatment was not effective in 8 cases. Keywords:cattle, diagnosis, gynecological investigation, treatment

Global Gynecological investigation is a very important tool for farms and for

the veterinary doctor. This have a big importance in the farms were don’t exist a register with the artificial insemination and were the animals are not very well reproductively controlled. So, it is very likely in these farms that we find pathologies such as: follicular cyst, luteal cyst , endometritis, etc.

The object of every farmer is to have maximum exploitation of the animals without endangering their physiological regulatory mechanisms expressed in the form of oestrus cycles within the optimum postpartum period, body weight and body condition score and milk production levels (5).

Ovarian follicular cysts are a major reproductive problem in lactating dairy cows. The primary physiological defect leading to the formation of ovarian follicular cysts is a failure of the hypothalamus to trigger the preovulatory surge of luteinizing hormone (LH) in response to estradiol. The factor responsible for this hypothalamic defect may be progesterone (2).

LUCRĂRI ŞTIINŢIFICE LI (2) 2018(2).…· Propolis solutions used for pre-clinical evaluation 1% propolis solution 2% propolis solution 3% propolis solution Quantity of 30% propolis - [PDF Document] (25)



The incidence of ovarian follicular cysts in dairy cattle has been reported to be from 5.6 to 18.8% (2). This estimate may be higher because of the fact that 60% of cows that develop cystic ovarian degeneration (COD) before the first postpartum ovulation recover spontaneously and may go undetected (6). The prevalence of clinical endometritis was 16.9%(1) in a study performed in 2001.

The aim of the study was to evaluate the reproductive disorders at the three cattle farms, to establish diagnoses and to perform the individual treatment where necessary.

Materials and methods

The research was carried out during January 2017- April 2017 in three

farms: farm 1 with 353 bovines, farm 2 with 300 bovines and farm 3 with 70 cows. During this interval, a total of 156 cows were investigated: 74 cows in farm 1, 60 cows in farm 2 and 20 cows in farm 3.

For establish a correct gynecological investigation, the following steps were performed for each female: anamnesis, general clinical examination, external and internal gynecological exam and rectal examination.

The diagnosis of follicular cyst was established after the transrectal examination - a formation with a diameter of 3 cm, or 4-5 cm, soft consistency and fluctuating was identified on the ovary. The treatment for the follicular cyst was performed by enucleation method.

The transrectal examination for gestation control in the 3rd month revealed the presence of a fluctuating, smooth consistency formation with a diameter of 2-3 cm. The uterus was inactive, so the diagnosis of luteal cyst was established. The therapeutic protocol was the following: a dose of 3 ml (i.m.) of progesterone (Progesterone FP) was administered on the day of the examination and at 48 hours interval, followed in day 6 by a dose of 2 ml cloprostenol (Proliz/Pasteur). There were cases when only cloprostenol was needed to treat luteal cyst.

For the retained placenta was performed the manual extraction and administration of uterine pessaries (3 pessaries with oxytetracycline - Pasteur). Antibiotic Intramicine/Ceva (Procaine benyzlpenicillin and Dihydrostreptomycin sulphate) was administered in the dose of 20 ml, i.m. for the prevention of infections.

Regarding the postpartum paraplegia the therapeutic protocol followed the administration of calcium borogluconate 38% (Pasteur) at dose of 500 ml, i.v.

In case of endometritis the treatment was performed with two commercial products: Metricure/Intervet (cephapirin benzathine uterine suspension) intrauterine and Intramicine/Ceva.

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Results and discussion

The incidence of reproductive pathologies observed in the three farms included in our study is presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Incidence of the pathologies F1 F2 F3 Follicular cyst 6.76% 8.33% 10% Luteal cyst 4.05% 5% 5% Retained Placenta 5.40% 3.33% 5% Endometritis 4.05% 3.33% 0% Paraplegia postpartum 5.40% 3.33% 0%

Regarding the follicular cyst a number of 12 cows were identified. After

performing first enucleation 16.66% were recovered and 33.33% after the second one. In case of 33.33% of the cows was necessary a hormonal therapy and the remaining 16.66% were excluded from the experiment. Artificial insemination was performed for 10 cows. The results regarding each farm are presented in fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Graphical representation of the results regarding follicular cyst, expressed as percentage

In case of luteal cyst 8 cows were identified. After the hormonal treatment,

equal percentages of recovery were found (44.44%) depending on the protocol erformed. In the case of a cow (11.11%) hormonal therapy had no effect and was eliminated from the study. The results regarding the situation on each farm are presented in fig. 2.

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Fig. 2. Graphical representation of the results regarding luteal cyst, expressed as percentage

Retained placenta was confirmed for 7 cows. After applying the therapeutic

protocol a number of 4 cows (57.14%) were recovered and artificial insemination was carried out 50-60 days after parturition. In the case of the other 3 cows (42.86%) endometritis was observed.

The diagnosis of hypocalcaemia was set for 6 cows. The applied treatment allowed the recovery of 3 cows (50%) after first administration of calcium borogluconate 38% (Pasteur) and 2 cows (33.33%) after 2 administrations. A cow (16.66%) did not show signs of recovery and was excluded from the research. The results in case of retained placenta and hypocalcaemia are shown in fig. 3. and fig. 4.

Fig. 3. Graphical representation of the results regarding retained

placenta, expressed as percentage

Fig. 4. Graphical representation of the results regarding the hypocalcemia,

expressed as percentage

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Endometritis was confirmed for a number of 5 cows. Three cows (60%) were recovered after treatment with Metricure/Intervet and artificial insemination was performed during the second setrous cycle. The remaining 2 cows (40%) presented salpingitis and were eliminated from our study. The results for each farm are shown in fig. 5.

Fig. 5. Graphical representation of the results regarding the endometritis, expressed as percentage

During the investigations gestation was confirmed for a number of 58 cows

as following: 28 cows (37.84%) in farm 1, 22 cows (36.66%) in farm 2 and 8 cows (40%) in farm 3.

The incidence of ovarian cysts has been reported to be from 6 to 19% (3), in our study the incidence was 10.81% in the Farm 1, 13.33% in Farm 2 and 15% in Farm 3. Some studies have shown that 40 to 80% of the cows with ovarian cysts reestablished ovarian cycles following treatment with products high in LH activity (7). In our study the estrous cycle was observed for 83.22% of the cows that presented follicular cyst and 88.88% of the cows that showed luteal cyst.

The incidence of retained placenta varies from 4%-16.1%, but can be much higher in problem herds (4). In our study the retained placenta incidence was from 3.33% in farm 2 to 5.40% in farm 1. The results obtained with regard to retained placenta were good, but this may also be due to the short time of the research

Typically, 25-40% of animals have clinical metritis in the first 2 weeks after calving, which persists in up to 20% of animals as clinical endometritis (4). the incidence in our study varied between 3.33% in farm 2 and 4.04% in farm 1.

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Performing an individual gynecological investigation, diagnosis and treatment of genital disorders reduce the farmer's losses significantly.

In order to identify the causes of ovarian disease, it is mandatory to carry out an individual investigation in order to establish the appropriate diagnosis and treatment. This will be done through monthly transrectal examinations during the gestation diagnosis.

References 1. Duffield, T.F., Leslie, K.E., Bateman, K.G., Keefe, G.P., Walton, J.S.,

Johnson, W.H., Defining and Diagnosing Postpartum Clinical Endometritis and its Impact on Reproductive Performance in Dairy Cows, American Dairy Science Association, 2002, Published by Elsevier Inc.

2. Garverick, H.A., Ovarian follicular cysts in dairy cows, J. Dairy Sci., 1997, 80, 995-1004.

3. Kesler, D.J., Garverick, H.A., Ovarian cysts in dairy cattle: a review, J. Anim. Sci., 2001, 55(5), 1147-1159.

4. Ptaszynska, M., Compendium of animal reproduction, 10th edition, Publisher Intervet International bv., 2009.

5. Mwaanga, E.S., Janowski, S., Anoestrus in Dairy Cows: Causes, Prevalence and Clinical Forms, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 2001, 35(5), 193-200..

6. Peter, A.T., Managing postpartum health and cystic ovarian disease, Proceed Eighteenth Annual Western Canadian Dairy Seminar: Advances in Dairy Technology, 2002, Alberta, Canada, 85–99.

7. Silvia, W.J, Hatler, T.B., Nugent, A.M., Laranja da Fonseca, L.F., Ovarian follicular cysts in dairy cows: An abnormality in folliculogenesis, Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 2002, 23(1-2), 167-177.

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University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” from Timisoara 300645, Aradului Street No.119,Timisoara, Romania

E-mail: [emailprotected]

Summary In this study are presented some clinical aspects regarding hematological and biochemical blood parameters in cattle depending on the physiological state. The bovines in our study came from the extensive system and were divided into 3 categories: pregnant cows (months VIII-IX), lactating cows (months I, II), cows in stabling period. Keywords: bovines, hematological parameters, biochemical parameters, physiological state.

Metabolic diseases in cattle show an increased frequency in both intensive and extensive systems only if the hygiene and feeding requirements are not respected. The detection of nutritional disorders should be done at an early stage to avoid economic loss, therefore some hematological and biochemical tests should be performed.

All diseases caused by the increase of nutritional intake for the purpose of fast growth of calves and also to obtain large milk productions are called production diseases. One of the main causes of production diseases is the fact that the obtained products (milk, calves, body gain) are not nutritionally covered by the administered food. In this conditions it may occur changes in the blood composition (penetration of the metabolic profile) after the exhaustion of the body`s homeostasis. The secondary infections of the uterus and mammary gland can be included in the category of production diseases because they are related to the level of production (4). Bovine animals suffering from metabolic diseases have a reduced clinical symptoms but we found changes in their blood composition and in other biological fluids. For the detection of these changes, blood and biochemical tests were performed.

Depending on the history and the clinical examination of the animal, from the entire range of biochemical determinations only a few partial profiles were selected. Depending on the condition of the animal, the protein, energy, mineral and vitamin profile should be analyzed first and right after that the other profiles (enzymatic, pH balance and hydration status) (2, 5).

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In nutritional diseases, the manifestations occur later therefore clinical diagnosis is only given after the nutritional disease status has been established. Fighting these diseases is difficult and the treatment is not always successful.

To avoid economical loss, the detection of nutritional diseases should be done early and for an exact diagnosis it is recommended to perform hematological tests. In order to keep the animals clinically healthy it`s necessary to carry out the nutritional investigation and some tests. It is know that animals with high productions have a negative energy status although smaller than the animals with lower milk production. In the diagnosis a major sign is given by the quantitative modification of the sanguine elements. This modifications are given by the functional disorders, visceral lesions , increased or decreased level of serum components. The evaluation and the interpretation of clinical and subclinical changes in cattle can be achieved only by gathering the biochemical and hematological results. This work attempts to capture some of the hematological and biochemical features of blood in cattle depending on the physiological state.

Materials and methods

Hematological and biochemical investigations were made on clinically

healthy cattle raised in extensive system (household system).The categories that we studied were: -pregnant cows(months VIII-IX); -lactating cows (months I-II); -adult cows in stabling period;

From each category, investigations were carried out at a number of 4 animals. The blood samples were taken in the morning to avoid the variation errors that may occur during the day. The blood was taken from the external jugular vein and anticoagulant (EDTA) was added for the determination of the CBC (blood count).The biochemical determinations are done without anticoagulant. From the CBC we obtained: -the number of erythrocytes; -the hematocrit (Ht); -the hemoglobin (Hb); -average red blood cell volume(VEM); average erythrocyte hemoglobin(HEM); average concentration in erythrocyte hemoglobin(CHEM); -the number of leukocytes; -the leukocyte formula; From biochemical blood tests were obtained: -total proteins; -total albumins; -aspartate amonitransferase (AST); -alanine amonitransferase(ALT); -gamma glutamyltransferase(GGT);

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-hypercalcemia; -the phosphorus concentration;

Results and discussion

In the table 1 it is presented the reference values of the erythrocyte series

for dairy cows (6).

Table 1 The reference values of the erythrocyte series for dairy cows

Table 2 shows the average values of the erythrocyte series in the three

categories of taurines studied.

Table 2 The average values of the erythrocyte series in the three categories of

taurines studied

The erythrocyte count variation did not show very large differences

between the studied groups, although a decrease is observed, the lowest values being obtained from lactating cows.

Hemoglobin values have progressively decreased because of the aging and poor physiological state, the lowest values being recorded in lactating cows. Hematocrit values show a gradual decrease with the change of the physiological state, the lowest values being recorded in lactating cows. Lactating cows have the lowest values for the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin and hematocrit clinically expressed by anemia. The average values of VEM, CHEM and HEM also show similar tendency. These aspects confirm the poor erythropoietic capacity, a parameter attributed to blocking the functional capacity hemoglobinogenesis. The state of anemia of the lactating cows taken into the study may correlate with the poor nutritional level of the ratios. Insufficient intake of proteins, vitamins and

Erythrocyte (106/mm3)

Hb(g/dc) Ht(%) MCV (µm3)


MCHC (g/dl)

5.1-7.6 8.4-12.0 21-30 36-50 11-17 31-34

Groups Erythrocyte (106/mm3)

Hb(g/dc) Ht(%) MCV (µm3)


MCHC (g/dl)

adult taurines

6.63 9.01 28.6 43.17 13.56 31.48

pregnant cows

5.8 8.2 27.2 46.22 13.97 30.2

lactating cows

5.5 7.2 26.3 48.5 13 26.4

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minerals (such as iron, copper, cobalt) can cause anemia in cattle. The anemia may also be caused by the deficient feeding regime and especially the feeding during the winter (1, 4).

In Table 3 it is presented the reference values of the leukocyte series in dairy cows (6).

Table 3

The reference values of the leukocyte series in dairy cows

In Table 4 are presented the average values of the leukocyte series

determined in the three categories studied.

Table 4

The average values of the leukocyte series

Group Leukocyte (mii/mm3) Lymphoctes Neutrophils Eosinophils Basophils Monocytes

adult taurines

8.04 57.5 32.80 6.30 0.62 2.62

pregnant cows

9.01 45 38 13.23 - 3.75

lactating cows

7.30 62.50 32.50 4 0.37 1.25

The average values of the leukocyte series are lower in dairy cows than

the other studied categories of cattle. The low number of circulating leukocytes can lead to functional insufficiencies of different organs, predispositions to certain infections or other functional diseases. Pregnant cows showed the highest eosinophilia compared to the other categories of cattle (3).

In Table 5 are presented three reference values of the biochemical indices of dairy cows.

Leukocyte (mii/mm3)

Leucogram (%)Lymphoctes Neutrophils Eosinophils Basophils Monocytes

5-10 45-75 15-35 0-20 0-2 0-8

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Table 5

The reference values of the biochemical indices of dairy cows

In Table 6 are presented the average values of the blood biochemical

indices determined at the three categories of household raised cattle.

Table 6 The average values of the blood biochemical indices

Lot Prot. (g/dl)

Alb. (g/dl)

Glob. (g/dl)

ASAT (U/l)

ALAT (U/l)

GGT (U/l)

Ca (mg/dl)

P (mg/dl)


Adult taurines

7,69 3,55 4,14 35,20 17,10 28,50 12,87 4,83 2,61

Pregnant cows

7,85 3,68 4,17 40,30 20,60 21,00 12,43 4,87 2,55

lactating cows

7,94 3,85 4,00 30,90 19,50 14,70 12,53 4,82 2,59

Serum albumin and total serum proteins recorded higher values in dairy cows than in the other studied categories. Increased values of total albumin may occur due to the positive long-term nitrate balance (3). The hydration status of the animal is important in terms of plasma concentration so if there is hyperproteinemia and increased hematocrit values, the high protein concentration is the consequence of dehydration. Both the ALT and AST enzyme values recorded the highest values in pregnant cows, while the average value of the GGT enzyme is higher during the stabling period. Liver specific enzymes can offer us information about the hepatocellular nature of the condition. Enzymatic tests are important for targeting investigations to specific serological tests. Changes in serum enzymes are a decisive criteria for choosing a specific treatment. Changes in blood enzymes are present in numerous internal diseases such as: liver diseases, cardio-vascular diseases, pancreas diseases, bone diseases, kidney diseases or prostate diseases (7). Hepatobiliary diseases are characterized by changes in hepatobiliary structure and functions and may have various causes. In case of liver disease the AST, ALT and GGT values are high. Increased milk production overloads the productive capacity of the cows leading to metabolic diseases (2, 8).

In this study the trasaminase activities (ALT, AST and GGT) are different for each category of cattle (lactation period, mammary resting cows). Calcemia and phosphatemia did not show significant variations between the studied categories.

Proteins (g/dl)

Albumins (g/dl)

Globulins (g/dl)

ASAT (U/l)

ALAT (U/l)

GGT (U/l)

Ca (mg/dl)

P (mg/dl)


7.0-8.7 3.1-4.3 2.9-3.1 24-45 25-74 10-41 8.9-12.7 4.2-7.4 1.6-2,4

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The average values of the leukocyte series increased in lactating cows. The number of leukocytes decreased in lactating cows compared to the

other categories of cattle. Anemia associated with a poor physiological state can lead to insufficient

functional organs and predispositions to infections and other correlative diseases. Albumins and protein values were higher in lactating cows than the other

categories of cattle taken in the study. ALT and AST enzymes recorded the highest values in pregnant cows while

the average value of GGT enzyme was higher during the stabling period. The average values of calcium and phosphorus fall within physiological



This study was realized using the support and infrastructure of Business Plus SRL, Wild Watch Association and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Timisoara, Romania. This project would not have succeeded without enthusiastic effort of Cristian Ilea that has initiated these cases of live streaming in wildlife environment and giving a good research possibility in my PhD study.


1. Barna, I., Hematologie veterinară practică: patologia eritronului, Ed. Ceres, Bucureşti, 1984

2. Cebra, C.K., Gerry, F.B., Ghetzy, D.M., Fettman, M.J., Hepatic lipidosis in anorectic, lactating Holstein cattle: retrospective study of serum biochemical abnormalities, J. Vet. Int. Med., 1997, 4, 231-237.

3. Gociu, M., Hematologia comparată: patologia leucocitului la om și animale, Ed. Medicală, Bucureşti, 1985.

4. Pârvu, Gh., Supravegherea nutriţional metabolică a animalelor, Ed. Ceres, Bucureşti, 1992.

5. Rădoi, I., Boli de nutriţie,metabolism si adaptare la animale, Ed. Printech, Bucureşti, 2003.

6. Roland, L., Drillich, M., Iwersen, M., Hematology as a diagnostic tool in bovine medicine, J. Vet. Diagn. Investig., 2014, 26(5), 592-598.

7. Ruginosu, E., Şofronie, M., Chelaru, A., Badelita, C., Studiu privind profilul metabolic la vaci în perioada 42-45 zile postpartum si parametri de reproducţie, Lucr. St. USAMV Iaşi, 2001, 44, 461-464.

8. Steen, A., Field study of dairy cows with reduced appetite in early lactation: clinical examinations, blood and rumen fluid analyses, Acta Vwt. Scand., 2001, 42, 219-228.

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Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Spl. Independenţei, No.105, 5th District, Bucharest, Email: [emailprotected]


The ultrasound examination in cystic diseases of the parenchymatous organs has a wide area of aplication, in order to correlate and to confirm the presence and to approach this type of focal lesions. According to their characteristic size, type, number, localisation and structure the ultrasound examination of the parenchymatous organs is very useful for the diagnosis of these cystic lesions, also related to volume, echostructure and echogenicity changes during their evolution. In this frame of clinical and paraclinical expression correlated with the ultrasound changes the diagnosis became obviously and easily confirmed. Keywords: cystic lesions, ultrasound, parenchymatous organs, diagnosis, companion animals

Cystic and polycystic diseases of the parenchymal organs recognize an increased incidence in companion animals pathology13,14. Among these, the most common is polycystic kidney disease (PKD) in the cat (8).

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), common in Persian cats (but also found in other breeds) recognizes an appreciable incidence among the feline population in our country, and the specific gravity and type evolves continuously in the interest of many specialists in veterinary medicine and breeders. It is a dominant autosomal disease (occurs only in heterozygotes) (10), it translates into cystic lesions on the kidneys, but not with exclusively renal damage, being cited localizations in other parenchymal organs11. It is especially found in the Persian breed, in the Exotic Shorthair breed, as well as in their first generation mixed breeds (1, 2).

The identification of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) in Persian cats (3, 4) was of great importance to the medical community due to the correlation between this feline disease and the autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) described in humans (15). Both PKD and ADPKD are characterized by a gradual, progressive evolution, with the increase of the cysts in the renal parenchyma (leading to progressive nephromegaly) (12).

The appearance of clinical signs is described both in feline and humans, at or below average age and the progressive increase of renal cysts invariably leads to renal failure (9).

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Materials and methods

Clinical and paraclinical investigations were conducted at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest - the Internal Medicine Clinic and at the Veterinary private Practice VetMedical Consulting Bucharest.

Clinical, paraclinical and ultrasound examinations were performed on 102 individuals with single or multiple parenchymatous cysts: 38 cats (24 of Persian, British and Exotic shorthair breeds, or first-generation mixed breed - 17 females and 7 males) and on 64 dogs.

The presence of cysts in the mass of the parenchymal organs (kidney, liver, spleen, pancreas, prostate) could be evidenced by ultrasonography using probes of different frequencies: 5 MHz, 6.5 MHz, 7.5 MHz, 8 and 10 MHz.

Hematological and biochemical investigations were performed in the laboratories of the mentioned clinics.

The results of the evaluations performed were recorded, the evaluation of the clinical ultrasound, hematologic and biochemical changes were performed as screening tests, or in dynamics, during the evolution of the disease.

The evaluation of renal, hepatic, pancreatic or prostatic changes were closely correlated with the presence and degree of clinical expression, as well as with the changes in the main reference biochemical indicators (liver, renal, pancreatic, serum transaminases, total serum protein, albumin, serum globulins, urea, creatinine, pancreatic amylase). The haematological examination aimed to investigate the red cell series (direct and derived erythrocyte constants) and the leukocyte series (total leucocyte counts and their expression in the leukocyte formula).

Results and discussion

Of the total individuals with cystic disease, unique injuries were identified in

9 cats and 55 dogs. Polycystic injuries have been identified in 29 cats (22 in predisposed races) and 9 dogs. In the study on the incidence of polycystic kidney disease (PKD), 24 of the total number of cats with cystic disease investigated (n = 38) belonged to the Persian breed or the first generation of this breed (63.15%).

Individuals with PKD investigated were of different ages ranging from 3 months to 14 years, and the sex distribution was 17 females (70.83%) and 7 males (29.17%).

In individuals of the races predisposed to cystic disease (Persian, British Shorthair, Exotic Shorthair, or First Generation mixed breed), polycystic kidney disease (PKD) was accidentally diagnosed or routinely screened when were suspected signs of renal failure.

It can be noticed that there are differences in incidence between the two sexes, but the patients presented as gender distribution have no significance that can be interpreted statistically.

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In 7 felines, single cystic lesions were identified in at hepatic parenchyma (n = 5) and splenic parenchyma (n = 2), with no clinical correlations or changes in haematological and biochemical parameters.

In polycystic kidney disease, the clinical condition demonstrated a progressive (stadial) pattern dominated by signs of chronic kidney failure. These changes are attributed to the development of cystic lesions in the renal parenchyma, which reduce by compression and substitution, the functional capacity of the kidneys (neurodepression, dysorexia and hypothermia), to which were subsequently added the pathogenetic consequences of nitrate retention (vomiting, anorexia, signs of inflammation of the digestive tract, skin and respiratory manifestations, etc.). In practice, signs of renal failure become obvious and severe (attracting the attention of the owner) when compressions caused by cystic lesions considerably reduce the functional substrate (5, 6).

Laboratory examinations have revealed changes in blood and haematological biochemical parameters that have made it possible to identify and assess the degree of renal functional impairment and systemic damage (7).

Thus, serum urea recognized significant increases in values of over 60 mg/

dl in 70.83% of cases (n = 17), and of these in 58.33% of cases (n = 14) the values exceeded 150 mg/ dl. Serum creatinine also recognized significant increases, consistent with those of the urea. It recorded values above 2.0 mg/ dl at 87.5% (n = 21). Total serum protein and albumin have consistently recorded values well below the species-specific limits.

Fig. 1. Polycystic kidney - PKD cat -

Nephromegaly, large cystic collections > 30 mm, ovoid appearance,

hom*ogeneous transsonic content, distal enhancement

Fig. 2. Polycystic kidney (PKD). Cystic

lesions, ecogenous fine wall, anecogenic content, reduction of the

parenchymal index

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The haemoleucogram recorded significant decreases in erythrocyte levels in patients with obvious clinical and biochemical modifications correlated with chronic renal failure (consistently highlighting the existence of hypochrome anemia of varying degrees of intensity), evidenced by reduced hematocrit (usually 25% below) and hemoglobin (often below 8 g/dl). Inconsistent and uncorrelated changes were also recorded in the leukocyte series.

Fig. 3. Polycystic kidney disease - Left

kidney with numerous intraparenchymatous cystic dilations,

hom*ogeneous transsonic content

Fig. 4. Polycystic kidney (PKD). Cystic dilatations, ecogenic wall, transsonic

content, specific artefactual phenomenon – distal enhancement

Fig. 5. Pancreatic cysts in the right lobe in a cat (European, 11 years old, with no clinical signs and large renal and

hepatic cysts

Fig. 6. Cyst lesion in the hepatic

parenchyma (German Shepherd Dog 6 years).

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The ultrasonographic examination revealed the presence of multichistic lesions with variable size and localization in the renal parenchyma. From the ultrasound point of view, kidney cysts are considered focal parenchymal modifications in the form of round oval cysts of varying size, with anecogenous content, bounded by an ecogenic fine capsule, and the presence of the artefactual phenomenon of distal enhancement.

The localization in renal corticala is easily identified however the localization in the renal sinus is difficult by confusion with hydronephrosis.

Specialty literature cites the possibility of their coexistence with similar lesions in the liver or other parenchymal organs, aspect that we have not met.

Fig. 7. Spleen cyst - (Caniche, 5 years,

round lesion, transsonic, distal enhancement)

Fig. 8. Prostate cyst - (Beagle, 7

years old, transonic lesion with distal enhancement)


Based on our study, the characteristic ultrasound of the cyst has been

identified as single or multiple round-oval dilations with hom*ogeneous, anecogenic content, bounded by a high echogenic capsula with unilateral or bilateral localization.

Ultrasound in the identification of cystic lesions in the parechimatous organs is a method of investigation with universal applicability and with a relevant character, knowing that a cyst in a parenchyma can be detected in dimensions of 1-2 mm and a solid tumor may appear distinct at a diameter of 10 mm.


1. Barrs, V.R., Gunew, M., Forester, S.F., Beatty, J.A., Malik, R., Prevalence of

autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in Persian cats and related-

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breeds in Sydney and Brisbane, Australian Veterinary Journal, 2001, 79(4), 257-259.

2. Bartez, P.Y., Rivier, P., Begon, D., Prevalence of polycystic kidney disease in Persian and Persian related cats in France, J. Feline Med. Surg., 2003, 5(6), 345-347.

3. Bonazzi, M., Volta A., Gnudi, G., Bottarelli, E., Gazzola, M., Bertoni G., Prevalence of the polycystic kidney disease and renal and urinary bladder ultrasonographis abnormalities in Persian and Exotic Shorthair cats in Italy, J. Feline Med. Surg., 2007, 9(5), 387-391.

4. Cannon, M.J., MacKay, A.D., Barr, F.J., Rudorf, H., Bradley, K.J., Gruffydd-Jones, T.J., Prevalence of polycystic kidney disease in ersian cats in the United Kingdom, Vet. Rec., 2001, 149, 409-411.

5. Charles Bankhead, New Diagnostic Criteria Proposed for Polycystic Kidney Disease, MedPage Today, 2008.

6. Codreanu, M.D., Diagnosticul ecografic în bolile interne la animale, Ed Coral Sanivet, București, 2000.

7. Codreanu, M.D., Clinical, hematological, biochemical and ultrasonographic changes in Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) in cat, The sixth International Symposium in Animal Clinical Pathology and Therapy, Bupadest, 2004.

8. Codreanu, M.D., Gerwing, M., Aspecte clinice si paraclinice in boala polichistică renală la pisică, Al IX-lea Congres Naţional de Medicină Veterinară, Iaşi, 2003.

9. Cooper, B., Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in Persian cats, Felin. Prac., 2000, 28, 20-21.

10. Lyons, L.A., Biller, D.S., Erdman, C.A., Lipinskin, M.J., Young, A.E., Roe, B.A., Qin, B., Grahn, R.A., Feline polycystic kidney disease mutation identified in PKD1, J. Am. Soc. Nephrol., 2004, 15, 2548-2555.

11. McAloose, D., Casal, M., Patterson, D.F., Dambach, D.M. Polycystic kidney and liver disease in two related West Highland white terrier litters, Vet. Pathol., 1998, 35, 77–81.

12. McCarty, F., Mark, J.B.A., Contreras F., Activation of AMP-activated kinase as a strategy for managing autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, Medical Hypotheses, 2009, 73(6),1008-1010.

13. McKenna, S.C., Carpenter, J.L., Polycystic disease of the kidney and liver in the Cairn terrier, Vet. Pathol., 1980, 17, 436–442.

14. O’Leary, C.A., Mackay, B.M., Malik, R.H., Atwell, R.B., Polycystic kidney disease in bull terriers: An autosomal dominant inherited disorder. Aust. Vet. J., 1999, 77, 361–366.

15. York, P., Terry, W., Diagnosis and Screening of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease, Adv. Chronic Kidney Dis., 2010, 17(2), 140–152.

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1University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 400372, Calea Mănăștur No. 3-5,Cluj-Napoca, Romania

2Epilepsy and EEG Monitoring Center Cluj-Napoca, Romania E-mail: [emailprotected]


Canine epilepsy represents one of the most frequent pathology in veterinary medicine, with prevalence up to 5% (1, 2). Different habits of approaching and treating epilepsy bring differences between geographical regions, the lack of a national or at least regional epilepsy register, the real need of a structured unitary approach of the canine epilepsy motivated the energy necessary for the present paper (3).The aim of our work is to create a protocol as much as possible accepted in terms of diagnosis and time monitoring. Therapy decision that follows, based on these evidences has the unique aim of seizure free status, increasing the quality of our veterinary patients and in the same time of their owners (6). Statistical data on all 31 dogs show that 20 were known having previously epileptic seizures (64,5%), shifting to Status Epilepticus in 11 cases (35,5%), mainly in those with viral and bacterial encephalitis, with highest mortality rate. 7 out of 11 needed anesthesia as third line in ICU protocol for Status Epilepticus, mainly in the group with first seizures. 5 out of 11 had sudden onset with refractory status epilepticus( New Onset Refractory Status Epilepticus = NORSE). Cerebral imagery was not achieved in 25 of 31 dogs and influenced in a negative way the symptomatic epilepsy group, when other paraclinical tests were negative. Sleep seizures were noted in 6 out of 31 dogs, and the semiology faced with autonomic phenomena in 2 dogs (6,5%), focal motor phenomena in 10 dogs and generalized tonic-clonic seizures in 19 (61,2%). Only 9 dogs had antiepileptic medication before EEG. The number increased at 27 (87%) after EEG, which influenced the survival as unique factor. Keywords: epilepsy, seizures, EEG, diagnosis protocol

Epilepsy is defined as a pathological state of the brain induced by an abnormal, excessive, hypersynchronous electrical activity of the cortical neurons, clinically expressed by repeated seizures with sensory, motor or behavioral manifestations. Dogs can get epilepsy at any age. Seizures in puppies and young dogs are often caused by developmental disorders of the central nervous system or cerebral infections (toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, mycoplasma, rickettsii) (5, 6, 8).

Idiopathic epilepsy may be suspected in patients who develop the first seizure between 6 months and 4 years of age. If the first seizure occurs after the age of 4 years, it is reasonable to suspect a structural dominant cause (eg. intracranial mass, posttraumatic lesions) (2, 7, 14).

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The ILAE (International League Against Epilepsy) definitions were the inspiration for veterinary classification: idiopathic epilepsy means these recurring seizures have not been shown to have a particular cause; reactive epilepsy means that a metabolic state of the body favors the appearance of these seizures (3, 8, 13); symptomatic epilepsy means that a lesion is the cause of seizures and the cryptogenic epilepsy when the cause is still unknown (4, 12, 13, 14, 15).

Materials and methods

In this study were included 31 canine patients with epilepsy, 18 were from Cluj-Napoca (58%), and 13 from other locations (42%), consulted during May 2014 - May 2017. Patients with epileptic seizures or altered state of consciousness were investigated at the clinics of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine using the Patients Chart, video documentations about the seizure, EEG exams, laboratory examinations and CT Cerebral Imaging.

Results and discussions

In this study, the most common breed were the mixed one followed by almost equal numbers by the Dobberman, Pekinez, Cane Corso, Bichon, Labrador, and Yorkshire Terrier (Fig.1).

Fig.1. Epilepsy on breeds

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Males were predominated, and a higher percent of the patient were known with epileptic seizures in the past (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Seizure were more common in males

The evolution to status epilepticus seems to be quite frequent, so from 31 dogs, 11 get to the status epilepticus, and of the 11 patients, 7 required general anesthesia treatment in the Intesive Care Unit (Table 1).


Evolution towards Status Epilepticus

We have highlighted many types of epileptic seizures with different

etiologies, but at the end from 31 subjects only those with generalized primary epilepsy were idiopathic and all others types of seizures were symptomatic epilepsy (Fig. 3).

Evolved to status


Patients Percent

No 20 64,52

Yes 11 35,48

Total 31 100,00

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Fig. 3. Several types of seizure with different etiologies have been diagnosed, but outside of the generalized primary epilepsy, all of the seizures were

considered symptomatic Bacterial and viral encephalitis had the most serious complications of

status epilepticus. The rate of survival is the lowest in seizures caused by toxic, metabolic and vascular pathologies (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Evolution to Status Epilepticus has been found in all cases of viral and bacterial encephalopathy and the survival rate was lower for metabolic and toxic

encephalopathy, and also in vascular pathologies

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Epilepsy is one of the most frequently met pathologies in veterinary neurology. The seizures can have very different clinical manifestations, from generalized tonic-clonic convulsions to subtle discrete electric seizures or autonomous phenomena.

We consider that, it would be necessary to have a single standardized protocol and approach algorhithm in the community of veterinaries in order to establish a correct and early diagnosis of the epilepsy form and the epileptic syndrome. Semiological information and EEG are required to establish the types of seizures. Further clinical, neuroimaging and laboratory examinations are needed in order to include them later into an epileptic syndrome.

After this, the etiology of seizures can be established, and the most appropriate treatment can be administered. The therapeutic recommendation should be done on the specific type of the seizures, associated to other pathologies and eventual side effects of the treatment (Fig.5).

Fig. 5. Proposed algorhythm for the epilepsy patients

It is known that dogs shift towards status epilepticus with higher frequency compared with humans. In this study, 11 of the 31 patients evolved with Status Epilepticus, and of the 11 patients, 7 required general anesthesia treatment in the Intesive Care Unit (Tab.1)

The EEG recording is useful in confirming the clinical diagnosis. Nevertheless in many cases the EEG exam is indispensible for a clear answer regarding the localization of the epileptic source and prognosis.

The cerebral imagistic tehniques is used to confirm or infirm the diagnosis of symptomatic epilepsy.

In case of repeated seizures, the evolution towards Status Epilepticus is very fast and the therapeutic decision needs to be prompt, as delays decrease the

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survival rate. The detailed description of seizure symptoms and, if possible, a video recording of the seizure are very important in classifying the type of seizures being helpful in establishing the correct diagnosis.


Modern communication techniques via the internet, online medical discussion forums, skype and video stream cannot and will not replace the medical investigation.

On the other hand, disseminating and using the epileptic patient’s chart by the owners or by professionals in the field of veterinary medicine optimizes the doctor’s and owners’ time.

Properly organizing the data in the epileptic patient’s chart while undergoing treatment will be extremely useful to any doctor who will see the patient without facing the risk of interruption or loss of some vital information in guiding the treatment along its long term evolution.

Brain imagistic exploration (CT or MRI) is necessary at least once in the lifetime of a canine patient with epileptic seizures. Keeping a seizures’ journal (a strict calendar with details regarding the moment and type of seizures) by the owners represents a significant support in future therapeutic decisions of the doctor.


1. Berendt, M., Gram, L., Epilepsy and Seizure Classification in 63 dogs: A

Reappraisal of Veterinary Epilepsy Terminology, J.V.I.M., 1997, 13, 14-20. 2. Berendt, M., Hogenhaven, H., Flagstad, A., Dam, M.,

Electroencephalography in Dogs with Epilepsy: Similarities Between Human and Canine Findings. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 1999, 99, 276-283.

3. Berendt, M., Gredal, H., Alvig, J., Characteristics and Phenomenology of Epileptic Partial Seizures in Dogs: Similarities with Human Seizure Semiology, Epilepsy Research, 2004, 61.

4. Berendt, M., Gredal, H., Ersbøll, A.K., Alving, J., Premature Death, Risk Factors, and Life Patterns in Dogs with Epilepsy, J. Vet. Intern. Med., 2007, 21, 754–759.

5. Berendt, M., Gredal, H., Pedersen, L.G., Alban, L., Alving, J., A Cross-sectional Study of Epilepsy in Danish Labrador Retrievers: Prevalence and Selected Risk Factors, J. Vet. Intern. Med., 2002, 16, 62–68.

6. Berendt, M., Gredal, H., Ersbøll, A.K., Alving, J., Premature death, Risk Factors, and Lifepatterns in Dogs with Epilepsy, J. Vet. Intern. Med., 2007, 21, 754–759.

7. Berendt, M., Farquhar, R., Mandigers, P., Pakozdy, A., Bhatti, S., De Risio, L., Fischer, A.,Long, S., Matiasek, K., Munana, K., Patterson, E., Penderis,

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J., Platt, S., Podell, M., Potschka, H., Pumarola, M., Rusbridge, C., Stein, V., Tipold, A., Volk, H., International Veterinary Epilepsy Task Force Consensus Report on Epilepsy Definition, Classification and Terminology in Companion Animals, BMC Vet. Res., 2015, 11, 182.

8. Berger, H., Über das Electroenzephalogramm des Mennschen, Archive fur Psychiatrie Arch PsychiatrNervenkr, 1963, 1929(87), 527–570.

9. BlumckeI, T.M, Wiestler, O.D., Ammon’s Horn Sclerosis: Animal Developmental Disorder Associated with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, Brain. Pathol., 2002, 12, 199–211.

10. Brauer, C., Kästner, S.B.R., Rohn, K., Schenk, H.C., Electroencephalographic Recordings Dogs Suffering from Idiopathic and Symptomatic Epilepsy: Diagnostic Value of Interictal Short Time EEG Protocols Supplemented by two Activation Techniques, The Veterinary Journal, 2012, 3(1), 185-192.

11. Gulløv, C.H., Canin Genetic Epilepsy, A Study of Breed-associated Epilepsy, Familial Predisposition, and Clinical Phenotype, 2011, 50(12), 655-661.

12. DeRisio, L., Bhatti, S., Muñana, K., Penderis, J., Stein, V., Tipold A., Berendt, M., Farqhuar, R., Fischer, A., Long, S., Mandigers P.J., Matiasek, K., Packer, R.M, Pakozdy, A., Patterson, N., Platt, S., Podell M., Potschka, H., Batlle, M.P., Rusbridge, C., Volk, H.A., International Veterinary Epilepsy Task Force Consensus Proposal: Diagnostic Approach to Epilepsy in Dogs, BMC Vet. Res., 2015, 11, 148.

13. Hülsmeyer, V.I., Fischer, A., Mandigers, P.J., DeRisio, L., Berendt M., Rusbridge C., Bhatti, S.F., Pakozdy, A., Patterson, E.E., Platt, S., Packer, R.M., Volk, H.A., International veterinary epilepsy task force's current understanding of idiopathic epilepsy of genetic or suspected genetic origin in purebred dogs, BMC Vet. Res., 2015, 11,175.

14. Fredsø, N., Koch, B.C., Toft, N., Berendt, M., Risk Factors for Survival in a University Hospital Population of Dogs with Epilepsy. J. Vet. Intern. Med., 2014, 28, 1782–1788.

15. Pákozdy, Á., Tichy, A., Thalhammer, J., Retrospective Clinical Comparison of Idiopathic Versus Symptomatic Epilepsy in 240 Dogs with Seizures, Acta Vet. Hung. 2008, 56(4), 471-483.

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1University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 400037, Manastur Street, no. 3-5, România

2University of Agriculture Science and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Animals Breading

Email: [emailprotected]

Summary Buffalo was a basic species in household growth in our country, for which significant efforts are currently being made, including by the veterinary services. Based on such arguments, we decided to conduct this study, focusing on the analysis of the main blood-chemistry parameters in clinically healthy buffaloes (n = 10) and with inflammatory nephropathies (n= 6). Animals were subjected to clinical examinations and blood sampling for haematological and biochemicals tests. From some animals with nephritis we also collected urine samples, and from slaughtered or necropsied cases we collected kidney tissue for histopathological examinations. Hematological analyzes (WBC, MO, NE, EO, LY, BA, RBC, HGB, HTC) were performed with the Abacus Junior Vet Analyzer. Metabolic profile tests were performed with the UV-VIS-Screen Master Touch Spectrophotometer, which determined (g/dL): total protein, albumin, γ-Globule, urea, creatinine, calcium, phosphorus and urine N-Acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase, respectively. The values obtained were characterized by wide variation ranges. Statistical analysis of the obtained data (t student test) revealed significant differences between the two groups, outlining the evolution of monocytopenia (p <0.01), neutrophilia (p <0.001) and eosinopenia (p <0.01). Also noteworthy are the statistically differences provided for uremia (p <0.001), creatinine (p <0.05) and calcemia (p <0.01). For the diagnosis and prognosis of pyelonephritis the levels of urea, creatinine, proteinemia, albuminemia, γ-globulinemia, calcemia and phosphorus have been demonstrated were proven to be relevant. In conclusion, we consider that the prevailing humoral changes have revealed the evolution of a stress state, complicated by an inflammatory syndrome, expressed by redistribution leucopenia, neutrophilia, lymphopenia, monocytopenia and eosinopenia. Relevance to the diagnosis and prognosis of pyelonephritis was attributed to the evolution of urea, creatinine, protein, albumin, γ-globulinemia, calcemia and phosphoramia. In conclusion, we appreciate that the dominant humoral changes have revealed the evolution of a stress state, complicated by an inflammatory syndrome, expressed by redistribution leukopenia, neutrophilia, lymphopenia, monocytopenia and eosinopenia. Keywords: hematology, biochemistry, buffalo, pyelonephritis, metabolic profile.

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At bubaline, the etiology of pyelitis and pyelonephritis is multi-factorial, so it is important to identify the cause as accurate as possible (1, 2, 4). The patient's loss occurs whenever, the diagnosis is late or inaccurate and the therapy is inadequate. These nephropathies are associated with high economic loss, mortality, and clinical manifestations occurring after an asymptomatic period, but in which kidney lesions are progressively installed (3, 9, 11, 14).

Animal health can be defined as the absence of disease state and can be determined by clinical examination combined with various diagnostic paraclinar tests. Reference values for blood and haematological biochemical constituents are used both to determine the normality status and to alter the physiological state that characterizes the disease state (5, 6, 7, 8, 12). When used in this study, reference values were obtained on perfectly healthy animals maintained under good growth conditions (10). Potential differences can be attributed to the genetic factor, peculiarities of nutrition, zoohygiene, and climatic conditions (14).

Materials and methods

The biological material consisted of a total of 16 bubalins from the

Romanian buffalo breed, of which 10 were healthy between 2 and 15 years of age (Group 1) and 6 had clinical and humoral manifestations of pyelitis or pyelonephritis (Group 2). In healthy buffalo we conducted the clinical examination through the great semiological methods and we did not identify symptoms of pyelonephritis and from anamnesis we noted that none of them had a history of illness so that a healthy clinical diagnosis was established. In sick buffalo, we performed the clinical examination through the great semiological methods.

After conducting the clinical examination, from all the buffalo we collected blood samples for hematological and biochemical examination. Some urine buffaloes were able to harvest urine, and samples from kidney tissue were taken from slaughtered or necropsy patients. The blood for the biochemical examination was taken in vaccinations without anticoagulant and for the haematological examination we used vaccinations with EDTA.

Hematological analyzes (WBC, MO, NE, EO, LY, BA, RBC, HGB, HTC) were performed with the Abacus Junior Vet Analyzer. The blood biochemical constituents sought were urea, creatinine, total proteins,albumin,ß-globulins,calcium (CA), phosphorus (PHO) and N-acetyl-β-D-glucosamini-dase. The serum samples were processed with the UV-VIS-Screen Master Touch Spectrophotometer, Rotofix 32 sample centrifugation at a maximum of 900 rpm.

Determination of N-Acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase (NAG). NAG is a high molecular weight lysosomal enzyme present in many body tissues. It can not pass into the glomerular ultrafiltrate due to its large molecular weight. However, this enzyme exhibits high activity in proximal renal tubular cells and passes into tubular fluid as a result of passing the ultrafiltrate through proximal tubules. When proximal tubular cells are lesioned due to pathological processes (nephrolithiasis, interstitial nephritis, nephrotoxic drugs) it increases urinary NAG activity (15).

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Results and discussions

Due to the insufficient data from the literature regarding the haematological and biochemical values at bubaline, we chose the comparison of the obtained values with both the reference values indicated by Mahmoud et al (6) and with obtained values by us on a clinically healthy, healthy adult control batch, relevant for the parameters investigated.

From Batch 1, blood samples were taken to perform blood and blood chemistry tests. The following parameters were determined in the haematological exam: erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, total leucocytes and leukocyte formula. Blood biochemical constituents dosed were: urea, creatinine, total protein, albumin, γ-globulin, calcium, phosphorus. Both mean and standard deviation were calculated for both categories of paraclinical examinations. The results of the blood and hematological biochemical examination are presented in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1 Results of blood biochemical examination in the control group 1 (control)
















1 5,63 2,54 1,21 41,6 1,51 9,41 5,41 2 5,70 2,62 1,42 43,4 1,67 8,94 6,95 3 6,61 2,49 1,30 41,9 1,53 9,09 6,75 4 5,95 2,52 1,56 37,4 1,61 9,38 6,36 5 5,64 2,95 1,05 57,0 1,43 8,79 7,70 6 6,43 2,71 1,64 43,7 1,44 8,51 7,83 7 5,76 2,66 1,03 39,2 1,36 9,16 7,42 8 6,75 2,99 1,26 41,3 1,64 9,0 6,17 9 7,31 2,70 1,18 32,6 1,47 8,85 7,53

10 5,80 2,89 1,67 54,2 1,40 8,25 6,42

x ±sd 6,15

±0,58 2,70


1,33 ±0,23

43,23 ±7,31

1,50 ±0,10

8,93 ±0,36

6,85 ±0,77

References 5.63-8.1 2.49-4.07 0.58-2.53 21.56-59.16 0.95-1.71 8.11-12.46 4.39-7.89

Following the comparison of the reference values for biochemical

constituents dosed by us, with the reference values obtained from the consulted bibliography (16), it is evident that they are closely related. However, unlike our data, the reference values in the abovementioned bibliographic source present a broader range between the minimum and maximum admitted values. The possible explanation for these differences could be found in the variables relating to the

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hom*ogeneity of the batches of animals used and possibly to the laboratory techniques used for dosing the biochemical constituents concerned.

Table 2 Results of the haematological examination in the group 1

No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x ±sd

WBC 109 /L 7.94 4.95 9.97 11.51 11.38 4.59 9.06 10.13 9.74 11.54 9,08 2,54

LY 109/L 3.68 2.57 6.09 6.48 5.72 2.58 4.01 5.71 5.43 6.39 4,86 1,52

MO 109/L 0.11 0.11 0.23 0.67 0.40 0.13 0.16 0.68 0.37 0.46 0,33 0,22

NE 109/L 3.77 0.70 3.34 3.71 4.48 0.67 4.53 3.33 3.73 4.43 3,26 1,43

EO 109/L 0.37 0.53 0.29 0.31 0.43 0.15 0.34 0.21 0.21 0.25 0,30 0,11

BA 109/L 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0,005 0,005

LY% 46.3 73.8 61.1 56.3 50.2 73.8 45.3 56.4 55.7 55.4 53,26 19,35

MO% 2.0 6.3 2.3 6.7 3.5 6.1 2.8 6.6 3.8 4.0 4,41 1,84

NE% 47.5 17.8 33.6 32.3 42.5 16.7 50.1 32.9 38.3 38.4 30,73 13,67

EO% 4.7 4.2 2.9 2.7 3.8 1.4 3.8 2.0 2.1 2.2 2,98 1,09

BA% 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0,05 0,05

RBC 1012/L 8.86 5.41 7.86 8.73 9.05 5.87 7.26 7.42 8.77 8.39 7,76 1,27

HGB g/dL 12.4 8.97 10.9 12.2 13.4 8.1 10.7 10.6 11.5 11.8 11,05 1,59

HCT % 46.0 25.7 41.14 45.06 44.08 25.15 41.70 41.25 44.05 44.59 39,87 7,79

Synthesis of the results of clinical exams in animals affected by

pyelonephritis (group 2) shows that the most common symptoms were abdominal pain with lumbar localization, tendency to decubitus, feverish syndrome, vaccinated walking, lachrymats, abrupt decrease in milk production and even sudden death. However, the observed symptoms are not pathognomonic for pyelonephritis (Figure 1 and Figure 2), as they are common to several diseases that should be highlighted by traumatic reticuloperitonitis (RPT) and its complications.

The biochemical and haematological changes were case-by-case and the most common were urea, creatinine, albumin, calcium and phosphorus, along with neutrophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes and monocytes (Table 3).

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Fig. 1. Appearance of the kidney with pyelonephritis

Fig. 2. Chronic pyelonephritis with deformation of renal parenchyma

Table 3 Most frequently modified biochemical and haematological in the group 2


Biochemical constituents Haematological constituents

Urea Creatinine Albumine CA PHO NE EO LY MO

1 x x x x x x x

2 x x x x x x

3 x x x x x x


5 x x x x x x

6 x x x

x- modified Statistically significant differences in haematological parameters between

the two groups consisting of monocytopenia (p <0.01), neutrophilia (p <0.001) and eosinopenia (p <0.01).

Humoral changes were dominated by the haematological image of stress syndrome and an inflammatory picture, redistribution leucopenia, neutrophilia (p <0.001), lymphopenia, monocytopenia (p <0.01), and eosinopenia (p <0.01).The biochemical blood test in the group affected by pyelonephritis was characterized by uraemia (p <0.001), hypercreatinemia (p <0.05), hypergammaglobulinaemia (p <0.05) and hypocalcaemia (p <0.01). Other biochemical changes consisted of

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hypoalbuminemia and hypophosphataemia. In two cases the urine physicochemical examination revealed proteinuria, hypostenuria (1005-1010) and microhemathy.

Due to the non-existent data in the literature on urinary activity of N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase (NAG), it was necessary to establish reference values for this marker of renal impairment. Also, reference values for urinary creatinine have been established. All of these were obtained from the clinically healthy animals of the control group. For the individual values of these parameters the mean and the standard deviation (Table 4) were calculated.

Table 4

NAG and urinary creatinine values

The NAG index is the value of urinary activity of the NAG relative to urinary creatinine. The values of this parameter in healthy animals are shown in Table 5. Complex interactions between urinary creatinine, urinary NAG and severity of renal lesions are an area not yet explored in inflammatory nephropathy at bubaline.

Table 5 NAG index values

No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x ±sd

Results 4,28 1,86 2,23 2,57 1,28 1,87 2,18 1,98 1,24 2,1 2,15 ± 0,84

No Constituents

Creatinină g/l NAG U/l 1 13,75 58,9

2 20,45 38,0

3 39,3 87,6

4 18,55 47,7

5 32,18 41,1

6 36,91 39,5

7 19,45 42,5

8 14,52 28,8

9 29,48 36,5

10 18,84 39,6

x ±sd 24,34 ± 9,31 46,02 ± 16,56

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The relationship between these urinary constituents and serum creatinine has been studied by us only in lot 1. Monitoring of these markers of kidney disease at bubaline would certainly have an important positive effect if their changes would precede the occurrence of irreversible lesions in the renal parenchyma. Such an anticipation will allow the drawing of a prophylaxis program for pyelonephritis at bubaline as well as an early establishment of drug treatment having a favorable impact on its effectiveness.


The clinical examination was a mandatory step in the evaluation of a

buffalo presenting the symptoms of pyelonephritis and allowed the objective choice of the paraclinical exploration methods.

Among the blood biochemical constituents relevant to the diagnosis and prognosis of pyelonephritis in the studied cases are urea, creatinine, total proteins, albumin, γ-globulins, calcium and phosphorus.

Humoral changes were dominated by the hematological image of stress syndrome and an inflammatory picture, with redistribution leukopenia, neutrophilia, lymphopenia, monocytopenia and eosinopenia.

These nephropathies are associated with economic losses through high frequency, mortality, and clinical manifestations occurring after an asymptomatic period.

Positive diagnosis in these diseases is difficult and usually late, both due to an infrared period of indefinite duration and consequently to a less characteristic clinical and humoral expression.


1. Constantin, F., Solcan, Gh., Mot, T., Morar, D., Papuc, I., Vulpe, V., Pop, C.,

Vlagioiu, C., Giurgiu, G., Mircean, M., Braslasu, C., Medicina interna a animalelor, vol. II, Ed. Eurostampa, Timișoara, 2011.

2. Constantin, Vasiu, Bacterioze la animale, Ed. Mega, Cluj-Napoca, 2007. 3. Coroian, A., Coroian, C., Bivoliţa sursă importantă de lapte, Ed. Bioflux, Cluj-

Napoca, 2009. 4. Kanwal, J.V., Balbir, S.P., Powers, T.E., Powers, J.D., A study on renal

function in the Indian buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 1990, 4(6), 301.

5. Karsai, F., Vörös, K., Állatorvosi belgyógyászat II. - A lovak, a kérődzzők és a sertések betegségei, Budapest, Máok Kft., 2013.

6. Mahmoud, R., Abd Ellah, Hamed, M.I., Ibrahim, D.R., Rateb, H.Z., Serum biochemical and haematological reference intervals for water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) heifers, J. S. Afr. Vet. Assoc., 2014, 25, 85(1), 1-7.

7. The Merck Veterinary Manual, 10th Edition, Medical Callisto Ed., 2014. 8. Mircean, M.V., Patologia medicală a animalelor domestice, Volumul II. Ed.

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Risoprint Cluj-Napoca, 2016. 9. Ognean, L., Fiziologia animalelor - Volumul I, Ed. Presa Universitară Clujeană,

2000. 10. Papuc, I., Semiologie Medicală Veterinară, Ed. Accent, Cluj-Napoca, 2012. 11. Popovici, I., Damian, A., Popovici, N., Chirilean, I., Anatomie comparată-

Splahnologie, Ed. Academicpres, Cluj-Napoca, 2003. 12. Yadav, N.K., Lohan, J.S., Singh, B., Chand, D., Studies on some serum

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University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iași, Faculty of

Veterinary Medicine, 700489, M. Sadoveanu Alley, 8, Iași, Romania E-mail: [emailprotected]


Upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy typically involves performing esophagoscopy, gastroscopy, and duodenoscopy together. In some cases, these procedures may be performed on an individual basis. While esophagoscopy allows evaluation of the oesophagus and can be useful in patients with esophagitis, oesophageal masses, oesophageal strictures and/or oesophageal foreign bodies, gastroscopy allows thorough evaluation of the inside of the stomach. The procedure is of benefit in evaluating patients with conditions such as chronic vomiting, anorexia, suspected gastrointestinal bleeding or gastric masses. In most cases, a diagnosis cannot be made simply by visual inspection of the stomach. However, using the endoscope, biopsy samples can be obtained and submitted for microscopic assessment that may allow a more definitive diagnosis without the need for surgery. The study was performed between 2009-2015 on 89 dogs of different breeds and age, all of them presenting gastrointestinal symptomatology manifested by chronic vomiting associated or not with diarrhoea, weight loss and anorexia. Endoscopic investigation diagnosed gastritis in 49 patients, presence of foreign bodies in 16 cases, 13 patients with lymphangiectasia or intestinal inflammatory lesions, while in 11 dogs neoplastic lesions were observed. Keywords: upper GI, dogs, therapy, foreign bodies

Endoscopy is a rapidly advancing technique with applicability to many areas

of veterinary medicine. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is a minimally invasive, atraumatic technique that permits visual examination of oesophageal, gastric, and upper small bowel lesions, and allows descriptive or photographic documentation of their severity and extent. Endoscopy provides tissue, cytologic, and fluid samples for laboratory evaluation. It allows therapeutic interventions such as foreign body retrieval, bougienage, and gastrostomy tube placement (1).

Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is of most use for the diagnosis of oesophageal, gastric, and upper small intestinal disorders with a mucosal involvement or luminal localization. Lesions located in the muscular and submucosal layers of the gastrointestinal tract are more difficult to detect with an endoscope (1, 6)

Gastric endoscopy or gastroscopy is indicated for patients presenting vomiting. Endoscopy can be used to visualize gastric tissue and collect samples for cytological and histopathological examinations that can confirm the existence of a

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tumour and its origin (2). Gastric inflammatory diseases are a common cause of chronic vomiting, and given that the ultrasound and radiological examination does not provide very conclusive data, endoscopy, through the possibility of biopsy, can provide important information in establishing a diagnosis. Gastric endoscopy is usually associated with duodenoscopy that allows for evaluation of the proximal portion of duodenum, the first segment of the small intestine. Indications and benefits are the same as for gastroscopy but also include evaluation of patients with chronic diarrhoea. In addition, the duodenal papillae, where the bile and pancreatic ducts enter the duodenum, can also be evaluated (7).

Diagnostic and therapeutic functions of the endoscopic technique are probably best highlighted when identifying and removing foreign bodies with gastric localization. The assessment of changes in the upper portion of the digestive tract is performed following gastroduodenoscopy. As the operating time does not exceed half an hour, it is easy to perform, the only difficulties that may arise being caused by passage of the pylorus, due to either the pyloric spasm or the inappropriate preparation and accumulation of gastric contents at this level (3, 5).

Materials and methods

The study was conducted in a veterinary clinic in Merseyside area, United

Kingdom, between 2011-2015, on eighty-nine dogs, 43 males and 46 females being examined. Age ranged from 0.5 to 16 years (mean 8.1 years) and no breed was over-represented. Inclusion criteria were represented by patients with continuous or intermittent vomiting with or without diarrhoea, weight loss, anorexia and/or regurgitation, each of them already being submitted to physical examination and ultrasound or radiographic investigated, while no diagnosis was stated. Thus, endoscopic procedures were carried out for each case. When necessary, biopsy samples were taken for histopathologic examination, a minimum number of 8 samples being collected for each examined segment and put in a formalin pot. All dogs were fasted for 12 to 18h prior to endoscopic examination.

The endoscopic examination was performed in a specially designated room, which had intubation anaesthesia station, Olympus CV 240 video system for projecting and processing the endoscopic images, Olympus CLV U40 light source and different endoscopic probes, depending on the type of endoscopy performed and the patients` size: Olympus GIF XP240 and Olympus GIF XP260. Monitoring of cardiac and respiratory functions was performed using a digital monitor that allowed observation of CO2 saturation and heart rate.

The anaesthesia station was designed for animals weighing between 1 and 100 kg, the induction of anaesthesia being carried out using an inhaler (halothane, isoflurane, enflurane, desflurane). The anaesthesia station also provided oxygen flow as well as an outlet for CO2 and anaesthetic residues.

Stomach penetration was perfeormed relatively easy by injecting a small amount of air into the oesophagus and fixing the tip of the probe to the centre of the cardia sphincter. It should always be taken into account that at the tip of the

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insertion tube, the video camera is located laterally and not centrally, therefore, on the endoscopic image, the centre of the image will appear laterally deflected. After passing through cardia, the insertion tube has to follow the large gastric curvature at the base area, making an inflection of about 180 ° (J-shaped manoeuvre) in order to visualize the gastric opening of the cardia sphincter. After examining all gastric portions, it is possible to pass through the pylorus and inject a suitable amount of air. Similar to cardia passing, the passage through pylorus is performed by fixing the tip of the insertion tube to the centre (2, 5).

Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is associated with low morbidity and mortality. Except in animals unfit for anesthesia, there are few absolute contraindications to performing gastrointestinal endoscopy. The procedure is not appropriate when bowel perforation is suspected, because contamination of the surrounding tissues may be increased as a result of the pressurization of the gastrointestinal tract by air insufflation (2, 5).

Results and discussion

The foreign bodies were identified in 16 patients being were extremely

varied, ranging from pieces of wood or plastic retained in the stomach to batteries or toys.

The presence of a wooden piece was noted in a 6 years old, male dog Yorkshire Terrier, the foreign body being ingested 2 weeks before the intervention. Symptomatology manifested by the patient, specifically digestive, consisted of anorexia and chronic vomiting. Figure 1a presents the removal process of the foreign body, using a two-arm grasping forceps.

Due to irritative phenomena generated by the presence of the foreign body, moderate hyperemia of the gastric mucosa can be observed, as well as mild haemorrhage and gastric ulceration (Fig. 1b)

The presence of a foreign plastic body (ball) was observed in an 11-year-old Labrador female dog (Fig. 2a). Often, in patients who ingest foreign bodies, their irritating action produces pyloric spasm, followed by vomiting, a symptom that is the main reason for seeing a clinician (4, 5). The lesions at this level were represented by gastric ulceration and hyperaemia of fundic area (Fig. 2b).

Foreign bodies of tough consistency cause a severe symptomatology, among the most alarming signs being vomiting, haematemesis, gastralgia, and for serious cases even nervous disorders manifested by cortical excitation translated by aggression (4, 5, 6).

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Fig.1. a. Removal of foreign body - wooden piece; b. mucosal hyperaemia

Fig. 2. a. Plastic foreign body; b. hemorrhagic lesions - gastric mucosa

It should be noted that observation of lesions should be made when introducing the insertion tube in order to avoid confusion between the pre-existing injuries and those produced by the operator.

It is worth noting that the presence of foreign bodies is usually accompanied by irritation phenomena that cause mucosal hyperaemia and / or ulceration (2, 5).

Although most of the patients presented for endoscopic examination had foreign bodies that were ingested outdoor, some cases had ingested various household objects like toys, batteries or even needles.

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The presence of a battery was found in a one year old Golden Retriever male dog (Fig. 3a). The patient presented a clinical history of recurrent gastritis caused by multiple ingestions of foreign bodies, the last one two months ago, when presented for the removal of another foreign body, also represented by a battery.

As with the other cases presented, the presence of hyperemia and gastric ulceration was noted. Most of the time, the presence of gastric contents prevents the observation of lesions, sometimes even the presence of foreign bodies.

In the same endoscopic picture, can be noticed the attempt to remove a foreign body by catching it with a special designed net, while two-arm grasping forceps is not suitable for removing foreign bodies that have fine, circular edges.

Fig. 3. a. Removal of foreign body - battery; b. mucosal hyperaemia and ulcerations

Figure 3b shows erosions and micro-ulcerations of the mucosa caused by

the irritant action of the battery contents on the mucosa. Beside therapeutical role that endoscopy plays in removing foreign bodies, it

is useful in diagnosing inflammatory lesions or intraluminal tumours. Inflammatory changes are usually represented by the presence of hyperaemia, oedema or small ulcerative sites (2, 3, 6). Based on the histological investigations, the origin of inflammation can also be specified. Although inflammatory lesions can be associated with other conditions (like presence of foreign bodies, neoplastic lesions), gastritis was diagnosed in 49 patients developing as unique disorder.

A particular type of inflammation is represented by lymphangiectasia, found in 13 cases, which is the inflammation of intestinal villi, that can easily go unnoticed when using some other imaging investigations.

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The examination of the villi and the appreciation of the inflammatory process is performed by introducing water through the working channel of the endoscope while observing the characteristic appearence of the villi in the liquid as "glove fingers"-like structures. In figure 4a can be noticed the glossy look of the villi, in the form of conglomerates on the entire length of intestinal mucosa. It is also possible to observe the lacteal papilla, its assessment being performed each time the proximal duodenum is being investigated (Fig. 4b).

Fig. 4. a. Duodenum - lymphangiectasia; b. lacteal papilla, dilated villi

Neoplastic lesions appear as focal lesions acompanied by other local mucosal changes like hyperaemia, ulceration or necrotic phenomena (5). Most frequent gastric tumours are represented by lymphoma and carcinoma. Based on histopathological results, lymphoma was diagnosed in 8 dogs, while carcinoma was noticed in 3 cases.

Thus, in a 7-year-old male Yorkshire Terrier, an 11-year-old female Manchester Terrier and a 14-year-old male Labrador were identified well delimited structures, accompanied by hyperemia or ulceration of the gastric mucosa, confirmed as gastric carcinoma.

In figure 5a can be observed well defined, oval-shaped necrotic lesions located at the level of the small curvature of the stomach, as well as deep lesions that affected the gastric mucosa and submucosa. The friable nature of the mucosa was observed at the time of biopsy, with gastric haemorrhage due to the numerous ulcerations present (Fig. 5b).

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Fig. 5. a. Gastric small curvature - necrotic lesions; b. necrotic lesions, mucosal hyperaemia and ulcerations


Endoscopic investigation diagnosed gastritis in 49 patients, presence of foreign bodies in 16 cases, 13 patients with lymphangiectasia or intestinal inflammatory lesions, while in 11 dogs neoplastic lesions were observed. The foreign bodies were removed from all patients, endoscopy fully justifying its therapeutical role in patients.

More than that, endoscopic examination helps in formulating a correct, quick diagnosis, by viewing the changes of the gastrointestinal tract and also by confirming or refuting the initial diagnosis after the microscopic examination of samples.

All these attributes of endoscopic technique have allowed the use of endoscopic examination as a top complementary method to diagnose gastrointestinal disorders in dogs. The use of endoscopic examination have favored the assessment of digestive changes from another perspective, the clinician being now able to observe the gastrointestinal tract lesions directly.

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References 1. Chamness, C.J., Endoscopic instrumentation. In Tams TR (ed.): Small Animal

Endoscopy, St. Louis, Mosby-Year Book, 1999. 2. Guilford, W.G., Gastrointestinal endoscopy, Strombeck’s Small Animal

Gastroenterology, 3rd ed., Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1996, 114-129. 3. Malancus, R.N., Solcan, Gh., Tofan (Malancus), Cristina, Maria, The use of

endoscopic examination in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal disease in dogs, Lucr. Stiintifice USAMV Iasi, seria Medicina Veterinara, 2012, 55, 465-469.

4. Malancus, R.N., Diagnosticul imagistic al afectiunilor gastrointestinale la caine, ed. Ion Ionescu de la Brad, Iasi, 2017.

5. Mălăncuș, R.N., Indepărtarea corpilor străini la câine prin utilizarea tehnicii endoscopice, Lucr. Științifice Seria Medicină Veterinară Universitatea Agrară de Stat, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, 2013, 35, 77-80.

6. McCarthy, T., Veterinary endoscopy for small animal practitioner, Elsevier Saunders, 2005.

7. Spillmann, T., Endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract - when is it really indicated, Proceedings of the 33rd WSAVA Congress, Dublin, 2008, 369-370.

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Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine ”King Michael I of Romania” from Timisoara, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 300645, Calea

Aradului, No. 119, Timisoara, Romania Email: [emailprotected]


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of heat stress on haematological parameters in dairy cows. Seventeen dairy cows were randomly selected and blood samples were collected from the median coccygeal vein into vacuum tubes containing EDTA K3. Cows suffered of heat stress three weeks before sampling. Blood samples were analysed for complete blood count within 4 hours. In this study, the mean values of red blood cells, haemoglobin concentration and haematocrit were more decreased than physiological mean values for Holstein cows. Instead, the mean value of reticulocytes was higher than physiological ranges. The mean value of white blood cells was higher than normal reference mean. Haematological parameters can be influenced by heat stress, but cannot be used as parameters to evaluate the degree of heat stress in dairy cattle. Keywords: dairy cows, haematological profile

Lactating dairy cows performance and healthy status can be negatively

affected by uncomfortable thermal environment (5, 6). Association between humidity level and ambient temperature has led to the development of the temperature-humidity index (THI) that could be used as indicator of heat stress degree on cows (6). Previous studies suggested that heat stress reduces the milk production, milk fat content and reproductive efficiency of dairy cows, mainly in animals of high genetic value (3, 5, 6). Haematological parameters have been used as indicators with animal response to environmental conditions changes. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of heat stress on haematological parameters in Holstein dairy cows.

Materials and methods

The study was conducted in a dairy herd from Timis county in the middle of

the summer. All cows were housed in a free stall barn and were fed with total mixed ration (TMR). Basal ration was formulated to meet nutrient requirement recommendations. Cows suffered heat stress three weeks before sampling. Seventeen Holstein dairy cows were randomly selected and blood samples were collected from the median coccygeal vein into vacuum tubes containing EDTA K3.

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Blood samples were immediately refrigerated after sampled and analysed for complete blood count within 4 hours. Haematological parameters were performed using Procyte (IDEXX, SUA) blood cell counter. All samples were analysed for red blood cells (RBC), haematocrit (Hct), haemoglobin concentration (Hb), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentrations (MCHC), white blood cells (WBC), lymphocytes (L), neutrophils (N) monocytes (M) eosinophils (E), basophils (B) and platelet (Plt). The means of each hematological parameter were calculated and than were compared with the average of reference range values for healthy Holstein cattle reported by Lumsden et al. (8).

Results and discussion

All haematological parameters values obtained in the dairy cows of the present study (table1) were within the physiological reference range for dairy cattle.

Table 1

Descriptive statistics for hematological parameters in heat stress cows

Parameters Mean Std.

Deviation Std. Error

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound

Upper Bound

RBC, mil/mm3 5,98 0,91 0,22 5,51 6,45

Ht, % 26,72 4,94 1,20 24,18 29,26

Hb, g/dl 9,78 1,71 0,42 8,89 10,66

MCV, fl 44,62 2,39 0,58 43,39 45,85

MCHC, d/dl 16,33 0,82 0,20 15,91 16,76

Retic x104/ µl 4,31 3,40 0,83 2,56 6,06

WBC x103/ µl 9,27 2,80 0,68 7,83 10,71

N x 103/ µl 3,26 1,57 0,38 2,46 4,07

L x 103/ µl 4,62 1,76 0,43 3,72 5,53

M x 103/ µl 0,80 0,31 0,07 0,64 0,96

E x 103/ µl 0,45 0,61 0,15 0,13 0,76

B x 103/ µl 0,02 0,03 0,01 0,01 0,04

PLT x 103/ µl 413,88 132,86 32,22 345,57 482,19

However, it should be noted that mean values of RBC (fig. 1), Ht (fig.2) and

Hb (fig.3), were more decreased than physiological mean values for Holstein dairy cattle (8). These results were in accordance with previous studies, which reported that lower values of RBC, Ht and Hb concentrations could be associated to haemodilution effect due to increased water consumption for evaporative cooling

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during the hottest period. (1, 2, 5, 9). Conversely, in other study erythrocyte number, hematocrite value and hemoglobin concentration were increased in cows exposed to high temperatures due to hemoconcentration (7).

Fig. 1. The mean values of RBC (mil/mm3)

Fig. 2. The mean values of haematocrit



9 9,5 10 10,5 11




Fig. 3. The mean values of hemoglobin

Fig. 4. The mean values of reticulocytes

In this study, the average number of reticulocytes was higher than mean

physiological value for cattle (fig. 4). The reticulocytes are young erythrocytes released into circulation before the complete maturation in the hematopoietic organs. The increased number of circulating reticulocytes may be due to the high catecholamine concentration or can result from regenerative response in case of anemia (10). Previous studies have shown that in dairy cows, acute heat stress increases cortisol concentration, while in chronic stress, the cortisol level was decreased. Thus, in a study on cows under chronic heat stress, cortisol concentration was found to be lower than those in thermal comfort conditions, and with higher concentrations of adrenalin and noradrenaline derivatives in milk (4).

In the present study, WBC mean value was higher than normal reference mean value of leucocytes in dairy cattle (fig. 5). It was in accordance with a

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previous study, which reported that WBC values were higher in heat-stressed dairy cows (9). Conversely, in studies of Koubková et al. (7) and Belic et al. (1) the leucocyte number was found significantly decreased in dairy cows exposed to high temperatures.

In our study, the mean values of neutrophils, lymphocytes (fig. 7) and monocytes (fig. 8) were higher than normal mean values reported by Lumsden et al. (8) for healthy Holstein cattle. Mazzullo et al. (9) found an increase in lymphocytes and a decrease in number of neutrophils and and monocytes in dairy cows exposed to high temperatures. Others authors reported that relative lymphocyte number was decreased in the hottest period whereas the neutrophils and monocytes values were increased (7).

Fig. 5. The mean values of leukocytes Fig. 6. The mean values of platelets






Fig. 7. The mean values of lymphocytes and neutrophils

Fig. 8. The mean values of eosinophils

and monocytes

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In our study, platelets ranged from 87000 - 660000 /ul and the mean value was lower than normal reference average value of PLT in dairy cattle (fig. 6), confirming results obtained in previous studies (2, 8, 10).


In this study, haematological parameters related to heat stress were

comparable to the values considered to be physiological for dairy cattle. Haematological parameters can be influenced by heat stress, but cannot

be used as parameters to evaluate the degree of heat stress in dairy cattle.


This study was carried out with the support of the project Dezvoltarea infrastructurii de cercetare, educație și sevicii în domeniile medicine veterinare și tehnologiilor innovative pentru RO 05, cod SMIS-CSNR 2669


1. Belic, B., Cincovic, M.R., Stojanovic, D. et al, - Hematology parameters and

physical response to heat stress in dairy cows, Contemporary Agriculture, 2010, 59(1-2), 161-166.

2. Casella, S., Scianò, S., Zumbo, A., Monteverde, V., Fazio, F., Piccione, G., Effect of seasonal variations in Mediterranean area on haematological profile in dairy cow, Comp. Clin. Pathol., 2013, 22, 691–695.

3. Das, R., Sailo, L., Verma, N., Bharti, P., Saikia, J., Imtiwati, Kumar. R., Impact of heat stress on health and performance of dairy animals: A review, Veterinary World, 2016, 9(3), 260-268.

4. Du Preez, J.H., Parameters for the determination and evaluation of heat stress in dairy cattle in South Africa, Journal of Veterinary Research, 2000, 67, 263-271.

5. Ikuta, K., Okada, K., Sato, S., Yasuda, J., Effects of heat stress on blood chemistry and hematological profiles in lactating dairy cows, Japanese Journal of Large Animal Clinics, 2010, 1(4), 190-196.

6. Jiang Guo, Shengtao Gao, Suyu Quan, Yangdong Zhang, Dengpan Bu1, Jiaqi Wan, Blood amino acids profile responding to heat stress in dairy cow, Asian-Australas, J. Anim. Sci., 2018, 31(1), 47-53.

7. Koubková, M., Knížková, I., Kunc, P., Härtlová, H., Flusser, J., Doležal O., Influence of high environmental temperatures and evaporative cooling on some physiological, hematological and biochemical parameters in high-yielding dairy cows, Czech J. Anim. Sci., 2002, 47(8), 309-318.

8. Lumsden, H. J., Mullen, K., Rowe, R., Hematology and biochemistry reference values for female Holstein cattle, Can. J. Comp. Med., 1980 44(1): 24–31.

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9. Mazzullo, G., Rifici, C., Cammarata, F., Caccamo, G., Maria, Rizzo, Piccion, G., Effect of Different Environmental Conditions on Some Haematological Parameters in Cow, Ann. Anim. Sci., 2014, 14(4), 947-954.

10. Meyer, D., Harvey, J., Veterinary Laboratory medicine Interpretation and diagnosis, Third Edition, Ed. Saunders, Missouri, 2004.

11. Mirzadeh, Kh., Tabatabaei, S., Bojarpour, M., Mamoei, M., Comparative study of hematological parameters according strain, age, sex, physiological status and season in Iranian cattle, J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 2010, 9, 2123–2127.

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University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary

Medicine, 400372, Manastur street, no. 3-5, Cluj-Napoca, Romania E-mail: [emailprotected]


Research and our observations were followed up on a total of 19 dogs, clinical cases, of different race, gender and age, diagnosed with hip dislocation. In 18 cases dislocation was caused by traffic accidents and in one patient the injury was caused by falling. In our study, hip dislocation was diagnosed only unilateral. The direction of movement of the femoral head in our study were as follows; in 12 subjects (63%) was identify a craniodorsal displacement of the femoral head, 5 cases (26.31%) presented a caudodorsal dislocation and 2 cases (10.52%) had cranioventral dislocation. In 14 cases, surgery was performed between 12-20 hours from the accident and in 5 cases surgery was performed after 72 hours. Trans articular fixation was carried out by using the cortical screw and Steinmann pins. Cortical screw was inserted following two procedures; in 7 cases the cortical screw was inserted from fovea capitis toward the bone wall of greater trochanter, repositioning and run through the conduct of the ischium, this corresponding to open surgery procedure; in 6 dogs the screw has been introduced by tunneling with the appropriate drill bit (1.6 to 3.5 mm) depending on the dog size, through the greater trochanter, femoral neck and through the fovea capitis and insert in the ischium through the cavity of acetabular fossa. We have achieved good results for cortex screw through open surgery procedure. The method of using the Steinmann pin was unsatisfactory because in 4 subjects, after a period of 6 to 8 months, we found an abnormal mobility. Keywords: dislocation of the hip, stabilizing, repositioning, dogs

Dislocation of the hip is a disease entity in which the breaking of normal

and natural components of the hip (round ligament, joint capsule) is followed by the movement of the femoral head in the cavity. The causes are varied, the most important being the traumas caused by road accidents, data configured by other authors like Whitelock R., (2010); McLanghlin R.M., (1995), which mentions an incidence of 85%, Trostel C.T., (2000) stipulates other causes including severe dysplasia of the hip, severe trauma. Repositioning the dislocation is more difficult after 3-5 days, view shared by authors such as Evers P, (1997); McLaughlin RM (1995).

The reduction and stabilization surgery is much higher (approximately 85%) than for reduction and stabilization through closed process (1, 7).

Repositioning and stabilization, are done through numerous known processes such as: capsuloraphy (9), capsular prosthesis, transposition of the great trochanter, transarticular fixing, toggle rod stabilizing (5, 12), stabilization with the help of the fascia lata, iliofemoral transarticular suture, sacrotuberal ligament

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rearrangement using triple pelvic osteotomy (4) the total hip artoplastia, and combinations (11) or using gluteal muscle tendon (8).

The variety of methods, unparalleled diversity of races, severity of injuries, complications and injuries initiative, individual characteristics in postoperative response consecutive implementing a process gives very different results. In this context, we wanted to approach hip stabilization using transarticular pinning.

Material and method

Observations and our study were conducted over a period of five years

from 2011 to 2016 on a casuistry consists of 19 dogs, of different race, gender and age, diagnosed with hip dislocation. In 18 cases dislocation was caused by traffic accidents and in one patient the injury was caused by falling. In our study, hip dislocation was diagnosed only unilateral. Surgery was performed within 12-20-72 hours post traumatic as shown and recording in consultation and treatment setting. The direction of movement of the femoral head in our study were as follows; in 12 subjects (63%) was identify a craniodorsal displacement of the femoral head, 5 cases (26.31%) presented a caudodorsal dislocation and 2 cases (10.52%) had cranioventral dislocation. In 14 cases surgery was performed in 12 to 20 hours and in 5 cases the intervention was performed in 72 hours.

In or cases reducing and stabilizing was carried out by transarticular pinning, method assess differently according to the different authors.

Anesthesia was induced by injection of atropine sulphate (Nycomed R Nicomed Austria GmbH. Linez, Austria) (0.04 mg / kg im) and diazepam (DiazepamR, Terapia Cluj-Napoca, Romania) (0.2 mg / kg intramuscularly), injection of Ketamine 10% (Ketamin R Protulab Pharma BV, Rdamsdonkszeer, the Neterlands) (3 mg / kg intramuscularly), and then they were intubated with Isoflurane 2% (Lunan Pharmaceuticol Group Corporation, Shandong, China) in the oxygen mixture.

Local anesthesia was performed with lidocaine 2% solution with epinephrine 1: 100,000 (Septanest, Septodont, Quetigny, France).

In this way, the patient lies on the operating table in the lateral position with the sprained member above. An assistant puts a small towel or rope in the inguinal area to prevent shrinkage and to secure the pelvis during remediation. Transarticular pinning procedure can be practiced in closed or open surgical procedure. In this sense, for any of the procedures, surgical management meets certain common surgical time, because depending on the procedure, at one point the technique differentiate.

For the open technique, after preparation and sanitizing the place, a semicircular incision is carried out in the skin above coxo-femoral articulation, through subcutaneous connective tissue, and superficial, middle and deep gluteal muscle. In cases with cranial-dorsal dislocation, I detached the femoral head of the sprained position by pulling the hock or stifle and external rotating the limb. The member was then pulled caudodistal to position the femoral head to the acetabular

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cavity. In cranioventral displacement, the femoral head has been manipulated into craniodorsal position and then fixed and stabilized by the method described above. For this procedure, the affected limb was fixed with one hand and with the other we have created a counter pressure on the pelvis. In this way, the femoral head was brought in lateral plane and craniodorsal in acetabular cavity. For caudoventral dislocation, I detached the femoral head from the obturator foramen by pulling on the member and pushing on the ischial tuberosity. In the small and medium sized dogs, detachment of the femoral head was performed by applying femur pressure in the ventral direction and introduction of a finger protected by the glove into the rectum. After highlighting the acetabular cavity, the soft tissue, round ligament, hematoma and remains on the femoral head is removed. On this occasion are evaluated destruction of the femoral head, the acetabular cavity and the joint capsule.

Transarticular stabilization was carried out by using the cortex screw and Steinmann pin. The use of cortex screw has been tested in two ways in relation to the direction of luxation of the femoral head and the degree of tissue destruction. In subjects with craniodorsal luxation, with large displacement, with significant tearing and muscle rupture, we opted for open surgical procedure. This method was applied to a number of 7 subjects. In this way, after the isolation of the femoral head (Fig. 1), an appropriate diameter drill is directed to the fovea capitis (Fig. 2) through the femoral neck at the level of the third trochanter.

Fig. 1. Isolation of the femoral head

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Fig. 2. Tunelization of the head, neck and great trochanter of the femur

From the large trochanter, through the hole created by the drill, insert cortex screw to the fovea capitis. The femoral head is properly positioned in the acetabular cavity with a slight abduction member after the screw is passed through the wall of the acetabular cavity in such a way that the end of the screw to penetrate the acetabular cavity wall together with all the coils in the pelvic channel (fig.3, fig. 4).

Fig. 3. Inserting the cortex screw

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Fig. 4. The correct possition of the screw The second method was tested on a total of 6 subjects out of 19 dogs, by

closed intervening. In this way prepares the place of choice, makes the incision of the skin, subcutaneous connective tissue, muscle and do the tuneling using a suitable drill, from the side of the femur in the third trochanter. The drill is directed towards the fovea capitis and inserted through the femoral neck and head. Pull the drill and the tunnel created by the cortex screw is inserted by screwing. Member is properly positioned in the acetabular cavity in with a slight abduction, when the screw cavity of the acetabular fossa and inserted into the acetabular cavity in the medial wall of the pelvic canal. The Steinmann pin procedure is identical we can use or we can opt out of using the drill. Excess pin is removed from the compact bone of the greater trochanter to prevent sliding thereof in the direction of neighborhood media or tissue trauma. During surgical maneuvers, a nurse assesses penetration of stabilizing materials (rod and screw) in the wall of the medial acetabular cavity by rectal examination.

Results and discussions

Troubleshooting the hip dislocation through many therapeutic methods,

each with advantages and disadvantages in postoperative evolution. The methods used in this paper, they are part of an attempt to find a methodology with enhanced efficacy in the context of more limited surgical maneuvers, less traumatic. Choosing the transarticular method have primarily immediate advantage in that it can call immediately after trauma or accident, surgical trauma is minimal, which promotes faster healing. Transarticular pinning can be use both in large dogs and small dogs, also in case of fracture of the femoral neck, in which we have less possibilities of preserving the femoral head. The use of cortex screw for remedy of dislocation is justified by the fact that it is acting as a lever, stable in the horizontal

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plane, non-motile, able to withstand shocks of varying weights. In our cases referred to materials and methods, due to the craniodorsal displacement direction of the femur, in 3 subjects were recorded muscle destruction, and the end of the proximal epiphyseal has often been found subcutaneously. This prompted us to choose open surgical procedure to remove the organized hematoma to combat the inflammatory process, prevent infection, and to reconstruct anatomical plans. Open procedure, provides high reliability and greater accuracy in repositioning and stabilizing the joint components. The insertion of the screw can be easily made through trochanter cortex, and femoral neck and the femoral head through the wall of the ischium toward the pelvic canal. For safety penetration of the acetabular fossa, the leg sits in abduction which results in a better matching of the femoral head in the acetabular cavity. The cortex screw by having at one end a protruding part and on the front part of a number of coil, acts as a lever with good stability. Head movement which makes the joint in relation to the acetabular cavity (propulsion and retropropulsion), vertically, having an anteroposterior direction in conjunction with a small or medium size and weight of the animal, does not have inconvenience on medium or long term.

In five cases when it was used the cortex screw stabilization were clinically monitored for 8-10 years without notice inconvenience or suffering or locomotor disorders.

We must point out that the range of movement, speed and force was reduced by half in the first three months postsurgery. All subjects found restraint and cautious attitude to placing the leg down or lifting up of lying down, but these symptoms gradually disappear. Of the 13 dogs that was applied this method, three dogs were large or very large breeds. To these, we found that three years after surgery they rarely manifested slight lameness, slight functional disorders manifested by caution when decubitus was adopted. The use of cortex screw in closed surgical procedure is preferred in cases in which there is considerable tissue damage and deterioration, which coincides with a reduced, limited displacement. In this case the screw is inserted with relative ease, the difference being that need more attention and coordination for the member to be inserted in the acetabular fossa. The fact that the screw rod is smooth and suitable for the weight and size of the animal, it does not cause damage to complicate the favorable development of bone over time. Surgical trauma is minimal, the insertion accuracy can be checked easily by X-rays. Major requirement in this case is the correct seating of the femoral head in the cavity of the acetabular in such a way that the screw is inserted correctly in the fossa cavity of acetabulum and the thread to be fully inserted into the wall of the ischium or the pelvic channel in order not to produce lesions in the femoral head or acetabular cavity.

For using the Steinmann pin the principle and mode of action are the same in that they act as a horizontal support that evenly distributes the forces of gravity and the support points are distributed in a trajectory tensile that vary according to the size and weight of the dog, sufficient strength to stabilize the shaft. Immediately after insertion, at 14 days postoperative the dog state was good, without obvious

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complications. Gradually, I found in four subjects discomfort when walking, lying in alignment or lifting, turning and ascent, descent slope. These events we have seen in three of the subjects at 3.5 months postoperatively, and at one of the patients after five months. For radiological control of Steinmann pin I noticed movement in the median plane, something which justifies the unsatisfactory rating. I believe that this movement would not have been possible if cortex screw was used. No complications were noted postoperatively in patients.


Troubleshooting hip dislocation in dog by transarticular stabilization using

cortex screw provide good results in small and medium size dogs. In large breeds transarticular stabilization results remain contradictory by

lack of clear information about the circ*mstances which led to shortcomings manifested by locomotor disorders.

In our study, the use of stem Steinmann was found to be unsatisfactory, mainly due to its mobilization in the media plan.

References 1. Baltzer, W.I., Schulz, K.S., Stover, S.M., et al. Biomechanical analysis of

suture anchors anf suture materials used for toggle pin stalibization of hip joint luxation in dogs. Am J Vet Res. 2001, 62, 721.

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4. Haburjak, J.J., Lenehan, T.M., Harari, J., Gurevitch, R., Rivers, B., Tarvin, G.B., Constable, P.D., Treatment of traumatic coxofemural luxation with triple pelvic osteotomy in 19 dogs (1987-1999). Vet. Comp. Orthop. Traumatol., 2001, 14, 69-77.

5. Jennifer, L., Demko, Brain, K. Sidaway, Kelley, M., Thieman, Derek, B., Fox, Carolyn, R., Boyle, Ron, M., McLaughlin, Toggle rod stabilization for treatment of hip joint luxation in dogs: 62 cases (2000-2005), Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 2006, 229, 6, 984-989.

6. McLaughlin, R.M., Traumatic joint luxations in small animals. Vet. Clin. North Am Small Anim Pract. 1995, 25,1175.

7. Mehl, N.B., A new method of surgical treatment of hip dislocation in dogs and cats. J Small Anim Pract. 1988, 29, 789.

8. Rochereau, P., Bernarde, A., Stabilization of coxo-femoral luxation using tenodesis of the deep gluteal muscle, Veterinary and Comparative Orthopeadics and Traumatology, 2001, 25, 1, 49-53.

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9. Shani, J., Johnston, D.E., Shahar, R., Stabilization of traumatic luxation with extra-capsular suture from the greater trochanter to the origin of the rectus femoris. Vet. Comp. Orthop. Traumatol., 2004, 17, 12-16.

10. Trostel, C.T., Peck, J.N., deHaan, J.J. Spontaneous bilateral coxofemoral luxation in four dogs. J Am Anim Hoso Assoc. 2000, 36, 268.

11. Venturini, A., Pinna, S., Tamburro, R., Combied intra-extraarticular technique for stabilisation of coxofemoral luxation. Preliminary results in two dogs. Vet. Comp. Orthop. Traumatol., 2010, 23, 182-185.

12. Wendy, I. Baltzer, Kurt, S., Schuly, Susan, M. Stover, Ken, T., Taylor, Philip, H., Kass, Biomechanical analysis of suture anchors and suture materials used for toggle pin stabilization of hip joint luxation in dogs, American Journal of Veterinary Research, 2001, 62, 5, 721-728.

13. Whitelock, R., Traumatic luxation in the dog. Proceeding of the 3rd World Veterinary Orthopedic Congress, ESVOT-VOS, Italy, 15th – 18th September, 2010, 186-187.

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University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, Splaiul Independenţei 105 Sector 5 - cod 050097,

Bucharest – Romania Email: [emailprotected]


The major implication of stress in the pathogenesis of urethral obstruction in felines has already been scientifically proven, as well as its management as an important part of the therapy of this pathology. In this research, the cases of 17 feline males with urethral obstruction were followed and the implications and management of stress were outlined in the evolution of each case. It was observed that in cases where the indications regarding the reduction of the stressors were followed, the relapses were significantly fewer, the quality of the animal's life being superior. Keywords: stress, feline, urethral obstruction, management

One of the most common causes of urethral blockage (Fig. 1) in domestic felines is feline idiopathic cystitis.

Fig. 1. Urethral catheterization in feline (male) and macroscopic examination of urine – Original

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By histopathological study of biopsy samples collected from cats affected

by feline idiopathic cystitis, a relatively normal epithelium and muscularis was commonly found with oedema in the submucosa and vasodilation without obvious inflammatory infiltration but frequently with the presence of numerous mast cells. Biopsies have highlighted an increased number of pain fibres (fibre C) and pain receptors (substance P receptors). It is known that stimulating C-fibres (by local or central stimuli) can trigger the release of neuropeptides (substance P and others), which translates into pain, vasodilatation of intramural vessels, increased permeability of the vascular and bladder wall, submucosa edema, smooth muscle contraction, degranulation of mast cells. The last one, release many inflammatory mediators (histamine, heparin, serotonin, cytokines and prostaglandins) that will exacerbate the effects of C fibres. Fibre C stimulation and resulting neurogenic inflammation can explain many of the phenomena that occur in feline idiopathic cystitis. Nerve endings can be stimulated by central action factors (stress), or by the composition of urine (acid pH, potassium ions, magnesium and calcium). This will lead to the recruitment of new C fibres and the intensification of the disease.

A thin layer of mucus composed of glycosaminoglycans covers the bladder epithelium. This layer prevents grafting of microorganisms and the adhesion of crystals to the bladder wall. It has been shown that some cats with feline idiopathic cystitis have low concentrations of glycosaminoglycans in the urine and increased bladder permeability. This allows the harmful substances in the urine to pass to the urothelium and cause inflammation.

Neurogenic inflammation plays an important role in the development of feline lower urinary tract disease clinical signs but is nonetheless unclear whether or not it is a primary factor or appears as a side effect of an unidentified infectious agent (9, 11).

Materials and methods

The study looked at cases of 17 feline males aged 3 to 18 years. Patients were followed over episodes of urethral blockage during the research, a number of 8 cases in addition to drug therapy required surgical treatment (urethrostomy).

The animals were examined both clinically and paraclinical: ultrasound, blood tests (biochemistry and complete blood count), urinalysis (urinary summary and sediment) (1, 2, 4, 14)

In the framework of the anamnesis, the main points reached in the discussion with the owner were related by: • the reason for the presentation and getting the most accurate symptoms

manifested at home as well as the duration (for how long it does not urinate); • animal's medical history about cystitis episodes or even other urethral blockages; • what diet type has the feline patient; • if he / she holds other animals together with the patient (species and number); • stress factors recently occurred in cat's life;

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• the temperament of the animal (3, 5, 12, 13, 14). STRESS CARE THERAPY MEMO = Multimodal Environmental Modifications – can solve up to 75% of

cases of feline idiopathic cystitis (3, 5, 6). Dietary: There is commercial feed containing combinations of l-tryptophan,

α-casozepine and glycosaminoglycans or an S / O index for pH adjustment. This is indicated for stress management, to help the cat go over these periods as well as to fight digestive, cutaneous and urinary stress-related disorders (8).

Identifying stressors of the living environment is an important stage of therapy. These include: cohabitation with other animals, sudden changes in diet or environment, overcrowding, stressed and anxious owner, or the introduction of new animals or people into the environment. An important role is played by the stress associated with the urination: the feline must have a safe area where the litter is located, if more animals live in a household, there must be a sufficient number of litters and places where the cat can withdraw (7, 8, 9).

Commercial products with feline pheromones can also be used. Pheromones are volatile chemical substances widely used in animal

communication. When emitted by a single animal, pheromones are then detected by other individuals within the same species, influencing their behaviour.

Pheromones are secreted by different parts of the body and are associated with different functions being as follows: territorial pheromones, sex pheromones, soothing pheromones, or alarm pheromones.

Pheromones are detected by a specific organ located in the buccal palate (vomeronasal organ, VNO). Through a specific "pumping" behaviour (called "flehmen"), animals attract pheromones from the air into the VNO.

Feline facial pheromones (F3) are used by cats to mark their territory. A cat rubbing his face on his environment releases this pheromone.

This behaviour is manifested by any cat (domestic but also the large wild cats) daily, giving them a feeling of familiarity and safety.

In a new environment, a cat will automatically mark after a certain period of time to make this place familiar and safe (10, 15).

Results and discussion

As has been outlined in the first part of this article, stress and anxiety are being given increasing importance in the pathology of urethral obstruction. So, we tried to find possible stressors and find out the temperament of the animal: in 9 individuals we identified factors known to be stressors (especially in the case of felines) such as cohabitation with other animals or other changes/occurrences of people in the environment of life, an individual was observed to be extremely anxious, even aggressive, whereas in a number of 8 patients no particular stressor factor was identified, but this does not rule out the existence of one. (Fig. 2)

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Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the intervention of stress factors in the studied cases

Considering the facts from above, the 9 animals that have been shown to

be influenced by stressors have been recommended to manage these phenomena, especially with diet - a veterinary diet aimed at lowering stress levels and, in particular, negative effects produced by it and the use of feline facial pheromones products, as well as personalized recommendations depending on the stressed factor. Some of the owners followed (4 owners) or partially (3 owners) or none at all (2 owners) these recommendations. Recurrences occurred predominantly in animals to which these recommendations were not taken into account.

Fig. 3. Graphical representation of stress factors implications on the long-term evolution of patients with urethral obstruction

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Out of the 17 males included in the study, at 52.9% were identified stressors that could favour the pathology of urethral obstruction; they were recommended for stress management therapy, which was respected by 44.4% of the 9 individuals, no recurrence occurred in this group compared to the other groups, where it was partially respected - 33.3 %, and recurrences were reported by half of the group members and the group of cats who did not meet the recommendations at all - 22.2% and relapsed in all cases.


Information obtained from this study reveals and accentuates the negative impact of stress in the pathology of urethral obstruction in cats, and of its management as part of long-term therapy.


This research work was carried out with the support of Faculty of

Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, Department of Clinical Sciences.


1. BSAVA, Manual of canine and feline emergency and critical care, Second Edition, Replika Press Pvt. Ltd. India, 2007.

2. BSAVA, Manual of canine and feline nephrology and urology, Second Edition, Replika Press Pvt. Ltd. India, 2007.

3. Cameron, M. E., Casey, R. A., Bradshaw, J. W., Waran, N. K. and Gunn‐Moore, D. A., A study of environmental and behavioural factors that may be associated with feline idiopathic cystitis. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 2004, 45, 144-147.

4. Codreanu, M., Diaconescu, A., Bârţoiu, A., Ghid de ecografie la animalele de companie, Editura Printech, Bucureşti, 2005.

5. Cooper, E.S., Controversies in the management of feline urethral obstruction. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, 2015, 25, 130-137.

6. Diaconescu, A., Sindromul urologic felin – Actualităţi în abordarea diagnostică şi terapeutică, simpozion AMVAC, 2015.

7. Ellis, S.L.H., Environmental Enrichment: Practical Strategies for Improving Feline Welfare, Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 2009, 11(11), 901 – 912.

8. Ettinger, S., Feldman, E., Textbook of veterinary internal medicine, sixth edition, vol. 1, 2, Elsevier Saunders, St. Louis, Missouri, 2005.

9. Gunn-Moore, D.A., Feline lower urinary tract disease, Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery , 2003, 5, 133–138.

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10. Gunn-Moore, D.A, Cameron, M. E., A pilot study using synthetic feline facial pheromone for the management of feline idiopathic cystitis, Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 2004, 6(3), 133 – 138.

11. Gunn-Moore, D.A, Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) – Cystitis in Cats, 2009,;

12. Little, S.E.,The Cat Clinical Medicine and Management, Elsevier Inc, Missouri, 2012

13. Norsworthy, G.D., Mitchell, C.A., Sharon Fooshee Grace, Tilley, L.P., The Feline Patient, Fourth Edition, Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Iowa, 2011.

14. Tilley, L.P., Francis, W.K.S.Jr., Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline application, Blackwell Publishing Professional, Iowa, 2007;


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University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Manastur street nr.3-5, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj

Email: [emailprotected]

Summary The aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of ascorbic acid and L-glutamine on the viability, motility and membrane integrity of the ram sem*n during liquid storage. A total of 5 ejacul*tes from Merinos rams were collected using electro-ejacul*tion. After collection and macroscopic evaluation, the sem*n quality analysis was performed using CASA system. Each ejacul*te was divided into 2 equal aliquots and was diluted with Tris based extender - control groups and Tris based extender supplemented with L-glutamine (50mM) and ascorbic acid (0.9 mg/ml) - experimental groups. After 24, 48 and 72 h progressive motility, total motility, curvilinear velocity, straight-line velocity (VSL), average path velocity (VAP), straightness, linearity, amplitude of lateral head displacement, beat-cross frequency, elongation, area, sperm vitality and morphology were established for each sample. Data were analyzed using GraphPad Prism 6 software (Manual Graph Pad Prism 5.0, GraphPad Software). A value of p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. After 24, 48 and 72h the sperm parameters were significantly higher (P<0.05) in the experimental groups. Our results indicate that supplementation of the Tris based extender with antioxidant and amino acid improves ram sperm kinematic parameters and sperm morphology. Keywords: ram, sperm kinematic parameters, antioxidant, amino acid

Artificial insemination (AI) is one of the most important tool for reproduction

in domestic animals (8, 9), and one of the practical available technology for rapid genetic improvement in livestock (1, 2). Ram sem*n quality are influenced by genetics, nutrition and environment (17). Different extenders can preserve ram sperm parameters during liquid storage, but no longer than 48-72h (1, 19). Ram sperm are particularly sensitive to oxidative damange (15) because plasma membrane composition is with high content of unsaturated fatty acids (18). Fatty acids are source of energy with crucial role on functional structure of cells (13, 17). Diaz et al (2016) chromatographic identified twelve fatty acids in spermatozoa and ten fatty acids in seminal plasma. Beside other fatty acids, the major fatty acid was the docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (44.9% in spermatozoa and 31.5% in seminal plasma). All these components play an important role in sperm motility vitality, morphological integrity and fertility (5, 10, 14). Extenders supplemented with natural compounds such as carotenoids, polyphenol and flavonoids was evaluated for their antioxidant properties (1). Amino acids have a significant role in

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sperm cells membranes protection (4). The main components of glutathione, cysteine and glutamine plays a significant antioxidant role in to lipid peroxidation prevention in the spermatozoa (16). The aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of ascorbic acid and L-glutamine on the viability, motility and membrane integrity of the ram sem*n during liquid storage.

Materials and methods

A total of 5 ejacul*tes from Merinos rams (n=3) were collected using electro-ejacul*tion during breeding season. Animals were anaesthetized with xylazine (0.2 mg/kg) and ketamine hydrochloride (1.4 mg/kg). After collection and macroscopic evaluation, the sem*n analysis was performed using CASA system (Microptic, Barcelona, Spain). The pooled samples were divided into 2 equal aliquots and were diluted with Tris based extender (I group, CTRL) - control groups and Tris based extender supplemented with L-glutamine (50mM) and ascorbic acid (0.9 mg/ml) - experimental groups (II group, TGCA). The samples were stored at 4 °C. After 24, 48 and 72 h progressive motility, total motility, curvilinear velocity, straight-line velocity (VSL), average path velocity (VAP), straightness, linearity, amplitude of lateral head displacement, beat-cross frequency, elongation, area, sperm vitality and morphology (SpermBlue staining) were established for each sample. Sperm vitality was evaluated using FluoVit kit (Microptic, Barcelona, Spain) and CASA system. In order to evaluate the sperm membrane integrity hypoosmotic swelling tests were carried out. Ram sperm samples were incubated (37°C, 30min) in hypo-osmotic solution consisting (7.35 g/L sodium citrate and 13.51 g/L fructose in distillated water) (Jeyendran et al., 1984). The glutaraldehyde fixed cells were stained with eosin and evaluated under optical microscopy (Nikon Eclipse). The cells with swollen tails were considered with integral membrane. Data were analyzed using GraphPad Prism 6 software (Manual Graph Pad Prism 5.0, GraphPad Software). A value of p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Results and discussions

Ram sem*n samples were collected using electro-ejacul*tion during breeding season. After macroscopic evaluation the sperm morphology, vitality and kinematic parameters were evaluated in each samples using CASA system. The results were illustrated in Table 1.

In raw samples the average of head area was 37.50 µm2 and the concentration of round cells was 73.68M/ml. The average of values of speed were as follows: curvilinear velocity 111.78 µm/s, straight line velocity 30.56 µm/s, average path velocity 56.61 µm/s. The linear index was 56,61, the straightness index was 52.34% and the average od oscillation index (WOB) was 60.40%. After the evaluation the sperm samples were pooled and divided into 2 equal aliquots.

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We selected only ejacul*tes with total motility higher than 75%. For dilution were used Tris based extender - control groups (CTRL) and Tris based extender supplemented with L-glutamine (50mM) and ascorbic acid (0.9 mg/ml) - experimental groups (TGAC). The samples were assessed after 24,48 and 72h using CASA system.

Table 1

Raw ram sperm parameters after collection



SAMPLE 1 0,45 98,3 99.6 12.3

SAMPLE 2 0,5 99,1 100 2,.6

SAMPLE 3 1,3 87,5 98 10.2

SAMPLE 4 0,8 77,9 85.5 3.6

SAMPLE 5 1,7 98,6 100 13.7

AVERAGE 0,95 92,28 96.62 8.48

STDEV 0,481 8,394 5,.608 4.542

Curvilinear velocity- VCL, straight line velocity- VSL, average path velocity

- VAP, linearity index- LIN, amplitude of lateral head displacement - ALH, Straightness index - STR, Oscillation index - WOB, Amplitude lateral head - ALH, Beat frequency - BCF. After 24 h in control group the total motility was 98.78%, the progressive motility was 58.11% compared with TGCA group where the progressive motility after 24 h was 87.21%. The average values of parameters related to velocity showed decreasing tendency in both group, more significantly in control group and after 72h (Table 2).

The addition of L- Glutamine increase the total and progressive motility compared to the control groups. The curvilinear velocity, straight-line velocity (VSL), average path velocity (VAP), the straightness index, the linearity index, the amplitude of lateral head displacement, beat-cross frequency values shows significantly improved results in L-Glutamine supplemented group (Table 2). During the liquid storage in control group the total and progressive motility showed a significant decrease after 72 hours of storage The sperm vitality in control group were 75.40±25.37, in experimental group 99.62±27.54 (Fig.1, 2). Similar declining of sem*n quality was observed in experimental group but the changes are not significant in terms of evaluation times. In order to evaluate the sperm membrane integrity, the hypoosmotic swelling tests (HOST) were assessed. The average of HOST after 72h of liquid storage in experimental group were 86.01±3.03 compared with the control group (58.96±23.51). The functional integrity of sperm plasma membrane is crucial for the fertilization process (7, 11, 16). Sperm preservation and the breeding programmes offer favourable strategies for the propagation of genetic potential (3). Liquid storage of ram sem*n represents a

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good alternative to frozen sem*n but long term storage can induce severe modifications. Sperm extenders supplementation with aminoacids and antioxidants may reduce the incidence of cellular changes and can increase the fertility potential (6).

Table 2

The average of kinematic parameters of examinated ram samples (control group CTRL, experimental group TGCA)


Totalmotility(%) 98.75 81.93 45.54 100 99.83 99.66


58.11 26.82 3.10 87.21 80.62 79.87


40.64 55.11 42.45 12.79 19.20 19.80

VCL(μm/s) 55.89 55.59 29.41 125.35 103.25 100.06

VSL(μm/s) 13.44 26.74 11.74 29.58 28.18 27.67

VAP(μm/s) 27.47 36.95 19.55 60.68 52.79 53.48

LIN(%) 24.42 36.33 42.84 23.63 27.23 27.77

STR(%) 47.10 56.17 57.96 47.17 51.66 50.17

WOB(%) 49.72 58.49 68.78 48.58 51.04 53.50

ALH(μm) 2.94 2.35 1.91 5.79 4.74 4.64

BCF(Hz) 4.94 4.58 1.74 6.00 6.91 6.33

Fig. 1. Total motility and progressive motility in ram spermatozoa stored at 4 °C in Tris based extender and supplemented Tris based extender

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Fig. 2. Vitality (FluoVit) and total motility distribution of ram spermatozoa stored at

4 °C in Tris based extender and supplemented Tris based extender

Similar declining of sem*n quality was observed in experimental group but the changes are not significant in terms of evaluation times. In order to evaluate the sperm membrane integrity, the hypoosmotic swelling tests (HOST) were assessed. The average of HOST after 72h of liquid storage in experimental group were 86.01±3.03 compared with the control group (58.96±23.51). The functional integrity of sperm plasma membrane is crucial for the fertilization process (7, 11, 16). Sperm preservation and the breeding programmes offer favourable strategies for the propagation of genetic potential (3). Liquid storage of ram sem*n represents a good alternative to frozen sem*n but long term storage can induce severe modifications. Sperm extenders supplementation with aminoacids and antioxidants may reduce the incidence of cellular changes and can increase the fertility potential (6). In our study we evaluate both morphologic and kinematic parameters in Merinos ram sem*n stored for 72 h at 4 °C. For the experimental group Tris - based extender were supplemented with L-Glutamine and ascorbic acid, control group samples were diluted in Tris-based extender. After 48 h, both mobility and vitality parameters showed a decrease. The changes were significant compared to the control group. Our results are similar to the results of Falchia et al., 2018, and showed that L-Glutamine supplementation has positive effect on motility, kinematic parameters, viability, and plasma membrane integrity of liquid stored ram sperm. Marciane da Silva et col., 2009 demonstrate that supplementation of extenders with anti-oxidants, protect the sperm against destructions caused by ROS with negative effect on motility, viability and DNA integrity. Multiple studies demonstrate that supplementing of extenders with natural antioxidants have a positive effect on ram sperm parameters and fertility potential.

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Conclusions Our results indicate that supplementation of the Tris based extender with antioxidant and amino acid improves ram sperm kinematic parameters, sperm morphology and sperm membrane integrity.


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15. Hamilton, T.R.S., Mota Mendes, C., de Castro, L.S., de Assis, P.M., Siqueira, A.F.P., de Carvalho Delgado, J., Demarchi Goissis, M., Muiño-Blanco, T., Cebrián-Pérez, J.A., Nichi, M., Visintin, J.A., Ortiz D’Ávila Assumpção, M.E., Evaluation of Lasting Effects of Heat Stress on Sperm Profile and Oxidative Status of Ram sem*n and Epididymal Sperm, Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2016, 1687657, 12.

16. Topraggaleh, T.R.A., Shahverdi, A., Rastegarnia, B., Ebrahimi, V., Shafiepour, M., Sharbatoghli, V., Esmaeil, E., Janzamin, Effect of cysteine and glutamine added to extender on post-thaw sperm functional parameters of buffalo bull Andrologia 2014, 46(7), 777-83.

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19. Vishwanath, R., Shannon, P., Storage of bovine sem*n in liquid and frozen state. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 2000, 62, 23–53.

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ALEXANDRA MIHAELA POPA, C. ȘERDEAN, M.D. CODREANU University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, 59 Mărăşti Blvd, District 1, 011464, Bucharest,

Romania, Tel: +4021.318.25.64, Fax: + 4021.318.25.67, Email: [emailprotected]


The aim of this paper is the present characteristic ultrasound aspects of echotexture of the bladder installed consecutively to various pathological processes. Clinical and ultrasound investigations in this paper were conducted at the Medical Clinic of the Bucharest Veterinary Medicine Faculty during 2014-2017 on a number of 65 dogs of different races and ages presented for full evaluation. The ultrasound was performed using the AquilaVet or MyLab.30 ultrasound with a convex or linear probe with a frequency of 5-8 MHz. The diseases encountered of the urinary bladder were definitely dominated by local inflammatory phenomena, acute or chronic, followed by lithiasic (microlithiasis and calculus). Keywords – ultrasound, urinary bladder, dogs

In current veterinary medical practice, the cases are varied in terms of

bladder pathology in carnivores, so the need for a modern examination technique in order to complete the clinical examinations of patients with complementary, paraclinical, laboratory and imagistic examination for prompt, clear and accurate diagnosis to ensure therapeutic success creates the premises for the training of a qualified medical staff (6).

Advantages related to the accuracy and non-invasive character of the ultrasound examination have made it a consistent complementary diagnostic method used to identify and assess urinary disorders in the dog (2, 12, 14).

Bladder disorders creates difficulties in differentiating from the point of view of the clinical examination and raise difficulties in establishing the exact etiology (8, 9, 10), as a result, the ultrasound technique, correlated with the clinical data, allows occasionally a diagnosis of certainty or as close as possible to it (15).

The ultrasonography is an imaging diagnostic method that is distinguished by its non-invasive character (both for the patient and for the examiner) (1), which does not cause discomfort or pain, has no unwanted side effects and has a broad spectrum of applicability with the possibility of examinations of most of the internal organs (11, 13).

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Materials and methods The clinical and paraclinical investigations were carried out at the Medical

Clinic of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, during 2014-2017, on 65 dogs of different breeds and ages. The ultrasound was performed using the AquilaVet or MyLab ultrasound 30 with a convex or linear probe with a frequency of 5-8 MHz.

The study was conducted on 65 dogs, 40 females and 15 males, with urinary bladder diseases, belonging to races and groups of different ages.

Based on the data systematisation of the 65 cases investigated, we obtained the following distribution by categories of ultrasound diagnosis of urinary bladder (Table 1).

Table 1

Etiological distribution of urinary disorders evaluated by ultrasound

Etiology No of cases evaluated through ultrasound

No of cases associated with each condition of the

total Acute cystitis 25 38.46%

Chronic cystitis 9 13.80% Urolithiasis 23 35.38%

Tumor 5 7,69%

Urinary retention 3 4.60%

Results and discussions

All urinary bladder disorders were dominated by local, acute or chronic

inflammatory phenomena, followed by lithiasis, both microlitis and calculi, and the presence of urinary retention as a pathogenetic consequence.

The ultrasound images presented are etiologically and imagistically representative and are accompanied by an ultrasound scanner of the anatomical segment of interest and a description of the ultrasonographic modifications occurred.

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Fig. 1. Caniche, female, 10 years old. Bladder tumor. Ecogenous mass at the parietal level without distal enhancement. Numerous corpuscular elements in

suspension, no tendency to sedimentation

Fig. 2. co*cker Spaniel, female, 7 years old. Acute cystitis. Moderately distention of urinary bladder with anecogenous, and hom*ogeneous content, evident parietal reaction (hyperrepresentation of the superficial parietal

component) and preservation of specific parietal architecture

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Fig. 3. German Shepherd, male, 8 years old.Microlithiasis. Urinary bladder distention with abundant content and numerous corpuscular elements in suspension and sediment with reduced parietal modifications

Fig. 4. Yorkshire terrier, male, 15 years old. Urolithiasis Moderately distension, non-hom*ogeneous urinary bladder with the presence of

ecogenic calculi (hom*ogeneous appearance and regular outline) accompanied by a distal shadowing. Moderate parietal reaction (chronic cystitis).

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Fig. 5. Pekingese, female 13 years old. Urolithiasis - chronic cystitis. Numerous body elements (particles) in suspension and more frequent in the

sediment, accompanied by obvious parietal reaction (chronic cystitis)

Fig. 6. Bichon Maltese, male, 9 years old. Extensive bladder tumor. Urinary bladder - diffuse infiltrative appearance with evident parietal thickening and loss of

specific parietal architecture (specific parietal stratification)

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Fig. 7. Multiple bladder lithiasis - secondary chronic cystitis. Well-delimited eco-masses, accompanied by the specific artefactual phenomenon

of distal shadowing. Obvious parietal reaction (secondary cystitis)

Fig. 8. Pinscher, female, 14 years old. Calculi. Lithiasis elements (ecogenic masses that respect gravity and induce the specific artefactual phenomenon of

distal shadowing) are identified, without parietal reaction

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Fig. 9. German Shepherd, male 13 years old. Tumor bladder. Obvious 25 mm parietal wall thickening, with diffuse infiltrative appearance, accompanied by loss of

specific parietal architecture. Intralumenal projects an ecogenic mass, relatively hom*ogeneous, printing a specific retractile aspect

Fig. 10. Mixed breed, female, 4.5 years old. Urolithiasis. Bladder content gains its own ecogenity through numerous suspended corpuscular elements without

sedimentation. The urinary bladder wall is unaffected

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Fig. 11. Chihuahua, male 12 years old. Acute cystitis. Moderately distention of urinary bladder with an important parietal reaction (hyperrepresentation of parietal

components in the superficial and intermediate layer)

Fig. 12. Doberman, male 7.5 years old. Acute cystitis secondary and urinary lithiasis. Thickening of the urinary bladder wall with numerous echogenic

corpuscular elements in the sediment

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Fig.13. Westy, male 9 years old. Prostatitis and secondary cystitis. Urinary bladder with numerous particles in suspension and evident parietal reaction.

Extensively enlarged volume of prostate with hom*ogeneous echostructure and diffuse infiltration aspect. The dilatation of the intraprostatic urethra is noted

Fig.14. Rottweiler, female, 8 years old. Bladder polyp (3.53 / 2.06 cm, immobile structure with irregular contour)

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Fig.15. German Shepherd, female, 3 years old. Hematoma. Intralumenal identifies an ecogenic, mobile anfractal mass without the phenomenon of distal shadowing.

Numerous corpuscular elements in suspension, without parietal changes

Fig. 16. Pekingese, female, 12 years old. Urinary lithiasis-secondary cystitis. Thickening of the urinary bladder wall with suspended particles ("ecogenic urine"). Intralumenal identifies a 13.4 mm stone (massive, hom*ogeneous mass with distal


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Fig.17. Bichon, female, 15 years old. Transitional cell carcinoma. Intralumenal projects an ecogenic formation with relatively irregular contour that invades the bladder neck region. The formation has diffuse infiltrative appearance, induces

specific parietal architecture and has a broad base of parietal implantation (specific changes for bladder carcinoma)

Fig.18. Yorkshire Terrier, female, 8 years old. Microlithiasis. Urinary bladder with abundant, anecogenous, inhom*ogeneous content with numerous corpuscular elements in suspension and sediment. Moderate parietal reaction (secondary


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Fig.19. Mixed breed, female, 8 years old. Acute cystitis. Urinary baldder with evident parietal reaction (of uniform type and with preservation of specific


Fig. 20. Pekingese, male, 11 years old. Chronic cystitis. Distention of the urinary bladder with numerous corpuscular elements in suspension and sediment

("ecogenous urine"). Scleroatrophic appearance with moderate parietal reaction

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Fig. 21. Caniche, male 12 years old. Microlithiasis. Urinary bladder enlarged by non-hom*ogeneous content, with small stones. Obvious parietal reaction

(secondary cystitis)

The most common bladder diseases found in the ultrasound was the inflammatory type in 34 cases, of which 38.46% (n = 25 cases) of the acute type and 13.80% (n = 9 cases) of the chronic, dominated in ultrasound evaluation by parietal thickening of a uniform type, preserving the specific parietal stratification/arhitecture and affecting the tone and continence in a different way.

Following the ultrasound examination, 35.38% respectively 23 cases with bladder stones were found to cause secondary cystitis, frequently associated with microlithiasis.

The neoplastic proliferative masses found in the ultrasound examination were 7.69% of cases, focal or diffuse type and the dominant echographic being the non-uniform parietal thickening and the loss (destruction) of the specific architecture. Table 2 describes the proportion of the characteristic echographic elements associated with each type of bladder disorder based on our results.

Table 2

Ecographic characteristics according to etiology

Acute cystitis Chronic cystitis

Tumor Macro /

microlithiasis Hematoma

Hyperrepresentation of parietal

components, parietal reaction with

preservation of specific parietal architecture (25)

Moderate parietal

reaction, scleroatrophic

aspect (9)

Sickle tumor - ecogenic mass without

distal enhancement, Infiltrative tumor with

loss of specific architecture.

Polip - irregular and immobile (5)

Calculi and sediment

elements in suspension +/-

parietal reaction, Distal


Ecogeneous anfractal

mass, without rear

acoustic shadowing


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Urinary ultrasonography, in a significant proportion, establishes a diagnosis of certainty, and in other situations it guides the clinician in the differential diagnosis approach by recommending additional analyzes such as biopsy puncture and cytology.


1. Burk, R., Feeney, D., Small Animal Radiology and Ultrasonography: A Diagnostic Atlas and Text, 3rd Edition, Ed. Elsevier Science, 2003, 2-9

2. Catcolt, E.J., American Veterinary Publications-Maladies du systeme urogenital, Medicine canine, traduit par Lavand J., Editions Vigot Freres, Paris,1972.

3. Codreanu, M.D., Nae, R., Coordinates and clinical diagnostic in the main urological disorders, 2016, Veterinary practice, year VII, 22, 16-22.

4. Codreanu, M., D., Patologia medicală a animalelor domestice, vol.II, Ed. Printech, Bucureşti, 2014.

5. Holt, P.E., Dysuria in the dog. Part 1: management of the dysuric animal. In Practice, 1990, 12(3),121, 123-125 ref.14.

6. Holt, P.E., Urological Disorders of the Dog and Cat: Investigation, Diagnosis, Treatment. Manson Publishing. Barcelona, 2008.

7. Holt, P.E., Dysuria in the dog. Part 2: management of the dysuric animal. In Practice, 1990, 12(3),121, 115-118.

8. Laborde, A., Dysuria and stranguria in a 7-year-old dog. Le Nouveau Praticien Vétérinaire Canine – Féline, 2009, 42, 4, 77 ref.8

9. Laborde, A., 2009. Dysuria and stranguria in a 7-year-old dog. Le Nouveau Praticien Vétérinaire Canine - Féline, 2009, 42, 4, 77

10. Lerner, S. P., Schoenberg, M. P., Stenberg, C. V., Textbook of bladder cancer, 1st Edition, Ed. Informa Healthcare, 2006.

11. Mannion, P., Diagnostic Ultrasound in Small Animal Practice, Ed. Wiley-Blackwell Co., 2006.

12. Mantis, P., Ultrasonography of the Urinary and Genital System of the Dog and Cat, Iranian Journal of Veterinary Surgery, 2008, p.66.

13. Nyland, T., G., Mattoon, J., S., Small Animal Diagnostic Ultrasound, 2nd Edition, Ed. Saunders Co., 2002.

14. Petite, A., Busoni, V., Heinen, M., Billen, F., Snars, F., Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound, 2006, 47, 90-93.

15. Syme, H. M., Stones in cats and dogs: What can be learnt from them? Arab Journal of Urology, 2012, 10(3), 230–239.

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1University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Calea Mănăştur, No. 3-5, Cluj-Napoca - 400372, Romania

2Justus-Liebing-Universitat – Small animal clinic – Radiology, Gißen, Germany 3University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj Napoca, Department

of Oral Rehabilitation, Management and Health of Dental Laboratory, Victor Babes, no 15, Cluj Napoca, Romania

E-mail: [emailprotected]

Summary Chiari like malformation represent a pathologic condition related to increase opening of foramen magnum, this malformation produce cerebellar herniation associated with Syringomielia. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed have 92% prevalence of Chiari like malformation. The diagnosis procedure includes MRI evaluation. Because the CT scan in more accessible, the aim of this paper is to identify the cages that are evident on CT in order to diagnose the disease. Keyword: Chiari, malformation, Syringomyelia, dog, cerebellum

Cavalier King Charles spaniel is an example of breed that was selectively grow for its juvenile behavior and morphology (paedomorphic) (1, 2). Targeted selection of a certain paedomorphic features induces changes in the morphology of the skull volume and the brain volume that have as consequence a large foramen magnum which will permit herniation of cerebellum (1, 3). This malformation is linked with Syringomyelia that represent accumulation of liquid inside the spine that will produce compression and inflammation. Studies show that almost 92% of the population of Cavalier King Charles is affected by Chiari like malformation and 25% present Syringomyelia until the age of 12 month, the percent increase to 70% at the age of 6 years (1, 3, 4).

The cerebellum is involved in adjusting and control balance and locomotion (5, 6, 7), other function include aids on stabilization of motor control and inter-limb coordination (7, 8). The patients suffering of Chiari like malformation and Syringomyelia present cervical scoliosis, head and neck pain, limb incoordination, thoracic limb paresis and neuropathic pain (1, 5, 9).

The aim of this article is to identify the changes visible on CT scan in order to diagnose a Chiari like malformation. Taking in consideration that the CT examination in more accessible and faster than MRI, even if the central nervous system details are not so prominent on CT.

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Materials and methods

The patient was a female Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, 21-month-old, that was initially diagnosed with otitis media, the symptoms debuted 10 months prior the CT scanning.

The symptoms consist in discomfort at the level of the right ear, scratching and pain, the symptoms are not permanent, also the patient avoids long walking. Behavioral changes and the symptoms are more evident when the air pressure changes.

A treatment for otitis media was administered, but the symptoms persists. Prednisone, antibiotics, antimitotic and clotrimazol drops was the therapy of choice. Otoscopy examination show a narrowed additive canal.

Before CT examination the patient was sedated using Xylazine (Bayer,USA) 2% 4 mg i.m., Midazolam (Bayer, USA) 5% i.v., Propofol (Pfizer, USA) 5 mg by intravenous injection as needed.

CT protocol. The CT evaluation was performed using a 16-slice scanner (Siemens Somatom Scope – Siemens Healthineers Global USA).

The patient was placed in ventral decubitus and the scan level was set from the occipital bone to the nasal bones. During the scan acquisition the table was moved caudocranially. Nominal Single Collimation Width was set at 0.6 mm and Nominal Total Collimation Width was set at 9.6 mm. Pitch factor was 1 and Exposure Rotation time per second was 1.5 s. CT Acquisition Type was Spiral Acquisition and the tube kilovoltage was set at 130 kV, with a millivoltage between 120 mAs.

Scan protocol and image acquisition. A native CT scan was performed. The images obtained had a 512x512 matrix, a 2 mm slice thickness and reconstruction were made using a 0.6 slice thickness and a soft tissue and bone tissue kernel. Multiple planar reconstruction was obtained using Syngo CT software, and the image were postprocessed using HOROS DICOM viewer software.

Results and discussions

CT Findings. The CT shows a typical brachycephalic head conformation

with shortened facial bones and dome shaped calvarium. The supraoccipital bone is short and stunted, the foramen magnum appears

enlarged (Fig 1). Part of the cerebellar vermis appears to protrude caudally beyond the bony margin of the supraoccipital bone (Fig. 2). Marked but incidental deviation of the nasal septum is noted.

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Fig. 1. Enlarged foramen magnum

Fig. 2. Vermis herniation

The craniocervical transition is in a flexed position which does not allow for assessment of basal invagin*tion/atlantooccipital overlapping. However, there is the impression of mild dorsal angulation of the odontoid process with a possible mass effect on the upper cervical spinal cord as well (Fig. 3).

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Fig. 3. Dorsal angulation of the odontoid process

A linear hypoattenuating area is seen centrally within the cervical spinal cord level with C2 and compatible with syringomyelia (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Syringomyelia

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Mild asymmetric dilation of the lateral ventricles of the brain is noted

accentuating the right side (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Ventricular asymmetry There is no evidence of external otitis and the middle and inner ears are

structurally unremarkable. Changes of the occipital bone produce also occipital hypoplasia with

incomplete formation of the bone (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Occipital hypoplasia

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High incidence of Chiari like syndrome in Cavalier King Charles Spaniel indicate a genetic predisposition. If the patient manifest neurophatic pain, repeated scratching in the cervical area or near the ears, cervical stiffness, Chiari like malformation should be taken in consideration. In absence of MRI examination, the CT examination represent an alternative in diagnosing this pathology.

References 1. Olsen, E., Suiter, E.J., Pfau, T., McGonnel, I.M., Matiasek, K., Giejda, A.,

Volk, H.A., Cavalier King Charles Spaniels with Chiari-like malformation and Syringomyelia have increased variability of spatio-temporal gait characteristics, BMC Vet Res., 2017; 13, 159.

2. Goodwin, D., Bradshaw, J.W.S., Wickens, S.M., Paedomorphosis affects agonistic visual signals of domestic dogs. Anim Behav., 1997, 53, 297–304. doi: 10.1006/anbe.1996.0370.

3. Driver, C.J., Volk, H.A., Rusbridge, C., Van Ham, L.M. An update on the pathogenesis of syringomyelia secondary to Chiari-like malformations in dogs, Vet J., 2013, 198, 551–559.

4. Parker, J.E., Knowler, S.P., Rusbridge, C., Noorman, E., Jeffery, N.D. Prevalence of asymptomatic syringomyelia in Cavalier King Charles spaniels, Vet Rec., 2011,168.

5. Plessas, I.N., Rusbridge C., Driver C.J., Chandler K.E., Craig, A., McGonnell, I.M., Long-term outcome of Cavalier King Charles spaniel dogs with clinical signs associated with Chiari-like malformation and syringomyelia, Vet Rec., 2012, 171-501.

6. Krasovsky, T., Levin, M.F., Review: toward a better understanding of coordination in healthy and poststroke gait, Neurorehabil Neural Repair, 2010, 24, 213–224.

7. Manto, M., Bower, J.M., Conforto, A.B., Delgado-García, J.M., da Guarda, S.N.F., Gerwig, M., Consensus paper: roles of the cerebellum in motor control--the diversity of ideas on cerebellar involvement in movement, Cerebellum, 2012, 11, 457–487.

8. Morton, S.M., Bastian, A.J., Mechanisms of cerebellar gait ataxia, Cerebellum, 2007, 6, 79–86.

9. Ilg, W., Giese, M.A., Gizewski, E.R., Schoch, B., Timmann, D., The influence of focal cerebellar lesions on the control and adaptation of gait, Brain, 2008, 131, 2913–2927.

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1 University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Splaiul Independentei, No. 105, District 5. 050097, Bucharest 2 Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine ”King Michael

I of Romania” from Timisoara, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 300645, Calea Aradului, No. 119, Timisoara, Romania


Summary The study aims to monitor the effect of selenium supplementation in chicks. To this effect we formed two groups of 2 week-old Cobb-500 chicken: a control group (n=10) and a treatment group (n=10), which received 0.5 ppm organic selenium (0,25 g ALKOSEL R397 per 1 kilogram mixed fodder) for 30 days. The echocardiographic examination was used to evaluate cardiac dimensions and function by measuring the fractional shortening (FS), ejection fraction (EF) and heart rate (HR). The results demonstrated a fractional shortening of 43.62% compared to 21.62% (control); the ejection fraction measured was 76.25% compared to 43.87% (control) and the heart rate was 381.25 versus 356.12 in the control group. These indices demonstrate an increase in cardiac contractile force and a slight increase in heart rate, which correlate with an improvement in heart function. Keywords: selenium, broiler, chicken, echocardiography, M-mode

Selenium is a microelement found in the entire body; in birds larger quantities are found in the spleen, liver, kidney and heart (3, 4).

A deficiency in selenium has been linked to disorders such as anaemia and haemolysis, most frequently observed in rats, dogs, primates, but also chicken. (2, 5).

Supplementing selenium in poultry diets can prevent diseases such as myopathy, effusion, bleeding diathesis and protects them from pancreatic fibrosis and exudative diathesis (1).

Materials and methods

The experiment took place in the laboratory animal facility of the Faculty of

Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest and was conducted on two batches of Cobb-500 broiler chicken: a control group and an experimental group that received a

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selenium supplement. Each lot contained 10 3-week-old individuals at the beginning of the experiment (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The experimental group of broiler chicken

Both the experimental group and the control group received the same feed for broilers in the finishing stage. The feed contained cereals, soybean meal, sunflower meal, corn gluten meal, calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, salt and a premix of amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

The feed had the following nutritional values: crude protein – 17.20%, metabolizable energy – 3140 kcal/kg, methionine and cysteine – 0.65%, lysine 0.90%, calcium – 0.86%, phosphorus – 0.70%, choline – 0.004%, salt – 0.30%. It did not contain coccidiostats.

The experimental group had its feed supplemented with 0.25 g/kg fodder (0.5 ppm) organic selenium marketed as ALKOSEL R397 by Lallemand Animal Nutrition France.

After 30 days, the echocardiographic examination was conducted and blood samples were drawn. Blood samples were prelevated by venipuncture of the cubital vein using EDTA and heparin in order to perform hematological and serum biochemical analyses.

Results and discussion

The echocardiographic examination was accomplished using a VIVID I ultrasound system using a 6.5 MHz transducer. The ultrasound diagnostic examination was performed through the right parasternal window while the chicken were awake and lightly restrained,at the end of the experimental period

The heart was visualised in B-mode and M-mode measurements were made of the left ventricular free wall (LVFW), left ventricular cavity (LVC), interventricular septum (IVS), right ventricular cavity (RVC) and right ventricular wall (RVW). To quantify chamber size and function, the fractional shortening (FS), ejection fraction (EF), and heart rate (HR) were measured.

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The dimensions of the left and right ventricles are presented in tables 1, 2 and figure 2; the functional parameters of the heart are presented in table 3 and figures 3-5.

Table 1

Left ventricular dimensions in chicken supplemented with selenium (echocardiographic parameters). SD = standard deviation

Echocardiographic parameters

Group Control (N = 8) Experimental (N=10)

IVS (cm)

Diastole Mean 0.375 0.360 +/– 0.031 0.037 SD 0.088 0.117

Systole Mean 0.35 0.410 +/– 0.049 0.052 SD 0.141 0.166

LVC (cm)

Diastole Mean 1.387 1.440 +/– 0.139 0.107 SD 0.394 0.340

Systole Mean 1.087 0.890 +/– 0.188 0.111 SD 0.533 0.351

LVFW (cm)

Diastole Mean 0.35 0.410 +/– 0.059 0.048 SD 0.169 0.152

Systole Mean 0.375 0.400 +/– 0.072 0.057 SD 0.205 0.182

Table 2

Right ventricular dimensions in chicken supplemented with selenium (echocardiographic parameters). SD = standard deviation

Echocardiographic parameters Group

Control (N = 5) Experimental (N = 7)

RVFW (cm)


Mean 0.16 0.257

+/– 0.024 0.048

SD 0.054 0.127


Mean 0.280 0.228

+/– 0.037 0.052

SD 0.083 0.138

RVC (cm)


Mean 1.080 0.685

+/– 0.085 0.050

SD 0.192 0.134


Mean 0.68 0.528

+/– 0.115 0.091

SD 0.258 0.242

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Table 3 Functional parameters in broilers supplemented with selenium

(echocardiographic parameters). SD = standard deviation.

Echocardiographic parameters


Control (N = 8) Experimental (N = 10)

FS (%)

Mean 21.625 43.325

+/– 2.950 18.707

SD 8.32 6.630

EF (%)

Mean 43.875 76.250

+/– 5.890 6.850

SD 16.631 19.337

HR (bpm)

Mean 356.125 381.250

+/– 3.370 11.210

SD 9.505 31.633

Fig. 2. M-mode echocardiography in a Cobb-500 broiler

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Fig. 3. FS (%) in the experimental and control groups

Fig. 4. EF (%) in the experimental and control groups





Control Experimental

Fractional Shortening (%)




Control Experimental

Ejection Fraction (%)

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Fig. 5. HR (bpm) in the experimental and control groups

The statistical analysis of the data obtained by measuring the ventricular

dimensions and functional parameters revealed: 1. Selenium supplementation in broilers augmented the cardiac muscle mass.

The mean size of the interventricular septum in systole in the experimental group was 0.41 cm compared to 0.35 cm in the control group. However, in diastole, the size of the IVS is relatively larger in the control compared to the experimental group.

2. The experimental group’s mean left ventricular cavity size was larger in diastole (1.44 versus 1.387 cm) and smaller in systole (0.89 vs. 1.087 cm) than the control group, attributable to the slight increase in muscle mass (in particular of the LV free wall) and to the increase in myocardial contractility.

3. The mean size of the LVFW was larger in the experimental group (0,41 cm) compared to the control (0,35 cm).

4. Similar increases were observed in the right ventricle: the RV free wall was larger in diastole (0,257 cm versus 0,16 cm in the control) and the ventricular cavity was smaller in the experimental group (0.685 compared to 1.08 cm), due to the increase in myocardial contractility.

5. The improvement in the myocardial function of the experimental group was more significant than the corresponding increase in size. The fractional shortening and the ejection fraction, parameters which represent the change in percentage in LV cavity dimensions between end-diastole and end-systole and the percentage of blood ejected from the ventricle during systole in




Control Experimental

Heart Rate (bpm)

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relation to the total end-diastolic volume were significantly increased in the selenium-supplemented group when compared to the control group.

6. The fractional shortening was 43,325% in the experimental group versus 21.625% in the control. The ejection fraction was 76,25% in the selenium-supplemented group and 43,875% in the control group. The heart rate also increased - 381,25 bpm compared to 356,125 bpm in the control group.


Echocardiography is a diagnostic imaging method that can be used to diagnose cardiac disease in birds. M-mode examination of the heart is used to measure cardiac dimensions and calculate specific parameters

Supplementation of the diet of broiler chicken with selenium determined a moderate increase in the myocardial mass of both the left and right ventricles, at the level of the interventricular septum and the ventricular walls.

Selenium administration to broilers significantly improved the cardiac functional parameters measured: heart rate, ejection fraction and fractional shortening.

The analysis of the data obtained demostrates that selenium supplementation in the feed of broiler chicks results in both a moderate increase in the myocardial mass and a significant improvement in cardiac function.


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3. Kharin, S., Shmakow, D.N., Antonova, N.A., Roshchevskii., Formation of cardioelectric field on the body surface at a period aof activation of ventricular myocardium in the chicken Gallus domesticus. J. Evol. Biochemistry and Physiology, 2001. 37, 2, 161 – 169.

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A Andrei Sanda 18, 24 B Bărbieru V 49 Berean D. 24 Beteg F. 5, 12, 71 Blaga Petrean Anamaria 18, 24 Blidar Ramona 49 Bogdan Ileana 18, 24 Bogdan L.M 18, 24 Bogdan Sidonia 24 Brăslașu C.M. 112 Brăslașu Daniela 112 Buta Andreea 49 C Cenariu M. 18, 85 Cernea M. 24 Cinteză (Topală) Cristina 79 Ciulan V. 30, 65 Ciupe Simona 85 Codreanu M. D. 36, 79, 92 Constantinescu Valerica I. 36 D Danciu Cecilia 42, 106 Demeny Helga 42 F Fiţ N. 18 Florea B. 42 G Goanță Ana 112 Groza I. 85

H Hari A. 49 Huțu I. 65 K Kiss T. 106 L Lăcătuș R. 71 Lazar A.C 106 M Mălăncuș R. N. 57 Mircean M. 42, 49 Morar D. 30, 65 Moţ T. 30, 65 Muste M. 71 Muste A. 71 N Nadăş G. 24 O Ondreka N. 106 Ognean L. 42, 49 Olaru-Jurca A. 30 Onaciu G. 49 Opreanu Ruxandra-Anamaria 79 P Pall Emoke 24, 85 Papuc I. 71, 106 Popa Alexandra M. 36, 79, 92 Popovici C. 42, 106 Purdoiu R.C. 71, 106

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R Răduță A. 112 Ruxanda Flavia 24 S Simiz F. 30, 65, 112 Sinteonean Lavinia 85 Ş Șerdean C. 92 Ştefănuţ Cristina 18 V Văduva Cristina 30, 65

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